

Answer File = Unattend.txt

The [RemoteInstall] section contains entries for specifying remote installation. Only clients installed by the Remote Installation Services (RIS) can use this section.

Entry Description
Repartition Specifies whether to delete all partitions on the first drive of the client computer and reformat it with the NTFS file system.
UseWholeDisk Specifies whether to extend the volume to the end of the drive.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [RemoteInstall] section of Unattend.txt.

Repartition = Yes
UseWholeDisk = Yes


Specifies whether to delete all partitions on the first drive of the client computer and reformat it with the NTFS file system.

Syntax Repartition = Yes | No
Values Yes

Deletes all partitions on the first drive of the client computer and reformat it with the NTFS file system.


Uses the default entries in the answer file.

Repartition = Yes
Comments You cannot run unattended Setup on a disk that does not contain a file system. Make sure that you format your destination disk with a file system.

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Specifies whether to extend the volume to the end of the drive.

Syntax UseWholeDisk = Yes | No
Values Yes

Extends the volume to the end of the drive.


Stops Setup from extending the volume to the end of the drive.

Default Value Yes
UseWholeDisk = Yes
Comments Valid only for RIPrep (Remote Installer Preparation) images.

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