

Answer File = Unattend.txt

The [PCHealth] section contains entries for configuring error reporting, Remote Assistance, and Help and Support Center.

Entry Description
ER_Display_UI Specifies whether Setup notifies the end user that an error has occurred and shows details about the error.
ER_Enable_Applications Specifies how Microsoft® Windows® reports errors that occur in applications.
ER_Enable_Kernel_Errors Specifies whether Windows reports errors in the Windows kernel.
ER_Enable_Reporting Specifies whether Windows automatically reports errors.
ER_Enable_Windows_Components Specifies whether to report errors in Windows applications.
ER_Exclude_EXE(n) Specifies an application for which Windows does not report any errors, if they occur.
ER_Force_Queue_Mode Specifies whether to send all reports in queue mode.
ER_Include_EXE(n) Specifies whether the error report includes the file name of the application causing the error.
ER_Include_MSApps Specifies whether to track and report errors in Microsoft applications.
ER_Include_Shutdown_Errs Specifies whether to report shutdown errors.
RA_AllowFullControl Specifies whether a person (other than the end user of the computer) can take full control of the computer from a separate location.
RA_AllowToGetHelp Specifies whether to enable Remote Assistance.
RA_AllowUnsolicited Specifies whether to enable unsolicited Remote Assistance.
RA_MaxTicketExpiry Specifies the time, in seconds, after which a Remote Assistance invitation expires.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [PCHealth] section of Unattend.txt.

ER_Display_UI = 1
ER_Enable_Applications = All
ER_Enable_Kernel_Error = 1
ER_Enable_Reporting = 1
ER_Enable_Windows_Components = 1
ER_Exclude_EXE1 = notepad.exe
ER_Force_Queue_Mode = 1
ER_Include_EXE1 = iexplore.exe
ER_Include_MSApps = 1
ER_Include_Shutdown_Errs = 1
RA_AllowFullControl = 0
RA_AllowToGetHelp = 1
RA_AllowUnsolicited = 0
RA_MaxTicketExpiry = 600


Specifies whether Setup notifies the end user that an error has occurred and shows details about the error.

Syntax ER_Display_UI = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not display the error notification user interface.


Displays the error notification user interface.

ER_Display_UI = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\
Comments If you enable ER_Enable_Reporting, the end user can choose to report the error. If you disable ER_Enable_Reporting and enable ER_Display_UI, the end user cannot report errors. If you disable ER_Display_UI and enable ER_Enable_Reporting, Setup automatically reports the errors, but does not notify the end user.


  • For servers that do not have interactive users, consider disabling ER_Display_UI.

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Specifies how Windows reports errors that occur in applications.

Syntax ER_Enable_Applications = All | Listed | None
Values All

Reports errors for all applications except for those listed in ER_Exclude_EXE(n).


Reports errors only for those applications listed in ER_Include_EXE(n) and Microsoft applications when you enable ER_Include_MSapps.


Reports no application errors.

ER_Enable_Applications = All
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\
Comments Controls whether to report errors in applications when you enable ER_Enable_Reporting.

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Specifies whether Windows reports errors in the Windows kernel.

Syntax ER_Enable_Kernel_Errors = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not report errors in the Windows kernel.


Reports errors in the Windows kernel when you enable ER_Enable_Reporting.

ER_Enable_Kernel_Errors = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\

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Specifies whether Windows automatically reports errors.

Syntax ER_Enable_Reporting = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not report errors.


Reports errors.

ER_Enable_Reporting = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\
Comments If you disable ER_Enable_Reporting and enable ER_Display_UI, the end user cannot report errors.

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Specifies whether to report errors in Windows applications.

Syntax ER_Enable_Windows_Components = 0 | 1
Values 0

Reports errors in Windows components.


Reports errors in Windows components when you enable ER_Enable_Reporting.

ER_Enable_Windows_Components = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\
Comments When you enable ER_Enable_Reporting, Setup reports errors for the components that are part of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. To exclude individual Windows components, use ER_Exclude_EXE(n).

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Specifies an application for which Windows does not report any errors, if they occur.

Syntax ER_Exclude_EXE(n) = executable_filename
Value executable_filename

The filename of a Windows component or application that error reporting excludes.

ER_Exclude_EXE1 = notepad.exe
ER_Exclude_EXE2 = explorer.exe
ER_Exclude_EXE3 = iexplore.exe
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\
Comments Only used if you enable ER_Enable_Windows_Components or if ER_Enable_Applications = All.

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Specifies whether to send all reports in queue mode.

Syntax ER_Force_Queue_Mode = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not send reports in queue mode.


Sends reports in queue mode.

Default Value Windows Server 2003 family: 1
Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition: 0
ER_Force_Queue_Mode = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\

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Specifies whether the error report includes the file name of the application causing the error.

Syntax ER_Include_EXE = executable_filename
Value executable_filename

The file name of an application that includes error reporting.

ER_Include_EXE1 = notepad.exe
ER_Include_EXE2 = explorer.exe
ER_Include_EXE3 = iexplore.exe
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\
Comments Requires that ER_Enable_Applications is set to Listed. You can automatically include Microsoft applications by using ER_Include_MSApps.

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Specifies whether to track and report errors in Microsoft applications.

Syntax ER_Include_MSApps = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not report errors in Microsoft applications.


Reports errors in Microsoft applications when you enable ER_Enable_Reporting.

ER_Include_MSApps = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\PCHealth\
Comments If you set ER_Enable_Reporting to 1 and ER_Enable_Applications to Listed, Setup reports errors for all Microsoft applications.

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Specifies whether to report shutdown errors.

Syntax ER_Include_Shutdown_Errs = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not report shutdown errors.


Reports shutdown errors.

Default Value Windows Server 2003 family: 1
Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition:0
ER_Include_Shutdown_Errs = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PCHealth\ErrorReporting\

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Specifies whether a person (other than the end user of the computer) can take full control of the computer from a separate location.

Syntax RA_AllowFullControl = 0 | 1
Values 0

Enables remote helper to view the end user's desktop but cannot take control of the end user's computer.


Enables remote helper to ask to take control of the end user's computer and the end user can grant this request.

Default Value 1
RA_AllowFullControl = 0
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\
Windows NT\Terminal Services\fAllowFullControl
Comments The helper must ask the end user for explicit permission to take control; the end user can accept or decline such requests. Requires RA_AllowToGetHelp = 1. If RA_AllowToGetHelp is 0, Setup ignores RA_AllowFullControl.

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Specifies whether to enable Remote Assistance.

Syntax RA_AllowToGetHelp = 0 | 1
Values 0

Disables Remote Assistance.


Enables Remote Assistance.

Default Value 1
RA_AllowToGetHelp = 1
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\
Windows NT\Terminal Services\fAllowToGetHelp
Comments Remote Assistance allows another person to view and share the control of the end user's desktop from a separate location, using Terminal Services, so that person can more easily assist the end user with a technical problem.

End users may request Remote Assistance by escalating a support request to OEM product support from the Help and Support Center. End users may also request Remote Assistance from a friend using MSN® Messenger or Windows Messenger or e-mail.

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Specifies whether to enable unsolicited Remote Assistance.

Syntax RA_AllowUnsolicited = 0 | 1
Values 0

Disables unsolicited Remote Assistance.


Enables unsolicited Remote Assistance.

Default Value 0
RA_AllowUnsolicited = 0
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\
Windows NT\Terminal Services\fAllowUnsolicited
Comments With unsolicited Remote Assistance, another person within the corporate local area network (LAN) who has administrator-level access to the computer (or one who has a user account with the appropriate level of permissions) may request access to the computer for management or troubleshooting purposes. The end user can accept or decline such requests.

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Specifies the time, in seconds, after which a Remote Assistance invitation expires.

Syntax RA_MaxTicketExpiry = time_in_seconds
Value time_in_seconds

The time, in seconds, after which a Remote Assistance ticket expires.

Default Value 2,592,000 seconds (30 days)
RA_MaxTicketExpiry = 600
Registry subkeys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\
Windows NT\Terminal Services\MaxTicketExpiryUnits
Windows NT\Terminal Services\MaxTicketExpiry

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