

Answer File = Unattend.txt

The [Fax] section contains entries for specifying custom installation information for the fax service in Microsoft® Windows®.

All settings in the [Fax] section require Fax = On in the [Components] section.

Entry Description
ArchiveFolderName Specifies the folder in which the fax service saves copies of outgoing faxes.
ArchiveIncoming Specifies whether to save incoming faxes in a folder.
ArchiveIncomingFolderName Specifies the folder in which the fax service saves copies of incoming faxes.
ArchiveOutgoing Specifies whether to save outgoing faxes in a folder.
ArchiveOutgoingFolderName Specifies the folder in which the fax service saves copies of outgoing faxes.
Csid Specifies the Called Subscriber ID (CSID) transmitted to the sending fax machine when receiving incoming faxes.
FaxPrinterIsShared Specifies if the fax printer is shared and if remote users can use the server as a shared fax server.
FaxPrinterName Specifies the fax printer name for outgoing faxes.
FaxUserName Specifies the user account name to use for authenticating against the server in Basic Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Authentication, or the account name used for Windows Security-based authentication.
FaxUserPassword Specifies the password to use for authenticating against the server in Basic SMTP Authentication or Windows Security-based authentication.
ReceiveFaxes Specifies whether the fax service answers incoming calls on this device.
Rings Specifies the number of rings before the fax service answers the telephone.
RouteFolderName Specifies the destination folder for incoming faxes.
RoutePrinterName Specifies the printer name to which the fax service routes faxes automatically.
RouteToEmail Specifies whether to route faxes to a specific e-mail account.
RouteToEmailRecipient Specifies the e-mail name (or e-mail alias) of the recipient of incoming faxes.
RouteToFolder Specifies whether to route incoming faxes to a folder.
RouteToPrinter Specifies whether to route incoming faxes to a printer.
SendFaxes Specifies whether the fax service uses a device to send faxes. This entry applies to existing and new fax devices.
SuppressConfigurationWizard Specifies whether to display the service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.
SmtpNotificationsEnabled Specifies whether to enable Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) notifications for sent faxes.
SmtpSenderAddress Specifies the e-mail address used in outgoing e-mail notifications.
SmtpServerAddress Specifies the name or IP address of the e-mail server.
SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism Specifies the authentication schema to use.
SmtpServerPort Specifies the IP port number for the e-mail server.
SuppressConfigurationWizard Specifies whether to display the service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.
Tsid Specifies the Transmitter Subscriber ID (TSID) sent by the fax machine to a receiving fax machine.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [Fax] section of Unattend.txt.

ArchiveFolderName = %SystemDrive%\MsFax\SentItems
ArchiveIncoming = True
ArchiveIncomingFolderName = %SystemDrive%\MsFax\Inbox
ArchiveOutgoing = True
ArchiveOutgoingFolderName = %SystemDrive%\MsFax\SentItems
Csid = 12345
FaxPrinterIsShared = True
FaxPrinterName = MyFaxPrinter
FaxUserName = PatC
FaxUserPassword = 32*XXj
ReceiveFaxes = True
Rings = 3
RouteFolderName = %SYSTEMDRIVE%\MsFax\NewFaxes
RoutePrinterName = MyPrinter
RouteToEmail = True
RouteToEmailRecipient =
RouteToFolder = True
RouteToPrinter = True
SendFaxes = True
SuppressConfigurationWizard = True
SmtpNotificationsEnabled = True
SmtpSenderAddress =
SmtpServerAddress =
SmtpServerPort = 25
SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism = WindowsSecurity
SuppressConfigurationWizard = True
Tsid = Fab1234567


Specifies the folder in which the fax service saves copies of outgoing faxes.

Syntax ArchiveFolderName = folder_to_save_faxes_to
Value folder_to_save_faxes_to
Default Value %SystemDrive%\documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\MsFax\SentItems
ArchiveFolderName = %SystemDrive%\MsFax\SentItems
Comments Setup supports ArchiveFolderName for backward compatibility with Windows 2000 unattended Setup. For Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 installations, use ArchiveOutgoingFolderName instead.

You must specify a valid folder name that is not an empty string or a string containing only spaces. Unless you explicitly set the ArchiveOutgoing entry to False, you must specify the folder.

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Specifies whether to save incoming faxes in a folder.

Syntax ArchiveIncoming = True | False
Values True

Saves incoming faxes in the folder specified by the ArchiveIncomingFolderName entry.


Does not save incoming faxes.

Default Value True
ArchiveIncoming = True
Comments If ArchiveIncoming = True, you must specify a folder in ArchiveIncomingFolderName.

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Specifies the folder in which the fax service saves copies of incoming faxes.

Syntax ArchiveIncomingFolderName = folder_to_save_faxes_to
Value folder_to_save_faxes_to
Default Value %SystemDrive%\documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\MsFax\Inbox
ArchiveIncomingFolderName = %SystemDrive%\MsFax\Inbox
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Comments If ArchiveIncoming = True, you must specify a valid folder name that is not an empty string or a string containing only spaces.

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Specifies whether to save outgoing faxes in a folder.

Syntax ArchiveOutgoing = True | False
Values True

Saves outgoing faxes in the folder specified by the ArchiveOutgoingFolderName entry.


Does not save outgoing faxes.

Default Value True
ArchiveOutgoing = True
Comments If ArchiveOutgoing = True, you must specify a folder in ArchiveOutgoingFolderName.

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Specifies the folder in which the fax service saves copies of outgoing faxes.

Syntax ArchiveOutgoingFolderName = folder_to_save_faxes_to
Values folder_to_save_faxes_to
Default Value %SystemDrive%\documents and Settings\All Users\
    Application Data\Microsoft\Windows NT\MsFax\SentItems
ArchiveOutgoingFolderName = %SystemDrive%\MsFax\SentItems
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Comments You must specify a valid folder name that is not an empty string or a string containing only spaces. Unless you explicitly set ArchiveOutgoing to False, you must specify the folder.

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Specifies the Called Subscriber ID (CSID) transmitted to the sending fax machine when receiving incoming faxes.

Syntax Csid = called_subscriber_ID_string
Value called_subscriber_ID_string
Default Value Fax
Csid = 12345
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
    Fax\Setup\Original Setup Data\Csid
Comments This string is usually a combination of the fax or telephone number and the name of the business. It is often the same as the Transmitter Subscriber ID.

This entry applies to all of the existing devices and every new device.

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Specifies if the fax printer is shared and if remote users can use the server as a shared fax server.

Syntax FaxPrinterIsShared = True | False
Values True

Creates a shared fax printer. Users can use this printer to send faxes to over the network. The server functions as a shared fax server.


Creates a fax printer that is not shared. The fax service can be used only as a personal fax from the server itself.

Default Value False
FaxPrinterIsShared = True
Comments This entry applies to existing and new fax devices.

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Specifies the fax printer name for outgoing faxes.

Syntax FaxPrinterName = fax_printer_name_string
Value fax_printer_name_string
Default Value Fax
FaxPrinterName = MyFaxPrinter
Comments The value of this entry cannot be the same as the value of RoutePrinterName.

This string must not be an empty string or a string containing only spaces.

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Specifies the user account name to use for authenticating against the server in Basic Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Authentication, or the account name used for Windows Security-based authentication.

Syntax FaxUserName = user_account_name
Value user_account_name
FaxUserName = PatC
Comments This string must not be an empty string or a string containing only spaces.

Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies the password to use for authenticating against the server in Basic SMTP Authentication or Windows Security-based authentication.

Syntax FaxUserPassword = user_account_password
Value user_account_password
FaxUserPassword = 32*XXj
Comments Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies whether the fax service answers incoming calls on this device.

Syntax ReceiveFaxes = True | False
Values True

Answers incoming calls on this device.


Does not answer incoming calls on this device.

Default Value False
ReceiveFaxes = True
Comments This entry applies to existing and new fax devices.

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Specifies the number of rings before the fax service answers the telephone.

Syntax Rings = number_of_rings
Value number_of_rings
Default Value 2
Rings = 3
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
    Fax\Setup\Original Setup Data\Rings
Comments This string must be a numeric value between 0 and 99. This setting applies to existing and new fax devices.

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Specifies the destination folder for incoming faxes.

Syntax RouteFolderName = folder_to_route_faxes to
Value folder_to_route_faxes to
ReceiveFaxes = %SYSTEMDRIVE%\MsFax\NewFaxes
Comments For Windows XP, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device present during Setup.

For the Windows Server 2003 family, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device.

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Specifies the printer name to which the fax service routes faxes automatically.

Syntax RoutePrinterName = printer_to_route_faxes_to
Value printer_to_route_faxes_to
RoutePrinterName = MyPrinter
Comments For Windows XP, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device present during Setup.

For the Windows Server 2003 family, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device.

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Specifies whether to route faxes to a specific e-mail account.

Syntax RouteToEmail = True | False
Values True

Routes faxes directly to the e-mail address specified by the RouteToEmailRecipient entry.


Does not route faxes to an e-mail address.

Default Value False
RouteToEmail = True
Comments If you set RouteToEmail to True, you must provide Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) settings for incoming faxes by using SmtpNotificationsEnabled, SmtpSenderAddress, SmtpServerAddress, SmtpServerPort, SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism, and RouteToEmailRecipient.

This entry applies to all existing devices and every new device present during Setup.

Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies the e-mail name (or e-mail alias) of the recipient of incoming faxes.

Syntax RouteToEmailRecipient = email_name_to_route_faxes_to
Value email_name_to_route_faxes_to
RouteToEmailRecipient =
Comments This entry applies to all existing devices and every new device present during Setup. This string must be a valid recipient e-mail name, and must not be an empty string or a string containing only spaces.

Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies whether to route incoming faxes to a folder.

Syntax RouteToFolder = True | False
Values True

Routes faxes to the folder specified by the RouteFolderName entry.


Does not route faxes to a folder.

Default Value True
RouteToFolder = True
Comments For Windows XP, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device present during Setup.

For the Windows Server 2003 family, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device.

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Specifies whether to route incoming faxes to a printer.

Syntax RouteToPrinter = True | False
Values True

Routes incoming faxes to the printer specified by the RoutePrinterName entry.


Does not route incoming faxes to a printer.

Default Value False
RouteToPrinter = True
Comments For Windows XP, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device present during Setup.

For the Windows Server 2003 family, this entry applies to all existing devices and every new device.

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Specifies whether the fax service uses a device to send faxes. This entry applies to existing and new fax devices.

Syntax SendFaxes = True | False
Values True

Uses a device to send faxes.


Does not use a device to send faxes.

Default Value True
SendFaxes = True

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Specifies whether to display the service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.

Syntax SuppressConfigurationWizard = True | False
Values True

Skips service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.


Displays service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.

Default Value True
SuppressConfigurationWizard = True

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Specifies whether to enable Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) notifications for sent faxes.

Syntax SmtpNotificationsEnabled = True | False
Values True

Enables SMTP notifications and provides settings for SmtpSenderAddress, SmtpServerAddress, SmtpServerPort, SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism and other parameters related to them.


Does not enable SMTP notifications.

Default Value False
SmtpNotificationsEnabled = True
Comments Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies the e-mail address used in outgoing e-mail notifications.

Syntax SmtpSenderAddress = sender_email_address
Value sender_email_address
SmtpSenderAddress =
Comments This string must not be an empty string or a string containing only spaces.

Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies the name or IP address of the e-mail server.

Syntax SmtpServerAddress = email_server_address
Value email_server_address
SmtpServerAddress =
Comments This string must not be an empty string or a string containing only spaces.

Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies the authentication schema to use.

Syntax SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism = Anonymous | Basic | WindowsSecurity
Values Anonymous

Provides a low level of security, and allows all end users to authenticate to servers.


Provides basic security. Requires FaxUserName and FaxUserPassword.


Provides high security. Requires FaxUserName and FaxUserPassword

Default Value Anonymous
SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism = WindowsSecurity
Comments Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies the IP port number for the e-mail server.

Syntax SmtpServerPort = email_server_port
Value email_server_port
Default Value 25
SmtpServerPort = 25
Comments This string must be a numeric value between 1 and 65,535.

Valid only for the Windows Server 2003 family.

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Specifies whether to display the service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.

Syntax SuppressConfigurationWizard = True | False
Values True

Skips service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.


Displays service setting pages of the Configuration Wizard when the end user runs Fax for the first time.

Default Value True
SuppressConfigurationWizard = True

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Specifies the Transmitter Subscriber ID (TSID) sent by the fax machine to a receiving fax machine.

Syntax Tsid = transmitter_subscriber_ID_string
Values transmitter_subscriber_ID_string
Default Value Fax
Tsid = Fab1234567
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fax\Setup\Original Setup Data\Tsid
Comments This string is usually a combination of the fax or telephone number and the name of the business. It is often the same as the Called Subscriber ID.

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