

Answer File = Unattend.txt

The [DCInstall] section contains entries for installing a domain controller after the initial setup of the Microsoft® Windows® operating system finishes. The entries in this section apply only to the Windows Server 2003 family.

You can create an answer file that contains only this section, and run it after Setup completes and an end user logs on to the system. The command for this is dcpromo /answer:answer_file

Entry Description
AdministratorPassword Sets the local administrator password for the computer during the demotion of a domain controller.
AllowAnonymousAccess Specifies whether any pre-Windows 2000 server authenticates end users from this domain or any trusting domain.
AutoConfigDNS Specifies whether Dcpromo.exe configures Domain Name Service (DNS) for the new domain if it detects that the DNS dynamic update protocol is not available.
ChildName Specifies whether to append the DNS label at the beginning of the name of an existing directory service domain when installing a child domain.
ConfirmGc Specifies whether the replica is also a global catalog.
CreateOrJoin Specifies whether the new tree domain is part of an existing forest of domains.
CriticalReplicationOnly Specifies whether the promotion operation performs only critical replication, and then continues, skipping the noncritical (and potentially lengthy) portion of replication.
DatabasePath Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer that contains the domain database.
DisableCancelForDnsInstall Specifies whether to disable the Cancel button during a DNS installation.
DNSOnNetwork Specifies whether to set DNS server addresses automatically.
DomainNetBiosName Assigns a network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) name to the new domain.
IsLastDCInDomain Specifies whether the computer on which Dcpromo.exe is running is the last domain controller in the domain.
LogPath Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer that contains the domain log files.
NewDomain Indicates the type of a new domain: whether a new domain is in a new forest, the root of a new tree in an existing forest, or a child of an existing domain.
NewDomainDNSName Specifies the required name of a new tree in an existing domain or when Setup installs a new forest of domains.
ParentDomainDNSName Specifies the DNS domain name of an existing directory service domain when installing a child domain.
Password Specifies the password for the user name (account credentials) to use for promoting the member server to a domain controller.
RebootOnSuccess Specifies whether to restart the computer upon successful completion.
RemoveApplicationPartitions Specifies whether to remove application partitions during the demotion of a domain controller.
ReplicaDomainDNSName Specifies the DNS domain name of the domain to replicate.
ReplicaOrMember Specifies whether to convert an upgraded Windows NT 3.51 or Windows NT 4.0 backup domain controller (BDC) to a domain controller or demote it to a regular member server in the domain.
ReplicaOrNewDomain Specifies whether to install a new domain controller as the first domain controller in a new directory service domain or to install it as a replica directory service domain controller.
ReplicationSourceDC Indicates the full DNS name of the domain controller from which you replicate the domain information.
ReplicationSourcePath Indicates the location of the files used to create a new domain controller.
SafeModeAdminPassword Supplies the password for the administrator account when starting the computer in safe mode or a variant of safe mode, such as directory service restore mode.
SetForestVersion Indicates the functional level for a new forest.
SiteName Specifies the name of an existing site where you can place the new domain controller.
Syskey Indicates that the end user must supply the system key.
SysVolPath Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer.
TreeOrChild Specifies that the new domain is the root of a new tree or a child of an existing domain.
UserDomain Specifies the domain name for the user name (account credentials) used for promoting the member server to a domain controller.
UserName Specifies the user name (account credentials) used for promoting the member server to a domain controller.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [DCInstall] section of Unattend.txt.

AdministratorPassword = YH3$GJ
AllowAnonymousAccess = No
AutoConfigDNS = Yes
ChildName =
ConfirmGc = Yes
CreateOrJoin = Create
CriticalReplicationOnly = Yes
DatabasePath = %SYSTEMROOT%\Data
DisableCancelForDnsInstall = Yes
DNSOnNetwork = Yes
DomainNetBiosName = MY_DOMAIN
IsLastDCInDomain = Yes
LogPath = $SYSTEMROOT%\Logs
NewDomain = Tree
NewDomainDNSName =
ParentDomainDNSName =
Password = YH3$GJ
RebootOnSuccess = NoAndNoPromptEither
RemoveApplicationPartitions = Yes
ReplicaDomainDNSName =
ReplicaOrMember = Replica
ReplicaOrNewDomain = Replica
ReplicationSourceDC =
ReplicationSourcePath = %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Source
SafeModeAdminPassword = XHJ3$G
SetForestVersion = Yes
SiteName = FirstSite
Syskey = 12345
SysVolPath = %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Sysvol
TreeOrChild = Tree
UserDomain =
UserName = PatC


Sets the local administrator password for the computer during the demotion of a domain controller to a member server.

Syntax AdministratorPassword = admin_password
Values admin_password

Default: <blank>

AdministratorPassword = YH3$GJ
Comments This entry is valid only during a demotion. If you do not specify a value, Setup uses a blank administrator password.

Setup deletes the value from the answer file after the demotion operation finishes.

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Specifies whether any pre-Windows 2000 server authenticates end users from this domain or any trusting domain.

Syntax AllowAnonymousAccess = Yes | No
Values Yes

Enables anonymous access to end user and group information. Used with pre-Windows 2000 servers.


Makes the default permissions more restrictive. Used with Windows 2000 servers.

Default Value Yes
AllowAnonymousAccess = No

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Specifies whether Dcpromo.exe configures DNS for the new domain if it detects that the DNS dynamic update protocol is not available.

Syntax AutoConfigDNS = Yes | No
Values Yes

Default. Configures DNS for the new domain if the DNS dynamic update protocol is not available.


Does not configure DNS for the domain.

AutoConfigDNS = Yes

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Specifies whether to append the DNS label at the beginning of the name of an existing directory service domain when installing a child domain.

Syntax ChildName = child_domain_name
Values child_domain_name
ChildName =
Comments For example, if the parent name is "" and the ChildName is "childdom," then the name of the new domain is

This new domain name must not already be in use and you must properly configure DNS services on the computer. This entry is required.

For more information, see TreeOrChild.

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Specifies whether the replica is also a global catalog.

Syntax ConfirmGc = Yes | No
Values Yes

Makes the replica a global catalog if the backup was a global catalog.


Does not make the replica a global catalog.

Default Value Yes
ConfirmGc = Yes
Comments Only applies if you specify ReplicationSourcePath. If you create the restored files from a backup of a global catalog, then the replica can also be a global catalog of those files.

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Specifies whether the new tree domain is part of an existing forest of domains.

Syntax CreateOrJoin = Create | Join
Values Create

Creates a new forest of domains.


Default. Places the new domain at the root of a new domain tree in an existing forest of domains.

CreateOrJoin = Create
Comments Setup supports CreateOrJoin for backward compatibility with Windows 2000 unattended Setup. For unattended Setup of a member of the Windows Server 2003 family, use NewDomain instead.

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Specifies whether the promotion operation performs only critical replication, and then continues, skipping the noncritical (and potentially lengthy) portion of replication.

Syntax CriticalReplicationOnly = Yes | No
Values Yes

Skips noncritical replication.


Does not skip any replication steps.

Default Value <none>
CriticalReplicationOnly = Yes
Comments If Setup skips noncritical replication, replication automatically and silently resumes when you reboot the computer. The computer assumes its new role as a domain controller.

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Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer that contains the domain database.

Syntax DatabasePath = path_to_database_files
Values path_to_database_files
DatabasePath = %SYSTEMROOT%\Data
Comments Enclose path_to_database_files in quotation marks if it is a long file name.

If the directory exists, it must be empty. If the directory does not exist, Setup creates it.

The disk must have enough free disk space available (new domains require at least 20 MB) and must have room to grow if you plan to add numerous objects to the domain. For replica domains, you must specify the space required in the domain size.


  • For optimal performance, place the domain database on a different volume than the domain log files.

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Specifies whether to disable the Cancel button during a DNS installation.

Syntax DisableCancelForDnsInstall = Yes | No
Values Yes

Does not display the Cancel button. During the DNS installation, the /c switch invokes the Optional Component Manager (OCM).


Displays the Cancel button.

Default Value No
DisableCancelForDnsInstall = Yes


  • This entry applies only if the answer file indicates that the wizard installs DNS on the computer if it has not already installed it.

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Specifies whether to set DNS server addresses automatically.

Syntax DNSOnNetwork = Yes | No
Values Yes

Sets the DNS server addresses manually for the computer.


  • If DNSOnNetwork = Yes, Dcpromo.exe does not test the client configuration. As a result, the user will have to manually set the server addresses later and may have to configure DNS manually for the new domain.

Installs the DNS service, creates a valid DNS configuration, and creates a zone for the new domain with that service.

Default Value Yes
DNSOnNetwork = Yes
Comments Used when installing the first domain in a new forest and the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) configuration has missing or incorrect DNS server addresses. Before the computer can become a domain controller, its TCP/IP stack must have a valid DNS configuration.

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Assigns a network basic input/output system (NetBIOS) name to the new domain.

Syntax DomainNetBiosName = domain_NetBIOS_name
Values domain_NetBIOS_name
DomainNetBiosName = MY_DOMAIN
Comments Required

The value is required, and the name specified must not already be in use as a domain or computer name. Setup ignores this entry when upgrading pre-Windows 2000 primary domain controllers.

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Specifies whether the computer on which Dcpromo.exe runs is the last domain controller in the domain.

Syntax IsLastDCInDomain = Yes | No
Values Yes

Indicates that this computer is the last domain controller in the domain.


Indicates that this computer is not the last domain controller in the domain.

Default Value No
IsLastDCInDomain = Yes
Comments This entry is valid only when demoting an existing domain controller to a member server.

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Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer that contains the domain log files.

Syntax LogPath = path_to_log_files
Values path_to_log_files
LogPath = %SYSTEMROOT%\Logs
Comments Enclose path_to_log_files in quotation marks if it is a long file name.

If the directory exists, it must be empty. If the directory does not exist, Setup creates it.

The disk must have enough free disk space available (new domains require at least 10 MB) and must have room to expand if you plan to add numerous objects to the domain. For replica domains, you must specify the space required in the domain size.


  • For optimal performance, place the log files on a different volume than the database files.

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Indicates the type of a new domain: whether a new domain is in a new forest, the root of a new tree in an existing forest, or a child of an existing domain.

Syntax NewDomain = Tree | Child | Forest
Values Tree

The new domain is the root of a new tree in an existing forest.


The new domain is a child of an existing domain.

Forest (or any other value)

The new domain is the first domain in a new forest of domain trees.

Default Value Forest
NewDomain = Tree

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Specifies the required name of a new tree in an existing domain or when Setup installs a new forest of domains.

Syntax NewDomainDNSName = DNS_name_of_domain
Values DNS_name_of_domain
NewDomainDNSName =
Comments For example, this DNS name could be ""

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Specifies the DNS domain name of an existing directory service domain when installing a child domain.

Syntax ParentDomainDNSName = DNS_name_of_domain
Values DNS_name_of_domain
ParentDomainDNSName =
Comments When specifying this entry, make sure that the current end user has administrative user rights to the specified domain, and that you properly configure the DNS services. The domain name must refer to an existing directory service domain.

For more information, see TreeOrChild.

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Specifies the password for the user name (account credentials) to use for promoting the member server to a domain controller.

Syntax Password = password
Values password
Password = YH3$GJ
Comments The Unattend.txt file deletes the value after the promotion operation finishes.

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Specifies whether to restart the computer upon successful completion.

Syntax RebootOnSuccess = Yes | No | NoAndNoPromptEither
Values Yes

Restarts upon successful completion.


Does not restart, but prompts the user to restart.


Does not restart and does not prompt the user to restart.

Default Value No
RebootOnSuccess = NoAndNoPromptEither
Comments You must restart the server to start the directory services.

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Specifies whether to remove application partitions during the demotion of a domain controller.

Syntax RemoveApplicationPartitions = Yes | No
Values Yes

Removes application partitions on the domain controller.


Does not remove application partitions on the domain controller. If the domain controller hosts the last replica of any application directory partition, you must manually confirm that you must remove these partitions.

Default Value No
RemoveApplicationPartitions = Yes


  • If you remove the last replica of any application directory partition, Setup destroys the partition and all data it contains.

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Specifies the DNS domain name of the domain to replicate.

Syntax ReplicaDomainDNSName = DNS_name_of_domain
Values DNS_name_of_domain
ReplicaDomainDNSName =
Comments This entry is valid only for backup domain controller (BDC) upgrades and domain controller installations. In such situations, you must specify a value or the installation fails.

Normally, the end user who is currently logged on has administrative privileges to the specified domain, and Setup properly configures DNS services. The domain name must refer to an existing directory service domain.

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Specifies whether to convert an upgraded Windows NT 3.51 or Windows NT 4.0 BDC to a domain controller or demote it to a regular member server in the domain.

Syntax ReplicaOrMember = Replica | Member
Values Replica

Installs the server as a domain controller.


Installs the new domain controller as a member server in a domain.

Default Value Member
ReplicaOrMember = Replica
Comments This entry is valid only when upgrading a BDC.

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Specifies whether to install a new domain controller as the first domain controller in a new directory service domain or to install it as a replica directory service domain controller.

Syntax ReplicaOrNewDomain = Replica | Domain
Values Replica

Installs the new domain controller as a replica directory service domain controller.


Installs the new domain controller as the first domain controller in a new directory service domain. You must specify the TreeOrChild entry with a valid value.

Default Value Replica
ReplicaOrNewDomain = Replica

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Indicates the full DNS name of the domain controller from which you replicate the domain information.

Syntax ReplicationSourceDC = DNS_name_of_DC
Values DNS_name_of_DC

Indicates the full DNS name of the domain controller from which you replicate the domain information. Applies only in new replica or BDC upgrade cases.


Selects the closest domain controller for the domain it replicates.

Default Value <none>
ReplicationSourceDC =

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Indicates the location of the files used to create a new domain controller.

Syntax ReplicationSourcePath = replication_source_path
Value replication_source_path
Default Value <none>
ReplicationSourcePath = %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Source
Comments The value must be the fully qualified path to a folder on the local computer where you copied the files.

Used to indicate that the bulk of the directory data replication came from backup files that you restored to a volume on the server, rather from another domain controller.

However, you cannot perform complete replication entirely from copied files. You need to access another domain controller. (See ReplicationSourceDC.)

If this value is present and non-empty, then you can perform data replication using the restored files. If this value is not present or is empty, then perform replication from another domain controller on the network.

If the value refers to a valid set of restored backup files, then Setup ignores any value for the ReplicaDomainDNSName entry. The domain name to which the restored files belong takes precedence.

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Supplies the password for the administrator account when starting the computer in safe mode or a variant of safe mode, such as directory service restore mode.

Syntax SafeModeAdminPassword = password | None
Value password

Specifies the password for the administrator account that you use when the computer is in safe mode.


Does not supply a password for the administrator account.

Default Value None
SafeModeAdminPassword = XHJ3$G

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Indicates the functional level for a new forest.

Syntax SetForestVersion = Yes | No
Values Yes

Sets forest functional level to Windows Server 2003 interim.


  • If you set the functional level to Windows Server 2003 interim, you cannot change the functional level to enable Windows 2000 domain controllers later.

Sets forest functional level to Windows 2000.

Default Value No
SetForestVersion = Yes
Comments Set the value of SetForestVersion to Yes if:
  • You want more efficient replication of large group memberships. This functional level includes improvements to the group membership replication feature in Active Directory and is useful if you have groups with many members.
  • You want to support Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Server 2003 domain controllers.
  • You will not have Windows 2000 domain controllers in your forest.

You must set the value of SetForestVersion to No if:

  • You plan on having Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows Server 2003 domain controllers in your forest. This functional level does not support the large group membership replication feature.


  • Use this entry only when the destination computer is a domain controller upgraded from Windows NT 4.0 to a member of the Windows Server 2003 family, and is the first domain controller in a new forest. For more information about creating and typing new domains, see NewDomain.

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Specifies the name of an existing site where you can place the new domain controller.

Syntax SiteName = site_name
Value site_name
Default Value default_first_site
SiteName = FirstSite
Comments If you do not specify a site, Setup selects a suitable site using the current site and subnet configuration of the forest.

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Indicates that the end user must supply the system key.

Syntax Syskey = <none> | system key
Default Value <none>
Syskey = 12345
Comments Only applies if you specify ReplicationSourcePath. Setup uses this value if the restored files that are used to install a replica indicate that the end user must supply the system key.

If the restored files indicate that the end user must supply the system key on a floppy disk, then the system looks for the key on drive A.

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Specifies the fully qualified, non-UNC path to a directory on a fixed disk of the local computer.

Syntax SysVolPath = path_to_database_file
Value path_to_database_file
Default Value %SYSTEMROOT%\sysvol
SysVolPath = %SYSTEMROOT%\Sysvol
Comments Enclose path_to_database_file in quotation marks if it is a long file name.

If the directory exists, it must be empty. If the directory does not exist, Setup creates it.

You must format the disk with NTFS version 5.0.

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Specifies that the new domain is the root of a new tree or a child of an existing domain.

Syntax TreeOrChild = Tree | Child
Values Tree

Specifies that the new domain is the root of a new tree. You must specify the CreateOrJoin or NewDomain entries with a valid value.


Specifies that the new domain is a child of an existing domain.

Default Value Child
TreeOrChild = Tree
Comments Setup supports TreeOrChild for backward compatibility with Windows 2000 unattended Setup. For unattended Setup of a member of the Windows Server 2003 family, use NewDomain instead.

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Specifies the domain name for the user name (account credentials) used for promoting the member server to a domain controller.

Syntax UserDomain = domain_name
Value domain_name
UserDomain =

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Specifies the user name (account credentials) used for promoting the member server to a domain controller.

Syntax UserName = user_name
Value user_name
UserName = PatC

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