
[Unattended] (Sysprep.inf)

Answer File = Sysprep.inf

The [Unattended] section for Sysprep.inf contains entries for running Setup. For the Unattend.txt version, see [Unattended] (Unattend.txt).

Entry Description
ExtendOemPartition Specifies whether to extend the partition on which you install the Microsoft® Windows® operating system.
InstallFilesPath Specifies the location of files necessary for installation during Mini-Setup, such as the language files, so that the installation does not stop to prompt for end-user input.
KeepPageFile Specifies whether to regenerate the page file.
OemPnPDriversPath Specifies the path to one or more folders that contain Plug and Play drivers not distributed with on the Windows product CD.
OemSkipEula Specifies whether the end user accepts the End-User License Agreement (EULA) included with Windows.
ResetSourcePath Specifies whether to change the registry setting of the source path for the Setup files.
TapiConfigured Specifies whether to preconfigure telephony application programming interface (TAPI) settings on the installation.
UpdateHAL Loads the multiprocessor hardware abstraction layer (HAL) on the destination computer, regardless of whether it is a uniprocessor or an multiprocessor computer.
UpdateInstalledDrivers Specifies whether to call Plug and Play after Mini-Setup, to re-enumerate all the installed drivers, and to install any updated drivers in the driver path.
UpdateUPHAL Identifies the processor type and loads the appropriate kernel.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [Unattended] section of Sysprep.inf.

ExtendOemPartition = 1 2000
InstallFilesPath = C:\Sysprep\i386
KeepPageFile = 1
OEMPnPDriversPath = drivers\audio;drivers\net
OEMSkipEula = No
ResetSourcePath = E:
TapiConfigured = Yes
UpdateHAL = MPS_MP,%WINDIR%\inf\hal.inf
UpdateInstalledDrivers = Yes
UpdateUPHAL = MPS_UP,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf


Specifies whether to extend the partition on which you install the Windows operating system.

Syntax ExtendOEMPartition = 0 | 1 extra_size_in_MB
Values 0

Sysprep does not extend the partition.


Sysprep extends the partition to fill out the hard disk.


Sysprep increases the current partition size by this amount. This is useful if you want to configure more than one partition on the hard disk.

ExtendOEMPartition = 1 2000
Comments Setup extends this destination partition into any available unpartitioned space that physically follows it on the disk.

ExtendOemPartition automatically leaves the last cylinder on the hard disk free to enable dynamic disk support to work.


  • You can extend only NTFS file system partitions.
  • When you use ExtendOEMPartition in Sysprep.inf for imaged computers, the destination computer's hard disk must be the same size or larger than the hard disk of the original master installation.
  • The partition that you want to extend must have unpartitioned space available following the partition.

If your manufacturing process requires FAT32, use the Oformat command-line tool to format the hard disk so that you configure it optimally for NTFS. Use the Convert command-line tool to convert the file system.

You can also convert the partition during text-mode Setup by setting the FileSystem entry in the [Unattended] section of Unattend.txt to ConvertNTFS. Note that FileSystem is not a valid entry in Sysprep.inf. However, the hard drive will perform better if you use the Convert command-line tool instead of the FileSystem entry.

Instead of extending the partition in Sysprep, you can also use the ExtendPartition entry in the [ComputerSettings] section of Winbom.ini to extend the partition using the Factory tool.

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Specifies the location of files necessary for installation during Mini-Setup, such as the language files, so that the installation does not stop to prompt for end-user input.

Syntax InstallFilesPath = path_to_installation_files_on_computer
Value path_to_installation_files_on_computer

Valid only for Sysprep.inf.

InstallFilesPath = C:\Sysprep\i386
Comments For example, if there is a copy of the \i386 folder in the root of the end user's system drive, you need to specify InstallFilesPath in the Sysprep.inf file so that Setup can find the files, such as:
InstallFilesPath = "C:\Sysprep\i386"

InstallFilesPath does not support environment variables (for example, %SYSTEMDRIVE%). Instead, you must use a valid path with an actual drive letter. Enclose path_to_installation_files_on_computer in quotation marks if it is a long file name.

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Specifies whether to regenerate the page file.

Syntax KeepPageFile = 0 | 1
Values 0

Regenerates the page file so that it is large enough to accommodate the amount of random access memory (RAM) on the computer. (Default)


Does not regenerate the page file.

KeepPageFile = 1

Valid only for Sysprep.inf. After Sysprep runs, Mini-Setup or Windows Welcome automatically regenerates the system's page file to accommodate differences in the amount of RAM between the master computer and the destination computer. The default setting ensures that the page file is large enough to accommodate the amount of RAM on the computer.

If the amount of RAM is the same on both the computer used to create the master installation and the destination computers, you do not need to regenerate the paging file.

If you delete the page file by using Windows PE and KeepPageFile = 0 or 1 in Sysprep.inf, the page file will be re-created based on the master computer's page file setting. For more detailed information on how to use the KeepPageFile entry with Sysprep.inf, see the KB article (Q813138), "Description of the KeepPageFile= setting for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003."

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Specifies the path to one or more folders that contain Plug and Play drivers not distributed with on the Windows product CD.

Syntax OemPnPDriversPath = folder_1_on_system_drive
Value folder_1_on_system_drive[;folder_2_on_system_drive]...
OemPnPDriversPath = drivers\audio;drivers\net
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\
Comments The folders must contain all the files necessary to install the particular devices: catalog files, .inf files, and drivers.

For example, if you have a folder called \Drivers with subfolders called \Audio and \Net, specify OemPnPDriversPath = drivers\audio;drivers\net in Sysprep.inf. Sysprep adds:

  • %SYSTEMDRIVE% to each of the folder names
  • The path for each subfolder to the Plug and Play device search path

If there is already a path in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
, Sysprep does not append the path to the registry key a second time.


  • The length of OemPnPDriversPath in Sysprep.inf must not exceed 4,096 characters.
  • You cannot use environment variables to specify the location of a folder.
  • Always use signed drivers. Signed drivers make the operating system more stable and significantly reduce requests for product support.

In Sysprep.inf, the value of OemPnPDriversPath can be any location on the computer's hard disk.

If the drivers are not in the file on the computer's hard disk or in the location specified by OemPnPDriversPath, Setup prompts the end user for the location of the drivers the first time the computer starts, before Windows Welcome or Mini-Setup runs.

As in Windows 2000, you can use OemPnPDriversPath in Sysprep.inf to specify the location of additional drivers. However, you can also use the [PnPDrivers] section in Winbom.ini to update drivers on a previously-created image of the installed operating system.

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Specifies whether the end user accepts the End-User License Agreement (EULA) included with Windows.

Syntax OEMSkipEula = Yes | No
Values Yes

Skips the EULA and implies that the person performing the installation has read and agreed to the contents of the license agreement included with the product. It also implies that the end user on whose behalf you installed Windows has agreed to the license agreement.


Does not skip the EULA and prompts the end user to accept it.

OEMSkipEula = No


  • OEMs must not specify this entry in the Sysprep.inf file of computers sold to end users.

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Specifies whether to change the registry setting of the source path for the Setup files.

Syntax ResetSourcePath = * | path_to_install_files
Values *

No change to the registry values. (Default)


Specifies the location of the Setup files in the registry.

ResetSourcePath = E:
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\


  • If this directory does not exist or is set to the %SYSTEMROOT% directory, Windows Welcome or Mini-Setup resets the path to the first CD-ROM drive.

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Specifies whether to preconfigure TAPI settings on the installation.

Syntax TapiConfigured = Yes | No
Values Yes

The TAPI settings are preconfigured for the end user. In this case, all TAPI locations in the registry are preserved after Sysprep. (Default)


The TAPI settings are not preconfigured, and the end user must enter them during Windows Welcome. Setup deletes keys in the following registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\


Configured TAPI settings are not altered. This is the same as TapiConfigured = Yes.

TapiConfigured = Yes


  • The end user must enter TAPI location information during Windows Welcome or on the first use of a modem. Some modem drivers provide generic TAPI information during their installation. When using TapiConfigured = Yes, configure the correct location. Otherwise, your customers might unknowingly make long distance telephone calls when they use the modem.

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Loads the multiprocessor hardware abstraction layer (HAL) on the destination computer, regardless of whether it is a uniprocessor or an multiprocessor computer.

Syntax UpdateHAL = hwid,%WINDIR%\inf\hal.inf
Value hwid,%WINDIR%\inf\hal.inf
    (where hwid is either MPS_MP or ACPIAPIC_MP)
UpdateHAL = MPS_MP,%WINDIR%\inf\hal.inf
Comments Valid only for Sysprep.inf. Not required in Windows XP or the Windows Server 2003 family.


  • Do not use a Sysprep.inf file containing this entry on destination uniprocessor computers. A multiprocessor kernel on a uniprocessor computer noticeably reduces the computer's performance.
  • An image created on a computer with a single processor (with no multiprocessor support) cannot be used on a multiprocessor computer.

Add the modified Sysprep.inf file to the destination computer, in the %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Sysprep directory.

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Specifies whether to call Plug and Play after Mini-Setup, to re-enumerate all the installed drivers, and to install any updated drivers in the driver path.

Syntax UpdateInstalledDrivers = Yes | No
Values Yes

Installs updated drivers.


Does not install updated drivers. (Default)

UpdateInstalledDrivers = Yes
Comments Do not use UpdateInstalledDrivers with the sysprep -pnp command-line option.

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Identifies the processor type and loads the appropriate kernel.

Syntax UpdateUPHAL = hwid,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf
Value hwid,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf
    (where hwid is either MPS_UP or ACPIAPIC_UP)
UpdateUPHAL = MPS_UP,%WINDIR%\Inf\Hal.inf
Comments Valid only for Sysprep.inf. Required if the master installation is built on an APIC multiprocessor computer and the image of that master installation is on compatible APIC uniprocessor or multiprocessor destination computers.

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