

Answer File = Sysprep.inf

The [Sysprep] section contains an entry for automatically generating the entries in the pre-existing [SysprepMassStorage] section and then installing those mass-storage controllers.

Entry Description
BuildMassStorageSection Generates the entries in the [SysprepMassStorage] section from the Plug and Play hardware IDs specified in Machine.inf, Scsi.inf, Pnpscsi.inf, and Mshdc.inf, and installs each of these mass-storage controllers.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [Sysprep] section of Sysprep.inf.

BuildMassStorageSection = Yes


Generates the entries in the [SysprepMassStorage] section from the Plug and Play hardware IDs specified in Machine.inf, Scsi.inf, Pnpscsi.inf, and Mshdc.inf, and installs each of these mass-storage controllers.

Syntax BuildMassStorageSection = Yes | No
Values Yes

Populates a pre-existing [SysprepMassStorage] section with the hardware IDs specified in Machine.inf, Scsi.inf, Pnpscsi.inf, and Mshdc.inf, and installs those mass-storage controllers.


Does not populate the [SysprepMassStorage] section.

BuildMassStorageSection = Yes

Comments You can run the command Sysprep -bmsd instead of including the BuildMassStorageSection entry in your Sysprep.inf file. When you run the command Sysprep -bmsd, Sysprep populates a pre-existing [SysprepMassStorage] section, but the mass-storage controllers are not installed until the next time you run Sysprep. You can then delete items from this section before running Sysprep -reseal or Sysprep -factory on this installation. Installing a smaller number of items in the critical device database reduces the time required for this image to restart into the operating system.

For more information about automatically generating entries for mass-storage controllers, see [SysprepMassStorage]

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