

To fulfill the terms of the Microsoft® Windows® XP Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) license agreement, you are required to identify your company and provide a link to information about your product support services in System Properties.

To include your product support information in System Properties

  1. Copy the Oeminfo.ini file from the \Samples\Branding folder on the Windows OPK CD to the \$OEM$\$$\System32 subfolder of the distribution folder.
  2. Remove all fictitious sample values from this file, and replace them with your specific information.

The following sections appear in Oeminfo.ini:

Section Optional or Required
[General] Required
[ICW] Optional
[OEMSpecific] Optional
[Support Information] Required. You must localize the required [Support Information] section in Oeminfo.ini for each language in which you release your product.


Example Oeminfo.ini file

Manufacturer = Fabrikam
Model = Fabrikam DTP/433
SupportURL =

Product = Brand X from Fabrikam, Inc.

SubModel = 456A0123
SerialNo = 12345678
OEM1 = Built from image 20010630
OEM2 = Factory location: Redmond, Washington

[Support Information]
Line1 = For technical support:
Line2 = In the USA: 
Line3 = Call 1-425-707-9790 from 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. EST
Line4 = for software and hardware support.
Line5 = 
Line6 = In the United Kingdom:
Line7 = Call 44-9790 for hardware configuration support.
Line8 = Call 55-9799 for software support.
Line9 = 

It is possible to change the contents of Oeminfo.ini as displayed in Help and Support Center without reinstalling Windows.

To change information without reinstalling Windows

To change the logo bitmap without reinstalling Windows