

Answer File = Oobeinfo.ini

The [StartupOptions] section contains entries for specifying startup options.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [StartupOptions] section of Oobeinfo.ini.

Entry Description
DesktopStartURL Specifies the universal resource locator (URL) of the initial page displayed for Internet service provider (ISP) sign-up that occurs after the user has completed Windows Welcome.
DesktopWindowHeight Specifies in pixels the height of the Windows Welcome window in desktop mode.
DesktopWindowWidth Specifies in pixels the width of the Windows Welcome window in desktop mode.
OEMAuditBoot Specifies whether to restart the computer in Windows Welcome or in Factory mode.
Offline Specifies whether to run Windows Welcome in offline mode.
Registration Specifies whether to display the registration pages.
ScreenResolutionCheck Specifies whether Windows Welcome detects screen resolution.
DesktopStartURL = ""
DesktopWindowHeight = 530
DesktopWindowWidth = 640
OEMAuditBoot = 1
Offline = 1
Registration = 1
ScreenResolutionCheck = 0


Specifies the URL of the initial page displayed for ISP sign-up that occurs after the user has completed Windows Welcome.

Syntax DesktopStartURL = URL
Value URL

URL of the initial page displayed for ISP sign-up that occurs after the user has completed Windows Welcome.

DesktopStartURL = ""

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Specifies in pixels the height of the Windows Welcome window in desktop mode.

Syntax DesktopWindowHeight = height
Value height

Size, in pixels, of the height of the Windows Welcome window in desktop mode.

Default Value 530
DesktopWindowHeight = 530

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Specifies in pixels the width of the Windows Welcome window in desktop mode.

Syntax DesktopWindowWidth = width
Value width

Size, in pixels, of the width of the Windows Welcome window in desktop mode.

Default Value 640
DesktopWindowWidth = 640

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Specifies whether to restart the computer in Windows Welcome or in Factory mode.

Syntax OEMAuditBoot = 0 | 1
Values 0

Specifies that the computer restarts in Windows Welcome after sealing with Sysprep. (Default)


Specifies that the computer restarts in Factory mode.

OEMAuditBoot = 1
Comments If you do not include OEMAuditBoot in Oobeinfo.ini, it is the same as specifiying OEMAuditBoot = 0.

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Specifies whether to run Windows Welcome in offline mode.

Syntax Offline = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not run Windows Welcome in offline mode. (Default)


Runs Windows Welcome in offline mode.

Offline = 1
Comments In offline mode, Windows Welcome skips registration and ISP signup.

This setting is the same as the /offline command-line parameter.

To determine the value of Offline programmatically, use the Directions.get_Offline method.

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Specifies whether to display the registration pages.

Syntax Registration = 0 | 1
Values 0

Displays the registration pages. (Default)


Does not display the registration pages.

Registration = 1
Comments The value of Registration determines whether Windows Welcome displays the registration pages and whether the registration checkpoint appears in the status pane of Windows Welcome. See [Signup] for more information.

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Specifies whether Windows Welcome detects screen resolution.

Syntax ScreenResolutionCheck = 0 | 1
Values 0

Windows Welcome does not detect screen resolution. If the screen resolution is less than 800 x 600 pixels, then Windows Welcome displays with scroll bars.


Windows Welcome detects screen resolution. If the computer hardware supports a minimum 800 x 600 pixel screen resolution and the default screen resolution is set to a smaller number (for example, 640 x 480 pixels), then Windows Welcome reconfigures the computer to use an 800 x 600-pixel screen resolution. If the hardware does not support a screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 pixels, then the first-run experience is Mini-Setup. (Default)

ScreenResolutionCheck = 0

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