

Answer File = Internet Settings (.ins) File

The [ConnectionSettings] section contains entries for specifying information about the dial-up networking connection settings used to install your custom Microsoft® Internet Explorer package. This creates common network connection settings on all users' workstations.

Entry Description
ConnectName0 Specifies the primary name for the connection.
ConnectName1 Specifies the secondary name for the connection.
DeleteConnectionSettings Specifies whether to remove the existing connection settings during installation.
Option Specifies whether the end user can import connection settings in the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) wizard.


This sample demonstrates one use of the [ConnectionSettings] section of the Internet Settings (.ins) File.

ConnectName0 = MyConnection
ConnectName1 = MySecondConnection
DeleteConnectionSettings = 1
Option = 1


Specifies the primary name for the connection.

Syntax ConnectName0 = string
Value string
ConnectName0 = MyConnection

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Specifies the secondary name for the connection.

Syntax ConnectName1 = string
Value string
ConnectName1 = MySecondConnection

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Specifies whether to remove the existing connection settings during installation.

Syntax DeleteConnectionSettings = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not remove the existing connection settings during installation.


Removes the settings only in corporate Administrator mode.

Default Value 0
DeleteConnectionSettings = 1

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Specifies whether the end user can import connection settings in the Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) wizard.

Syntax Option = 0 | 1
Values 0

Does not give the end user the option to import connection settings in the IEAK wizard.


Gives the end user the option to import connection settings in the IEAK Wizard.

Default Value 0
Option = 1

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