
Conventions and Syntax

Use the following conventions to help you locate and identify information quickly.

Typographical Conventions

Type Style Definition
bold Names of sections and entries in files following the .ini format, command names, command-line options, and any text you must type exactly as it appears. For example:

To determine your IP address, type IPconfig, and then press ENTER.

italic Parameter variables, titles, and definitions. In the case of parameters, you can supply the text for any item shown in italic. For example:


ellipsis (...) Parameters that can be repeated several times.
between brackets ([]) Optional items.
between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Set of choices from which you must choose only one. For example:

{Even | Odd}

Code samples and syntax examples.
ALL CAPITALIZED LETTERS Acronyms and key names.

Standard .ini File Conventions

Several text files used in preinstalling and deploying Windows are structured in the same manner as Windows .ini files. This set of files includes Oobeinfo.ini, Unattend.txt, Sysprep.inf, and Winbom.ini.

Windows .ini files are text files that have the following characteristics:

Documentation of .ini-Format Files

This documentation uses the following conventions for the syntax of these files:

Sample .ini-Format File and Corresponding Documentation

The following example is an excerpt from an Unattend.txt file that automates the setup of Windows on a computer named "computer2", used by Chris Preston who works at Fabrikam, Inc.:


Answer File = Unattend.txt and Sysprep.inf

The [UserData] section contains entries for specifying user settings during Setup.


Specifies the computer name.

Value computer_name
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\

If the ComputerName entry is empty or missing, the end user must enter a computer name. If the value is *, Setup generates a random computer name based on the organization name specified.

If computer_name is longer than 63 characters, the string truncates to 63 characters.


Specifies the end userÆs full name.

Value string
Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
Comment If the entry is empty or missing, the end user must enter a name, so that Setup can finish unattended.


Specifies an organizationÆs name.

Value string
Registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\