

Start the computer from a Windows product CD and perform unattended Setup from that CD. You must name the answer file Winnt.sif. The syntax of Winnt.sif is the same as the syntax of a general Unattend.txt file.

Here is a sample Winnt.sif file that performs a fully unattended CD-based Setup:

AutoPartition = 1
MsDosInitiated = 0
UnattendedInstall = Yes

UnattendMode = FullUnattended
OemSkipEula = Yes
OemPreinstall = No

AdminPassword = *
AutoLogon = Yes
AutoLogonCount = 5
OEMSkipRegional = 1
TimeZone = 85
OemSkipWelcome = 1

FullName = string_value
OrgName = string_value
ComputerName = string_value

JoinWorkgroup = string_value


;For Server installations only
AutoMode = PerSeat

;Installs the necessary files for the designated Optional Components
Certsrv = Off
Certsrv_client = Off
Certsrv_doc = Off
Certsrv_server = Off
Iis_common = On
Iis_inetmgr = On
Iis_ftp = On
Iis_htmla = On 
Iis_doc = On
Iis_pwmgr = On 
Iis_smtp = On 
Iis_smtp_docs = On
Iis_www = On
Indexsrv_system = On
Msmq = Off
Mts_core = On 
Reminst = Off
Rstorage = Off
Terminalservices = Off

;Without these keys, IIS will use the default settings
;PathFTPRoot = "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Custom\FTPRoot"
;PathWWWRoot = "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Custom\WWWRoot"