Croft Soft Software

Who, what, why, where and when!

Who are we?

We program software (mostly games) on the Atari TOS based range of computers ie. the ST, TT and Falcon. On this page you'll find a list of all of our current releases!

We are:

Colin Polonowski, Age 19, Student
David Polonowski, Age 17, Student
Kevin Wilcox, Age 19, Student

Click here to view Croft Softs History

Our Releases

Public Domain/Freeware

STOSMAT Professional - A disk formatter for STOS Basic
CSPass - A comprehensive password suite
Aerial Combat ST (Inc Source Code)- Part one of the Aerial Kombat Trilogy!


Aerial Kombat: Special Edition - Aerial Kombat II + Data Disks 1&2
Star Voyage - STE Only intergalactic space Shoot 'em up
Aerial Kombat III - STE Version of our excellent two player Shoot 'em up
Aerial Kombat III - STFM Version of the above game!


Trader - Swashbuckling sea trading/adventure game (£3.00)
Trader 2 - Follow up to the hugely successful Trader (£3.00)

Disk Magazines

Atari Related
Croft Soft HTML News Letter (Issue 0, March 1996)
Croft Soft HTML News Letter (Issue 1, May 1996)
Croft Soft HTML News Letter (Issue 2, June 1996)
Croft Soft HTML News Letter (Issue 3, July 1996) (73% AC1)
The Atari Times (Issue 4, August 1996)
The Atari Times (Issue 5, September 1996)
The Atari Times (Issue 6, October 1996)
The Atari Times (Issue 7, November/December 1996)
The Atari Times (Issue 8, March 1997)
The Atari Times (Issue 9, May 1997, BIRTHDAY ISSUE!)

Non Atari
Trek Talk (Science Fiction, Issue 1, May 1996)
Trek Talk (Science Fiction, Issue 2, June 1996)

Planned Releases

New Releases

Mole Mayhem - Shareware, April 1997
Moley Christmas - Freeware, July 1997
Software House ST - Licenceware, Unknown
Maggots - Licenceware, Unknown
Star Voyage 2 - Licenceware, Unknown


Trader 2.5

All of the software can be order directly from Croft Soft Software. For PD, Freeware or Shareware, send a disk for each program (2 for Star Voyage) along with a SAE (padded preferably).

For Licenceware, the prices are printed alongside. Please add 50p for postage and packaging.

Licenceware releases are also available from LAPD