128 Defaults 129 Accept 130 Cancel 131 Advanced 132 OK 256 Mouse Configuration 257 Action 258 Crouch / Swim Down 259 Speed 260 Slow 261 Jump / Swim Up 262 Fire 1 263 Fire 2 264 Reload 265 Nudge 266 HUD 267 Map 268 Walk Forward 269 Walk Backward 270 Strafe Mode 271 Primary X-Axis Function 272 Primary Y-Axis Function 273 Turn Left / Right 274 Strafe Left / Right 275 Do Nothing 276 X Sensitivity 277 Low 278 High 279 Move Forward / Back 280 Look Up / Down 281 Flip Y Axis 282 L 283 R 284 M 285 Lamp 286 Y Sensitivity 384 Movement Control 385 Weapon/Action Control 386 Miscellaneous 387 Forward 388 Back 389 Turn Left 390 Turn Right 391 Strafe Left 392 Strafe Right 393 Jump/Swim Up 394 Look Up 395 Look Down 396 Crouch/Swim 397 Speed 398 Slow 399 Look Right 400 Look Left 401 Look Forward 402 Look Back 403 Active 404 Gamepad 405 Fire 406 Super Fire 407 Reload 408 Disarm 409 Nudge 410 Drop Item 411 Previous Item 412 Next Item 413 Weapon 1 414 Weapon 2 415 Weapon 3 416 Weapon 4 417 Weapon 5 418 Weapon 6 419 Weapon 7 420 Weapon 8 421 Weapon 9 422 Calibrate 423 Map Toggle 424 Use 425 Lamp Toggle 426 Frag Table 427 Strafe 432 Button 1 433 Button 2 434 Button 3 435 Button 4 436 Button 5 437 Button 6 438 Button 7 439 Button 8 440 Button 9 441 Button 10 442 Button 11 443 Button 12 444 Button 13 445 Button 14 446 Button 15 447 Button 16 448 Button 17 449 Button 18 450 Button 19 451 Button 20 452 Button 21 453 Button 22 454 Button 23 455 Button 24 456 Button 25 457 Button 26 458 Button 27 459 Button 28 460 Button 29 461 Button 30 462 Button 31 463 Button 32 464 POV Up 465 POV Down 466 POV Right 467 POV Left 468 X Axis Left 469 X Axis Right 470 Y Axis Forward 471 Y Axis Back 472 Z Axis Low 473 Z Axis High 474 R Axis Low 475 R Axis High 476 U Axis Low 477 U Axis High 478 V Axis Low 479 V Axis High 640 Movement Control 641 Weapon/Action Control 642 Miscellaneous 643 Forward 644 Back 645 Turn Left 646 Turn Right 647 Strafe Left 648 Strafe Right 649 Jump/Swim Up 650 Look Up 651 Look Down 652 Crouch/Swim Down 653 Speed 654 Slow 655 Look Right 656 Look Left 657 Look Forward 658 Look Back 659 ENTER to change or DELETE to kill selected field 660 Free Look 661 Fire 662 Super Fire 663 Reload 664 Disarm 665 Nudge 666 Drop Item 667 Previous Item 668 Next Item 669 Weapon 1 670 Weapon 2 671 Weapon 3 672 Weapon 4 673 Weapon 5 674 Weapon 6 675 Weapon 7 676 Weapon 8 677 Weapon 9 679 Map Toggle 680 Use 681 Lamp Toggle 682 Frag Table Toggle 683 Strafe 684 Hit new key 685 The items in RED are in conflict with each other. 1152 Escape 1153 1 1154 2 1155 3 1156 4 1157 5 1158 6 1159 7 1160 8 1161 9 1162 0 1163 Minus 1164 Plus 1165 Backspace 1166 Tab 1167 Q 1168 W 1169 E 1170 R 1171 T 1172 Y 1173 U 1174 I 1175 O 1176 P 1177 Left Bracket 1178 Right Bracket 1179 Enter 1180 Control 1181 A 1182 S 1183 D 1184 F 1185 G 1186 H 1187 J 1188 K 1189 L 1190 Colon 1191 Quote 1192 Tilda 1193 Shift 1194 Backslash 1195 Z 1196 X 1197 C 1198 V 1199 B 1200 N 1201 M 1202 Comma 1203 Period 1204 Slash 1205 Right Shift 1206 Star 1207 Alt 1208 Space 1209 Caps Lock 1210 F1 1211 F2 1212 F3 1213 F4 1214 F5 1215 F6 1216 F7 1217 F8 1218 F9 1219 F10 1220 Num Lock 1221 Scroll Lock 1222 Home 1223 Up 1224 Page Up 1225 Grey Minus 1226 Left 1227 Center 1228 Right 1229 Grey Plus 1230 End 1231 Down 1232 Page Down 1233 Insert 1234 Delete 1235 SysRQ 1236 K85 1237 K86 1238 K87 1239 K88 1240 K89 1241 K90 1242 K91 1243 K92 1244 K93 1245 K94 1246 K95 1247 K96 1248 K97 1249 K98 1250 K99 1251 K100 1252 K101 1253 K102 1254 K103 1255 K104 1256 K105 1257 K106 1258 K107 1259 K108 1260 K109 1261 K110 1262 K111 1263 K112 1264 K113 1265 K114 1266 K115 1267 K116 1268 K117 1269 K118 1270 K119 1271 K120 1272 K121 1273 K122 1274 K123 1275 K124 1276 K125 1277 K126 1278 K127 1280 Outlaws Drivers Configuration 1281 Display Configuration 1282 Sound Configuration 1283 Display Driver 1284 Available Modes 1285 Sound Driver 1286 Music Driver 1287 CD Music Active 1288 Driver Configuration 1289 Configuring %s 1296 CONFIGURING WINSOCK 1297 Game Server Address (Leave Blank to search): 1298 Select the IP Address that corresponds to your ISP or LAN: 1536 Ok 1537 Audio Configuration 1538 &Movie audio quality 1539 If the movies are not running smoothly on your system, you should select a lower sound quality. 1540 M&ixer channel count 1541 The number of mixer channels can impact the smoothness of game play. To make the game play smoother, use fewer mixer channels. 1542 This test plays a sound that moves from the left speaker to the right speaker. 1543 &Stop test 1544 &Start test 1545 Low quality (fastest) 1546 High quality (default) 1547 Very high quality (slowest) 1548 4 channels (fastest) 1549 8 channels (default) 1550 16 channels (slowest) 1792 Video driver is set to GDI ("Window") mode. For best performance in a window your desktop should be in a resolution of 800x600 and high color mode. However, we do not recommend that you switch to 1793 this video driver unless you are experiencing difficulty with the default video driver. The desktop resolution cannot be changed from the Outlaws configuration menu. For instructions on how to switch your desktop to this configuration please consult your documentation. Use GDI Mode?