1. NASA Home Page. NASA may have the most complete site on the web. A wonderful place to start looking for pictures, text, and movies related to space. http://www.nasa.gov/ 2. NOAA.gov: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. One of the best and least explored sites that comes to us courtesy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Visually rich; full of data relating to space, oceans, satellites, weather, nature, and the environment in general. Also serves as a portal to other marvelous sites. http://www.noaa.gov/ 3. Space.com: Space news, games, entertainment and science fiction. One of the best commercial sites; lots of information put forth in an intriguing way because of the variety of astronauts that have been involved with this site. http://www.space.com/ 4. The Ultimate Space Place: Space history, education, space collectibles & memorabilia, astronaut autographs, NASA data, plus information on comets, space shuttle missions, and much more. http://www.thespaceplace.com/ 5. The Space Telescope Science Institute Home Page: The Institute is the astronomical research center responsible for operating the Hubble Space Telescope as an international observatory. Astronomers show the first steps of planet growth. Interesting views of space from various positions around the universe. http://www.stsci.edu/ 6. Stargazer: Another interesting viewing site for space fans, this one simulates stars and constellations visible from major cities in 22 different latitudes. http://outerbody.com/stargazer/ 7. The Canadian Space Agency: Interesting site from a different country’s point of view; site in both English and French. Features videos, photos, news, FAQs, and images. http://www.space.gc.ca/ 8. 2001: A Space Odyssey - Underman’s 2001: An interesting set of resources related to Stanley Kubrick’s movie based on Arthur Clarke’s science fiction novel. A wide variety of information as well as leads to other sources of science fiction information, videos, photos, and FAQs. http://www.underview.com/2001.html 9. Britannica.Com: Encyclopedia Britannica has traditionally offered the best encyclopedia in the English speaking world. Recently they have moved all of their information to the net; most of the information is for free, though they change their minds occasionally. http://www.britannica.com/ 10. Smithsonian Institutution Si.edu: Smithsonian is the leading source of scientific information in the US and possibly the world. http://www.si.edu/ 11. Google.com: You can enter any word and search through billions of web pages. A wonderful way to track down key information worldwide. http://www.google.com/ 12. Askjeeves.com: A similar site put not as comprehensive in our experience. http://www.askjeeves.com/