225 Open Ratings System File 226 Rating Files (*.RAT) 227 *.RAT 228 Unable to see site 229 Sorry! Content Advisor will not allow you to see this site. 230 Content Advisor is currently turned off.\n\nOnly a parent or supervisor can change Content Advisor settings or turn it on. 231 Content Advisor is currently turned on.\n\nOnly a parent or supervisor can change Content Advisor settings or turn it off. 232 &Turn On... 233 &Turn Off... 234 Content Advisor 235 Content Advisor has been turned on. 236 Content Advisor has been turned off. Make sure you turn it on again before you allow someone else to use your computer. 237 You must type in a password. 238 You must type in a confirmation password. 239 Your password and confirm password do not match. 240 The password you typed in is incorrect. 241 You must type in the old supervisor password. 242 You must choose a Rating System for Content Advisor to work. Choose one now? 243 Content Advisor is not enabled because you are not currently using any rating system. To choose a rating system, select General and click on Ratings Systems. 244 &Turn on/off... 245 Content Advisor is not installed on this machine. To install it, click on Settings.\n\nOnce Content Advisor is installed, only a parent or supervisor can turn it on or off. 246 Could not find the Rating System's Internet site, so it is being set to None. 247 Value = %d 248 The current Rating System %s requires a Ratings Bureau. If you continue, this Rating System will be useless and may be removed. Continue? 249 Unable to browse to %1. 250 The password was successfully changed. 251 %1: %2 - %3 \n 252 This page does not have a rating. 253 This page has been rated by a rating system which you do not have installed. Connect to %1 for more information about these ratings: \n 254 The rating label on this page is invalid. "%1" is not recognized or is not the right format. You may wish to notify the owner of this site. 255 The rating label for this page has expired. It may no longer be valid. 256 The rating label found for "%1" does not belong to this page. It is intended for "%2" instead. 257 The rating service which rated this page reported an error. \n%1 258 The rating "%1" is not recognized as a valid category for the %2 rating system. 259 %1 - %2 \n 260 Content Advisor has been successfully installed. If you wish to change the rating levels or other settings later, click Settings. 261 Insufficient memory is available. 262 An opening parenthesis was expected near line %1. 263 A closing parenthesis was expected near line %1. 264 A keyword was expected near line %1. 265 A quoted string was expected near line %1. 266 A number was expected near line %1. 267 A true or false value was expected near line %1. 268 A duplicate keyword was found near line %1. 269 A required keyword was not found near line %1. 270 An unrecognized keyword was found near line %1. 271 An unsupported mandatory extension was found near line %1. 272 An unknown error occurred. 273 The file could not be opened. Make sure it exists and you have access to it. \n(Error %1) 274 (Error %1) 275 An error occurred while loading the rating system file %1: \n \n%2 \n \nYou may wish to contact the rating service for the correct version of this file. 276 An error occurred while loading the rating system file %1: \n \n%2 \n \nSites rated by this system will be considered unrated. 277 One or more of the rating systems you are using did not load successfully. Click Rating Systems in the Advanced page to remove or change them. 278 That rating system is already installed. 279 (None) 280 Content Advisor configuration information is missing. Someone may have tried to tamper with it. You may wish to check the Content Advisor settings.