1 Wang Image Admin Control 2 Wang Image Admin File Property Page 3 Admin 4 Wang Image Admin Print Page 5 Wang Image Admin Help Page 101 File 102 Print 103 Help 104 Bad optional parameter 105 PageType should be between 1 and 7 106 Boolean required 107 Method requires that the specified image in the Image property must exist. 108 Writing multiple pages to destination file type is not supported. 109 Unable to read the source file. 110 Unable to write to the destination file. 111 Help is not available due to an internal error. 112 Unknown compression type stored in the registry. 113 CompressionType value must be between 1 and 7. 114 Pages to be replaced must exist in the destination image. 115 FileType value should be between 1 and 6. 116 Unknown file type stored in the registry. 117 Unknown compression type 118 Unknown file type 119 Unknown page type 120 Filter string must have the following format: 'type1|spec1|type2|spec2|...'. 121 Index is larger than the number of filters that are specified in the Filter property. 122 PrintRangeOption must be an integer value of 0=All Pages, 1=Range of Pages, or 2=Current Page. 123 PrintOutputFormat must be an integer value of 0=Fit to Page, 1=Actual Size, or 2=Pixel to Pixel. 124 Specified page number is not in the image. 125 VerifyImage argument must be either 0=Check existance, 1=Check read permission, 2=Check Write permission, or 3=Check Read/Write Permission. 126 Illegal characters in the template or the extension parameter. 127 Writing to the specified file type is not supported. 128 Specified CompressionType and CompressionInfo are incompatible. 129 Specified FileType, PageType, and CompressionType are incompatible. 130 PrintEndPage value is not within the current image. 131 PrintStartPage value is not within the current image. 132 Unable to find path in which to create the new directory. 133 Cannot create the directory because it already exists as a path or file. 134 Too many pages or negative number of pages specified. 135 2 - Fit to Page 136 1 - Actual Size 137 0 - Pixel to Pixel 138 0 - All Pages 139 1 - Range of Pages 140 2 - Current Page 141 Length of image pathname exceeds the limit. 142 Cannot load a required library.