2 Paint\nuntitled\nBitmap Image\nBitmap Files\n.bmp\nPaint.Picture\nBitmap Image 6 .bmp 9 .ico 10 .pcx 11 PCX Files 12 Icon Files 13 Monochrome Bitmap 14 16 Color Bitmap 15 256 Color Bitmap 16 24-bit Bitmap 19 All Files 20 Palette|*.pal| 25 untitled.pal 30 OLE 2.0 was unable to start.\nMake sure that you are using the correct version of the OLE libraries. 110 Places the text. 620 Selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.\nSelect 621 Selects a free-form part of the picture to move, copy, or edit.\nFree-Form Select 622 Inserts text into the picture.\nText 623 Fills an area with the current drawing color.\nFill With Color 624 Draws a straight line with the selected line width.\nLine 627 Draws using an airbrush of the selected size.\nAirbrush 628 Draws a curved line with the selected line width.\nCurve 632 Draws a polygon with the selected fill style.\nPolygon 634 Draws a rounded rectangle with the selected fill style.\nRounded Rectangle 636 Draws a free-form line one pixel wide.\nPencil 637 Erases a portion of the picture, using the selected eraser shape.\nEraser/Color Eraser 638 Changes the magnification.\nMagnifier 639 Picks up a color from the picture for drawing.\nPick Color 640 Draws using a brush with the selected shape and size.\nBrush 641 Draws a rectangle with the selected fill style.\nRectangle 642 Draws a filled rectangle. 643 Draws an ellipse with the selected fill style.\nEllipse 644 Draws a filled ellipse. 1000 Not enough room to paste text.\nEnlarge the text area and try again. 2051 Paint cannot open this file. 2052 Paint cannot read this file. 2054 This file is read-only.\nTo save your changes, use a different filename. 2056 This file is already open. 2064 This is not a valid .PCS file. 2067 This file is open for editing and cannot be overwritten.\nUse a different filename to save your changes. 2083 This is not a valid bitmap file. 2084 This is not a valid icon. 2085 This is not a valid cursor. 2090 Save was interrupted, so your file has not been saved. 2092 You cannot save to a read-only file.\nUse a different file name. 2096 This file is already in use.\nClose the program, and then try again. 2110 Paint cannot save this file. 2152 Paint cannot save to the same filename with a different file type.\nUse a different filename to save your changes. 2210 The grid spacing must be an integer between %d and %d. 2240 There is not enough memory or resources to complete operation.\nClose some programs, and then try again. 2241 Low on memory or resources.\nClose some programs, and then try again. 2247 Group error. 2298 Converting to black and white cannot be undone. This action affects the current file and may cause some loss of color information.\nDo you want to continue? 2299 Bitmaps must be greater than one pixel on a side. 2300 CFileException 2301 Generic error. 2302 File not found. 2303 Bad path. 2304 Too many open files. 2305 Access denied. 2306 Invalid file. 2307 Remove current folder. 2308 Folder full. 2309 Bad seek. 2310 Hard IO error. 2311 Sharing violation. 2312 Lock violation. 2313 Disk full. 2314 End of file. 2445 Error getting the Clipboard Data! 2446 No Printer Found @ page setup 3550 3551 6868 Makes the current selection either opaque or transparent. 6869 Creates a new color. 6870 Uses a previously saved palette of colors. 6871 Saves the current palette of colors to a file. 7057 You must save the file before choosing it as Wallpaper. 9233 The selection is now larger than the bitmap.\nWould you like the bitmap enlarged? 9234 The image in the clipboard is larger than the bitmap.\nWould you like the bitmap enlarged? 10015 The file is not in the correct format. 32776 Resets the text be without any attributes. 32777 Sets or clears the text bold attribute. 32778 Sets or clears the text italic attribute. 32780 Selects the font used by the text. 32781 Selects the point size of the text. 32789 Sets or clears the text underline attribute. 32791 Shows or hides the tooltips. 32792 Show Paint Help. 37662 Sends a picture by using mail or fax. 37663 Copies the selection to a file. 37664 Pastes a file into the selection. 37670 Zooms the picture to 100%. 37671 Zooms the picture to 400%. 37672 Zooms the picture. 37673 Displays the entire picture. 37676 Shows or hides the thumbnail view of the picture. 37677 Shows or hides the grid. 37678 Shows or hides the text toolbar. 37680 Flips or rotates the picture or a selection. 37681 Stretches or skews the picture or a selection. 37682 Inverts the colors of the picture or a selection. 37683 Changes the attributes of the picture. 37684 Clears the picture or selection. 37685 The font size must be a numeric value. 37686 Contains commands for working with the selected item(s). 37687 Contains commands for selecting and transferring items. 37688 Contains commands for customizing this window. 37689 Contains commands for manipulating pictures and setting attributes. 37690 Contains commands for using custom colors and drawing options. 37691 Contains commands for displaying Help for and information about Paint. 41747 Cannot save file. 41748 Error removing temporary file. 41749 Get Colors 41750 Save Colors 41751 Edit Colors 41752 Copy To 41753 Paste From 42047 Painting 44036 Bitmap 44108 Colors 44109 Fonts 44111 Thumbnail 44112 Tools 44227 44700 x 44701 , 57344 Paint 57345 For Help, click Help Topics on the Help Menu. 57346 Select an area on which to get Help. 57600 Creates a new document. 57601 Opens an existing document. 57602 Closes the active document. 57603 Saves the active document. 57604 Saves the active document with a new name. 57605 Changes the page layout. 57606 Specifies the default printer setup. 57607 Prints the active document and sets printing options. 57608 Displays full pages. 57616 Opens this document. 57617 Opens this document. 57618 Opens this document. 57619 Opens this document. 57632 Deletes the selection. 57633 Erases everything. 57634 Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard. 57635 Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard. 57636 Finds the specified text. 57637 Inserts the contents of the Clipboard. 57640 Repeats the last action. 57641 Replaces specific text with different text. 57642 Selects everything. 57643 Undoes the last action. 57644 Redoes the previously undone action. 57664 Displays program information, version number, and copyright. 57665 Quits Paint. 57666 Opens Paint Help. 57667 Displays instructions about how to use Help. 57668 Displays Help for areas you click on. 57669 Displays Help for the current task or command. 57675 Centers this bitmap as the desktop wallpaper. 57677 Tiles this bitmap as the desktop wallpaper. 57683 Sends the selection using mail or fax. 57684 Prints the selection. 57689 Shows or hides the thumbnail. 57690 Shows Paint Help. 57691 Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets 59393 Shows or hides the status bar. 59415 Shows or hides the tool box. 59416 Shows or hides the color box. 61184 Changes the window size. 61185 Changes the window position. 61186 Reduces the window to an icon. 61187 Enlarges the window to full size. 61188 Switches to the next document window. 61189 Switches to the previous document window. 61190 Closes the active window and asks if you want to save changes. 61202 Restores the window to normal size. 61203 Activates the task list.