*************************************** * * * UnSetup program for Windows v 4.50a * * ----------------------------------- * * * * (c)1996 by J. BERTRAND - L. TANNER * * * *************************************** This program is Freeware !!! Use it without warranty. **************** * Introduction * **************** *********** * UNSETUP * *********** This program use the log file of Setup to uninstall the copied files and created directory. Nota : All the source files are provided in Delphi 1.0 version for Setup and Unsetup. ****************** * How to install * ****************** Just lauch SETUP.EXE from A: or from C: (if you want to modify the source drive edit SETUP.INS file and modifiy the letter on the ODSK parameter in [ORIGIN] section) ******************** * How to uninstall * ******************** Just lauch UNSETUP.EXE. Click on UnInstall button to choose an application to uninstall (file UNSETUP.INS) so move between directories to find a UnSetup.ins file and choose it. UNSETUP read the log file and deletes files and directory, it removes group and items you have created. I have given you all the source files so you can edit and modify as you want. If you add any facilities please write to me on Compuserve (ID 100621,3247). ************** * Improvment * ************** This version 4.50a of Unsetup works with unsetup file created by Setup versions up to 2.00b. Unsetup is able to Delete a complete branch on your Hard disk (if this branch is empty !). Deleting multi items groups (upgrade for Setup 4.50a) ************ * Historik * ************ 1.00 Original version 2.00a You can choose with an open dialog unsetup file where you want on your hard disk 2.00b Unsetup begin to start on his own directory 2.50 This version : can read unsetup file from Setup 2.00b and setup 3.00 3.00 Adding possibily to delete a recurse tree 4.00 Spelling check (by Larry 'cause he's american & I'am french) 4.50a Better uninstall procedure (groups, files and directories) Notes : If you have some data files on directories that UnSetup will delete, remove them before lauching UnSetup because you can not delete a not empty directory. It is a security to not destroy data files so I keep it. I hope that the files above gives you all information you need to create another installation program or just to use it for your own program. Jérôme BERTRAND, PARIS