************************************** * * * Create 4.50a for Setup and Unsetup * * ---------------------------------- * * * * (c)1996 by J. BERTRAND & L. TANNER * * * ************************************** This program is Freeware !!! Use it without warranty. ********** * Thanks * ********** **************** * Introduction * **************** ********** * CREATE * ********** This program is able to create install script file for Setup 4.50a. This program help you to generate this script. You can choose your files (copy or not onto targets), icons, documements and Ini files modifications. You can set group name and name of group file. You are able to set 9 differents directories for targets directories. You can indicate to Setup 4.00d which Ini files you want to create, modify or delete (exept System.ini and Win.ini in this case !). Nota : If you want to use compress files from COMPRESS.EXE (making by Microsoft), compress your files with -r option ! All the source files are provided in Delphi 1.0 version for Setup and Unsetup. *************** * Improvments * *************** Create is now able to generate script file for Setup 4.50a, I mean by this way : Support of Ini file functions Support of differents directories (9 !) Adding more laucher (NotePad, Write and WinHelp) Support of multi groups for your items In this version 4.50a : * Now you are able to have 120 files and 40 icons, so in fact 160 files * Allow multi select for files and icons when you want to add them * You can create 5 groups for your items ********************** * Future improvments * ********************** I am waiting for your suggestions ****************** * How to install * ****************** Just lauch SETUP.EXE from A: or from C: (if you want to modify the source drive edit SETUP.INS file and modifiy the letter on the ODSK parameter in [ORIGIN] section or OPAT in same parameter section). This program copies all the files onto your hard disk (you can specify the path) and creates a SETUP.GRP group in your program manager. It creates a UNSETUP.INS file, this is the log of installation. I have given you all the source files so you can edit and modify as you want. If you add any facilities please write to me on Compuserve (ID 100621,3247). If you use part of install pack (Create, Unsetup, Setup), please let name into or notify that to users, I will be very gratefull on that. Thanks in advance. ******************** * How to uninstall * ******************** Just lauch UNSETUP.EXE on the directory you install SETUP. After click on UnInstall button and choose UNSETUP file on the main directory you had install your application. *********** * History * *********** 1.00 Original version, 1 year ago but really simple 2.00 Support script file for Setup 2.00 3.00 This version do not exists (no time to do it) ! 4.00a Support script file for Setup 4.00d 4.00b Multi select and number of files increasing 4.50a Multi group for items, so now 5 groups are possible I hope that the files above gives you all information you need to create another installation program or just to use it for your own program. Jérôme BERTRAND, PARIS