Set preferences and P2P sharing options
Setting Selection Description

Starting tab: The tabbed page that visitors will see first
Show QuickStart Wizard: Popup QuickStart Wizard when starting server?
Display browser window: Open browser window when starting server?
Minimize console window: Minimize small console window when starting server?

Spreadsheet width: Width, in cells, of each live view spreadsheet
Spreadsheet height: Height, in cells, of each live view spreadsheet
Spreadsheet size: Width, in percentage of browser page, of spreadsheet
Spreadsheet currency: Decimal points to use when displaying currency
Auto refresh spreadsheet: Seconds between auto redisplay of spreadsheet (0 = none)
Use freshness indicators: Indicate whether others have modified spreadsheets
Euro date display: Format dates in European (DD/MM/YY)
Override month/day: Override local month/day ordering during data-entry

Welcome message: Welcome message or contact information that will appear in the footer of each page (e.g., "Welcome to my BadBlue site"). Leave blank if you don't want a welcome message.
Email address: Email address for visitors to contact you; it will be displayed on the footer of each page. Leave blank if you do not want to display an email address.
Web site address: Web address (URL) that will be displayed on the footer of each page.

Allow Gnutella Sharing: Connect with other peers? If you change this setting, exit completely and restart for this change to take effect.
My connection speed: The speed of your connection to the Internet.
Max search hops: If Gnutella sharing is on, the maximum number of hops that your searches will travel from peer to peer.
Max search threads: If Gnutella sharing is on, the maximum number of simultaneous connections permitted.

My IP Address: To override your IP address manually, specify it here (e.g., or
Proxy server (name:port): If you are inside an organization and need a proxy server to retrieve web content, this is the address of the proxy server (example:
Proxy exceptions: If you use a proxy server, the web addresses that should remain internal and not use the proxy server (example:

Important: after saving changes, you will need to exit and restart for the new settings to take effect