Create a domain name for this PC
Dynamic DNS lets users surf to your PC using a domain name (e.g., rather than an IP address. BadBlue supports dynamic DNS - even if your IP address changes each time you connect - through, which provides free and paid DNS services. Sign up for a free account (click the sign up now link at top right) and remember to write down or note the details of your new account which you will need for the following fields.

Setting Selection Description
Use dynamic DNS: Use a free dynamic DNS account from
Server name: The DynDNS server name for which you signed up.
Host-name: The host-name for which you signed up (e.g., jsmith is the host-name of
DynDNS user-name: Your DynDNS account user-name (for logging in to DynDNS)
DynDNS password: Your DynDNS account password (for logging in to DynDNS)

After saving changes, you will need to exit and restart BadBlue. After restarting, if you experience problems using dynamic DNS, check the Dynamic DNS Help Center and the Troubleshooting Guide .
Important: after saving changes, you will need to exit and restart for the new settings to take effect