Schedule Your Tasks,
Push or Pull Any Set of Tasks, Generate Budgets, Purchase Orders & More!



"The Ultimate Task Manager!"

> You'll manage your production and team, organize work requests, action items, and tasks with ease.

> Assign deadlines plus push or pull any set of deadlines for any set of tasks in seconds.

> Track as little or as much detail for each task as you like.

> Each task automatically pre-populates a Fax, Letter, Purchase Request, Purchase Order, and Invoice

> All task costs add up to give you a budget and/or actuals to see if you're over budget.

  Never Miss A Deadline Again. Whether is a giant production, or just a list of tasks to set up the production office, you'll always know where you stand. Check out the product screenshots below, or download a fully functional demo product today - it's only limitation is that it does not print.    
[Click on image to enlarge]
  It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1. Start with a birds eye view of all your projects.
2. Click on any project to see a list of all associated tasks.
3. Click on any task to see all the details of the task including due date, costs, vendor information, and more.
  Track any details you wish for each task - And, each task acts as a purchase request, order, or invoice.
For each task, you can track as much or as little information as you need. The task detail doubles as a purchase request / purchase order form. All your vendor information and history will be at your fingertips for the next time you use them - including what you paid them.

Task details are automatically pre-populated into your faxes and letters
Once the vendor information is entered, a corresponding Fax and Letter is already pre-populated with the vendor information and ready to use.

Use your logo/company header
Paste your company logo at the top of the Fax and it will automatically be placed on your Letters, Purchase Orders, Task Lists, etc.

  Print out project status reports and task lists.
Easily print out task lists for an entire projects or all the tasks assigned to one individual. The project list gives you the "Big Picture" view at a glance.
    Even More Features  

Push or Pull Any Project or Any Set of Tasks :
Let's face it, deadlines are always changing in production. In a split second, you can move due dates forward or backwards at will.

Archiving Projects:
History always repeats. Assuming this, you can archive any project to use again at a later date. And the nice part can simply Push the project to the current date and all the tasks in the order in which they need to be completed are ready to act on. Also, all the vendor information, contacts, and fees paid are right there for you.

Product Definition Document:
Each project has a standard Product Definition Document form available. This form outlines the goals, completion criteria, known risks, project deliverables, and roles & responsibilities for the major players involved.

   System Requirements  

Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater

Operating system: Mac OS X
Win 98/Me, NT, 2000, XP

Hardware: CD-ROM Drive
10MB of Hard Disk, 64 MB RAM