Shelly Cashman Series Lab - World Wide Web Lab Name ____________________________________ Course and Division _______________________ Date ___________________ Page 1 of 2 As you step through the Interactive Lab, answer the following questions in the spaces provided. For multiple choice questions, enter the appropriate letter on the blank line. 1. The World Wide Web first became available in what year? a. 1989 b. 1990 c. 1991 d. 1992 e. 1993 2. A web page is a document with links that allow you to move from one document to another quickly. (True or False) ________ 3. Hypermedia documents use different media types as hyperlinks to other documents, including: a. ___________________ b. ___________________ c. ___________________ d. ___________________ 4. Draw a line matching the type of hyperlink to its function. i. Target Hyperlinks move a. to points within a document ii. Relative Hyperlinks move b. to a document on the same computer iii. Absolute Hyperlinks move c. to a document on a different computer 5. HTML stands for: a. Hierarchical text machine language b. Hierarchical text markup language c. Hypertext machine language d. Hypertext markup language 6. A web browser is a program that allows you to code text with HTML tags. (True or False) ________ Shelly Cashman Series Lab - World Wide Web Lab Page 2 of 2 7. List some of the features available on the toolbar of a web browser. a. ______________ b. ______________ c. ______________ d. ______________ e. ______________ f. ______________ g. ______________ h. ______________ 8. A web page is retrieved using a: a. Unit Reference Locator b. Uniform Resource Locator c. Unit Resource Locator d. Uniform Reference Locator 9. The basic elements of a URL are: a. ______________ b. ______________ c. ______________ d. ______________ e. ______________ 10. A search engine is a program that finds web sites, web pages, and Internet files that match keywords that you enter. (True or False) __________