RISC By: TIM FARLEY RISC stands for "Reduced Instruction Set Computer", which is a theory that someone came up with that if you severely reduce the complexity of operations that a computer can perform, limiting it to a small set of very simple operations, you can build a much faster computer. For instance: the CPU's in your PC-compatible have a very complex, involved instruction set. The instructions can be from one byte to umpteen bytes long (I forget the exact maximum). The execution times vary from one clock cycle to hundreds of clock cycles per instruction. All of this makes the CPU very complex and causes it to be very hard to predict the execution times of software. Optimization of software is also very hard. On a RISC computer, all instructions are generally designed to be (nearly, or exactly) the same length in memory, and to execute in (again, nearly or exactly) the same amount of time. This makes the internal design of the processor simpler, and it means that you can process instructions more evenly as you go. This in theory leads to faster processors and better optimized programs. What you lose in a RISC machine is neat instructions like, for instance, the built-in integer MULtiplication and DIVision instructions in the 386. Instead, these get replaced with software subroutines that run nearly as fast. The jury is out on RISC, as it remains unclear whether it has real benefits. Meanwhile, vendors of non-RISC processors like Intel have included "RISC like" features in their CPU designs to increase speed. For instance, the 486 will "pipeline" instructions so it can partially execute the next instruction before it is done with this one. This is a feature that originally came about in RISC machines.