RCD 7.0 FEATURES AND CHANGES May 9, 1991 This document briefly describes the various features, limitations, changes, and additions to the Iomega RCD driver and utilities. Consult the DOS Drivers User's Manual and the Iomega Host Adapter Installation Guide for detailed information. PART NUMBERS RCD 7.0 Utilities (5 1/4") = 01407900 RCD 7.0 Utilities (3.5") w/Enhancement Utilities = 01407700 Enhancement Utilities (5 1/4") = 01142202 Iomega Drivers for DOS User's Manual = EN004200 (Includes Iomega Drivers for DOS Quick Reference Guide EN004100) Iomega Host Adapter Installation Guide Kit = EN004500 (Includes Iomega Host Adapter Installation Manual EN002100, Parallel Port Adapter Quick Reference Guide EN005200, PC2 Adapter Quick Reference Guide EN005000, PC4 Adapter Quick Reference Guide EN005100) PC4B ROM = 01521200 PC2B ROM = 01519500 NOTE: Parts are available from Iomega Customer Service ADAPTERS AND DRIVES SUPPORTED The RCD 7.0 Software Driver and Utility support DOS and Windows 3.0 and the following adapters and drive types: Adapters: PC2, PC2B, PC250, PC2B50, PC2B50F, PC4, PC4B50, and Parallel Port Adapter. Drives: A110, A210, A110H, A210H, A120H, A220H, B20, B120x, B220x, B120zx, B220zx, B44, B144x, B244x, Transportable 20, Transportable 44, Portable, and Lasersafe (512 byte sector disks only). DOS VERSIONS SUPPORTED Lasersafe requires Compaq DOS 3.31, Zenith DOS 3.3+, and MSDOS 4.X or greater. A110, A210, A110H, A210H, A120H, A220H, B20, B120x, B220x, B120zx, and B220zx requires MSDOS versions 2.x, 3.x, and 4.x. B44, B144x, B244x, Transportable 20, Transportable 44, and Portable requires MSDOS 3.x or greater. BOOTABLE ADAPTER ROM REQUIREMENTS Booting from Iomega drives larger than 44Mb requires PC2B and PC4B ROM versions 7.0 or greater. ADAPTER BOOT SEQUENCE CHANGE The PC2B adapter boot sequence when used with RCD 7.0 and ROM version 7.0 is 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7. If an older version of ROM is used with RCD 7.0 or older the sequence is 3,1,2,0,4,5,6,7. LASERSAFE ROM REQUIREMENTS The Lasersafe drive must have ROM version IO07 or greater (Date code: 103 or greater) to function with the RCD 7.0. RCD 7.0 FEATURES The Iomega Drivers for DOS manual provides detailed information regarding installation and use of the RCD utilities and driver. The listing below is a brief overview of features added in version 7.0 1. The Lasersafe support has been added (512 byte disks only). 2. The RCD.EXE program can now be run when the driver (RCD.SYS) is loaded into high memory using memory management software. 3. Only one operation at a time is allowed by the Iomega device driver. This corrects some Windows 3.0 conflicts with the RCD driver and RCD utility software. 4. PC4 now defaults to PIO (full Windows 386 compatible) mode. NOTE: PIO options must be used with Microsoft Windows. a. DEVICE = RCD.SYS = PIO (80386 and up) DMA (80286 hosts) b. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /M = DMA - DMA transfers may be faster on some system. 5. PC2 now has additional /Fx options. NOTE: PIO options must be used with Microsoft Windows. NOTE: /Fx options override the DIP settings on the adapter. Example: If SW 4 is ON (PIO) but /F3 is used then DMA Channel 3 is enabled. a. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /F = Slower PIO (same as /F2) b. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /F0 = Super PIO c. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /F1 = DMA Channel 1 d. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /F2 = Slower PIO e. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /F3 = DMA Channel 3 f. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /F4 = 8088 mode PIO 6. This release corrects most PPI adapter and 486/33 speed compatibility problems. The driver does not, however, have the ability to automatically choose the new transfer mode. The transfer modes are selected by the following: a. DEVICE = RCD.SYS = 8088 or 80286 and most 80386 models b. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /P = fast hosts (80386/80486). (PPI affected only by /P switch.) c. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /P0 = 8088 mode d. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /P2 = 80286 mode e. DEVICE = RCD.SYS /P4 = same as /P NOTE: The /P mode should be used only if abnormal drive behavior is seen on fast host (80386/80486) systems in connection with the PPI adapter. 7. Write and Verify is now performed by all supported drives using the write/verify (2fh) SCSI command except the Beta 20 and Wren II (Bernoulli Box Plus HDA) drives. The Beta 20 and Wren II verify options are still performed by separate write and read (readback verify) commands. 8. The new RCD 7.0 PC2 and PC4 boot ROMs are LaserSafe compatible. 9. RCDBACK, the archival backup utility, has been removed from the utility package. The RCDREST.EXE stand alone program is still included on the disk to allow recovery of disks that previously have been backed up using the RCDBACK utility. RCDREST must be operated in command line mode. For information on using RCDREST refer to your RCD Utilities User's Manual and Reference Guide. MS-DOS BACKUP and RESTORE or SitBack can be used instead of RCDBACK and RCDREST if archival backup is needed. 10. The SETUP utility has been removed and replaced with an INSTALL batch file. 11. The COPY function menu now contains a new field: WRITE WITH VERIFY - ON/OFF. 12. The SCANS function of the TOOLS menu is fully functional with all Iomega drives. 13. The HELP functions are now accessed by pressing the 'F1' function key instead of the 'TAB' key. 14. The 'PAGE UP' and 'FORWARD TAB' keys now cycle through the on-screen menu windows. The 'PAGE DOWN' and 'BACK TAB' cycle backwards through the on-screen menu windows. 15. The source/target drive(s) can be selected by either the up/down arrow keys or using the desired drives "drive letter" such as the F key for drive F:. 16. The INSTALL function of the utility works with any of the new '/' transfer mode options. 17. The FORMAT utility will not allow the DOS 2.X compatibility option to be set to 'YES' on the LaserSafe or 44Mb drive products. A /2 option has been added to the RCD FORMAT command line option to allow 12 bit FAT's on any disks less than 44Mb. 18. A /N driver option has been added to lock all Iomega drives during boot up. 19. A /L driver option has been added to lock the drives when the MSDOS file open bit is set. 20. A /EI (Enable Interrupts) driver option has been added to improve fast communication reliability when using a modem. 21. A /NL option has been added to allow the RCD Utilities to run when a network present. Example: RCD FORMAT C:/NL 22. /A and /O options have been added to the RCD TOOLS command line options to allow the drive to spin up (/A) or spin down (/O) without pressing the drive release button. RCD 7.0 LIMITATIONS 1. The Lasersafe support is limited to 512 byte sectored disks only. 1,024 byte sectored disks WILL NOT function. 2. The RCDDIAG utility does not work properly with Iomega products larger than 44Mb. Iomega does not recommend using this program with drives larger than 44Mb. 3. The RCD FORMAT utility displays the message: 'Cannot run utility while the driver is busy', and returns to the DOS prompt, or Windows in Windows 3.0, if a format with surface verify is running in another window with background operation enabled. 4. In windowing environments, such as Windows 3.0 and DeskView 386, that allow background operations, only one RCD utility window should be used at any time. Attempting to use multiple windows may cause the computer system to hang or cause the RCD utilities to abort an operation. At the very least, a 'drive not ready' error will be generated when the system attempts to access a drive that is currently busy with another operation. 5. The RCD FORMAT utility does not allow the DOS 2.X compatibility option to be set to 'YES' for 44Mb or larger Iomega disks. 6. When using an IBM PS/2 Models 90 or 95 it is necessary to first configure the fixed disk before installing or configuring the PC4B adapter. When configuring the PC4B adapter the boot ROM memory address must be removed otherwise the computer recognizes two fixed disks. The PS/2 Models 90 and 95 can not boot from an Iomega cartridge because these models are configured by IBM to only boot from a fixed disk or floppy and the fixed disk can not be removed. USING THE MODEL PC4B HOST ADAPTER WITH A FIXED DISK If your Micro Channel computer has a fixed disk, you must make sure that the ROM on the PC4B host adapter is disabled. Make sure that your Iomega subsystem is NOT on and then boot your computer using the Reference Disk. Use the "Change configuration" utility to check the ROM setting for the host adapter. If the ROM is not disabled, select "Disabled" from the ROM address options. After the ROM has been disabled check the "Set features" menu for a "Set startup sequence" option. If such an option exists, select it and make sure the fixed disk is listed in the startup sequence. IOMEGA DRIVERS FOR DOS USER'S MANUAL CORRECTION Operation of the RCD INSTALL utility is different than that described in Iomega Drivers for DOS User's Manual. The manual states, on page 1-4, that the RCD INSTALL utility ignores any existing reference to RCD.SYS in the CONFIG.SYS file if one exists. This is incorrect. The RCD INSTALL utility deletes any existing reference to RCD.SYS and adds the line "DEVICE = RCD.SYS" as the first line in the CONFIG.SYS file. This placement may cause problems with other device drivers loaded from the CONFIG.SYS file. The "DEVICE=RCD.SYS" line may need to be moved after such drivers in the CONFIG.SYS file. Any existing CONFIG.SYS file is renamed CONFIG.BAK. NETWARE 286 IOMEGA DRIVERS Iomega drivers for Netware 286 are no longer included with Iomega Interface Kits. If you would like to obtain this driver contact your Iomega dealer or Iomega Customer Service. The Iomega part number is 01512800. AUTOMATIC INSTALLATION 1. The RCD SETUP program is no longer included. 2. Run the INSTALL batch file from the release diskette to setup the new RCD Driver and Utilities on your boot drive. MANUAL INSTALLATION 1. Copy the RCD Beta release diskette onto your boot disk in the same location as your current RCD software (all adapters) or create a path in the desired location on your boot drive then copy the files from the release disk to the desired location. 2. If already running a PC2 or PPI (RCD.SYS) then simply re-boot your system and run as usual. 3. If currently running a PC4 (RCD4.SYS) or if you are installing the RCD software for the first time, then edit your config.sys to add/change the line: DEVICE = \pathname\RCD4.SYS to: DEVICE = \pathname\RCD.SYS WARNING !!! Failure to remove RCD4.SYS from the CONFIG.SYS file can cause data loss and improper operation of the attached drives. The old RCD4.EXE utility is no longer compatible with the new version. The new utility version is accessed by typing "RCD" from the MSDOS prompt. 4. Reboot your system. 5. Be sure to read the remainder of this file to understand any other necessary options or changes regarding this software.