___________________________________________________________________________ STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE Title: Stacker 1.x Memory Requirements STAC FAX Index #2501 - 5/15/92 ___________________________________________________________________________ Background. The Stacker device driver, STACKER.COM, requires a modest amount of resident conventional memory. The resident size of the Stacker device driver depends on the Stacker product being used, and on the way Stacker is configured. During the initialization phase, as it is loading and mounting the Stacker drives, it requires slightly more memory than when resident. Refer to the following tables to determine how much memory the Stacker device driver requires. These numbers should be used as guidelines. Once Stacker is installed, observe the Stacker.COM display as the system starts to see the exact amount of memory the driver is using. Starting sizes in bytes, without Stacker cache (/M=0) Coprocessor Software Version Version 1st volume (with 4KB clusters): 21,504 30,720 (with 8KB clusters): 25,600 38,912 add'l volumes: 3,072 each 3,072 each When Stacker loads at boot time, the size of the driver (both initial and resident) is displayed. How does the Stacker cache affect the device driver size? If the Stacker cache has been specified, the driver size will increase by the amount specified (in Kbytes) for cache allocation. The size is specified with the /M=xx switch on the Stacker device line in Config.sys. Values range from 0-64. For example: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM C:\STACVOL.000 /m=64 The /m=64 will create a 64 K cache and add 64K to the size of the driver. If you find your programs complain about insufficient memory, or the driver will not load into upper memory, reduce the size of the cache. Note: the device driver can be reduced by an additional 9K if using the coprocessor, and setting /m=0. Can the Stacker driver be loaded into Upper Memory? The Stacker device driver can be loaded "high" like any other driver. Just follow your memory manager's instructions. It is desirable to make the driver as small as possible, so it may be necessary to reduce the size of the cache. See STAC FAX index # 2102 "Loading Stacker High with DOS 5.0" for more on using the DOS 5.0/Windows 3.1 memory manager to load Stacker high. ___________________________________________________________________________ Copyright 1993, Stac Electronics