Newsgroups: mn.general Subject: Re: MRNET slip connections? From: (Cris Rhea) Date: 9 Jun 1993 14:23:02 GMT In article <>, (Bill O'Hanlon) writes: |> Has MRNET started selling slip connections yet? I got this response a while back..... ........................................................................... Right now we just have SLIP accounts available. Local call in the Twin Cities area only at present. MRNet dialIP Service The MRNet dialIP service allows you to use ordinary voice telephone lines to dial into the Minnesota Regional Network and the world-wide Internet and place your personal computer or workstation on line as a full network device. Once connected, you may remotely log in to any connected hosts where you may have accounts or where guest accounts are available, transfer text and binary files directly to and from other computers and file servers, send and receive electronic mail, read and post Usenet news articles and browse the Internet or fetch data with the Internet Gopher. The MRNet dialIP service uses SLIP as its means of transport between your computer and MRNet. SLIP is an acronym for Serial Line Internet Protocol. The Internet Protocols describe a format for transmitting packetized data over local or wide-area networks and routing the data to its intended destination. It is the primary protocol used to communicate over the worldwide Internet. SLIP is a method used to transmit Internet Protocol (IP) data, which consist of discrete packets with a header, body and checksum, over a serial point-to-point line, typically the serial or modem port of a workstation or personal computer. Normally, connections to MRNet and the Internet to use the applications based upon this protocol are via expensive dedicated digital lines that require routers and other equipment. If your situation does not warrant a high bandwidth continuous access connection, this service provides an affordable lower performance alternative. With the MRNet dialIP service, all you need is a telephone, modem and the provided software and documentation to make your connection and explore. The MRnet dialIP service is provided by a bank of modems and phone lines on a rotary. The modems support speeds of 14,400, 9600 and 2400 baud. Standard error correction protocols (V.42 and MNP-4) and data compression protocols (V.42bis and MNP-5) are also available and automatically negotiated with your modem. The service is also supported by a high-performance Unix workstation that provides authentication control, a POP server for electronic mail, a Usenet News server and a Gopher server. MRNet dialIP Service subscribers receive these rights and benefits: - One password authenticated account - One network mailbox to spool mail for you while you are disconnected - SLIP software to establish the connection to MRNet - Client applications for: - Electronic mail - Usenet news reading and posting - Remote login via Telnet - File transfer via FTP - Gopher browsing and data access - Access to the MRNet electronic mail, News, and Gopher servers - User guide and other documentation - A copy of The Whole INTERNET UserUs Guide and Catalog by Ed Krol - 24-hour, seven-day-a-week trouble reporting hotline for connection problems - Applications help line available during standard office hours for SLIP, POPmail andGopher - Electronic mail subscription to MRNet announcements and newsletters Currently Macintosh with System 7 and MS-DOS personal computers are fully supported with applications software, automated connecting scripts and manuals. PC users running Windows can be accomodated with restrictions. Future plans include possible support for Sun Microsystems and other Unix systems. dialIP Service Fee Structure There are two types of connection services: Shared line service and Private line service. Shared line service, the more common and economical version, is that in which subscribers will be sharing access to the phone rotary and modem bank with all others. Subscribers may connect up to 80 hours per month before surcharges are incurred. Private line service is for those whose needs are significantly beyond this. A separate rotary is configured so that the subscriber may connect at any time and for as long as desired. Those desiring a mail address with their own domain name instead of the MR.Net domain name may request a custom domain name registration. Those desiring additional alternate names for their mailbox may request additional mail aliases. (Note, there is still only one mailbox per account. The additional aliases just provide alternate names.) MRNet dialIP Service charges consist of a one time startup fee, a monthly rate and an hourly surcharge rate. Startup fees: Shared line setup (<80 hours/month) $150 Private line setup (unlimited usage) $175 Custom domain registration (optional) $50 Additional mail aliases (optional - each) $25 Monthly rates: Nonprofit/tax-exempt organization: First account (<80 hours/month) $55 Second and subsequent accounts $50 Private line (unlimited usage) $175 Monthly rates: For-profit business: First account - shared line $65 Second and subsequent accounts $60 Private line $195 Individual for personal, non-commercial use Shared line $55 Private line $175 All others (each) Shared line $65 Private line $195 Hourly rate (per hour > 80 hours/month) $1.75 MRNet Terminal Access Service MRNet also offers access to terminal servers for individuals to use with terminals or terminal emulators to telnet to any host on the Internet. This provides basic terminal server access for those who do not need a full SLIP connection with applications. Shared line or private line service are also avail able in this case. MRNet Terminal Access Service subscribers receive these rights and benefits: - One password authenticated account and access to a terminal server port - 24-hour, seven-day-a-week trouble reporting hotline for connection problems Terminal Access Service Fee Structure MRNet Terminal Access Service charges consist of a one time startup fee and a monthly rate. Startup fee $65 Monthly rate (shared line service) $50 Hourly surcharge (>80 hours/month) $1.75 Monthly rate (private line service) $165 Contact Information For further information or to subscribe, contact: Minnesota Regional Network 511 11th Avenue South, Box 212 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: (612) 342-2570 Fax: (612) 344-1716 Electronic mail: info@MR.Net --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you wish to subscribe, complete and return the following form via email or US Mail --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MRNet dialIP Service - Subscription Form I, the undersigned, would like to subscribe to the MRNet dialIP service. I agree to abide by the MRNet acceptable use policy and the acceptable use policies of any connected networks which I use. I recognize that MRNet offers no guarantees or warranties on the performance of its network and Internet connection, nor on the performance of its gateway connections to other networks. I agree to hold MRNet, its officers, Directors, agents, and any of its Members harmless from any liability arising from special, indirect, or consequential damages including but not limited to lost profits, loss of opportunity, or any other loss which may result from the use of, misuse of, or lack of availability of MRNet or its facilities. Name: Company: Address: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: ( ) Account type: ____ Nonprofit/tax-exempt organization ____ Government ____ Individual for personal educational use ____ For-profit business organization Computer type: ____ Macintosh/System 7 (see note below) ____ DOS PC ____ Other: Options: ____ Custom domain registration (optionalQextra cost). Domain: ____ Additional mail aliases (optionalQextra cost). Aliases: ____ Private line service (optionalQhigher monthly rate) ____ Terminal Access Service only Note: Macintosh subscribers will need a copy of MacTCP version 1.1 or 1.1.1. If you do not already have this, you must obtain it from Apple. Call (800) 282-2732 and place an order. Cost is $100 + shipping. You will be assigned a user ID which will be your first initial and last name or the first 8 letters of your last name. Your mail ID will be userID@MR.Net. If you would like to register your own custom domain name, check where indicated above and attach a brief description of your organization and what it does. Use of this service by those from nonprofit/tax-exempt organizations, government or individuals for their own personal educational activities shall be for the purposes of or in support of: research, education, charitable activities, state, local or national government affairs, individual professional development, community social and economic development or public service. Use of this service by those from businesses for business activities is unrestricted unless listed as unacceptable in the MRNet acceptable use policy. Signed (name of person authorizing account: _____________________ Date: For MRNet use: Received: _______________ Activated: _______________