Accounts Receivable Main Menu Leave A/R Module Transactions Menu' Accounts Receivable Transactions Menu Leave Transactions Menu Input Transactions Change/Delete Transactions Create Recurring Transactions Modify/Delete Recurring Trans Activate Recurring Transactions Reports Menu" Accounts Receivable Reports Menu Leave Reports Menu Receivable Journal Recurring Transactions Schedule of Receivables Receivable Aging Customer Account History Customer Statement Customer Invoices Credit Limit Report Open Invoices Report Customer Listing Address Labels Non-Posted Transaction Journal G/L Distribution Report Update Customer Accounts A/R Utility Menu" Accounts Receivable Utility Menu Leave Utilities Menu Change Customer # for Trans Calculate Finance Charges Generate Global Transactions End of Period Posting Merge A/R Transaction File Import A/R Transaction File Export A/R Transaction File A/R Configuration Settings Renumber Transaction File Technical SupportU 6 ; K h m } Page U Printing Please Wait U PAGE BREAK(Load new page. Press Any Key to ContinueU : through K DATE DESCRIPTION INVOICE REFERENCE T AMOUNTN-------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- - ------------U Please Wait SEARCHING FOR TRANSACTIONSU ERROR Memory error displaying window Customer: TRANSACTION SEARCH is being printed Beginning Balance ----------- Sales Total Ending BalanceU Please Wait SEARCHING FOR TRANSACTIONSU PAGE S T A T E M E N T DATE: ACCOUNT: TO: AMOUNT REMITTEDLREFERENCE DATE T DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCEO--------- -------- - ----------------------------- ------------ -------------U ACCT # C U S T O M E R N A M E C O M P A N Y N A M E A D D R E S S" C I T Y S T A T E ZIPCODE PAGE 0OREFERENC 00-00-00 X D E S C R I P T I O N 999,999.99 9,999,999.99 99,999,999.99U Print Statement Lineup ERROR Memory error displaying window Customer: TRANSACTION SEARCH is being printed Balance Forward ------------ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:U Page: through F ACCT # ACCOUNT NAME DEBITS CREDITSH ------ ------------------------------ ----------- -----------U ###### TOTALU Customer Num A t t e n t i o n N a m e C o m p a n y N a m e S t r e e t A d d r e s s C i t y, S t a t e Zipcode Print Label Lineup Customer: \21R1 2&2:2B2T2|2 3!3)31393>3H3Y3c3p3w3|3+404?4D4S4X4g4l4{4 5#5-5=5I5c5 6.6=6Q6{6 737G7Z7j7t7~7 82878<8p8 :B:S:X:w: ;";3;=;B;Q;V;l;q; #>D>L>u>z> ?,?1?I?N?|? 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ERROR File does not exist, try again.U SEARCHING FOR UNPOSTED Reading Transaction 0 of ######U RT$$$ Please Wait Re-numbering Transactions: RT$$$RTU p&D&X& &F'V'`'e'u' 'I(O([(a(u( )-)2)O)U)j) *!*'*7*A*Q*[*`*f* *%+9+C+Y+c+ ,*,>,F,d,x, -$-,-A- .+.?.Q.e.w. /C/I/^/d/ 4$464;4M4R4d4i4{4 5"575A5I5N5`5p5z5 6X6]6o6 7#777Q7 8i8n8 9%9-999I9Z9b9g9v9 :%:^:d:w:|: ;";7;M;X;|; =<=Q=g=r=}= >'>->:>@>T> ?*?:?B?G?L?Y?b?}? @,@1@B@G@S@/A4AFAaApAxA BLBbB D#D3D=DBDXDhDmD D6EPEZEyE F-FDFRF\FaF G!G2G H:HXH I)IKI`IhImI|I J&J8JBJGJ[JkJpJuJ K&K+KcKhKzK L6LULjL M%M?MLM N*NfN O$O*OXOoO P2P7PPPXP]PePjPxP S)SFS T"T6T}T U U(ULU]UeU V>VOVWVpV W*WAWQWVWuW X$X6XNXTXvX Y-Y7Y\K\R\s\ ]"]2]A] ^2^a^w^ _7_H_ a+aPaeasa}a b,b:bDbIbnb|b b%c9cCc_cicsc c.dQdod d\fpf g&g:gLgZgaglgsg{g h&hEhZh h i(i=iUiti j"j6jYjsj kHk_kskzk l0l?lOl^l m7mzm nLnXnenln CALCULATING Initializing Account 0 of Reading Transaction 0 of ###### ERROR READING FILE TRANSACTION FILE RECORD # NO TRANSACTIONS WERE FOUND RT.DB ERROR"TRANSACTION FILE MISSING FROM DISK Calculating Balance 0 of U CALCULATING Initializing Account 0 of Reading Transaction 0 of ###### }(DuD CALCULATING Initializing Account 0 of Reading Transaction 0 of ###### Calculating Account 0 of U 8Trended reports require FIRST and LAST DAY OF MONTH selections INVALID CUSTOMER Customer number does not exist INVALID ACCOUNT RANGE5Ending account must not be less than starting account INVALID RANGE5Ending invoice must not be less than starting invoiceU Help Exit Screen,Printer,Disk(S,P,D): File Name: .RPT File Exists, Delete it: Starting Date: Ending Date: As of Date: Sort Order(A/N/Z): Number of lines per label: Print Zero Balance Accounts: Accounts on separate pages: Invoice Starting: Ending: Customer Starting: Type of Transactions: Recurring Frequency(A,M,S,B,W): Trended Report:` .RPTU PAGE BREAK(Load new page. Press Any Key to ContinueU .RPTU ` P Z _ s 2 L ] !#!B!\!v! !)"C"M"l" "1%P% &$&+&9&I&S&]&b&y& ' 'I'e' (((B(d(r(|( )3)M)g) *.*3*?*R*a*f* /1/w/ 0+0@0X0t0|0 1 161>1F1O1X1a1s1 2+2@2V2t2 3+3@3M3b3z3 424H4P4b4l4 5.5F5e5w5 6)6;6E6X6r6 7*727C7M7b7z7 8)898I8Y8i8|8 969P9^9{9 :):C:]:k: ;(;<;O;n; ;*4>R>g> ?4?@? @!@(@I@S@u@ MODIFY Transaction deleted POSTED"Can not modify posted transaction. Please Wait Saving Modified Transaction Adding Transaction DELETE Transaction already deleted Please Wait"Searching for related transactions Transaction delete OK? Deleting Transaction Transaction posted Creating Reversing GL Entry DISTRIBUTION: EPt Dept Description Acct Debit CreditG-- ---- ------------------------------ ------ ----------- ----------- Frequency(W,B,S,M): Customer:______ Tran Type:_ Item Date:________ Due Date:________ Disc %:______ Disc Date:________ Invoice:__________ Reference:__________6Transaction Description:______________________________U Please Wait SEARCHING :U POSTED ##.### Sales Tax: A/R ACCOUNT TOTAL: ######U SEARCH MATCH RECURRING SEARCH MATCH Rec: 3 Modify/Delete/Search/Reverse/Begin/End/+/-/Quit: M']'r' ("(A(V(n( )+)<)D)R)_) *0*5*`*k*z* +,+:+H+d+s+ ,+,5,E,M,`,h,Q- .<.q.w. /1/J/P/i0}0 1&1;1K1Q1e1u1 222U2j2|2 363<3P3h3q3 3"4L4b4 5(636P6a6 7(7T7e7 9B:K:q: ;-;2;D;T;Y; <67>I>a>p> ?A?Z?_?g?l?t? @8@G@f@u@ A1A9AHAgAoA~A B$BQBYBhB D+DCDSDqD E&ENEfE F!F@FrF G1GZGgG H!H2HJHZH_H}H Please Wait Adding Transaction U INVALID ACCOUNT Account number does not existU INVALID ACCOUNT %Account can not be a subtotal account INVALID AMOUNTS5Enter only ONE amount in either debit OR credit fieldU 7 Help POP-UP OPEN-INVOICES Exit Invalid Customer, Add Account? INACTIVE Customer selected is inactive. NO OPEN INVOICES No open invoices to pay. INVALID INVOICE NUMBER4Payment must match open invoice, Press for list WARNING:No Invoice #(Invoice Number Required for Aging Report No Tax Account!Configuration account not set up.U INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account? Inputs Correct(Y/N): Done MODIFY ACTIVATE RECURRING RECURRING TRANSACTION DISTRIBUTION: EPt Dept Description Acct Debit CreditG-- ---- ------------------------------ ------ ----------- ----------- A/R ACCOUNT TOTAL: Customer: Frequency(W,B,S,M): Tran Type: Item Date: 99 Due Date: Disc %: ##.### Disc Date: Invoice: Reference: Transaction Description: Sales Tax:G__ ____ ______________________________ ______ ___________ ___________ DISTRIBUTION ERROR!Total must be a positive balance. Total must be greater than zero. Sales Tax A/R moduleU +< u' No A/R Account!Configuration account not set up.U ( 7 E !@!r! "*#<#^# $%$8$E$Y$p$ %$%-%5%M%k% &.&L&v& &B'Z' '&(5(O( (')N) -M-c-}- .%.@.P._.o.~. /*/;/L/V/ 0#020G0T0i0 0 1!1<1E1N1W1_1g1|1 2F2t2 3&3T3\3q3 4&4E4Z4r4 4"5-595@5L5S5e5q5 6-6J6a6p6 7A7_7l7 :;:a: :7;A;N;U; Please Wait Loading CUSTOMER Accounts: ERROR*NEED MORE MEMORY TO LOAD CUSTOMER ACCOUNTSU ADD CUSTOMER ' ACCT # --------- CUSTOMER ----------- 3 Help Add Mod Del Exit MODIFY CUSTOMER U INVALID ACCOUNT TYPE%Account can not be a subtotal account Invalid Account, Add Account?U ADD CUSTOMER Bill To Ship To Company: Country: Customer: Active: Attention: Address: City: State: ZipCode: Phone: Cty/St/Zp: Comments: Default G/L Account: Sales Tax Percent: % Due Days: Discount Days: Discount Pct: % Credit Limit: Interest Pct: % Beginning Bal: Active, Maximum is ERROR.Maximum Customers reached - Customer not addedU READING Checking Transactions...U DELETE CUSTOMER: , Are you sure: DELETE CUSTOMER&CUSTOMER CAN NOT HAVE ANY TRANSACTIONSU ADD CUSTOMER U SELECT CUSTOMER NUMBER Help Add Exit J R h n "."A"_"}" %!%7%I%\%m%r% &/&E&b& 9999999999 ERROR%NEED MORE FREE MEMORY FOR VENDOR DATAU Please Wait Searching for open Invoices vHelp Exit c< u] . ? G j { Please Wait Loading Chart of Accounts: ERROR*NEED MORE MEMORY TO LOAD CHART OF ACCOUNTSU !" must be LOWER than FIRST type "!" must be HIGHER than LAST type ""TYPE of Account is out of Sequence Account number for type " " accountU >;3Au >;3Lu >;3Cu >;3Ru >;3Iu >;3Nu >;3Eu >;3Iu >;3Ru >;3Cu >;3Lu Number: Name: Type: Beg Bal: Active, Maximum is Accounts Out of Balance by: ERROR4Maximum accounts/memory reached - Account not added.U }#Au5 ADD ACCOUNT U SELECT ACCOUNT NUMBER Help Add Exit ) : Q b 9999999 GF.CFG ERROR$NEED MORE FREE MEMORY FOR CHART DATAU Number Status Transaction Type Beginning Balance Jan Balance Feb Balance Mar Balance Apr Balance May Balance Jun Balance Jul Balance Aug Balance Sep Balance Oct Balance Nov Balance Dec BalanceU Transaction Account Check Department Status Origin Description Debit or Credit Amount ClearedU GT.Px Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU GA.Px Primary Please Wait Building the IndexU $ . > w START not found Create new fileU - WARNING FILES=31 missing in CONFIG.SYS file > Use your text editor or word processing program to insert theC following lines in your CONFIG.SYS file on your DOS power-up disk. FILES=31 BUFFERS=207 IF FILES=31 IS ALREADY PRESENT, INCREASE THE VALUE BY:D The CONFIG.SYS file must be on DOS disk used when you power up your8 computer. File I/O errors may result if not corrected.D Reboot using corrected CONFIG.SYS file before running this program.? For further information see your Bottom Line Accounting or DOS manual.U GF.DB BLACOLOR BLACOLOR mm-dd-yy hh:mm:sste ###.## ##.### ###.### ####.### #####.### ####.## #####.## ######.## #######.## ########.## ######.### #######.### #########.## ###,###.## ####,###.## #,###,###.## ##,###,###.## ###,###,###.## ##,### ###,### ####,### #####,### ###,## ####,## #####,## ######,## #######,## ########,## ######,### #######,### #########,## ###.###,## ####.###,## #.###.###,## ##.###.###,## ###.###.###,## ####### ######## ######### ########## ########### ############ ############# ############## I><.u .TMPP Hooper Enter Password Password: !!!!!!!! Invalid Password U *GA.DB SELECT DATAFILE DISK DRIVE: PATH: FILENAME: Help File access denied (Read Only?) Unexpected end of file reading is not a valid help file#Insufficient memory for help system Help file missing, file: HELP ERROR Select Help Subject No help for topic U BLACHN.EXE UL.EXE AR.EXE GL.EXE AP.EXE PR.EXE PS.EXE IN.EXE FU.EXE CK.EXE ORDER.EXE Please Wait Loading: BLA.EXE Loading: BLACOLOR BLA.TMP Elapsed Time: Hour Minute Second Goodbye from BOTTOM LINE ACCOUNTING (tm) WindSoft International, Inc. P.O. Box 590006 Orlando, FL 32859-0006 USA"24 HOUR ORDER LINE: 1-800-542-4405"Business Office: (407) 240-2300"24 Hour FAX line: (407) 240-2323"Shareware Support: (800) 542-4455(Contact WindSoft for dealer nearest you.EBottom Line Accounting is a trademark of WindSoft International, Inc.U Bottom Line Accounting Ver . Jun-93 Copyright(C) 92-93 Windsoft Intl Inc *PLEASE SUPPORT SHAREWARE - REGISTER YOURS!U TECHNICAL SUPPORT # FOR SUPPORT CALL: 1-800-542-4455 # There is a $2/min charge and a $10# minimum charge per call. You will# need a MC, Visa, or Amex card num.U * = P c v % F P b l z "-"?"I"S"X"l"v" #(#6#P#j#z# $($8$H$R$W$b$ %#%-%C%o% &,&F&`&z& ')'@'P'Z'd'n'x' *%***3*I*S*X*g*l*u* +L+Q+g+ ,/,E,Y,^,h,v, -%-;-E-S-o-y- .$.2.D.j.r.w. /,/1/9/D/V/[/f/x/}/ 0"0'020D0I0Y0g0z0 1 101?1 2/242F2K2]2b2t2y2 3$363;3M3R3d3i3s3 5"54595K5P5b5g5l5y5 Invalid drive number Drive not ready Unknown command CRC error in data"Bad drive request structure length Disk seek error Unknown media type Sector not found Printer out of paper Device write fault Device read fault General hardware failure Write-protected disk"Data file in use - try again later ERROR # Insufficient Memory Invalid DOS function code File not found Path not found Too many open files File access denied Invalid file handle Not enough memory Invalid file access code Cannot remove current directory Cannot rename across drives Disk read error Disk write error File not assigned File not open File not open for input File not open for output Invalid numeric format Disk is write-protected Unknown unit Hardware failure Division by zero Read past end error Stack overflow error Heap overflow error Invalid pointer operation Floating point overflow Floating point underflow Invalid floating point operation Overlay manager not installed Overlay file read error Escape Pressed ERROR U 2 M h &:E(u3 &:E(u &:E t d!~! #5#K#P#W#s# ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZU = W | &:E uT &;U#t &;E!t &;U#u &;E!t (du); &;U#u &;E!t 3 G [ !c"t"]#