_______ BOB'S SHAREWARE CATALOG ____|__ | (R) --| | |------------------- | ____|__ | Association of | | |_| Shareware |__| o | Professionals -----| | |--------------------- |___|___| MEMBER There are 3 sections: UTILITIES, BONUS PROGRAMS and FINANCIAL PROGRAMS. Individual .DOC files are provided for each program containing more details. In addition, each program has built-in help screens. This is a complete and current list of all programs available from this author. The dollar amounts mentioned in each description are the suggested registration fees, not the cost to you. The Bonus programs have no registration fee: BUS, SETCOL, etc See ORDER.FRM for sampler disk prices. None of the programs on the sampler disk have the "counted-use" registration incentive. All programs are compatible with Windows, DR-DOS and Novell networks, and require DOS 3.0 or higher. ===================== UTILITIES ===================== RDIR: DISK USE PIE CHART Graphic representation of subdirectory size in Pie & Bar charts. Pinpoints where disk space is being used. CGA, EGA, or VGA. Navigate around your disk by selecting & examining directories from the list on the graphics screen using arrow keys, PageUp and Down, Home & End keys. Or enter drive/directory name from the command line. Latest revision allows deletion of empty directories and allows use of directory names with extensions. RFILE can now be run from RDIR to examine files in the current directory. Reviewed in PCM Magazine June 1991 and in the May 1992 issue of COMPUTE. Ver 1.41 $10.00 RFILE: RELATIVE FILE SIZE Shows Relative FILE size of all files in the selected directory in a pie chart. Enter a directory name or extension such as *.TXT on the command line. Or edit the directory name as displayed on the graphics screen. An aid to finding where the disk space is being used up. Latest version adds PageUp & Down, Home & End while viewing list of files. Requires CGA, EGA or VGA. Ver 1.15 $7.00 SINCE: LIST MODIFIED FILES Typical screen after running "SINCE": SINCE 1.29 Copyright (c) 1991,92 by RPMcCormick. Serial Number 810 REGISTERED owner: bob Files in C:\ modified since 4/22/92 : C:\FASTBACK\ C920423B.FUL 9927 bytes 04/23/92 11:03 C920423B.VOL 67 bytes 04/23/92 11:03 C:\WPTEXT\IBM\ BACKUP3 5196 bytes 04/23/92 17:47 C:\SW\SWTEXT\ CAT_COL.WP 54764 bytes 04/25/92 10:31 C:\SW\DB_UPLDS\ UPLD.WK3 8079 bytes 04/23/92 09:23 6 of 966 total files in C: were listed. SINCE provides a printable list of all files modified SINCE the date [and optional time] you enter on the command line. Or _only_ those files with the selected attributes A H S R. Type "SINCE" at the top level, followed by the date, and it will list all the files worked on by you or others since that date. Lets you know when to backup your hard disk drive. Type "SINCE a" at the top level of your disk to see how many files have been modified since the last backup. Reviewed in Jan 1993 Compute Magazine. Ver 1.29 $7.00 STF: SHOW TWO FILES STF Shows and compares Two ASCII text Files side-by-side. Select filenames from a directory list. Use PageUp & Down, Home, End & Arrow Keys to move around each file independently or together. Differences are "Highlighted" by dimming unequal lines in one file. Optionally ignores spaces in comparison. A single file may be viewed full width. Searches for and highlights found text. Sliding Centerline varies the relative viewing width of each file. Optional VGA graphics mode. STF was chosen to be included in "DOS 6.0 Power Tools" by Bantam Books. Latest version saves and restores numlock status. Ver 1.44 $10.00 WDN: WIPE DIRECTORY NAMES You may have dozens of empty directories on your hard drive, taking up valuable disk space. Typically an empty directory uses 2048 or 4096 bytes on a hard drive. WDN will seek out and remove hidden and unused subdirectories with one command. If DOS allowed RD *.*/s, you would not need WDN, but RD requires that you type in every name. WDN saves you time. Ver 1.20 $5.00 ===================== BONUS PROGRAMS ===================== The following programs are included FREE when you order the complete set of utilities. BUS: BOB'S UTILITY SHELL Menu, Help & Docs for Bob's Utilities. BUS is a menu-driven program selector specifically designed to provide several levels of help for use with the author's disk- management utilities. This will be discontinued when all programs are revised to contain the help & menus. DD.BAT: DELETE DIRECTORY DD is a simple batch which deletes all of the files in a named directory and then deletes the directory name. DOSUTIL: DOS UTILITY USER'S GUIDE A text file containing information for the novice DOS user. How to setup & organize your hard drive. NUMOFF & NUMON: NUMLOCK OFF & ON Call from a startup batch for programs which need the arrow keys in the numeric keypad, or to restore the NumLock status as you prefer it. SET_BRDR: SET BORDER Enter "set_brdr" plus a number to put a border around your text screen or "set_brdr" without a number to remove the border. SETCOL: SET COLORS SETCOL is used to set the text and graphics background colors for the following programs: BFM BUS RDIR RFILE SETCOL STF. ======= FINANCE ======== BFM: BOB'S FINANCIAL MENU Bob's Financial Menu. Menu, Help & Docs for CHECK & PNL BFM is a menu-driven program selector specifically designed to provide several levels of help for use with the author's Financial programs. CHECK: EASY TO USE DATABASE Helps you to save time and get your finances organized. Generates reports by category, date, amount. CHECK is a simple data entry and report generating system. It produces summaries of bills, checks, etc within a specified date range and dollar amount for chosen categories. Use it to see "Where has all the money gone? $10.00 PNL: PROFIT 'N LOSS Profit and Loss (FIFO) for Mutual Funds or Stocks. PNL figures Profit & Loss for Mutual Funds or Stocks using the First-In First-Out method. Saves tedious calculations. $10.00 ABOUT THESE PROGRAMS: These programs were written by me to meet a need which was not met by either DOS commands nor by commercially available software. If Norton Utilities or XTREE could do the job, I would use their version before spending the time writing code. These programs are intended to improve productivity and save time. The first utility I wrote was RDIR. The DOS "DIR" command shows the size of Files, but only the name of the Sub-Directories. I wanted to know how big they were to help me decide what was taking up so much disk space. Several programs have been revised recently in response to customer suggestions. Any program which previously changed the state of the NumLock switch on your keyboard now reads whether NumLock is on or off at the start and restores to the original state on exit. The programs can now deal with directory names which use extensions. The idea of calling RFILE from within RDIR also came from a customer. SETCOL no longer requires that the target program be registered in order for the colors to take effect. ABOUT SHAREWARE: Shareware is a term to describe software that is distributed on a "Try Before You Buy" basis. It is not "Freeware" nor is it "Public Domain". The price listed on the order form covers only the cost of the time and materials involved in copying the programs. If you find the programs useful, you are expected to register them. If you don't, you are violating the Copyright laws. Registration provides the author with an incentive to write more useful programs to increase your productivity. Support is provided to registered users either online using GEnie or DELPHI networks or via U.S. Mail. You are encouraged to make copies and give them to your friends, or upload the programs to bulletin boards. They must not have been modified, and all documentation must be included. The files which must be included are listed in each program's help screen or in the README, if supplied. For additional information about registration, see "REGINFO.TXT" at the DOS prompt. UPGRADE POLICY: Any program for which you have registered an earlier version will be supplied on the disk as a registered program. If you were registered for the now discontinued programs ATTR or SFT, your registration has been automatically transferred to SINCE and STF respectively, as they incorporate the functions of the older programs. To obtain the most recent version of a single program, use the "Single Title:" line on the Order Form. PRICING: I have tried to make the pricing as flexible as possible. It would be simpler to charge a flat $20.00 for registration, and include a disk with the latest version of the software. But, when you register, typically for $10.00, I send a letter to let you know if it is really worthwhile to upgrade to the latest version. I also include a copy of the latest catalog. If you decide that you need the latest version of the program you registered, you can get it for $3.00 plus the $5.00 S&H. So even if you find you need the latest revision, it only adds up to $18.00. 06/21/93