CASE SYNOPSIS: HIRONS, ALAN ============================================================================ Name: Alan Hirons Rank/Branch: Civilian Unit: UPI Photographer Date of Birth: Home City of Record: Date of Loss: 26 April 1972 Country of Loss: Cambodia Loss Coordinates: 112250N 1051451E Status (in 1973): Prisoner of War Category: 1 Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: Auto Other Personnel In Incident: Terry Reynolds (captured) REMARKS: SYNOPSIS: On April 26, 1972, UPI reporter Terry Reynolds and UPI photographer Alan Hirons were driving on Route 1 in Prey Veng Province, Cambodia, when their car was stopped and they were captured by communist troops active in the area. Their auto was found at a road block with photo equipment still inside. Villa- gers reported that both had been led away by the communists. The following month, a Viet Cong rallier stated that he had seen two caucasians equating to Reynolds and Hirons. Another report said that Reynolds was being held in Sampan Loeu Hamlet, about 40 kilometers southeast of Phnom Penh in June 1972. Hirons and Reynolds are two of some 20 international journalists who disappeared in Southeast Asia and were forgotten when agreements were struck to end our military involvement there. Since Hirons was captured, over 8000 reports have been received that have convinced many experts that hundreds of Americans and other caucasians are still alive in Southeast Asia. Hirons could be one of them.