MicroHelp Library THUMB PRINT SOFTWARE'S TP-ET ELECTRIC TYPEWRITER (C) Copr. Thumb Print Software 1989-90 Full Registration $19.50 1570 Colwood Rd. Caro Michigan 48723 517-673-5482 (2:00 - 7:00 PM EST/EDT) Press any key to Start Top of form to 1st line of text om of form to last of of text More ESC Exit (1 of 9) Tabs: /You can set the tab stops from 1 to 40. This means that every time you Pre the Tab Key the cursor move the designated spaces. For instances say you select 10 for your tab stops. Pre ing the Tab key from the Left Margin the cursor wi jump 10 spaces and stop. Pre ing the Tab key again the cursor wi jump 10 spaces and stop etc. Selecting 0 (Zero) as a tab se ing wi not a ow any Tab jumps by the cursor. You ca ot have varible Tab ings as in a word proce or IE: a Tab stop at 8 another at 12 another at 25 etc. Whatever you select wi be the Tab jump of the cursor for a Tab stops. More ESC Exit (2 of 9) Line Spacing Single or Double: If you want Single line spacing while typing a document select (S)ingle. (D)ouble means every time you pre the Enter Key you wi have a Blank Line n your lines of Text. OEnd of line Warning Be This is similiar to the be on a standard electric typewriter. 6 (Six) spaces before your Right Margin you wi here a Be . This is to warn you that you are near the end of the line. TP-ET does not have a Word Wrap feature, therefore when you reach the end of a line your last character is replaced by what- ever you type next. The Warning Be lets you know when you are ge ing close to the end of a line. More ESC Exit (3 of 9) Edit Mode: +Means that while you are typing your document you be able to edit what you have typed. There are 3 Selections to ch se from. (L)ine The cursor wi start at the Left Margin of the line. You may move around this line and edit anything you have typed. Once you pre Enter/Return whatever you have typed wi be sent to the printer. 6(S)r You wi have 14 lines ot text as you typethat you may edit. Pre ing the Enter key wi move you to the next line of text. The Up-A ow key wi move you to the previous line of text. Pre ing F-9 send a 14 lines of text to the printer. Your clear and you wi be able to type and edit 14 more lines of text. F-10 ends the Document. More ESC Exit (4 of 9) (P)age means however many lines of text a by your Top of form to 1st line of text; and your om of form to last line of text se ings you be able to edit. What you wi have is a virtual page. As you type your document the scr scro for however many lines of text are owed. For instance lets say your Top of Form ing is 10; your Bo om of form se ing is 10 you would be a owed 46 lines of text per page of paper. You could scro up and down these lines with the Enter/Return key and Up-A ow key to edit what- ever you have already typed. Unlike a word proce or you ca ot spilt lines or combine lines. Once you your printer wi print out a lines of the document for that particular page. You wi have a new page to work on. F-10 ends the Document. More ESC Exit (5 of 9) File Mode: *There are 3 to ch se from: You may take up where you left o typing a document. When TP-ET saves your document it remembers what page and line you were on when you exited. These se ings are saved in the .APN file. If you were in the (L)ine option you would have to make sure the document is aligned properly in your printer. (S)cr n option is a bit harder. Leave your document as is in the printer. If you move it the line count wi be o when you restart. In the (P)age option always start the new a ended page at the top of form of a new t of paper. (S)cr n always sends 14 lines to the printer/file. (P)age always sends a fu page oftext to the printer/file. More ESC Exit (6 of 9) wof 9) (S)ave means that you wi be asked a name for this document to save to disk. You may type in up to 8 characters as a name. Certain character not recognized by DOS are not a owed. You wi these characters displayed. The extention .LET wi be automatica ed to the name you enter. ;(N)o Save means that whatever you type in the document wi not be saved to disk. You wi only have a print out from your printer. EAuto Insert Keys (AI-Name): AI Name is the name you entered in the Doc.Set n. By pre ing F2 while typing a document that name wi inserted automatica y at the cursor posistion. More ESC Exit (7 of 9) Auto A (AI-Adr): Means that while typing a document if you pre F3 the a you entered in the Doc.Set wi be automatica y inserted at the cursor position. 7Auto City-State-Zip (AI-CSZ): Means that while typing a document if you pre F4 the City State and Zip you entered in the Doc.Set wi be automatica y insered at the cursor position. $F-5 inserts the Phone Number you entered. Printer Font and Quality: There are 6 selections to ch se from. Pica Draft Pica NLQ (near le er quality) Elite Draft Elite NLQ Italic Draft Italic NLQ More ESC Exit (8 of 9) If you select any of these 6 your printer should be EPSON/IBM compatible. If it isn't unpredictable results can o ur. For those printers that use erent codes select USER from the options. You be asked to input your printer code. Refer to the manual for specific instructions on how to input a printer code. VEnd of File Back 1 Scr 1st Scr ESC to Exit Editing Keys Available Left Arrow -- Move Cursor 1 column left. Right Arrow -- Move Cursor 1 column right. Home -- Move Cursor to beginning of line. -- Move Cursor to end of line. Delete -- Deletes character at cursor position. Backspace -- Deletes character 1 column to the left of the cursor. Ctrl-End -- Deletes all characters from cursor to end of line. Ctrl-Lf Arw -- Moves Cursor 1 word left. Ctrl-Rt Arw -- Moves Cursor 1 word right. Insert key -- Toggles between Insert and Overtype Mode. Page 1 of 2 Tab-More Esc-Return Graphic Characters for Drawing Boxes Use the ALT key and the Function Keys F1-F10 ^ = ALT IE: ^F1 same as ALT F1 ^F1 Page 2 of 2 Tab-More Esc-Cancel CTRL-F1 ^F6 HELP1 HELP2 HELP3 HELP4 HELP5 HELP6 HELP7* HELP8 HELP9H HELP10 HELP11