Daily Gold System :PRINTLAYOUT seconds `D|D| EnterBook systimeFormat syschangesDB k32767 "M d,yyyy" B"New Question" Passage" B"CurrentMonth" cPage c"Text" printer" "Print Report" "About Toolbook" "Cut" "Copy" "Paste" "Clear" "Select All" c"&Register" "&Get Info" "&Copyright" c"File" "&NIV GetInfo copyright T (c) 1990 Robert S. Smith. You may distribute program %no files are added deleted." NivCopyright three GetInfo EnterBook copyright NivCopyright EnterBook seconds M d,yyyy sizeToPage buttonUp New Question buttonUp New Passage buttonUp CurrentMonth import export change printer print pages Print Report About Toolbook Paste Clear Select All &Register &Get Info Register &Copyright &NIV Copyright GetInfo copyright Copyright (c) 1990 Robert S. Smith. You may distribute this program as long as no files are added or deleted. NivCopyright three ~?~?~? )p+<- 7t7f8 8.9`9 frame setup 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, B"mobutton" %"m" B"yrbutton" buildcal m, y Ztotdays, wrkday, i weekDay(1, m, y) ? - 1 daysInMonth(m) d, m, y 4leapyear Zmfactor, cfactor Zday1, yr k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) "034025036146" "144025036146" y >= 1900 y <= 1999 y >= 1700 y <= 1799 y >= 1800 y <= 1899 y >= 2000 y <= 2099 y >= 2100 y <= 2199 (yr + (yr y4) + + d + m <> 2 "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" displayDate m, y %"M" buildcal setup displayDate weekDay daysInMonth setup mobutton yrbutton currmo curryear stilldown setup buildcal weekDay daysInMonth totdays wrkday weekDay 034025036146 144025036146 mfactor cfactor leapyear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapyear displayDate mobutton yrbutton CurrentMonth 4currmo, curryear, setup "frame" "m,y" displayDate buildcal buttonup buttonup setup frame displayDate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear setup Current Month hilight false yrbutton MonthDown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 1700 B"mobutton" "January" displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton mobutton January displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton mobutton January displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown MonthUp 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 2199 B"mobutton" "December" > 12 displaydate buildcal > 12 buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton mobutton December displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton mobutton December displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown YearDown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 1700 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown YearUp 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 2199 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown mobutton December frame2 answer1 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="a" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer &+label Moses left altar of temple answer2 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="b" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer ,label Caleb Pilate's advisers answer3 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="c" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer .label Jephunneh ruling Jewish council answer4 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="d" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer 0label Joshua city hall at Damascus New Question 4rightanswer, ref Zplace, charstoget, dummy, totalq, whichfile + <240 numfile "cat1.dat" "cat2. "cat3. "cat4. "cat5. (60) respond counter question Banswer1 Banswer2 Banswer3 Banswer4 buttonUp buttonUp cat1.dat cat2.dat cat3.dat cat4.dat cat5.dat answer4 answer3 answer2 answer1 question counter:to counter respond numfile place charstoget dummy totalq whichfile rightanswer New Question respond Right - Mt 20:20 question What is the Sanhedrin? G7 December 2,19900 passage You cannot serve both God and Money. Button Button Button Button Button Button Button New Passage Zcharstoget, dummy, totalP, whichfile + <100 (10) numfile "psg1.niv" "psg2. "psg3. "psg4. "psg5. "psg6. "psg7. "psg8. "psg9. "psg10. (35) counter passage passageRef buttonUp buttonUp psg1.niv psg2.niv psg3.niv psg4.niv psg5.niv psg6.niv psg7.niv psg8.niv psg9.niv psg10.niv passageRef passage counter:to counter numfile charstoget dummy totalP whichfile New Passage passageRef >test Proverbs 13:24 Matthew 6:24* The registration price for this program is $5. This price includes no updates or additions. My philosophy is simple. I believe it is best for both of us for this product to be as complete as possible in the version distributed as shareware. It saves you money because I would have to charge more to send out disks with updates or additional features. It saves me time in copying and handling a lot of disks. You may obtain future updates to the program from major shareware distributors. You need to register only once. Please send registration to: Robert S. Smith 557 Plantation Rd. Pelican Lake, WI 54463 A registration form is included on the distribution disk. You may copy it to your printer with the DOS command "copy reg.doc lpt1:" Enter this command without quotes. You may also access the file with notepad. If years down the line this address is no longer current and you get a return that says "Forwarding address expired," check with PC SIG or Reasonable Solutions for a current address. They may have an updated version anyway. Registrations assist me in developing and promoting Christian shareware products. buttonUp buttonUp Main program three All Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright (c) 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers buttonUp buttonUp Main program three "l bRaR frame setup 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, B"mobutton" %"m" B"yrbutton" buildcal m, y Ztotdays, wrkday, i weekDay(1, m, y) ? - 1 daysInMonth(m) d, m, y 4leapyear Zmfactor, cfactor Zday1, yr k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) "034025036146" "144025036146" y >= 1900 y <= 1999 y >= 1700 y <= 1799 y >= 1800 y <= 1899 y >= 2000 y <= 2099 y >= 2100 y <= 2199 (yr + (yr y4) + + d + m <> 2 "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" displayDate m, y %"M" buildcal setup displayDate weekDay daysInMonth setup mobutton yrbutton currmo curryear stilldown setup buildcal weekDay daysInMonth totdays wrkday weekDay 034025036146 144025036146 mfactor cfactor leapyear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapyear displayDate mobutton yrbutton CurrentMonth 4currmo, curryear, setup "frame" "m,y" displayDate buildcal buttonup buttonup setup frame displayDate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear setup Current Month hilight false yrbutton MonthDown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 1700 B"mobutton" "January" displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton mobutton January displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton mobutton January displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown MonthUp 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 2199 B"mobutton" "December" > 12 displaydate buildcal > 12 buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton mobutton December displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton mobutton December displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown YearDown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 1700 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown YearUp 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame" B"yrbutton" = 2199 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame oHSbuildcal frame currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame yrbutton displaydate frame setup currmo curryear stilldown mobutton December frame2 answer1 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="a" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer &+label Moses north answer2 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="b" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer ,label Caleb east answer3 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="c" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer .label Jephunneh south answer4 ButtonUp 4rightanswer, ref respond ="d" "Right - " "Wrong - " ButtonUp ButtonUp Right - Wrong - respond rightanswer 0label Joshua west New Question 4rightanswer, ref Zplace, charstoget, dummy, totalq, whichfile + <240 numfile "cat1.dat" "cat2. "cat3. "cat4. "cat5. (60) respond counter question Banswer1 Banswer2 Banswer3 Banswer4 buttonUp buttonUp cat1.dat cat2.dat cat3.dat cat4.dat cat5.dat answer4 answer3 answer2 answer1 question counter:to counter respond numfile place charstoget dummy totalq whichfile rightanswer New Question respond Right - map question What general direction is Bethlehem from Jerusalem? G7 December 5,19900 passage God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Button Button Button Button Button Button Button New Passage Zcharstoget, dummy, totalP, whichfile + <100 (10) numfile "psg1.niv" "psg2. "psg3. "psg4. "psg5. "psg6. "psg7. "psg8. "psg9. "psg10. (35) counter passage passageRef buttonUp buttonUp psg1.niv psg2.niv psg3.niv psg4.niv psg5.niv psg6.niv psg7.niv psg8.niv psg9.niv psg10.niv passageRef passage counter:to counter numfile charstoget dummy totalP whichfile New Passage passageRef >test Proverbs 13:24 Genesis 1:31 )p+<- 7t7f8 8.9`9