Rank and File Tutorial ---------------------- Introduction: ------------- The purpose of this tutorial is to give the user an introduction to Rank & File. We will create a data file simular to the 'NEWCAR' data file included with the Rank & File package. Decision: --------- You wanted to buy a new car:Low PRICE, a low INTEREST RATE, LOOKS, and GAS MILEAGE would be the deciding factors in this decision. The cars you had to choose from were an '89 Pony, an '70 Junk model, an '87 Nice Deal model, and an '80 Used model. Entering Data: -------------- After starting the R&F program (see read-me.txt file for more information on loading R&F): 1) Hit the 'INSERT' key to add new criteria entries. You will notice that a criteria area will be highlighted. Next, type an important factor of your choice into the window, then hit RETURN. We used the examples price, looks, gas mileage, and interest rates as entries, as these were the objects that we were most interested in aiding us in a decision. At this point, type in the first entry 'PRICE' and press the RETURN key when done. 2) Next will be the '+' or '-' sign, which is there to tell the program whether this criteria is ranked HIGH to LOW (+) or LOW to HIGH (-) on your priority list. For example, if you were to add a criteria called PRICE, and you wanted an object with a higher price to be near the top of the list, then you would choose a '+'. Yet, if you wanted an object with a lower price to come out lower on the list, then choose the '-'. After selecting the sign, hit RETURN. At this time, press the '-' key (for we are looking for a car with a lower price) then press the RETURN key to move to the next entry. 3) Next comes the bar scale, which is there to tell the program how this criteria compares with the others as to level of importance (Weight factor). To make your selection, move the indicator by using the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys. In our example, we have both price and interest rates set with a '-' sign. Since the price also affects the interest rate we want, higher priced cars placed lower in the object list than cars with a high interest rate. To achieve this, we move the indicator 3 spaces below (towards the low side (remember that the '-' sign in the previous entry (see step 2) reverses everything)) the halfway mark (the diamond). 4) Now enter the rest of the criterias as explained in steps 1 - 3 as follows: Criteria +/- Indicator A) LOOKS '+' 2 above the halfway mark (the diamond) C) GAS MILEAGE '+' 1 above the halfway mark (the diamond) D) INTEREST RATE '-' 1 below the halfway mark (the diamond) List a file: ------------ This is the section where the actual data that you've collected will be placed. 1) When all criteria entries have been installed and edited, go to the 'lIst' work area. Hit the 'F10' key. The 'lIst' menu choice is the default highlighted, so just hit the RETURN key. It will seem as if another folder has opened on the screen. 2) Press the INSERT key to add a new entry. The area next to the word 'Object' will be highlighted. This is where you will enter the name of one of the objects to be ranked. At this point, type in "'89 Pony" then press RETURN key to enter the ranking area. 3) Next, you will notice the ranking is set to a default of 'Medium'. Depending on what you have for an actual value when you collected the data: whether it was Very low, Low, Medium, High or Very high, change it by using the LEFT/RIGHT arrow keys to make your selection. Press RETURN after you have made your selection and the pointer will move on to the next criteria in the list (if it is the last entry and you hit the RETURN key then you will exit back to the object list). Ex: if PRICE was the first criteria in a car purchase, and the price was $15,000 and you thought that price was High, then move the arrow until High is displayed. If the car was priced Low, say under $8,000, then move the arrow key until Low or Very Low (comparing it to the other prices you've received) is displayed. Now enter the following for the '89 Pony: A) PRICE Very high B) LOOKS Very high C) GAS MILLAGE Very low D) INTEREST RATE Very high 4) Repeat steps 2-3 for the following objects: CARS PRICE LOOKS GAS MIL. INT. RATE A) '86 Used model Very high Med Low High B) '87 Nice Deal model Low Med Med Low C) '70 Junk model Very Low Low Very low High Ranking DATA: ------------- You'll notice under the object name the word 'ranking' with a number beside it. After inputting two or more objects, the objects are ranked in order from the information you've provided. The number '1' means it's the best selection, but you may wish to compromise. By using the UP/DOWN arrow key, you can scan through the data to see how each object is ranked, according to the information you've input. When at this window, you may hit ESCAPE to exit back to the main menu. At that time, you may save the data/change your criterias. The objects listed in the list menu will also be saved/reranked if needed. Exit the program: ----------------- To exit the workspace (save and exit), you must first exit back to the criteria menu, press ESCAPE. Press 'F10', type 'E', or move the highlighted bar to the word 'Exit' and press RETURN. You will be prompted for a file name to save the data to before it returns you to the DOS prompt. After you register your copy of Rank and File, a new copy will be sent to you that gives you the option to print your data. Rank and File has online tech support for registerd users. (read the 'ORDFRM' file for more information).