Welcome to Rank and File ------------------------ Version 1.0a Copyright (c) 1989 by G&G Computer Services 39 Cathy Circle Portsmouth, RI 02871 Disclaimer: ----------- The Rank and File (c) program is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with the user and should the program prove defective, the user and not the authors will assume the entire cost of all necessary remedies. None of the authors warrant that the functions contained in the program will meet any users requirements or that the operation of the program will be error-free or uninterrupted. G&G, its employees, and associates claim no responsibility for any damages incurred during use of this product. The general who wins a battle makes many calculations before the battle is fought. Sun Tzu, The Art of War Introduction: ------------- Every day we are required to make decisions. Whether it be what to buy or who to promote... Yet psychologists say that humans can only accurately weigh and make decisions on a very small number of choices. So to aid in the decision making process Rank & File was created. Rank and File is a decision making/ranking aid. It uses Artificial Intelligence Techniques to order a list of choices (objects) according to a list of relative criteria. Rank and File is designed to aid everyone:from the person seeking to choose the best car to buy, to the manager who has to promote employees, and beyond--the only limit is the creativity of the user. System Requirements: -------------------- Rank and File will run on all 100% IBM compatible computers. Minimum system requirements:at least 128 KB Memory and 1 floppy drive. Files ----- The following files listed below should have been included in the ZIP file: READ-ME.TXT - This File. TUTOR.TXT - An introduction to using R&F. R&F.EXE - The Rank and File (c) program. NEWCAR - An example data file. PROMOTE - Another example data file. ORDFRM - The registration form for this product. To run Rank & File: ------------------- 1) Copy all files onto their own disk/into their own subdirectory. 2) Type 'R&F' at the DOS prompt. R&F will detect if you have a CGA/EGA/MDA card. If you have an CGA/EGA card, but have a single color monitor, then type 'R&F Mono' or 'R&F M' at the DOS prompt for a 2 color screen. 3) After the program is loaded, the opening message will be displayed on the screen. Press any key to enter Rank and File. Special Functions and Keys (Global): ------------------------------------ The keys listed below can be used in all work areas for entering new data and editing. INSERT - Inputs new entries/objects. Note: you are allowed a maximum of 10 criteria and 20 objects. If you use the maximum of allowable entries, then no new entries will be accepted until one is deleted. ARROWS - Moves the bar or cursor in their respective direction. DELETE - When pressed, removes highlighted criteria/present object. ESC - Escapes from LIST work area to the criteria work area, or out of the menu area. RETURN - When pressed on a highlighted criteria/present object, will allow you to edit that entry. * CONTROL C will abort all operations, not saving any changes to a file, and exit the R&F program - returning you to the DOS prompt. Selection Menu: --------------- To activate the Selection menu, hit 'F10' when you are in the criteria window only, and the following commands are then available: l[I]st - Activates the LIST (objects) work area. This option ranks the information you've provided and allows editing of the object list. [L]oad - LOAD a file. Loads a predefined data file. [S]ave - SAVE a file. This option will prompt you for a filename and will save all present data to that file. [H]elp - Online HELP. A quick reference guide. It explains how to use the arrow keys, to insert a new entry, and to delete an existing entry in the criteria (main menu) area. [E]xit - EXITS the program and prompts you to save the data. [W]ipe - WIPES all work areas. To select the above options after pressing F10, use the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys or the capitalized letters, then press the RETURN key to activate. Criteria Window: ---------------- When you first boot up, you are in the Criteria menu. If you are in the List window and wish to return to the criteria window, press the ESC key. Loading Data: ------------- To Load in an existing saved file, hit 'F10' to activate the selection menu and then move the cursor or hit 'L' for the Load option and hit RETURN. A type-in window will then be displayed and you will enter in the window the c:\path\filename or filename of your choice to be loaded in. If you enter just the filename, it will look in the default subdirectory that you are running RANK and FILE from. Entering Data: -------------- 1) Hit the 'INSERT' key to start adding a new criteria entry. You will notice that an empty criteria will be highlighted. Next, type an important factor of your choice into the window then hit RETURN. 2) Next will be the '+' or '-' sign, which is there to tell the program whether this criteria is ranked HIGH to LOW (+) or LOW to HIGH (-) on your priority list. For example, if you were to add a criteria called PRICE, and you wanted any object with a higher price to be near the top of the list, then you would choose a '+'. Yet if you wanted an object with a lower price to come out near the top of the list, then choose the '-'. After selecting the sign, hit RETURN. 3) Now comes the bar scale, which is there to tell the program whether this criteria is to be from very low to very high of an importance factor. To make your selection, move the diamond by moving the arrow keys LEFT or RIGHT on the scale to rate how little or how much this criteria is of importance, compared to the others in the list. Editing Data: ------------- To edit an existing entry in the Criteria window, move the highlighted bar by using the UP and DOWN arrow keys to the entry you wish to edit and then hit RETURN. Then use the LEFT and RIGHT arrows, BACKSPACE and DELETE keys to edit the text. Deleting DATA: -------------- To delete an existing entry in the Criteria window, move the highlighted bar by using the UP and DOWN arrows to the entry you wish to delete and hit the DELETE key. Saving DATA: ------------ To save a file, hit 'F10' to activate the selection menu and then move the cursor or hit 'S' for the save option and hit RETURN. A type-in window will then be displayed and you will enter in the window the c:\path\filename or filename of your choice. If you enter just the filename, it will be placed in the default subdirectory. If the filename already exists, it will prompt you to overwrite the file. If you say no, then you can re-enter a new filename. If you answer yes, it will write over the existing filename. To abort this, hit the ESCAPE key. List Window: ------------ To enter the list window, press the F10 key and either move to the menu option using the RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys or hit the letter 'I' then hit RETURN. Entering Data: -------------- 1) Hit the 'INSERT' key to start adding a new object for ranking. a) You will notice that a space after Object will be highlighted. Next, type the first object you have collected information on then hit RETURN. ex: Name of car, item, etc. 2) Next, the highlighted bar will be on the first criteria you add in through the criteria window. You will notice that medium is the default ranking. So now, depending on what you thought of the criteria when collecting the data:whether it was Very Low, Low, Medium, High or Very High, move by using the LEFT and RIGHT arrows to make your selection. Press RETURN after you have made your selection. Ex: if PRICE was the first criteria in a car purchase, and you thought the price was High, then move the arrow until High is displayed. If the car was priced Low, then move the arrow key until Low is displayed. 3) Now continue through the criterias, going from step 1 through step 2, until there are no more criterias to enter. If you make an error, don't worry, you can go back to the object that had the errors at any time. Refer to Editing Data in this section. Editing Data: ------------- To edit an existing entry in the List window, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the object you wish to edit and then hit RETURN. Then use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow, BACKSPACE and DELETE keys to edit the text then press RETURN. Deleting Data: -------------- To delete an existing entry in the List window, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the object you wish to delete then hit the DELETE key. Ranking Data: ------------- You'll notice under the object name the word 'ranking' with a number beside it. After inputting two objects, the objects are ranked in order from the information you've provided. The number '1' means it's the best selection, but you may wish to compromise some things over another for the number 2 or 3 selection. By using the UP/DOWN arrow key, you can scan through the data to see how each object is ranked according to the information you've input. When at this window, you may hit ESCAPE to exit back to the main menu. At that time, you may save the data. The objects listed in the list menu will also be saved. * For more information, please refer to the TUTOR.TXT file in this package. It will show you a step by step example using one of our files on how to use Rank and File (tm) by explaining how we entered our data and the results we came up with. Miscellaneous: -------------- This product is shareware and may be distributed freely. If you find it of use after a reasonable test period, please send $25.00 (US funds) per copy to: G&G Computer Services 39 Cathy Circle Portsmouth, RI 02871 When you register your copy, you will be placed on the update list and receive a copy of R&F that allows printing of lists and criteria. Once on the list, you will be notified of updates to this product and the release of new products from our company. For any questions, problems, or suggestions call by modem: - Ups and Downs BBS Portsmouth, RI 1-(401)-683-5961 or - Swat BBS Swansea, MA 1-(508)-675-8503 and leave feedback to the sysop or write to G&G Computer Sevrices at the above address. Both of the above Bulletin Boards support 300/1200/2400 Baud and operate 24 hours - 7 days a week.