CATALOG-ON-A-DISK For viewing a catalog on your computer. Copyright þ1991-1992, EmmaSoft TABLE OF CONTENTS LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1 What is this thing for????! . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 USING THE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CHAPTER TWO: VIEWING A CATALOG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.1 HOW TO READ A CATALOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.2 VIEWING CATALOG INFORMATION AND ORDERING. . . . . . 6 2.3 THE EXIT MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.4 THE HELP BAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2.5 PRINTING THE CATALOG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 CHAPTER THREE: MAKING A CATALOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.1 HOW TO MAKE AN OPENING SCREEN FILE. . . . . . . . . 10 3.2 HOW TO MAKE A HEADER FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3.3 HOW TO MAKE A CATALOG FILE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.4 SAMPLE CATALOG FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.5 HOW TO MAKE AN EXIT SCREEN FILE . . . . . . . . . . 15 3.6 HOW TO MAKE AN ORDER INFORMATION FILE . . . . . . . 16 3.7 HOW TO MAKE COUPONS AND OTHER SPECIAL FORMS . . . . 17 3.8 AUTOMATING SALES TAX AND SHIPPING/HANDLING. . . . . 17 3.9 CHANGING HELP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 CHAPTER FOUR: THE COMPANION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.1 COMMAND LINE FUNCTIONS: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.2 INTERACTIVE MODE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.3 COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 4.4 ASCII DELIMITED FILES:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.5 EXPORTING CATALOG FILES:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.6 IMPORTING CATALOG FILES:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 4.7 CONVERTING V1 TO V2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 4.8 COLORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.9 CURRENCY SYMBOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.10 DEFINING A HELP BAR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.11 NATIONALITY SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 CHAPTER FIVE: COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.1 COMMAND SUMMARY (CATALOG.EXE):. . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.2 COMMAND LINE FLAG SUMMARY (CATCOM.EXE): . . . . . . 28 CHAPTER SIX: FILES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.1 EXPLANATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.2 LIST OF FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Appendix A: Distributing Catalogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 LICENSE AGREEMENT AND WARRANTY License 1. You may use the program on a single computer at one time. You may not copy the program and accompanying materials except for backup purposes or to distribute it as shareware (see the section on distribution). 2. You may not make copies of the program for sale. 3. This software is copyrighted, and all rights therein are reserved for EmmaSoft. Registration or purchase of this product does not transfer any right, title, or interest in the software except as specifically set forth in this agreement. You are hereby notified that the software product is protected by United States Copyright Law, and you may be held by responsible by EmmaSoft for any infringement of such rights or violations to this agreement. 4. This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the program and all copies of it. It will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition on this agreement. You agree upon termination to destroy the program together with all copies of the program. Warranty 1. This program is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall EmmaSoft be held liable for any loss of profit, special, incidental, consequential, or other similar claims. 2. EmmaSoft does warrant that the magnetic media on which the software is furnished is free of defects of materials and workmanship under normal use for 60 days, provided that EmmaSoft provided your copy of the program on such media. If during this period the diskette should become defective it may be returned to EmmaSoft for replacement without charge. Governing law shall be that of New York State. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 4 =========================================================================== CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is this thing for????! CATALOG ON A DISK makes it easy for your customers see your catalog on their computers and order from it. It is so easy to use that customers won't put off ordering from you. Also a disk catalog is economical to produce, compared to printed ones. It's simple for your customers to find what items they want by browsing or searching, and generate an order form that can be mailed, faxed, or sent to you by modem. You can configure your catalog to give it your company's distinctive look. Each category can hold from 61 to 790 items, including their order number, name, price and a zero to twelve line long description of the product. You may have a total of 99 categories (for a total of up to 78210 items, depending on the length of the long description, and disk space permitting). Your catalog is kept in compressed files so more product listings can fit on the disk. These are very easy to create on any word processor or text editor that can save files in pure ascii format. Then use the CATALOG-ON-A-DISK Companion to compress the files. 1.2 USING THE PROGRAM CATALOG-ON-A-DISK is two programs. The first, CATALOG.EXE is a catalog reader. This is what you send to your customers. It displays your catalog, and lets your customers browse or search for items to order. It prints out order forms, coupons, and it can even print the catalog on a printer. CATCOM.EXE is the companion program that assists you in creating and maintaining your catalog. It is for your use only and you do not send this to customers. For building and maintaining catalogs you should have a catalog directory on your hard disk (you may do this on a floppy disk if you prefer). You should keep all of the text files you use to make your catalogs here as well as the CATALOG and CATCOM programs, the compressed (.CM) files, and any related files. You then copy the files you need onto a master disk (a floppy) which you will then duplicate for your customers' copies of the catalog. The file CATALOG.INI is a very important file for both programs. It is the initialization file that tells the two programs which screen colors to use, and holds other important information the programs need internally. For example, if you want to change screen colors you use CATCOM to do it. If CATALOG is in the same directory and disk you'll see the colors have changed the next time you use it. When you copy CATALOG.EXE onto the master disk make sure you also copy CATALOG.INI along with all of your catalog files. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 5 =========================================================================== 1.3 DEFINITIONS In this manual a few terms are used: Ascii Delimited A file that has been saved in pure ascii (American Standard Code for Information Exchange) format (most word processors, data bases, etc. can do this), that has one or more data fields delimited by quotation marks and commas. Catalog File A compressed file containing catalog information with the extension ".CM". The format for these files is described in section 3.3. Default File A file CATALOG ON A DISK uses for anything except catalog information, such as the opening screen, the main menu header, and so on. Most of these files have the extension .CM. Field A database term meaning a type of information (such as a name, address, etc.). Menu A box in CATALOG ON A DISK containing several items that are chosen by placing the menu bar over the item you want. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 6 =========================================================================== CHAPTER TWO: VIEWING A CATALOG 2.1 HOW TO READ A CATALOG Start the program by typing CATALOG (Enter). The Opening Screen Comes on. This will be one or more screens full of company information, instructions, or other information. To go to the next screen press any key until you get to the main menu screen. At any menu you may use the following keys: (Alt) (x) Exit the program (Esc) Back out of current window (F1) Help (Alt) (i) Program Information (Alt) (p) Print the whole catalog (Alt) (h) Display a Help Bar (PgUp) More Categories or Products (PgDn) More Categories or Products When viewing the category menu or categories that are larger than one screen the arrow keys work as follows: (Up) Up one choice. Scrolls to next screen full. Stops at first choice. (Down) Down one choice. Scrolls to next screen full. Stops at last choice with a message. (Left) Same as up arrow, but wraps to the bottom of the window instead of scrolling. (Right) Same as down arrow, but wraps to the top of the window instead of scrolling. 2.2 VIEWING CATALOG INFORMATION AND ORDERING The Main Menu Screen may have information on the left of the screen and a menu at the right. The menu shows up to twenty categories of items at a time you may look up and order. If there are more than twenty use (PgUp) and (PgDn) to view more. To choose a category place the menu bar over it, using the arrow keys to move the bar and press (Enter). CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 7 =========================================================================== Now you will see a screen full of catalog items. If there are more items than you can see on one screen use the (PgUp) (PgDn) (Home) (End) keys to see more items. When you see an item of interest place the menu bar over it and press enter. (To return to the main menu press (Esc).) You may search for an item by pressing (alt) (s). This is not a case sensitive search. If you are looking for an item called "widget" type "widget" when prompted. Type (Enter) to search forward from the current item, or (b) to search forward from the beginning of the file. This search will find "WIDGET" or "Widget". The search function looks through the entire catalog entry. This means that if a word, or part of a word exists anywhere in the order number, short description, price, or long description CATALOG-ON-A-DISK will find it. This is perfect for product listings that use key words in the long descriptions. Now you will see a product description (if it is present in the file). To order this product press (Enter), or press (Esc) to back out. Type the number of this product you want to order. CATALOG-ON- A-DISK confirms your order and gives you the total for that number of items. To accept this order press (Enter) . To change the quantity press (r) and re- enter the quantity you want. To exit without ordering this item press (Esc). You may back into the main menu screen to choose other categories to order from. When you are done ordering go to the main menu screen and press (Enter). You may order up to 200 different items in one session. 2.3 THE EXIT MENU Now you see the Exit Menu. From Here you may print an order form, view your order, go back to the main menu screen to order more items, enter your name and address, or leave the program. Printing an Order Form: You can print the order form to your printer (to mail or fax) or to a file on your disk (to send by modem if the company accepts orders this way). If printing on your printer MAKE SURE YOUR PRINTER IS ON LINE AND READY. When printing to a file you will be prompted for a file name. A catalog can be set up to work in a few different ways that affect how you must deal with sales taxes and shipping/handling charges. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 8 =========================================================================== If the order form prints without asking you for any information you may have to fill in the taxes and shipping/handling charges by hand, and add the final total yourself. A catalog may be set up so it will check the state or province you entered in your address (see section on name and address below), and if it finds a match it automatically charges the appropriate sales tax. If you are ordering from a different state or province it will not charge the tax. Another way a catalog may be set is to ask you how much tax to charge. In this case a window pops up, and you fill in a percent. Press (Enter) for no sales tax. Some catalogs will have a menu of shipping and handling options. If so, a menu of these options will pop up while the order form is printing, so you may make the appropriate choice. Reviewing Your Order: Here you can see what you have ordered with the subtotal for the whole order (tax, shipping, etc. is not included here). If there are more items than can be seen on one screen you may view the rest by using (PgUp) (PgDn) (Home) (End). To delete an item press (Del) and type the number of the item you want to delete. The subtotal will be adjusted. Go Back To Catalog: If you want to add items to your order you can go back to the main menu screen and order more products. Name and Address: CATALOG ON A DISK will remember your name and shipping address, and print it on your order form whenever you order if you enter it here. This is great if you order from the catalog a lot, or even if you only order a few times. Special Forms: If special forms, coupons, company descriptions,and so on have been included with a catalog this menu item will appear on the exit menu. When you choose it a menu appears with a choice of forms to print out. First make sure your printer is ready, then place the menu bar over your choice and press enter. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 9 =========================================================================== Exit: You may exit the program by choosing this option. You may exit to DOS at any menu by pressing (Alt) (x). 2.4 THE HELP BAR To display a bar at the bottom of the screen with reminders of the most used keystrokes press (Alt) (h). 2.5 PRINTING THE CATALOG If you want a printout of the catalog make sure your printer is ready (and has plenty of paper) and press (Alt) (p). The catalog will be printed including the first screens, the categories in alphabetical order, a blank order form, and special forms (coupons, etc). This takes some time, so you should be sure you want to do it before starting. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 10 =========================================================================== CHAPTER THREE: MAKING A CATALOG For each category of items you want in your catalog you need to create a Catalog file. You also need to create an Opening Screen file and a Header file, and an Order Information File. Any ASCII characters may be used in these files. However, you should be aware that some printers don't print the upper ascii characters (128-255) as expected. If printing catalogs is very important for your customers you'll want to stick to the lower 127 (of course upper and lower case letters, normal punctuation, and numbers are all contained within the lower ascii set). You could note this as part of your opening screen, and point out that if a printer has an "IBM" setting it will probably print all the ascii characters. 3.1 HOW TO MAKE AN OPENING SCREEN FILE The Opening Screen file is the first information your customer sees when he or she starts the catalog program. This can be your company name, a brief general description of how to order, something about your products or whatever. You will want to keep this fairly short. Using an ASCII text editor you can create the opening screen(s) that your customers will see. This information will be shown, a screen at a time, to your customers when they first start the program. Make sure that no line is wider than 76 characters, and that you press Enter at the end of the last line to put a newline character there (otherwise the last line won't show up on the screen). Each screen has 23 lines (rows), so if you have more than one screen you should start screen 2 on line 24, screen 3 on line 47, and so on. When the file is finished you must compress it (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). The name of this file MUST be FIRST.TXT. 3.2 HOW TO MAKE A HEADER FILE The HEADER is the information that appears on the menu screen, just above the menu choices. Use an ASCII text editor to create a file. This can have your company name, a slogan, special help, advertising, or whatever you want. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 11 =========================================================================== Make sure that no line is wider than 40 characters, and that you press (Enter) at the end of the last line to put a newline character there (otherwise the last line won't show up on the screen). This information appears on the left of your screen, while the categories menu appears on the right. If you only have a few categories you may make the lines below the menu 78 characters wide to give additional information. Experiment with how this looks. This file should be 23 or fewer lines long. When the file is finished you must compress it (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). The name of this file MUST be HEADER.TXT. 3.3 HOW TO MAKE A CATALOG FILE Using an ASCII text editor it is easy to make a catalog file. There are three parts of a catalog file: The category title, the header line, and description blocks. Just follow this format: Title: Line one of the file is the category title. Type your title, and if you want to password protect your file type a vertical line and your password. Header Text: Line two can be a line for the category header. This is optional, and it can contain any text. It should begin with a double tilde symbol so CATALOG-ON-A-DISK will know it is for your header. These symbols will not appear on the screen. For example you might want the header to say: ~~Order #: Product Description: List Price: Your Price: Another choice is to use it for an advertising banner: ~~===WIDGETWARE is Your Choice In Tee Shirts!=== Description Blocks: These are followed by one description block per item in your catalog. A description block consists of from 1 to 13 lines. On the top line is the marker, item number, a short product description, and the price. These items must be in this order. This is followed by a zero to twelve line product write-up (long description). Marker: You have to use a ~ symbol at the beginning of the top line of each description block. It must be the left most character on the line with no other characters or spaces in front of it. This is mandatory. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 12 =========================================================================== Order Number Can be any combination of numbers, letters and punctuation. Must have NO blank spaces. If you do not use order numbers you must leave one blank space at the beginning of the line, after the marker. Order numbers are optional. Short Desc: Can be any number of letters, numbers and words as long as it fits with the Order Number and Price on 1 line (75 characters total maximum). This is mandatory. Price: Must be numbers and decimal point only. The best format to use is XXX.XX where you show two numbers after the decimal point, even if it is an even dollar figure. This is mandatory. Some good examples: .55 132.12 12.00 Write-Up: This can be any text, from 0 to 12 lines long. If you don't want to use long description write ups, you don't have to. This is optional. Line# What To Type: # of chars Description ------+-------------------------------------+-----------+----------------- 1 |~Menu Title | Password |28 | 20 |Title | Password ------+-------------------------------------+-----------+----------------- 2 |~~Header Text (optional) |76 |Category Header ------+-------------------------------------+-----------+----------------- 3 |~Order# Short Description Price |75 |Description 4 |Product Description |75 |Block 5 |Product Description |75 | 6 |Product Description |75 |(13 Line Maximum) etc. | | | ------+-------------------------------------+-----------+----------------- Etc. A catalog text file may have a maximum of 794 lines, including the title, all the description blocks and the final line. Catalog files may have any name except the following: first header manual cmhelp cmoshelp orderinf manual temp Make sure that you press Enter at the end of the last line to put a newline character there. When the file is finished you must compress it (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 13 =========================================================================== 3.4 SAMPLE CATALOG FILE Shareware | my_password ~~Order #: Product Description: Your Price: ~SW2002 Programmer's SUPER-MAINT Evaluation Disk 4.00 Programmer's SUPER-MAINT is the make utility that simplifies your program building chores. SUPER-MAINT builds your make files and response files for you, and remembers all your command line flags and even the name of the make file, so all YOU need to remember is "sm ." No need to memorize complicated macro assignments for special program builds. Just point and shoot at the source code files you want to include in your program. Automatic installation, user configurable, context sensitive help, mouse support, online manual, and more! Supports Microsoft, Borland, Aztec, Clipper and Mix programming languages. ASP shareware from EmmaSoft ~SW4004 Mah Jongg Evaluation Disk 4.00 Mah Jongg is a colorful and addictive solitaire game. It's played with a set of 144 tiles and the object is to remove pairs of tiles from the playing board until the board is cleared. It sounds easy, and it is easy to learn the basic rules, but success is elusive. Includes many features such as undo, multiple saved games, extensive player statistics, help, shell to DOS, etc. ~SW4007 ZPAY 3 Payroll System Evaluation Disks (2) 8.00 ZPAY 3 is the easiest to use and most flexible payroll package for the PC ever! Pays salaried, hourly, commissioned, 1099 type payments by any pay period. Prints checks, W2's and a multitude of reports. Has data exporting so you can manipulate the data with other applications such as a spreadsheet program. Supports laser printers as well as your pin feeders. Manual has a "test ride" tutorial to make learning a snap! ASP Shareware ~SW4008 TSR Download Evaluation Disk 4.00 A soft font manager for LaserJet and DeskJet printers. Pops up over your application to find your fonts automatically and displays them in English. Compress fonts so they occupy 1/6 the disk space. Program remembers the fonts in your printer and their RAM requirements. Create landscape fonts on the fly, offers scalable font support, works from DOS or Windows, all in a 7K TSR. ASP Shareware $45 (registration) from Elfring Soft Fonts. ~SW4009 Easy Format Evaluation Disk 4.00 Protect your data. Never send out a faulty disk again! Easy format provides you with 4 disk testing methods, six bad spot marking options, custom boot messages, and more (includes a DESQview-specific version for formatting in the background). Easy Format from Falk Data Systems. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 14 =========================================================================== ~SW4010 PC-Draft-Cad Evaluation Disk 4.00 Vector based CAD: Automatic dimensions, unlimited layers, multiple fonts & Object libraries. Virtual memory - Extended, Expanded memory or disk for drawings up to 32 Megabytes. Pop up menus or single keystroke commands. Context sensitive help. Over 65 commands + undo/redo, pan, zoom, fill pattern, macros. CGA, EGA, VGA, Hercules. Mouse Optional. Prints exact scale on HPGL plotters, dot matrix, laser printers. Exports WPG GEM HPGL ASCII. Imports WPG DXF ASCII. ~SW4011 By The Numbers Evaluation Disk 4.00 Uses the philosophy of Numerology to analyze your name and birthdate for their symbolic meaning and metaphysical vibrations, giving you a complete personality profile, and a forecast for the coming year. Professional looking reports can be editied for truly personalized interpretations. Simple installation, user configurable, and more! ASP shareware from R.K. West Consulting ~SW4012 DMPLAS Evaluation Disk 4.00 Background (TSR) program that translates Epson Printer output to HP LaserJet. Handles both text (elite, pica, condensed, bold, italic, wide, superscript, subscript, etc.) as well as graphics. Takes only 6K of memory. Extend the life of your programs. ASP shareware from Software Co-op. ~SW4013 STACKEY (with BATUTIL) Evaluation Disk 4.00 STACKEY (bundled with BATUTIL) has the basic function of stacking keystrokes. It uses English like F1 for the F1 key rather than cryptic hex codes. It includes simulated pressing of lock keys, shifts, support for Carousel, Desqview and hotkey/screen reading script control. PC Magazine called it the 'ultimate batch enhancer' and PC World and PC Computing included it in "Best Of.." articles. ~SW4015 ReNamer Evaluation Disk 4.00 ReNamer - A professional tool for programmers. ReNamer converts file and symbol names across the many types of files that make up an application - source code, MAKE files, DOS batch files, and documentation. Use ReNamer when you want to port your software to another platform or when you want to globally change your naming conventions. ~SW4018 4Print 4.1 Evaluation Disk 4.00 4Print is a paper-saving utility for the HP LaserJet, DeskJet and compatibles which prints 4-6 or more pages of text on each sheet. Can print double-sided on any LaserJet or DeskJet, even non- duplex models! Perfect for progam listings and documentation; can also print wide spreadsheet and database reports. Includes 4Book utility for printing handsome, pre-collated booklets that you just take from the printer and fold in half. Optional Windows interface also included. Supports A4 paper. "Way cool... Many useful features" -- Bill Machrone, PC Magazine 1/28/92 ~SW4020 PopDBF v4.0 4K TSR Evaluation Disk 4.00 PopDBF is a memory resident program which provides "instant access" to your dBase compatible .DBF files at any time. Use it from DOS or inside other programs! Just press the hotkey and your database information is "instantly" available! Append, Browse, Delete, Edit, Print, Search records, and much more! ASP shareware from Bowen Software. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 15 =========================================================================== ~SW4022 TCXL User Interface System Evaluation Disk 4.00 The TesSeRact CXL User Interface Development System is one of the fastest and smallest Windowing packages available. With modules of Extended and Expanded Memory (DPMI, VCPI and XMS fully supported), String Handling, Mouse Support and more, the library is currently being used by millions of developers all over the world. It contains over 400 multi-purpose functions which provide a variety of capabilities, and supports many popular C compilers, including Microsoft C (version 5.1 and 6.0), Quick C, Turbo C 2.0, and Turbo C++ 1.0, and Zortech C/C++ 2.1. ASP shareware from Innovative Data Concepts. ~SW4025 Personal Calendar for DOS Evaluation Disk 4.00 Personal Calendar (PC) is a Personal Information Manager (PIM) which contains an appointment reminder, and a notepad. PC displays a three- month scrollable calendar, a running analog and digital clock, and a time-oriented event (to-do) list and text note list, each 300 in capacity. A modifiable unlimited historical tracking (diary) is made of events and notes, all printable. Warnings and alarms tell when something is pending or overdue (ticklers). Driven by a simple flexible menu interface, Personal Calendar can be a normal TSR (pop up) program, as you choose; TSR use interrupts you at the earliest event. As a TSR, an extremely small 6K byte kernel remains in DOS memory, with the balance swapped to EMS or disk. TSR programming is extremely stable and environment-sensitive. ASP shareware. ~SW4026 BOXER Text Editor Evaluation Disk 4.00 BOXER is a full-featured text editor with 512-level undo, full mouse support, support for extended video modes, multiple files & windows, pull-down menus, column marking, editable keystroke macros, word processing, and context sensitive online help. Also: forward and backward searches with wildcards, EMS swap for DOS shell, graphic drawing, auto indent, find mating parenthetical characters, block: sort, total, average, fill, print, invert, detab. Dr. File Finder says: "Feature for feature, BOXER is the BEST Shareware text editor available today!" (ASP) Shareware $35-50 from David R. Hamel. [End of file] 3.5 HOW TO MAKE AN EXIT SCREEN FILE The Exit Screen File controls what your customer sees beneath the exit menu when it is displayed on the screen. Use an ASCII text editor to create this file. This can have your company name, a slogan, special help, advertising, or whatever you want. You may want to talk about special forms, or give ordering instructions. The first line has a color instruction, followed by up to 10 or fewer lines of text. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 16 =========================================================================== The color instruction tells the program which colors to display the file in. It should be one word with nothing else on the line with it. Type Main to use the main screen colors, Hilight to use the hilight colors, or Help to use the help screen colors. When the file is finished you must compress it (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). The name of this file MUST be EXIT.TXT. 3.6 HOW TO MAKE AN ORDER INFORMATION FILE When CATALOG ON A DISK prints an order form it looks for a file called ORDERINF.TXT. If it finds this file it includes the information in it on your order form. This is where you put shipping information, tax information, and any special ordering information, such as information for charge card orders. Because there are so many ways to do this, CATALOG ON A DISK lets the customer fill in shipping, discount and tax information. Using an ASCII text editor you can create the Order Form Information file. You should keep this file short, to keep the order form to one page. It will be printed at the bottom of the order form. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |New York Residents MUST Add Sales Tax | | | |Shipping and Handling: PAYMENT MUST BE IN U.S. FUNDS | |Please add $3.00 for the first item DRAWN ON A U.S. BANK. | |1.00 each additional item | |Prices Good Through December 1992. | | | |I would like to pay by: | |__Check __Master Card __Visa Card Number______________________________ | | Expiration Date__________________________ | | | | CONSOLIDATED WIDGETS, INC. | | 1000 Widget Industrial Park Building 10 | | Widgetville, NY 14882 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Make sure that no line is wider than 78 characters, and that you press Enter at the end of the last line to put a newline character there (otherwise the last line won't show up on the screen). When the file is finished you must compress it (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). The name of this file MUST be ORDERINF.TXT. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 17 =========================================================================== 3.7 HOW TO MAKE COUPONS AND OTHER SPECIAL FORMS CATALOG-ON-A-DISK can display a menu of special forms, coupons and so on. These can contain special offers, company description, special instructions, and so on. If forms exist CATALOG-ON-A-DISK adds a special menu item to the Exit Menu that reads Special Forms. The customer can choose from a menu of forms and print them to a printer (the printer must be attached to LPT1 for this to work: this prevents coupons from being printed to a file and changed by the customer). Using an ASCII text editor you can create a Form file. Type any printable ascii characters to make your form. Make sure that no line is wider than 78 characters, and that you press Enter at the end of the last line to put a newline character there (otherwise the last line won't show up on the screen). It is suggested that you keep forms below 60 lines. When the file is finished you must compress it (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). The name of this file MUST have the extension .FRM in order for CATALOG-ON-A-DISK to place it in the Forms menu and treat it as a form. Example: COUPON.FRM 3.8 AUTOMATING SALES TAX AND SHIPPING/HANDLING You may choose the way your catalog handles sales taxes and shipping and handling charges on the order form. The simplest way to handle this is to do nothing. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK will print out blank spaces for sales taxes, S&H, and the final total that your customers can fill in manually. In this case be sure to put your tax and S&H information in the ORDERINF file. If you include a file called TOTAL.CM you can have CATALOG-ON-A-DISK figure sales tax and/or S&H automatically or semi-automatically. When the file is finished you must compress it (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). The name of this file MUST be ORDERINF.TXT. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 18 =========================================================================== +--------------------------------------+ | Total | | t NY | 7 | | s USPS (US) 3.00 | 3.00 | | s USPS (Canada) 5.00 | 5.00 | | s USPS (Elsewhere) 9.00 | 9.00 | | s UPS Ground (US) 3.00 | 3.00 | | s UPS BLUE (48 Sts) 6.00 | 6.00 | | s UPS BLUE (AL HI PR) 8.00 | 8.00 | | s UPS RED (US) 15.00 | 15.00 | | s UPS RED (AL HI PR) 19.00 | 19.00 | | s Customer Pick Up 0.00 | 0.00 | | [End of file] | +--------------------------------------+ This file must use a specific format: The top line in the file must have the word Total with nothing else (upper or lower case, or both is OK). This should be followed by up to 13 lines that are formatted as follows: If you want to automatically charge a specific sales tax percent for your state or province include a line that has a t at the beginning of the line (no spaces before it), then the name of the state or province (if a US state you should use the two letter indicator recommended by the post office. Example: NY for New York). Next there should be a pipe symbol (|) with a space on either side of it. Finally the sales tax percent age that applies to your state. Example: t NY | 7 Some states have different taxes in their various regions. If this is the case in your state you set your tax line to 999. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK will ask the customer to enter the tax rate only if he or she resides in the chosen state. Example: t NY | 999 To include shipping and handling options you use a similar format. You start with the letter s at the beginning of the line. Next you type in the shipping option you want to appear on the shipping menu (it is recommended that you include the price here so your customers can see what they have to pay for various shipping options. Follow that with a pipe symbol (|) with a space on either side of it. And then type in the shipping price for that entry. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 19 =========================================================================== Example: s FedEx 8.50 | 8.50 You may have up to 12 options on this menu. You are not required to have any if you don't want the shipping menu to appear in your catalog. When you are done typing this file you must compress it using the -c option (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). The name of the file must be TOTAL.TXT. Some companies must collect sales tax in more than one state. CATALOG-ON-A- DISK can be set to charge sales tax in just one state, or in all states. You set this by calling CATCOM with the -sa flag (for all) or the -so (for one) from the DOS command line as follows: catcom -s (Enter) If you set CATALOG-ON-A-DISK for ALL states a window will pop up asking the customer to fill in the correct percentage of sales tax for his or her state. You may still set one state to automatically charge a set percentage (using the total file) if you want to. If you do the sales tax will automatically be figured in without asking for input from customers in that state. Some states charge sales tax on shipping and handling as well as merchandise. Use the -mo flag for merchandise only, or the -mb flag to set CATALOG-ON-A- DISK to charge tax on both. 3.9 CHANGING HELP CATALOG-ON-A-DISK comes with two help files. The first, CMHLP.CM, holds the text you see if you ask for help at the command line (by typing "CATALOG - h"). The second, CMOSHLP.CM, has the text you see when you press (F1) while viewing a catalog. If you want to customize your own help files, create text files called CMHLP.TXT and/or CMOSHLP.TXT. When they are as you want them compress them. (see section 4.3, "COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES" below). CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 20 =========================================================================== CHAPTER FOUR: THE COMPANION Beginning with Version 2, CATALOG-ON-A-DISK has been split into two programs. The catalog viewer, CATALOG.EXE, lets your customers view your catalog. CATCOM.EXE is the CATALOG-ON-A-DISK Companion, which helps you make your catalog. In general you make these files in a text editor or word processor that has the capability to save text in pure ascii format. Most word processors have this capacity. Then you use CATCOM to compress your files into a form that CATALOG can read, and that take up less space on your disk. You can also use CATCOM to change the colors of your catalog, to import and export catalog files to a data base or other program, and so on. CATCOM can be run in two ways. Command line mode lets you use CATCOM'S capabilities using flags on the DOS command line. For example, to compress a file you would type: catcom -c myfile.txt (Enter) CATCOM also has an interactive mode that allows you to perform tasks interactively within a menu driven program. If you are new to CATALOG-ON-A- DISK you'll probably want to start with interactive mode. To start the Companion in interactive mode type: CATCOM (Enter) Important NOTE: Some functions work only in command line mode (such as tax settings), and others only in interactive mode (such as converting v1 to v2). The main menu screen appears. You are presented with four menu choices. The first three are for making a file conversion. The last lets you exit back to DOS. In interactive mode at the main CATCOM menu press (Alt) (r) to review the current settings for tax, currency symbol, and other settings. 4.1 COMMAND LINE FUNCTIONS: CATCOM's catalog making functions can be called from the command line. It is very easy to use these functions. Normally you call CATCOM with a flag and a file name as follows: catcom [flags] [filename] (Enter) CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 21 =========================================================================== NOTES: þThe flags can be upper or lower case (ex. -E or -e). þYou may use \ instead of - in flags (ex: -e or \e). þThe filename may come before or after the flag. 4.2 INTERACTIVE MODE In interactive mode you are shown a main menu. To go to a menu choice either press the first letter of the choice and then press (Enter), or use the arrow keys to go to your choice and press (Enter). The menu choices are: File Compression, Export a file, Import a file, Convert v1 to v2, Set Colors, and Leave. All but the last two require you to specify a file you want to perform the operation on. Both CATCOM.EXE and CATALOG.EXE use and operate on a file called CATALOG.INI. This initialization file is vital to the working of both programs. When you use CATCOM to set CATALOG-ON-A-DISK you must make sure that you ship the same copy CATALOG.INI with your catalogs that CATCOM operated on if you want those settings to take effect. When you have made a choice a window appears in which you may type the name of the file. If you remember the file name you may just type it here. If you want to search for the file, press (F2). Now you are asked for a search mask. This tells CATCOM what type of file to look for. If you want to search all the files on the current disk and directory just press (Enter). This sets the default mask to "*.*", which is the same as the DOS mask for searching all files. If you wanted to search for files that all have the .TXT extension, type "*.TXT". Or if you want to only search files with CATALOG in their name type "CATALOG.*". To search for a particular file type its full name. Now press the space bar to toggle the files. When you see the one you want press (Enter). At any time you can press (Esc) to escape back. Note that when exporting you must export from a catalog file. All catalog files have the .CM extension. CATCOM automatically sets this extension for searching, so just press (Enter) when you see "*.CM" in the window. 4.3 COMPRESSING CATALOG FILES CATALOG ON A DISK gets all its information from compressed files. Since compressed files are smaller than regular ASCII files you can fit more of them on a floppy disk. It is easy to compress a file. Let's say you want to compress HEADER.TXT. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 22 =========================================================================== In interactive mode start CATCOM and choose File Compression. Choose the file you want to compress (see section 4.3) and press (Enter). CATCOM will compress the file for you. At the DOS command line to compress a file called WIDGETS just type: CATALOG -C WIDGETS When CATALOG ON A DISK makes a catalog file it converts the tab character to spaces. The default is eight spaces per tab. If your word processor uses a different setting you may force CATALOG ON A DISK to use it by using the -T flag. Call the program as above, but adding the -T flag followed by a number. For example, to set the tabs in your widgets file to 6 spaces, type CATCOM -C -T6 WIDGETS Tab setting is not available in interactive mode. 4.4 ASCII DELIMITED FILES: An ascii delimited file is a database file that only uses ascii characters (does not have any special codes or headers). Each field is identified (delimited) by a system of commas and quotation marks. Although this is supposed to be a standard that almost all data base, word processor, etc. programs can read and write to there are some variations. For example, some programs just use a comma (,,,)for a blank field, while others use quotes and commas ("","","",). There are common general rules that all these programs use, and CATCOM can read and write both variations. 4.5 EXPORTING CATALOG FILES: When you export a file CATCOM reads the compressed catalog file (.CM) and translates it into ascii delimited format, placing the translated data in a file of the same name, but with the extension .ASC. From the main CATCOM menu choose Export a file. Now you will be presented with a menu of ascii delimitation formats. Most databases read type 1, but check yours to see which format is appropriate. Place the menu bar on the correct choice and press (Enter). To export a compressed catalog file to ascii delimited format ("field1", "field2", "field3", field4") you call CATCOM from the command line, using the -e flag. The resulting file can then be imported into a Database, Word Processor, etc. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 23 =========================================================================== Use the following syntax: CATCOM -E FILENAME.CM NOTES: þYou do not have to use the file extension. Some databases import and export numbers with no quotation marks around them in the ascii delimited field. For this reason a window has been added to CATALOG-ON-A-DISK to allow you some flexibility in dealing with such a situation. Examples: You want the default, which saves 15 fields: the order number, the short description, the price, and 12 long description lines of up to 75 characters each: Default Reg Each line in the file will look something like this (it will probably all be on one line, though): "MS402", "Sixteen Ton Widget", "64.59", "The long description goes here.....", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des" You are using a number field for price, but not order number, and you do not want quotations around the price. To export in this format for a catalog file called MYSTUFF.CM type the following at the command line: Default P "MS402", "Sixteen Ton Widget", 64.59, "The long description goes here.....", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des" You are using a number field for price and order number, and you do not want quotations around them. To export in this format for a catalog file called MYSTUFF.CM type the following at the command line: Default Both MS402, "Sixteen Ton Widget", 64.59, "The long description goes here.....", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des", "More Long Des" CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 24 =========================================================================== 4.6 IMPORTING CATALOG FILES: CATCOM can import catalog files from a database or other program that can produce an ascii delimited file in the following format: "Item_Number", "Short_Description", "Price", "Long_Description" Item_Number, Short_Description, and Price should have a total length of 70 characters or less. Long_Description can be up to 296 characters long, but should NOT have any line feed characters in it. There should be a line feed after the last entry, or the last item on the list won't be read in. In interactive mode choose Import a file from the main menu, and choose an ascii delimited file to import. From the command line use the following syntax: CATCOM -I FILENAME.ASC CATCOM reads the file and a window pops up on the screen. You are asked for the Category Title. This is what will appear on the menu your customers see. Next you are asked for a password. (This protects your final compressed catalog file from being exported). If you don't want to use a password just press (Enter). Now the window shows the first record in the database. Each line on the screen shows one field for that record, and a chart appears on the left hand side of the screen. You must tell CATALOG-ON-A-DISK which record is which by filling in the chart. If the field is for your order number place a letter n next to it. If the field is for your short description place a letter d next to it. If the field is for your price place the letter p next to it. If you do not want to include the field as part of your catalog file, place the letter x next to it. After you have marked the above fields you may number the remaining fields for inclusion in the long description. Number the first field 1, the next one 2, and so on. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 25 =========================================================================== Any unmarked fields will be added to the long description in the order in which they appear. Therefore, if all the long description fields are already in order, from top to bottom, you can just leave those blank. When you are done filling in the chart press (Enter). CATALOG-ON-A-DISK will import the file and take you back to DOS. If your original data base didn't have a price field CATCOM gives you the opportunity to fill in prices now. However, if you want to save this for later just tell it to leave all prices at 0.00 when prompted. If you choose to leave the prices at 0.00 you will have to go into your .TXT file later with a text editor to change the prices. As each item is processed it appears on the screen. When CATCOM is done importing it has created a file with the .TXT extension. You are asked if you want to compress the file now. You may want to check out the text file for its spacing before compressing it. However, if you compress it now it will instantly be readable by CATALOG.EXE. The .TXT file is not erased, so you can always go back later, fix the .TXT file in your text editor and then compress the file again. Now you have a file with the same name as the original file, but with a .TXT extension. This file should look just like a file you would make from scratch in a word processor. It is always a good idea to check this file for spacing, and you may edit it in your word processor. Finally you must compress the file using the -c flag. Example: CATCOM -C FILENAME.TXT Now CATALOG-ON-A-DISK can read the new file. 4.7 CONVERTING V1 TO V2 If you used a previous version of CATALOG-ON-A-DISK it is easy to convert your old catalog files to the new format using CATCOM in interactive mode. Simply choose Convert v1 to v2 and type in the name of the file you want to convert. Important Note: You are converting the text file version of your catalog file, not the compressed version. Once the conversion has been done you must still compress the new file. CATCOM does not do this in one step, because you may want to go back into the file with your text editor and add more description lines, a password, or a category header. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 26 =========================================================================== When you view the new file you will notice that the ~ symbol has been placed at the beginning of each product, and blank lines have been erased. The original file is given a new file extension "BAK." So when you convert WIDGETS.TXT the new file will have the original name, and the old version will be called WIDGETS.BAK. 4.8 COLORS You may change the display colors by pressing alt-c at the main menu. There are three types of screen colors: Main: Most of the displays from CATALOG Help: Help screens displayed when F1 is pressed Hilight: Special messages generated by the program. Use the right and left arrow keys to toggle the color choices. press enter when a choice is set. If you don't like the colors you have set, press alt-c to set them again. NOTE: The color change doesn't take full effect until you exit and re-enter the program. 4.9 CURRENCY SYMBOL At certain points in the program and on the order form CATALOG-ON-A-DISK displays prices with a currency symbol. You can change this symbol to reflect the one used for your country's currency. There are two ways to set the currency symbol using CATCOM in command line mode. Since not all currency symbols appear on your keyboard, you may use the ascii number (in decimal) to set yours. For example, to use the British pound symbol you could type: CATCOM -*a156 For no symbol at all you should use the ascii number for a blank space: CATCOM -a*32 If the currency symbol you want does appear on your keyboard you may use the -*s flag. To set the symbol to the dollar sign, for example, you would type: CATCOM -*s$ CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 27 =========================================================================== 4.10 DEFINING A HELP BAR The help bar appears on the screen when you press (Alt) (h) in CATALOG.EXE. If you want to use it you should add a message in your Help screen, or on your header screen telling your customers that it is there. You also have to define the help you want displayed. Defining a help bar is easy. On the command line type: CATCOM -hb A Box will pop up. You can type anything you want in the box. When you press (Enter) it will be saved. Use -h+ to make it the default, or -h- to turn it off. 4.11 NATIONALITY SETTING CATALOG-ON-A-DISK now supports two customer address formats: United States and European/Canadian styles. You use the -nu (Nationality) flag to set the program to US style, and -ne for European/Canadian. To do this type: catalog -nu The program will respond, "CATALOG-ON-A-DISK set for US Style Address", or "CATALOG- ON-A-DISK set for European Style Address." Examples: US Style European/Canadian Name Name Address Address Address Address City, State Zip Code City, Province or County, Postal Code Country Country CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 28 =========================================================================== CHAPTER FIVE: COMMANDS 5.1 COMMAND SUMMARY (CATALOG.EXE): (Esc) Exit (alt) (i) Program Information (alt) (x) Exit (Alt) (p) Print the whole catalog (Alt) (h) Display a Help Bar (F1) Help (PgUp) (PgDn) See more than 20 Categories or Products (Up) (Dn) Up or Down 1 Category or Product (Lt) (Rt) Up or Down 1 Category or Product 5.2 COMMAND LINE FLAG SUMMARY (CATCOM.EXE): -c Compress a text file to make a catalog file -e Export a compressed catalog file to ascii delimited format -i Import an ascii delimited file to a text file -t# Expand tabs to # spaces -hb Set Help Bar Text -h+ Set Help Bar On (-h- Sets Help Bar Off) -nu Set Nationality address format to US style -ne Set Nationality address format to European/Canadian style -so Charge Sales Tax in One State -sa Charge Sales Tax in All States -mo Tax merchandise only -mb Tax both merchandise and Shipping & Handling -*a Set currency character using ascii number (numbers in decimal. 32 for blank) -*s Set currency character using symbol CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 29 =========================================================================== CHAPTER SIX: FILES 6.1 EXPLANATION When you want to look at a catalog, CATALOG looks for Default Files and Catalog Files. All of the files have the .CM extension. Default files hold information for the opening screen, the catalog header, on screen help, and so on. These files have the .CM extension (CATALOG ON A DISK's extension that identifies compressed files). Catalog Files have the catalog information in them. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK automatically reads whichever Catalog Files are on your disk to create the menu of categories. Catalog files have the extension .CM (the compressed product information) For example: WIDGETS.CM. There must be no more than ninety-nine of these files on the disk at any one time. Each Catalog File is listed in the Title file (CATALOG.TL) with the menu heading used to call it. Special Forms files are optional. They contain anything: an explanation of your company policies, special coupons, whatever you want to use them for. These compressed files have the .CM extension, and they are listed in the file CATALOG.FM, along with the menu title used to call them. Important NOTE: if CATALOG.FM does not exist on your disk, the Special Forms menu item in the exit menu does not appear. 6.2 LIST OF FILES CATALOG.EXE The main program CATALOG.INI Contains initialization information such as color choices, buyer's name and address, etc. FIRST.CM Default file. Contains opening screen information. If present it will be used instead of FIRST.CM. HEADER.CM Default file. Contains opening screen text. If present will be used instead of HEADERE.CM. ORDERINF.CM Default file. If present this will be added to the end of the order form. Contains charge card, shipping and handling information, company name and address, and so on, in compressed form. XXXXXXXX.CM Catalog file. Compressed file containing information on products CATALOG.TL Catalog File. A short ascii file containing the category titles for the main menu. CATALOG.FM Catalog File. A short ascii file containing the form /coupon titles for the Forms menu. README The most up to date information about CATALOG-ON-A-DISK EXIT.CM Default file. The file that shows your exit message. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 30 =========================================================================== TEMP A file created and deleted by CATALOG-ON-A-DISK for certain operations. You won't see this in your directory, but you shouldn't keep a file of this name in your directory, since CATALOG-ON-A-DISK will delete it. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 31 =========================================================================== Appendix A: Distributing Catalogs CATALOG-ON-A-DISK is protected by US Copyright law. This section tells how you may distribute catalogs. Distribution of your catalog must follow these rules to avoid infringement of EmmaSoft's copyright. If you have any questions about catalog distribution requirements, call EmmaSoft for clarification. First, some definitions: CATALOG-ON- The software package A-DISK including CATALOG.EXE, CATCOM.EXE, and their accompanying files as shipped from EmmaSoft. Your Catalog Your company's catalog which included CATALOG.EXE, CATALOG.INI, and the files you have created to display your catalog using CATALOG.EXE. 1. A registered user is an individual or company who has paid a registration fee to EmmaSoft and received a registered copy with a valid serial number from EmmaSoft. 2. Only registered users may distribute catalogs using CATALOG.EXE. If you are a registered user you may make unlimited copies of your catalog, including CATALOG.EXE and CATALOG.INI. Associated individuals or companies not part of the registered user must be registered users before distributing catalogs with CATALOG-ON-A-DISK. For example, each member of a franchise must individually buy a copy of the program. An easy way to distinguish: if you or your company can receive catalog orders directly from a customer you must be a registered user. 3. If you charge a fee for your catalog it should be explicitly understood that you are not selling a copy of the CATALOG-ON-A-DISK product, but are simply charging for a copy of your catalog. 4. When distributing catalogs CATALOG.EXE MUST be included, unchanged from its original form. In addition you must include the file CATALOG.INI for the program to work correctly. Your FIRST, HEADER, ORDERINF, TL, FM, help, and CM files should be included as needed. CATCOM.EXE must not be sent with your catalogs. 5. Unregistered Users: Unregistered users are invited to experiment with CATALOG-ON-A-DISK to see if the program meets their needs. However it is a violation of EmmaSoft's copyright for an unregistered user to distribute catalogs using the program. CATALOG-ON-A-DISK MANUAL page 32 =========================================================================== Index Ascii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 5, 10, 11, 14-17, 20-24, 26, 28, 29 Catalog File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 10, 11, 13, 21-25, 28, 29 CATALOG.EXE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 20, 21, 25, 27-29, 31 CATALOG.INI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 21, 29, 31 CATCOM.EXE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 20, 21, 28, 31 Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 16, 20, 21, 26 Command line mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 26 Companion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 20 Compress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 10-13, 16, 17, 19-22, 25, 28 Currency symbol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 26, 28 Description blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11, 12 Distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 31 Exit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-9, 15-17, 20, 26, 28, 29 Exit Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7, 8, 15, 17, 29 First . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 6, 8-10, 12, 15, 16, 19-21, 24, 29, 31 Header. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5, 10-12, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31 Help bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6, 9, 27, 28 Interactive Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-22, 24, 25 Nationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27, 28 Order Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 16 Order Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 7, 12, 23, 24 Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 7, 11-13, 18, 23-25 Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-10, 14 Sales Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 16-19, 28 Scrolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Shipping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 8, 16-19, 28, 29 Special Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 9, 15, 17, 29 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4, 7, 8, 12, 15, 17-19, 24 Viewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1, 6, 19