USE & DOCUMENTATION FILE FOR CR8CMD Original (06/05/85) (Create a Mode & Options Command Sequence) (to Program the Panasonic KX-1091X printer) (Epson command set + unique 1091X options) 03/27/87 - documentation revision INTRODUCTION The creation of this program was not just to put another printer setup program in the list of software already available. I wanted to accomplish several things with this software. First, I had a need to have a command program for the particular printer that I own. The Panasonic KX-1091 has a number of features that are not available in the Epson RX/FX series of printers as well as a number of options which are identical. Although the set of options and modes I chose to use is just a subset of the entire package, I found them to be the most often used in my own experience. Second, I wanted a program which could be used to create very small command set files of particular printer setups for autoexec and other batch files without having to modify programs or patch in changes to already existing programs. Lastly, I wanted a program that I did not have to use BASIC or BASICA to run the program with. The programming language used for this module was done entirely in 'C'. The version of 'C' that I used was C88 version 2.3 from C-Ware Corporation. The program uses only one screen and all selections are made from a menu. MINIMUM HARDWARE & SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS PC-DOS or MS-DOS 1.1 (2.0 or above preferred). 64K of memory 1 single sided/dual density disk drive color graphics card not needed --- As you can see a very basic MS-DOS machine will work quite nicely for this program. Not even the ANSI.SYS commands were used in the development of this program. All video and keyboard processing is done through the operating system or through calls to the BIOS. TO KEEP COMPATIBILITY AS UNIVERSAL AS POSSIBLE NO HARDWARE IS DIRECTLY ADDRESSED . 1 HOW TO USE 'CR8CMD' After booting up the system insert the disk with CR8CMD.EXE on it into any disk drive and proceed as follows: 1. Make sure the printer mode selection switch on the left hand side of the KX-1091 printer is in the STANDARD position. If not, place the switch in that position, turn power off and then back on to reset. ALSO REMEMBER TO PUT THE PRINTER ON LINE. 2. type CR8CMD to a DOS prompt example: A> CR8CMD or B> CR8CMD 3. A menu similar to the following will be displayed: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º - C R 8 C M D - º º º º CREATE AND EXECUTE A SET OF PRINTER COMMAND SELECTIONS º º PANASONIC KX-P1091 (EPSON SET + 1091 UNIQUE COMMANDS) º º 06/09/85 Michael Albo º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ press 'Q' to quit ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ SET PICA PITCH SET IBM-PC GRAPHIC SET 1 SET ELITE PITCH SET IBM-PC GRAPHIC SET 2 SET PROPORTIONAL PRINT SET DOUBLE PRINTING SET COMPRESSED PRINT RELEASE DOUBLE PRINTING RELEASE COMPRESSED PRINT SET NLQ PRINT SET 1 LINE DOUBLE WIDE PRINT SET UNDERLINING SET DOUBLE WIDTH PRINT RELEASE UNDERLINING RELEASE ALL DOUBLE WIDE SETS SET EMPHASIS PRINT RELEASE 1 LINE DOUBLE WIDE RELEASE EMPHASIS PRINT SET SUPERSCRIPT MODE SET LINE SPACING 1/8 IN. SET SUBSCRIPT MODE SET LINE SPACING 7/72 IN. RELEASE SUB/SUPER MODE SET LINE SPACING 1/6 IN. SET ITALIC (STANDARD ONLY) RELEASE ITALIC (STANDARD) * - SELECT space - DESELECT <^v> - MOVE CURSOR F - TO FILE S - SEND 4. After deciding which options are to be selected, use the cursor movement keys to position the cursor in front of the selection you wish to make. Type a '*' to select an option or press the SPACE key to deselect an option. Once all the options you wish to choose have been selected, the command string for these options can be sent directly to the printer or to a file which the user can specify. 2 5. To send the options directly to the printer, simply press 'S' on the keyboard. The options selected above will be sent to the printer, the cursor will return to the 1st option and the following message will be displayed: Command Sent ..... This message is displayed so that the user will have some visual indication that the action was taken (most printers give no indication that their options have been changed.) If the printer is off-line the options will not be transferred and the program may hang up. Simply put the printer on line again and the option string will be sent and the COMMAND SENT message will be displayed. 6. To save a set of options on a disk file, select the options you wish to save and press 'F'. A message similar to the following will be displayed: Save command string under what filename (press 'ESC' to cancel) ? At this point you may enter any valid PC/MS-DOS filename in which the command string is to be saved. If you enter an 'ESC' key, the file command will be aborted and the program will return to the option selection mode. If the command string cannot be saved in the file specified for any reason, the file prompt will be erased and the following message will be displayed: Cannot open file: (filename) At this point or after a successful disk write, the program will then return to the selection mode for further option or menu selections. 7. To exit the program press 'Q' or CTRL BREAK. The screen will be cleared and control will be returned to PC/MS-DOS. 3 HOW TO USE THE CREATED PRINTER COMMAND FILES Use of the printer command files can be done in several ways. The two I will describe are probably the easiest to use but by no means the only method. Basically, any method that will transfer the data in the file to the printer will work (i.e. from another program, or batch file etc.). 1. Using the PRINT command: After a PC/MS-DOS command prompt simply type: PRINT (filename) example: PRINT COMPRESSED.SET This always works but it requires that the PRINT.COM or PRINT.EXE file be included on a disk in the system. Also, depending on how the DIP switches for the printer are set, this command will cause a page to be ejected after the command has been sent. 2. Using the TYPE command: If you are using PC/MS-DOS version 2.0 or greater, the TYPE command can be used and the output redirected to the printer in the following manner. TYPE (filename) >PRN example: TYPE ENHANCE.CLR >PRN If available this method is preferable, since no driver has to be loaded into memory and no reaction will be noticeable at the printer. 4 03/27/87 - documentation update Since this program was written in 1985 a number of changes have been made to the Panasonic line of printers. This program is still valid for the new printers but not every option may work. Some options such as proportional printing may work but may not be described in your users manual. For the most part though the sequences presented in this program still work correctly for at least the EPSON FX commands of any compatible printer, including the Panasonic line. CONCLUSION If this program is something you can use and you have some comments or suggestions please feel to write me about them so I can incorporate them in following versions. Michael Albo S. 1418 Bluff Dr. Spokane, Washington 99206 5