FILE: PBHMONEY.ZIP AUTHOR: PBH Software Services, Peter Holleran Submitted by the author. NEEDS: IBM compatible, DOS 2.1 or higher, 350k memory, 1 drive 720k or more, an unZIPping program. Suggested: Color monitor, hard drive. Optional: Mouse. CATEGORY: Home Finance TYPE: Shareware, registration $15.00. Using PBH MONEY is like having a personal accountant take care of your bills and managing your financial transactions. Just type in "MONEY" and PBH MONEY will automatically record deposits, withdrawals, print checks on your own checks, and update your budget. The number of accounts, transactions, and budget items are limited only by your available disk space. PBH MONEY will set up a budget for you based on your transactions, and you can add and track items separately. To set up, use the single key commands displayed, or point and click with a mouse. The complete manual will guide you along the way. Extensive search and sort capabilities makes finding what you want a breeze. You can print one of the handy reports provided, and create your own. Extensive edit capabilities lets PBH MONEY handle your finances the way you would like. If you're looking for your first money manager, or one that could serve you better, give PBH MONEY a try. You'll be glad you did. LIST OF FILES MONEY.EXE The PBH MONEY command file. MONEY.DOC The PBH MONEY manual. TRANSACT.DBF The transaction database. TRANSRPT.DBF The transaction report database. TRANSRPT.NTX The transaction report index. ACCOUNT.DBF The account database. REGISTER.DBF The account register model database. REGISRPT.DBF The account register report database. REGISRPT.NTX The account register report index. BUDGET.DBF The budget database. BUDGERPT.DBF The budget report database. BUDGERPT.NTX The budget report index. REGISTER.FRM The registration form.