Program name: Lotto Buster Ver. 5.0 Author name: Darrell Fichtl Address : P.O. Box 19624 Portland, OR 97219 Telephone Number: Orders 1-800-366-4012 Tech Support (503) 244-4800 FAX (503) 244-0268 Registration Fee: $29.95 + $1.75 shipping US $5.00 shipping overseas Program Description: Lotto Buster is one of the best tools on the market for unlocking the riches that await those who play the state lotteries. By using the systems that are on this disk, you can improve your chances of winning by 550%. Keep in mind, though, there is no sure way to win the lotto. The only thing you can do is improve your odds by using a system. Any lottery betting program relies on a certain amount of "luck," and the more advanced programs, like the LOTTO BUSTER, attempt to unlock the biases that are built into the lottery number selection system. Please don't forget the authors if you decide these programs are useful to you. The small charge they ask for their work is only appropriate compensation. Review the README file for more in depth information. FreeBooter (tm) Software P.O. Box 19624 Portland, OR 97219 (503)244-4800 Copyright 1990 FreeBooter(tm) Software