Questions and answers- Home and Business Legal Guide and Forms Generator, Version 7 Question: How can I contact you for support? Answer: We will try to help both our registered and unregistered users with questions, and gladly take suggestions for improvements! Please call us at: 1-407-331-7288 voice 1-407-331-7754 BBS Question: What are the benefits of registering? Answer: Registration provides: a) monthly updates for one year; this is VERY important since the law constantly changes, and if you have an old edition YOU MAY BE USING OUTDATED INFORMATION; b) FREE upgrades (yes we even mail them) for one year; c) special access to our private BBS (bulletin board system); d) support via phone, our private BBS, GENIE, COMPUSERVE, EXEC- PC; THE INVENTION FACTORY; e) discounts on all of our other products (The Legal Survival Course, The Building Trades Legal Guide, The Social Security Guide on Disk, The Veterans Benefits Guide on Disk, and any other products that we develop in the future) Question: The Document Generator does not load, and I am dropped to DOS. What now? Answer: In 99.999% of the cases you do not have enough memory. The Home and Business Legal Guide requires 448K free memory to run the document generator. We emphasize FREE memory. If you have many TSR's (terminate and stay resident) programs, or are running a DOS shell, you may start with 640K or more, but end up with 300K or even less! Therefore, launch the Legal Guide after unloading the menus or TSR's. Question: In the living wills and deeds sections, some states are missing. Why? And, what form do I use. Answer: Whenever possible we use forms that are approved by the state legislatures. If a state is specifically listed, then its living will law and real estate laws specify forms that must or are recommended for use. In other states, use the forms marked "uniform." Question: I need information on an area of law that is not covered. Can you help? Answer: Yes! Please let us know and since we do monthly updates we will try and get to user requests rapidly. Question: What kind of computer do I use with the program? Answer: Any IBM PC compatible. This includes the PC, AT, XT, 386, 486 family, with 448K FREE memory available. A hard drive is required for the full program. However, floppy disk only users can contact our office for a limited version of the program which operates from floppy disks. We VERY STRONGLY recommend that you consider installing a hard disk if you do not have one; most programs these days require them! There are very few new programs being developed that do not require a hard drive. Also, a printer is recommended. Any monitor will work just fine.