TPOVU C O L O R S HBMS COLOR SELECTION F1 = Display selected colors 14. Set to default colors 15. Save colors and Quit Quit without saving Enter selection:U [ COLOR SAMPLE SCREEN ]9H o m e B u d g e t M a n a g e m e n t S y s t e m=Account Code: CK Category: BANKING1034 -35.00 Registration fee for Home Bud prgm.8322 4/13 > Dep 65.93 Stock dividend SAMPLE MENU <1> Selection #1 <2> Selection #2 <3> Selection #3 <4> Selection #4 Labels,misc. Boxs,text, data entry Codes,names,prompt Money Color $999.99 Other bright text Warning message color! Press to go back...U COLORS.HBMU [ HBMS PRINTER COMMANDS ] F1 = Print a sample page 16. Reset commands to default 17. Save data and Quit9Enter selection: <0> or = Quit without savingFNOTE: Substitute unprintable characters such as with their ASCII=value, surrounded by quotes. Also, leave no trailing spaces.U LPT1JThis is the HBMS printer test. READ IT CAREFULLY and CHECK FOR THE PROPERJRESULTS. Specific instructions (called commands or codes) will be sent toMyour printer to change fonts, spacing, etc. See your printer manual for moreKinfo. If you can not get a particular command to work, just enter a "null"Ivalue for that code (The ESC key will nullify an entry field). If you doKnullify a command, such as ITALICS ON, make sure that you also nullify it'sHassociated "OFF" command too! The only absolutely neccessary command isACONDENSED ON, and even it may be nullified if you use wide paper.BThe INITIALIZE PRINTER command is sent before every report. It isCintended for specialized setup instructions, as in the case of some8laser printers. FOR MOST PRINTERS IT CAN BE LEFT BLANK. HBMS PRINTER TESTWhen HBMS finishes a report it will reset your printer back to>normal text. It makes sure by sending the following commands:46 INCHES PER LINE, PICA, CONDENSED OFF, ENLARGE OFF, Sounds are now: Color Selection

Printer Setup Return to Main Menu 4 H Q \ p # 5 : L Q c h z !(!;!E!O!Y!c!m!w! #6#m#r# #c$h$ %2%7%M%b%w%|% ACCOUNT DATA Acnt.Rec# Code Name Cat.Rec# Next.Acnt.Rec#U PRINT RAW ACCOUNT DATA Printing Data... CATEGORY DATA Cat.Rec# Code Name)M.Group Next.Cat.Rec# First.Acnt.Rec# ** VACANT ** ** VACANT ** The First Category Rec# in is 4 WARNING.... You have a Category with NO accounts! ** No Accounts assigned! ** ** VACANT **U BUDGET BALANCE ACTUAL LEFT AVERAGE Start Balance Totals U SubTotal ----------) ---------- ------- ----------' ------- ------- ---------- TOTAL ------$ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ )------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ========== =======U NET INCOME NET WORTH U !F I N A N C I A L R E P O R T S I N I T I A L B A L A N C E S A N N U A L A C T U A L S B U D G E T R E P O R T 1 = Income & Expense Report 2 = Balance Sheet 3 = Both Reports Type of Report: Printing Data for Account: . = multiple entry NOTE: Use whole dollars only!U # 0 LEDGR- 5Can not close/reopen month without valid ledger file!U 1Will compile ledger in last month of budget year to update totals. However, will still remain open.#Time to start your new budget year! Compiling ledger data...U - is the beginning month for this budget year! Compiling ledger data...U )C L O S E or R E O P E N M O N T H Close Current Month ReOpen Previous Month Return to Main Menu FInitial Balances are entered only at the beginning of the budget year, Before closing first month!ENew accounts created later are initiated through normal transactions.=Note: If you need to make changes, you will have to "re-open" back to the beginning month. I N I T I A L B A L A N C E S 2Only ASSETS and LIABILITIES need initial balances. Initial Balance:U ,Enter the last 2 digits of your fiscal year:F(If your fiscal year spans two calendar years, enter the earliest one)*Enter the first month of your fiscal year::("1" if your fiscal year is the same as the calendar year) ACCOUNTS.$An Accounts file for year extension % already exists, overwrite it (y/n)? "Enter the beginning month of data:C(Same as first month of fiscal year, unless you are starting late.)U Initializing DATA ACCOUNTS. CATS.:Your next step is to build your Chart of Accounts. Select=Account Maintenance from the Main Menu. Remember, CATEGORIES=must be created first and there must be at least one for each5MONEY GROUP. Also at least one ACCOUNT per CATEGORY.U #B E G I N F R O M S C R A T C H?If you are starting a new year from an existing budget, be sure,you are using COPIES of the following files: CATS. ACCOUNTS.=You can delete the old ACCOUNTS and CATS files when finished.-(You will be given several chances to abort.)INOTE: Any balances passed forward will come from the current open month. B E G I N N E W Y E A R#Reuse old CHART OF ACCOUNTS (y/n)? BPass Asset & Liability balances forward from previous year? (y/n) /Reuse Budget figures from previous year? (y/n) U INITIALIZE MENU Begin New Year Initial Balances Return to Main Menu Account Code: Account Name: Category Code: Category Name: U Category Code: Category Name: Money Group #: +(1-Income, 2-Expense, 3-Asset, 4-Liability)U NYou should unmark all transactions before cancelling the ability to reconcile!U Account Category This is an active . It can not be deleted!U +Sorry, limit reached.... no more additions.U WARNING/You have deleted the last account in category < >.HYou must delete this category if you do NOT intend to add more accounts.U already contains the limit of accounts.U Reconcilable?: & reconcilable accounts already in use! A D D A C C O U N T S A D D C A T E G O R Y C H A N G E A C C O U N T!Enter the Account Code to change: Y:Accounts can not be changed across Money Group boundaries! C H A N G E C A T E G O R Y&Enter the Category Code to be changed:U D E L E T E A C C O U N T%Enter the Account Code to be deleted:&Account is flagged for reconciliation! Delete this Account? (y/n) <<< Account Deleted >>> <<< Account Saved >>>U D E L E T E C A T E G O R Y&Enter the Category Code to be deleted: Delete this category? (y/n) <<< Category Deleted >>> <<< Category Saved >>>U Enter position # to be moved: Enter position # of destination:U Code of Category to resequence:+(1-Income, 2-Expense, 3-Asset, 4-Liability) # of Money Group to resequence: Category < Group Report Sequence of (Need at least 2 entries to resequence...U ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE Add Change Delete ReSequence Quit Accounts or Categories ?!D!g! !J"T"^"l"v" "U#i#n#C$H$d$v$ % %1%6%J%b%z% Rec Date # DescriptionU H=navigate <+ ->=change month =mark =quitU is the currently open month.U is the beginning month.U ,All transactions are cleared up thru month: Enter the month to process: $ No transactions found for month Enter next month to process:U #Tallying un-cleared transactions...3Last Un-Cleared transaction shown.... Press any keyU Statement Ending Balance: HBMS Current Balance: Uncleared totaling: totaling: HBMS Reconciled Balance: ;HBMS records are in complete agreement with your statement! HBMS Reconciled Balance differs"from Statement Ending Balance by: U Mark/Unmark transactions% Show all uncleared transactions Summary Report" Quit (to next Account Code) %R E C O N C I L E S T A T E M E N T > (, is not flagged for reconciliation.... Deposits Checks Payments ChargesU n/aU ! Ytd Ytd Budgetonth

ercent nnual orted =next account =quit "R E P O R T S by A C C O U N T Account Code: First Month to Sort: SORTED LEDGER for thru U - d n - < E ] f k !$!.!