Disk No: Disk Title: Pole Footing Program Title: Pole Footing Author Version: 1.01 Author Registration: $5.00 or Answer Questionnaire Special Requirements: None. Program Description: This program is for the design of pole footings per 1985 thru 1991 UBC Sec. 2907(g) and gives you a print out or Design Calc that can be part of your job calcs or submittal to Building Officials. Based on your input of pole or footing diameter, height of load, load acting on pole, lateral soil bearing and restraint condition, the program will find depth of footing needed. The output will show your input, equation used and depth needed. If depth is too shallow or too deep, it will print warning message. Program also has a option that if diameter is unknown, it will display and/or print table of various diameters and their depths. File Descriptions: GO BAT Batch file to display GO.TXT file. GO TXT Introduction to program and user manual. TESTPRT BAT Batch file to print TESTPRT.TXT file. TESTPRT TXT Printer test file for printing lines. POLEMAN BAT Batch file to print POLE.DOC file. POLE DOC User documentation file. POLE EXE Executable file for POLE FOOTING