Disk No: Disk Title: Soil Classification Program Title: Soil Classification Author Version: 2.00 Author: Bruce Howard Author Registration: $15.00 Special Requirements: Needs ANSI.SYS device installed Program Description: This program is for the classification of soil per ASTM D 2487-85 and/or AASHTO M145-73 and gives you a print out that can be part of your project calcs or submittal to Building Officials. Based on your input of percent of material passing various sieves, liquid limit, plastic limit, and diameter at which various percents are smaller, the program will determine classification of the soil sample. The output will show your input, percents retained on various sieves, miscelanious info and classification of soil. File Descriptions: GO BAT Batch file to display GO.TXT file. GO TXT Introduction to program and user manual. TESTPRT BAT Batch file to print TESTPRT.TXT file. TESTPRT TXT Printer test file for printing lines. MANUAL BAT Batch file to print SOIL.DOC file. SOIL DOC User documentation file for SOIL. SOIL EXE Executable file for SOIL CLASSIFICATION SOILNAME TXT Names used for soil classification. INVOICE Invoice form for registration. SCANTEXT COM Program to scan text file on screen. SCANTEXT DOC User documentation for SCANTEXT.