MFSRU Version SECTION CHOICES OTHER MENUS Why Register? Press MENU Exit Program Z|F1|-Help |F5|-Require Passwords |F7|-Status |Tab|-Change Menu |F8|-Change Drive/Directory Using EMS Memory Data Drive:Config :Colors Ok To Exchange Disks Data Unlocked Data On Drive ~U ( 8 % was split new shares for every old shares ~Stock Splits Stock Symbol: ~ How many new shares ~ ~ for every ~ ~ old shares Current Price per Share: ~ ~Examples::How many new shares ~2.00~ for every ~1.00~ old shares:How many new shares ~3.00~ for every ~2.00~ old sharesU Press to View Symbols Symbol Not Found...Press any Key6Accept .!Accept Entry and Update Stock/Portfolio Files Modify .!Make Corrections Cancel .!Reject this entry Split-Stock .:Split a Stock Quit .Return to Main Menu & { Symbol :~ Company :~ Current Price -:~ Press to List Stock Symbols7This symbol previously updated... Press ~~ to ExitU 'S T O C K V A L U E U P D A T E SU|F1|-Help |PgUp|-Next Group |PgDn|-Previous Group |F7|-Search/List Records |Esc|-Exit Enter New ValueU 5Press ~~ To Cancel Or ~~ To Continue Printing Page U ** Report For Printer ONLY **!Send To |P|rinter Or |A|SCII File +Enter Drive/Directory For File Output Below Enter File Name For Report File Already Exists / Overwrite, Append, or Change File (O/A/C) [ ] Print Options Page Range Report Alignment Print Size/Style |Esc|-Quit Options Press To Accept Options Report Title Starting Page Ending Page#|L|eft |C|enter |R|ight LRC%|P|ica |E|lite |C|ompressed Report Date Optional Name For This ReportU Basic .!change basic options Printer .:select printer Note Number File Name U $Starting Page Is Beyond Last Page.. U ,|Esc|-Cancel Printing |Enter|-Pause PrintingU d +~E~ject paper, ~R~eset Print Line, ~I~gnore ) O d ~ !0!:!I!`!k!p!u! "<"H"P" #N#m# Last Record Is Above This Line U & Records not found for selected group & Select a different group, or press & to restore a normal listing U !|S|ingle Line Or |F|ull Record F"All .print all records immediately Range .:print a range of records*Line .print a single record as one line0Full .print a full record using several lines,Notes .print notes for the selected record Eject .eject paper(Options .:select or change print options List .begin a new listing area"Group .select a group of records)Columns .select alternate column displays'Widths/Alignment .select column widthsU|F1|-Help |PgUp|-Prev Record |PgDn|-Next Record |Esc|-UnExpand |F6|-Notes |F7|-StatusU|F1|-Help | |-Move Bar |PgUp/Dn|-List |Home|-Top |End|-Bottom |F6|-Notes |F7|-Status System Date ----:~ Total Records --: ~Selected Group Active Data On Drive --:~ Free Disk Space :~ ~ Free Memory ~ Active Printer :~ Reports Sent To :~Printer Reports Sent To :~ Printer Status :~READY Print Size Is : ~Pica~ ~Elite~ ~Condensed~ with ~ ~ Columns Available Printer Status :~PAPER OUT Printer Status :~NOT READY Next Print Line :~U dd>>U + Record Is DELETED!.. Use CLONE To Restore 1 UNABLE To Modidfy Record.. No Information Found ' Next Record - Question Repeated Save Changes? (Y/N) Enter New Record Save New Record (Y/N) + V _ Brokerage Accounts : Sorted by Brokerage Firms Brokerage Code Company Address1 Address2 State City and State Zip Account # Account Representative Telephone1 Telephone2U Select Items Of Interest BelowU U Stock Dividends Dividends Associated With ~ Company Stock Symbol Dividend Date Dividend Updated : Sorted By Dividend Date : Sorted By Stock Symbol Date .Sort by Dividend Date Symbol .Sort By Stock SymbolU & Symbol not found in Purchases File...U 99/99/99 Press to View Symbols Stock Symbol Dividend Date Dividend AmountU ZeBYu, CAdd-To-Purchases .Delete And Add This Record To Your Purchases File5Delete-No-Other-Action .Delete Without Further Action Cancel-Deletion .Do NOT Delete >eBYu, EHIKLPRSU # + V j { Stock Portfolio: Total Value Stock Symbol Company # Shares Total Cost Current Value Reinvested Dividends Realized Dividends Cost Basis Average Pr/Share Current Pr/Share Profit/Loss Realized Profit/Loss Percent Realized : Sorted By Stock SymbolU Stock Symbol ---- Company ---: ~ Long/Short (L/S) : ~ # Shares --------: ~ Cost Pr/Share -: ~!Cost - Pr/Share -: ~0.00 Current Pr/Share : ~!Cost Pr/Share includes broker fee Total Cost -----------: ~ Dividends reinvested -: ~ Dividends realized ---: ~ Your cost basis ------: ~ Current value --------: ~ Realized Profit/Loss -: ~ % Gain/Loss ----------: ~ CDEFGHKLMU : X f Stock Purchases Company .Sort By Company$Symbol .Sort By Stock Symbol(Date-Purchased .Sort By Date of Purchase Group .Sort By Group&Brokerage-Acct .Sort By Brokerage Firm : Sorted By Company : Sorted By Stock Symbol : Sorted By Date of Purchase : Sorted By Group : Sorted By Brokerage Firm+~Stocks Purchases Asssociated With Symbol " OrderU ) Account Code NOT Found Add new Account? (Y/N) Brokerage Firm --: Account Number --: Representative --: Telephone -------: U 99/99/99 LS#0 YN#0 (Y/N) Press to View Symbols Stock Symbol ---- Company --- Group ----------- Purchase Date --- Long/Short (L/S) -- # Shares Bought -"Press for decimal equivalents Cost per Share -- Brokers Fee ----- Current Price/Sh Reinvested Div . Press to View Accounts or for Help Brokerage Code --U Select Items Of Interest Below Date Acquired __/__/___U CNOTE: This is one way to look at your stocks. It does not considerC dividends in your cost. For another view of your portfolio, J print Main Menu selection "Portfolio". This does consider dividends in your cost.9 "*" after cost indicates item is a reinvested dividend. LISTING OF ACCOUNTSU ;Add-To-Sales .Delete And Add This Record To Your Sales File5Delete-No-Other-Action .Delete Without Further Action Cancel-Deletion .Do NOT Delete Company ~U >E Yu EHIKLPU ( < O c | !#!(!A!F! Stock Not Found In Portfolio U Total Cost ---: ~ Current Value-: ~ Profit/Loss --: ~ Percent Gain -: ~ % Percent Gain -: ~0.0 %U % ~0.0 % U Purchase History Sale Transaction Price/Share Commission ------------- Total Cost Sales Proceeds Transaction Summary - Total Cost Net Gain/Loss % Gain Press to View Symbols Stock Symbol - Date Sold ---- 99/99/99 # Shares Sold Price/Share -- Commission --- Press to View Accounts Account Code -U Brokerage Code - Company -------- Address -------- City ----------- State 99999-9999 Account # ------ Representative - Telephone ------ 999/999-9999 TelephoneU c>U SubTotals Totals H [ i ~ Password And Data File Check8Number File Name Status Password Records . NEW FILES Ok MISSING Free Disk Space ~ ~ Free Memory ~ Overlay Uses ~'Set, Change, Or Remove Passwords? (Y/N) )Enter password or press ~~ to remove+Enter File Numbers or Blank for "ALL" files REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD is ~)CONFIRM! Make this password active? (Y/N) [ ~0~]U Need Indexes Data File Error >~ ~~ ReIndex All FilesU File Opened Ok ????? File Missing U Repairing New Files Made Repair Complete Rebuilding ~ No Indexes For This File Bad Data File No Disk Space System Error Record Below Will Be Removed Duplicate Record Found Source Record Not Found5Press ~~ To Delete Or ~~ To Retain Record Repair & ReIndexGSelection File To Repair Or Reindex Status Record Count |F9|-RewriteO|F1|-Help |F7|-File Status |F8|-Change Data Drive/Directory |F9|-Rewrite On/Off Data On Drive ~ | On | ~Off 'Press Your Selection Or ~~ To Quit ) ? I ^ f Reading Purchases/Dividends StPort.DatU System Set Up \Data B:JEnter The Disk Drive And Optional (Hard Disk) Sub-Directory For Your Data.*Skip Date Question On Program Entry ? ---- *Set Number Lock For "Number Answers" ? ---*Disable ALL "Beeps" and warning sounds ? -*Retain Last "Top-Line-Menu" Positions ? --*Assume two decimal places for $ Amounts ? U Colors.Def1"Colors.Def" color default file was not found .. 6Version 2.0 or Higher offers complete color selection! Color.SysU >gs\u0 Config.Sys Buffers=20 FILES FILES=20*Reset your computer to complete the update-Reset computer with your DOS disk in drive A:4Hold + + keys down simultaneouslyU SETUP |F1|-Help*|F1|-Help | |-Move Menu Box |Esc|-Cancel5|F1|-Help |F2|-Input? |F3|-Prev |F4|-Accept |F5|-Clr |F6|-Notes |F6|-Notes |F7|-View Gloss |F10|-Add Gloss \, was not exited in a normal manner last time"Were you modifying records ? (Y/N) =We recommend repair of ~ALL Files~ to insure proper operation Copyright Default Printer Is ~HRead Manual Licensing And Warranty Information Before Using This Program Verify Correct System Date Bad Date Entered U fs\tt % < F R q z No Data Sub-Directories In ListU Dir.Sys Data Sub-Directory ListL|F1|-Help | |-Move Bar |Enter|-Select Bar |Esc|-Quit |Del|-Delete From List Select Sub-Directory [ ] |F7|-List Directories 4Enter Data Drive (And Optional Path/Directory) BelowU Z |