Video Tape Invoicing Contents ------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 CAPACITIES AND FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 REGISTRATION POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SUPPORT POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 WARRANTY POLICY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 INITIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . 11 INSTALLATION USING THE INSTALL.BAT FILE . . . . . . 11 INSTALLATION WITHOUT INSTALL.BAT FILE . . . . . . . 11 DOS'S CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT FILE . . . . . . 13 ADDITIONAL TUTORIALS FOR NEW EMPLOYEES . . . . . . 15 OPTION 9-4 SETUP ROUTINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 SOME THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO DO BEFORE BEGINNING THE TUTORIAL . . . . . . . . . 16 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TUTORIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 THE TERMS USED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 SCREENS, PROMPTS, AND KEYBOARD TECHNIQUES . . . . . 18 SIMULATED FIRST DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 LOADING THE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 MASTER MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 INVOICING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 CUSTOMER LOOKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 TAPE LOOKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 CREATING YOUR FIRST INVOICE . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 RATING/AGE CONFLICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 LOOKUP TAPE WHILE INVOICING . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 CHANGING A TAPE OR CORRECTING A LINE . . . . . . . 26 RETURNING TO INVOICE PAGE FROM TOTALS SCREEN . . . 26 TRANSLATING SALESMEN'S NUMBERS TO NAMES . . . . . . 26 QUITTING THE INVOICE OPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SUMMARY OF INVOICES REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 END OF SIMULATED FIRST DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SIMULATED SECOND DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 BRINGING BACK TAPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 CUSTOMER WANTS MORE WHEN HE ALREADY HAS TAPES "OUT" 30 CHECKING FOR TAPES "OUT" BY TAPE NUMBER . . . . . . 30 EDITING ACCOUNT INFORMATION FROM THE INVOICE SCREEN 31 ADDING AND EDITING TAPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 TUTORIAL SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 1 - Video Tape Invoicing Contents ------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM REFERENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 TERMS AND TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 LOADING THE PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 THE MASTER MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 INVOICING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 1-1 CUSTOMER INVOICING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 THE INVOICING MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 <#> ACCOUNT NUMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 RINGING BACK ITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Checking for Items "Out" by Item Number . 41 "Checking Out" Items When the Customer Already Has Items "Out" . . . . . . . 41 ESERVATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 <*> DUE DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 DD CUSTOMERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 DIT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS . . . . . . . . . . 45 USTOMER LOOKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 SER EDIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 USER LOOKUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 LIST OF USERS WITH . . . . . . . . 46 OOKUP TAPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 OP TAPES DISPLAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 UMMARY OF INVOICES . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

RINT INVOICES AGAIN . . . . . . . . . . . 47 <+> LAST TOTALS SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . 48 UIT TO MASTER MENU . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 THE INVOICING PROCESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 AUTHORIZED USER SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . 48 INVOICE WORK AREA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 TAPE NUMBER PROMPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Tape ookup by Title . . . . . . . . . 52 s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 orrecting a Line . . . . . . . . . . . 52 ther Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 otaling the Invoice . . . . . . . . . 53 Canceling an Invoice . . . . . . . . . . 53 THE TOTALS SCREEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Using Movie Passes . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Coupons and Discounts . . . . . . . . . . 55 Amount to Remit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Charging Rentals . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Prepaying Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Accounting by Salesperson . . . . . . . . 57 Pressing on the Totals Screen . . 57 Canceling the Totals Screen . . . . . . . 57 Reprinting Invoices . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Reprinting Invoices . . . . . . . . . . . 58 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 2 - Video Tape Invoicing Contents ------------------------------------------------------------ THE PRINTED INVOICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 SUGGESTED PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING PRINTED INVOICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 1-2 REPORT OF TAPES OUT TO CUSTOMERS . . . . . . . 59 1-3 SUMMARY OF INVOICES REPORT . . . . . . . . . . 59 1-4 RACK INVOICING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 "CHECK OUT" TAPES TO RACK OR BRANCH . . . . . . 61 "CHECK IN" TAPES FROM RACK . . . . . . . . . . . 61 REPORTS OF TAPES AT RACKS . . . . . . . . . . . 62 TRANSFER TAPES TO RACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 TRANSFER TAPES FROM RACK . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 CUSTOMER FILE MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2-1 ADDING AND EDITING CUSTOMERS . . . . . . . . . 64 2-2 ADDING AND EDITING AUTHORIZED USERS . . . . . . 66 2-3 CUSTOMER REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 PRINT CUSTOMER LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 BEST CUSTOMERS REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 PRINT CUSTOMERS WHO OWE MONEY . . . . . . . . . 67 TAPES A CUSTOMER HAS RENTED . . . . . . . . . . 67 MAILING LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Selecting Customers for the Mailing . . . . . 68 Create the List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 The Actual Mailing List . . . . . . . . . . . 70 REPORT OF CUSTOMERS WITH MEMOS . . . . . . . . . 70 POSTCARD BILLS TO CUSTOMERS . . . . . . . . . . 70 INVENTORY FILE MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3-1 EDITING INVENTORY FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 3-2 ADDING ITEMS TO FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3-3 PREBOOKED TAPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 3-4 INVENTORY REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 PRINT INVENTORY LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 TAPE REVENUE BY RANK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 BEST/WORST ITEMS REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 CHECK RENTAL/SALES HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . 76 PRINT TAPE LOCATOR REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . 77 PRINT DUPLICATE TITLES REPORT . . . . . . . . . 77 CATEGORY/PREMIUM TAPES ACTIVITY REPRT . . . . . 77 ALL CATEGORIES ACTIVITY SUMMARY REPORT . . . . . 78 SPECIAL REPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 8-1 PACKING TRANSACTION FILE . . . . . . . . . . . 79 8-2 MOVING ARCHIVED TRANSACTIONS TO FLOPPY DISKETTE 79 8-3 INVENTORY VALUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 8-4 DUPLICATE CUSTOMER NUMBERS . . . . . . . . . . 80 8-5 CUSTOMERS WITHOUT USERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 3 - Video Tape Invoicing Contents ------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL MAINTENANCE OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 9-1 REINDEX DATABASES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 9-3 SIZE OF VTI FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 9-4 SETUP ROUTINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 <1> STORE INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 <2> INVOICING PROMPTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 <3> OTHER INVOICING PROMPTS . . . . . . . . . . 90 <4> RATE CODES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 <5> SALESPERSONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 <6> HARDWARE & FILE LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . 92 <7> NETWORK STATION EXCEPTIONS . . . . . . . . . 94 UNCTION KEY ASSIGNMENT . . . . . . . . . . . 94

ASSWORDS AND LEVELS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 ALIDATION CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 CCOUNT NUMBER DEFAULT . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 OPTION 9-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 9-8 DOS COMMAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 9-* UPDATE ROUTINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 UIT TO DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT REPORTS . . . . . . . . . 98 REPORT SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 POSITION OF PAPER BEFORE PRINTING . . . . . . . 98 CUSTOMIZED INVOICE DRIVERS . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 POTENTIAL PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE . . . . . . . . 99 IN THE EVENT OF DATABASE CORRUPTION . . . . . . 100 STRANGE CHARACTERS ON SCREEN OR PRINTOUT . . . . 100 ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 ANOMALIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 SUMMARY OF WORK TO BE DONE . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 SOME GENERAL PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES . . . . . . 105 SAMPLE NEW ACCOUNT FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 SAMPLE NEW TAPE FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 FILES USED BY PROGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 FILE STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 TRANSACTION FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 NETWORKING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 NETWORK FILE LOCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 VTI INSTALLATION ON "INVISIBLE ETHERNET . . . . . . 122 VTI INSTALLATION ON "NOVELL" NETWORK . . . . . . . 123 VTI INSTALLATION ON "MAINLAN" NETWORK . . . . . . . 124 VTI INSTALLATION ON OTHER NETWORKS . . . . . . . . 125 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 4 - Video Tape Invoicing Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ PREFACE OVERVIEW OF THIS MANUAL This manual is divided into six sections for ease of use. * The "Preface" is the overview of VTI and the author's policies. * The "Initial Installation Instructions" is the step-by- step guide to get the program onto your computer and ready for your store. * The "Tutorial" is the training session. It's equally useful to the store owner or manager as it is to existing employees or new employees you train in the future. * The "Program Reference" covers each aspect of the program in detail. * The "Appendices" contains several pieces of technical information which may assist you in better use of VTI. * The "Index" helps you find information quickly. You may want to copy the "Tutorial" section for use in training new employees. The text of the manual is the C:\VTITUT\MANUAL.TXT file set for 10 c.p.i. print on 8-1/2"x11" paper. You may also request from the author a generic word processing file or a WordPerfect 5.1 file for printing on the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Series III printer. OVERVIEW OF VTI Thanks for choosing Video Tape Invoicing. VTI will help you check out movies to your customers, keep up with them while they are checked out, and return them to your inventory. Imagine two lists. The first is a list of your customers and their account numbers. The second is a list of all your tapes and their numbers. In the middle, let's create a third list. Every time you check out a tape, let's write on this third list the customer account number and the tape number. We'll also make a note of "out" when the tape goes out. We'll cross out the word "out" and write "back" when the tape is returned. That's what VTI does for you -- it links the customer and tape files together. Then it does a few other things to make your job easier or more productive. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 5 - Video Tape Invoicing Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ VTI can add extra charges when tapes are late or not rewound. It will keep up with the transactions so that you will know which customers have rented which tapes. And VTI will help you make buying and selling decisions based on your store's rentals. CAPACITIES AND FEATURES The author wrote VTI after looking at several video programs. The "low priced" ones (including one bought for his store) did little. The programs which could do what was needed were priced into the thousands of dollars. This list of VTI's features and capacities describes the author's goals when writing the program: * Capacity of at least 50,000 customers * Capacity of at least 50,000 rental items (tapes) * Look up of customers by name, phone number or account number * Look up of rental items by number or title * Shows if the title is "in" or "out" * Makes reservations (waiting lists) based on title * Maintains a complete history of transactions. Which items has a customer rented? Which customers have rented an item? Several months of transactions (not just the last few) available "on line" and older transactions available quickly. * Shows persons authorized to use account -- at least ten users per account * Signals when an under-aged user attempts rental of a sensitive tape * List of tapes checked out, especially who has overdue tapes * Shows any tapes the customer has out when he comes in to "check out" other tapes -- each "account" can have ten items "checked out" at one time and extra "accounts" can be created for the customers needing more * Handles items for sale and keeps track of numbers in stock * Generates mailing list & prints according to carrier route sort (for low postage costs) * Allows mass "check-out" of tapes to "racks" while * tape is left in inventory records * store revenue is based on commission or flat rates * maintaining records for times rented and revenue at rack ------------------------------------------------------------ - 6 - Video Tape Invoicing Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ * Helps maintain a list of tapes on order (prebooked tapes) * Allows transfers of tapes between stores (when both use VTI) * Helps determine which tapes to trade or sell * Maintains a daily summary of each invoice's totals and a summary of the totals by each salesperson. Also accounts for different sales taxes for rental items and retail items. * Can restrict access to sensitive areas of the program utilizing passwords. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The Video Tape Invoicing program requires: * MS-DOS-based computer with 640k memory available to the program. * Monitor (monochrome or color). On color monitors, the store chooses the screen colors. * Hard disk drive (2.5 Meg minimum, recommended access time of 28ms or faster). Floppy disk drive needed to install program. * At least one printer capable of 10, 12 and 17 characters per inch on 8.5" wide paper. Should be able to "tear off" invoice shortly after it leaves printer head. In one-printer systems, the printer handles all invoicing and reports. In two-printer systems, one printer is typically dedicated to invoices and the other to reports. * Paper size: Invoices: 8.5" wide by 5.5" high (normally 2-part) or any size and style with custom driver. Reports: 8.5"x11" (standard size paper). * Network optional for up to 99 stations. Up to two printers per station. Each station determines which printer prints invoices and which prints reports. * Bar-code reader (light pen) capable+. * Electronic cash drawer capable+. + Note: Certain types or brands of equipment may be required. Inquire. METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION VTI is a "shareware" program. The "shareware" concept significantly reduces the author's cost of the marketing channel -- the duplication of diskettes, publication of manuals, advertising, promotion, and so forth. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 7 - Video Tape Invoicing Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ Most video stores learn about VTI through a "shareware" version of the program (diskettes purchased from a computer dealer or shareware distributor for a small fee). The video store installs the program on a computer in a tutorial directory (VTITUT) to learn the program and in an "actual use" location (VTI) where they enter the store's customers, users, rental items and retail items. Then the store begins using the program. When they are confident the program meets their need, the store sends the registration fee to the author. Knowledgeable computer users who search out and find this program for themselves may register directly with the author. Some video stores learn about this program from a computer dealer or consultant who took valuable time to find this program, learn about it, and evaluate it with the video store's needs in mind. These "friends" of the marketing channel are entitled to a reasonable profit for their efforts. Dealers and consultants provide valuable services to their customers. While the author can provide information about the program and field requests for additional features, the dealer is in the best position to provide hardware support and non-VTI related services. I hope customers will return to their dealer when they install the VTI program at other locations. Be sure to read the "Registration Policy" section, below. Permission is expressly granted to any person to duplicate the original diskettes to "share" with other persons who may want to use VTI in their video business. REGISTRATION POLICY Any person may use this program to determine its suitability for use at a video store. When the program is placed into use in the ordinary course of business the store must pay a non-refundable registration fee to the author. Registrations are not valid until received by the program's author, Danny Stewart, 615 Oak Street, Prescott, ARkansas 71857. Phone (501) 887-5930. Send the "12-digit code" highlighted on the first screen (the screen which requires you to type a message that you "understand the terms"). The author will send a code which eliminates the message screen ------------------------------------------------------------ - 8 - Video Tape Invoicing Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ and prompt. The Video Tape Invoicing Program is copyrighted (C) (P) 1985-91 by Danny A. Stewart. Registrant understands that the ownership of the program remains with the author and that any "registration" or "purchase" is for the right to use the program at one store location. The registrant understands that the author must give permission to transfer the registration of the program to another store name, address, or telephone number, and that the author may require suitable proof of the changes to change the validation code without additional registration fees. SUPPORT POLICY The author will answer questions which help you get VTI operational on your computer. There is no charge for this service provided the calls are received by the author during the regular support hours. Your computer dealer and your computer manuals are the best sources of information about your hardware and about the DOS-level commands you should know. The author reserves the right to bill for support time related to your hardware or DOS rather than directly to VTI. The author occasionally issues updates which add features to the program. These updates are usually priced at $25.00 to registered stores. The author does not plan to charge for more than two updates in a year. WARRANTY POLICY THE AUTHOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY or WARRANTIES AS TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The author does not assume any responsibility for data entrusted to the program or for the proper operation of the program by the store. By paying the "registration fee," the customer acknowledges that he has inspected the program by obtaining and using the "shareware" version to the extent that he has determined the program is suitable for use in his business. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 9 - Video Tape Invoicing Preface ------------------------------------------------------------ This program is warranted only to the extent that it will load and execute on a computer running MS-DOS series 2.0, 3.0 or 4.0. Network use typically requires DOS 3.2 or higher. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 10 - Video Tape Invoicing Initial Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ INITIAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Before you can use VTI, you must install it onto your computer's hard disk drive. This manual (and any future documentation you receive from the author) assumes your hard disk is drive C: and that you install the tutorial in the C:\VTITUT directory and the "actual use" version in the C:\VTI directory. If you use another drive or another location, substitute those locations in the commands given. INSTALLATION USING THE INSTALL.BAT FILE If your installation diskette contains an INSTALL.BAT file, installation is simple. Place the program diskette into the floppy drive and type A:INSTALL A: C: Note the location of the two spaces in the command. "A:" is the floppy disk drive and "C:" is the hard disk drive. In addition to installing or updating the VTI program, the routine creates VTI.BAT and VTITUT.BAT files for your convenience in loading the program. The last few lines of the INSTALL.BAT file tells you how to print the manual and refer to the CONFIG.SYS files. Read the section entitled "DOS's CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT Files." You may specify alternate locations for source and destination. For instance, C:\TEMP is as effective as A: and you may install on any disk drive (including C:, D:, F:, Z:, etc.). If you get an "environment" error, see the SHELL line discussed under the CONFIG.SYS file. INSTALLATION WITHOUT INSTALL.BAT FILE If your diskette contains the INSTALL.BAT file, use it and skip this section. You will have to use the information in this section if you want to install in a location other than \VTI and \VTITUT on your hard disk drive. VTI is usually distributed in one file (COPYVTI.EXE) on high-capacity diskettes and on most bulletin boards. The README.VTI file may also be included. VTI may be distributed with three files, especially when using 360k ------------------------------------------------------------ - 11 - Video Tape Invoicing Initial Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ diskettes. These files are README.VTI, VTIUPDAT.EXE, and VTIDOCS.EXE. The COPYVTI.EXE, VTIUPDAT.EXE and VTIDOCS.EXE files are self-extracting files which utilize compression techniques under license from PKWARE, Inc. If you have the COPYVTI.EXE file, type these commands: C: MKDIR VTITUT CD VTITUT A:COPYVTI If you have the VTIUPDAT.EXE and VTIDOCS.EXE files, type: C: MKDIR VTITUT CD VTITUT A:VTIUPDAT A:VTIDOCS Use only one of the above two sets of commands. Now, type these commands: CD \ MKDIR VTI COPY C:\VTITUT\*.* C:\VTI\*.* CD \VTI PKUNZIP VTIEMPTY DEL VTIEMPTY.ZIP DEL VTITUTOR.ZIP DEL MANUAL.TXT The above commands prepare the "actual version" of VTI. Now, type these commands: CD C:\VTITUT PKUNZIP VTITUTOR DEL VTIEMPTY.ZIP DEL VTITUTOR.ZIP These commands complete the tutorial directory preparation. At the C> prompt, you may type the manual with the command: COPY C:\VTITUT\MANUAL.TXT PRN: Read the section entitled "DOS's CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT Files." You do not need to UNZIP the VTIPRINT.ZIP file unless you want to use one of the "custom" invoice drivers. You may also want to create a VTI.BAT and VTITUT.BAT file. The contents are described in the section entitled "DOS's CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT Files." ------------------------------------------------------------ - 12 - Video Tape Invoicing Initial Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ DOS'S CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT FILE The INSTALL.BAT installation routine looks in the root directory of the hard disk drive for a CONFIG.SYS file. If the CONFIG.SYS file is not there, one is copied to the hard disk for you. If the file is already there, a message tells you to check the CONFIG.SYS file. To do this, at the "C> prompt," enter these commands: CD \ TYPE CONFIG.SYS If the file contains statements such as FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 with numbers of 20 or higher, no changes are necessary. NOTE: FAILURE TO CHECK THE CONFIG.SYS FILE CAUSES MORE INSTALLATION PROBLEMS THAN EVERYTHING ELSE COMBINED! Creating a CONFIG.SYS file You must create the CONFIG.SYS file if the file does not exist at all (a message similar to "File Not Found" appears when you type TYPE CONFIG.SYS. You must recreate or edit the file if the file exists, but the FILES and BUFFERS lines are not included or are included with numbers less than 20. You do not have to create or edit the file if the lines are in the file and are set to 20 or more! Here is one method (not necessarily the best) you may use to create the CONFIG.SYS file. Have the current CONFIG.SYS file on the screen (use the commands given above). Then, enter this command at the C> prompt: COPY CON: CONFIG.SYS Press after you type the line. You won't see another C> prompt; rather the cursor blinks on the new line. Type the lines in the existing CONFIG.SYS file exactly as they appear (unless you need to increase the number of the FILES and BUFFERS statements). If you are making a new file or adding the FILES and BUFFERS lines, enter them: FILES=20 Press . The cursor blinks on the new blank line. Type BUFFERS=20 Before you press , press the key and ^Z appears on your screen. Then you may press . The words "1 Files(s) Copied" appear. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 13 - Video Tape Invoicing Initial Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ The following commands may also be helpful in the CONFIG.SYS file: FCBS=10,5 STACKS=32,128 The commands are especially useful if you receive a "internal stack failure" error or errors in which the number (0) appears on the top line of the screen in parenthesis. If you get an "out of environment" error, add a line to the CONFIG.SYS file similar to SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P /E:00500 The /E parameter gives more room to the SET commands. You must reboot (restart) your computer if you change the CONFIG.SYS file in order for the changes to become effective. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU CHECK THE CONFIG.SYS FILE. If you don't you'll probably get an error message when your try to run the invoicing part of the program. Checking the AUTOEXEC.BAT file Check the AUTOEXEC.BAT file for a PATH statement which includes your DOS directory. The statement usually begins "PATH=" and may include several directories. Some functions may not work properly if the PATH command is not set. If COMMAND.COM is not in the root directory, include SET COMSPEC= in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You may need this if you are running some networks. Consult your computer dealer for information on how to edit the CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files. The VTI.BAT and VTITUT.BAT files You may want to create a batch file which loads VTI and the VTI tutorial. Here are the typical lines in such a file and how to create it. This is similar to the notes on the CONFIG.SYS file where you press after each line, except the last one where you press then . COPY CON: C:\VTI.BAT or COPY C:\VTITUT.BAT CD C:\VTITUT or CD C:\VTITUT SET CLIPPER=V016;R016 Notice only one space! If the "V" value is not high enough, you'll get "out of memory" errors. If the "R" value is not high enough, you will not be able ------------------------------------------------------------ - 14 - Video Tape Invoicing Initial Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ to use option 9-8 without an error. You may also include ";S1" at the end of the line if your screen develops a "snow" problem. VTIMENU This loads the VTI program. CD C:\ Where to go when you uit VTI. (Press before on this line.) If you create this file, you can type VTI or VTITUT to load Video Tape Invoicing. Otherwise, such as when you are using a menu program, you'll have to enter the lines shown in order to properly load the program. ADDITIONAL TUTORIALS FOR NEW EMPLOYEES You may skip this section until you need to train another employee with the tutorial installed on a hard disk drive. When you need to train a new employee in the operation of VTI, you can put a fresh copy of the tutorial data onto the hard disk drive with these commands: DEL C:\VTITUT Respond es to the "Are You Sure (Y/N)" prompt A:INSTALL A: If you like, you may install the tutorial once and copy the *.DBF and *.NTX files to another directory. You may then copy just those files to the C:\VTITUT directory, rather than deleting and reinstalling the program. OPTION 9-4 SETUP ROUTINES When you first install VTI according to the standard routines, you need the information in this section only if: * the installation instructions referred you to this section * your printer doesn't print properly when using VTI * you have other problems in getting VTI to run properly Otherwise, you may skip this section. Later, you'll use the "Setup Routines" to do the actual configuration for your store. When VTI starts, it reads the PARAMS.MEM file. If there is not one (like the first time), VTI uses the system defaults and tells you to run the option 9-4 "Setup Routines." If your store has not yet paid the registration fee, the ------------------------------------------------------------ - 15 - Video Tape Invoicing Initial Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ "shareware notice" screen appears. The "opening screen" shows briefly, then the "Master Menu." If you edit the setup parameters now, see the options of the "Setup Routines" discussed in the "Program Reference" section. ERROR MESSAGES If you followed the standard installation procedure and checked for proper CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, no errors should show when running VTI. If the program shows an error message, consult the error codes in the "Appendix" or these "Installation Instructions." SOME THINGS YOU MAY WANT TO DO BEFORE BEGINNING THE TUTORIAL The back of the "Tutorial" has two reports: a list of customers and a list of tapes. You can print your own full lists by following these instructions. * You can print a "List of Customers" with "Master Menu" option 2-4 and then <1> "Print Customer List." Choose <1> Alphabetical and include ll listings. When the report is finished, the "Customer Report Menu" returns. Press to return to the "Master Menu." * You can print a "Tape List" with "Master Menu" option 3- 4 and then option <1> "Print List of Tapes." At the "Print Tape List" menu, choose <1> to Prepare for Printout and when this process is finished, choose <4> to print a list four columns wide. After you've printed the list of tapes, press to return to the "Tape Report Menu" and again to return to the "Master Menu." You probably want to do this if you install a different tutorial database from those furnished with this program. SUMMARY I think you will like Video Tape Invoicing and will enjoy using it in your store. Feel free to call me for information about the program. I hope I soon add your store to my list of customers. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 16 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ TUTORIAL Welcome to Video Tape Invoicing. This tutorial condenses two days of sample store operations into a few minutes. The first "day" acquaints you with VTI's terms, teaches you how to "check out" movies, and how to do a "Summary of Invoices" report. The second "day" teaches you how to "bring back" ("return") tapes already "checked out" and how to add, delete and edit customers, users, and tapes. Other than this guide, you'll need a computer with the tutorial program installed and a list of the tapes and customers. An abbreviated list of tapes and customers is at the back of the tutorial. Your store manager may have a complete list or other instructions. If your store is following my suggested procedure, you'll be using a special set of data which allows you to "play" with the program and make mistakes without affecting the "real" data. Let's begin the instruction with a quick review of terms used by the manual and program and a summary of some of the keystrokes used by the program. THE TERMS USED This manual uses a group of terms to explain the options of the program, how it works, and how to use the screen and keyboard. An "operator" (you) uses the computer to rent "tapes" (or "items") to a "customer account." The "customer" who owns the "account" authorizes "users" on the account. These "users" are the persons for whom the "customer" assumes responsibility. For example, you have an "account" on which you authorize yourself, your spouse and two children to rent movies. You are the account "owner," and all four are "authorized users." Your computer has an operating systems, usually called "DOS." DOS commands and file names are printed in all capital letters in this manual. After tying a DOS command, press . A "character" is a letter A-Z, a number 0-9, or a punctuation mark. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 17 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ SCREENS, PROMPTS, AND KEYBOARD TECHNIQUES A "screen" or "display" is the contents of the computer's monitor. Some of VTI's screens are: * The "title screen" -- the first major screen to appear after you load the program. * A "menu screen" -- the point from which the operator tells the program what he wants done. * A "data entry screen" -- contains areas ("prompts") in which the operator types information. * An "option line" -- a list of options with a one- character "prompt" at which you type a letter and then press . Option lines will eventually be replaced by Light Bar Menus. * Light Bar Menus -- a list of options at which you (1) press the first character of the choice, or (2) use one of the arrow keys to highlight your choice and then press . When the manual refers to a key on the keyboard, it surrounds it with "< >" characters. For example, refers to the carriage return key. , , , ape, and are keys you will use often. Each "screen" contains at least one "prompt." "Prompts" are the highlighted rectangles which ask or "prompt" you for information. Type the required information and then press to tell the computer you are finished. The flashing character, usually an underline character, inside each prompt is the "cursor." The "cursor" indicates the location at which the next character you type will be placed. The and keys control the position of the "cursor" inside a "prompt" without erasing a character. ete erases the current character while erases the previous character. Several "prompts" may appear on one "data entry screen." You can use one of the "cursor control keys" to move from prompt to another. moves the cursor to the previous prompt (unless you are at the top prompt). moves the cursor to the following prompt (unless you are at the bottom prompt). To complete a "data entry screen," use one of the "page control keys." * Press or in the last prompt * Press in the first prompt * Press or at any prompt ------------------------------------------------------------ - 18 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ * Press ape to return to the previous menu when you are at a light-bar menu, or to cancel the changes on many (but not all) screens. Some instructions require a sequence of keystrokes. For example, the phrase "choose option 1-3" means you are to press the <1> key followed by the <3> key. If the program is at the "Master Menu" when you press these keys, VTI goes to the "Summary of Invoices Report." A phrase beginning with the word "enter" means you are to type the characters or command and then press the key. For example, "enter the name" means to type the name and then press . Your keyboard will have at least ten "function keys" numbered through . VTI uses some of these keys for special purposes: Help (from any point in VTI) on what the keys do Copy lines from invoice into memo (see the key, below Add or Edit Memo (invoicing only) Screen protection (use often if you have a monochrome monitors) Type last account number entered (invoicing only) Your store may program several other keys for use in your store. They are through and through . See "Setup Option" 9-4-F. Combinations of keys are noted with the key to hold down, immediately followed by the key to tap. For example, means "hold down the key marked , tap , then release the key." A key may be named in a descriptive word or phrase. For example, an option line may include "." Don't confuse the key (as in elete) with the key. If characters move to the right when you type in a prompt's highlighted area, tap the key, which is an on/off "toggle" switch. SIMULATED FIRST DAY We'll spend the next few minutes reviewing some of the basic operations of VTI. If you haven't already done so, turn on the computer. It should be at the "C> prompt." ------------------------------------------------------------ - 19 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ This tutorial uses a "sample store." This "sample store" may do quite a few things differently from your store. This is to give you an idea of some of VTI's flexibility. LOADING THE PROGRAM The normal command to load the tutorial is VTITUT. When you get ready to use the "actual" program in day-to-day operations, the command is VTI. Your store may use a different command. At the "C> prompt," type VTITUT and press . In a moment the program may show a message and ask you to press the key. The program's "title screen" and "Master Menu" appears next. MASTER MENU The "Master Menu" has six sections -- invoicing, customer maintenance, inventory maintenance, special reports, periodic maintenance and general maintenance. You can use the or keys to highlight each of the five sections. This tutorial emphasizes the "Invoicing" section. The details of the other sections are in the "Program Reference" section of the manual. After you learn the basics of the invoicing, you can use the manual to learn how to operate the other sections your duties require. INVOICING The most-used option is 1-1 "Invoicing." At the "Master Menu," press <1> to choose "Invoicing." A second light-bar menu appears. Press <1> a second time to choose "Customer Invoicing." This manual usually refers to the "Customer Invoicing" option as 1-1, since that is the keystroke sequence from the "Master Menu" to get the program to the "customer invoicing" screen. The "Invoicing Menu" dominates the left third of the screen. Use or to move between options. You may also press the first letter of the option you want (except "Birthday") to use the option. If you choose an ------------------------------------------------------------ - 20 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ option you don't want to complete, press ape. Choose uit to return to the "Master Menu." Unless you press a key, the "# Account Number" option is highlighted. If it is highlighted, press to choose the option. Otherwise, press <#> to choose the option. Some options, such as this one, require the entry of an "account number." The tutorial uses a "customer account number" with a form similar to a telephone number. Your store may use a different form for the account number. Choose an account number which is non-existent, for instance "987-6543." Type over the "default account number (such as "000-0000") and press . The "Invoicing Menu" returns. This happens when you enter a non-existent account number. This usually happens several times a day because customers tell you the wrong number. When the "invoicing screen" is in full view, the upper left corner has the account holder's name and address and other information. The middle of the screen is the "invoice area." In the lower left section are instructions and any message about authorized users. The lower right section shows totals. CUSTOMER LOOKUP Press the letter to choose the "customer lookup" option. Some options, such as this one, require the entry of a name or title. Enter an on the line. Capitalization doesn't matter. After you type the , press the key. All customer accounts whose last name begins with "S" show, along with any account balance and the last day they had a transaction (no date means no transaction on file, which is probably the case with the tutorial). When the page is full, the bottom line of the screen has a prompt. You may use one of the "cursor control keys" to highlight a customer's account number and then press to select that account. When the column fills, press for more information. Repeat this until the last match is shown. When the last of the matching names shows, press and the program returns to the "Invoicing Menu." You may also press ape at any time to return to the "Invoicing Menu." ------------------------------------------------------------ - 21 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ To reach a group of first names, follow the last name with a single and then the first letter of the first name. For example, the entry of "Smith T" skips to Tom Smith (and any other T Smith listings). TAPE LOOKUP At the "Invoicing Menu," tap the key to look up a title. The word "Lookup" appears in the middle section of the screen with a highlighted prompt. Enter an at the prompt. Respond to the "status" question with es. The program shows a listing of titles which begin with "A. Other information includes the rating, availability, label number, price per day, and "in"/"out" information. When the screen fills, press to repeat until the last match is shown. Or, press ape at any prompt to return to the "Invoicing Menu." You may use the "cursor control keys" to highlight a tape's number if you are in the middle of an invoice. CREATING YOUR FIRST INVOICE Choose a customer from the "List of customers" and pretend he just came to the counter with tapes in hand. Press if the "# Account Number" option is highlighted or press <#> if it is not. Then, type the account number and press . Alternatively, you could press to look up the name and then select the account number. As another alternative, you can press to look up the accounts on which this person is an authorized user and select the account number. When you enter a valid account, a list of authorized users shows in the middle of the screen. Use the key to select the person who is at the counter (choose one who is at least 21) and press . If you press ape instead, an "Abort?" prompt appears in the lower left corner of the screen. Press or ape to return to the "Invoicing Menu" or enter the user's age. The "tape number prompt" is under "Tape Number" on the first line in the middle of the screen. The letters "REN" in the left column mean you are "RENting" tapes ("checking out"). ------------------------------------------------------------ - 22 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ If you choose a number which is a retail item, the letters "RET" appear. Don't do this in the tutorial. Pick a item from the list of tapes. Enter the number. Normally the number is on a box or tag, but there are no boxes or tags since we are pretending. If you enter a bad item number, the program shows the "tape number prompt" again. Up to three prompts can appear if your store: * allows changes in the number of days (the "sample store" does) * allows changes in the price per day of a tape (the "sample store" does) * enters es or o on each line to indicate whether or not to charge sales tax (the "sample store" does not) (under the column headed "T"). Press at each prompt. The "per day" column shows the average "price per day" calculated from the rate tables. Enter two or three more tape numbers so that the "pretend" customer is "checking out" about three or four items. This is the normal routine to "check out" a tape. It takes longer to read about the action than it does to do it! Now it's time to total the invoice. Enter a , <+> or <-> at the "tape number prompt." When you press , "Totals Screen" replaces the "Invoice Screen." It begins with the total amount of the invoice. If your store uses movie passes, and if the customer has any due, the value of those passes shows, rounded down to the value of the nearest pass. If the program stops here, press to accept the amount. If your store allows coupons or discounts, the program asks for the value or amount. To accept the normal amount, $0.00, press . Passes, coupons and discounts usually cannot be used to pay a previous balance on an account. Press to accept $0.00. The "Amount Tendered prompt" shows. If most customers pay at the time of checkout (as it does in the "sample store"), this "defaults" to the total amount of the invoice. If most customers pay on return of the tapes, this defaults to ------------------------------------------------------------ - 23 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ $0.00, or to the amount of a previous balance and other charges. Normally, you press to accept the "Amount Tendered" shown. If you enter a smaller amount, including 0.00, the program assumes you want to charge the rental. If you enter an number greater than the amount, the program assumes you want it to calculate the amount of change. Depending on the circumstances, self-explanatory information shows. You can "prepay" rentals by "charging" a negative amount to the account (precede the amount with the <-> sign). Do not type the <$> sign. The final line on the "totals screen" is for the salesman name. Three things can happen here: * Press if the line is blank -- the program assumes you are not happy with the numbers on the screen and returns to the top of the totals screen. * Press ape -- the "Invoice Screen" returns. * Type a name and press . Or, type your salesman number and press to make your name appear and then again. The invoice is complete and correct and you want to print it. Your store may elect to have VTI create a memo if there is a charged amount on this invoice. With this option, you do not see a new memo; you have the option to edit an existing memo. When the numbers on the "totals screen" are acceptable, type your first name at the "salesman prompt" and press . The invoice prints. If your store has the option to reprint the invoice at this point (the "sample store" does not), enter es to print again or o to avoid the second copy. You can "

rint Invoice Again" at the "Invoicing Menu." When all required invoices finish, the "invoice screen" and "Invoicing Menu" reappear and you are ready for the next customer. You've completed the work for your first transaction. While the receipt printed, you got the tapes for the customer and talked to him about future rentals, etc. Normally, you'll have the customer sign the invoice. If your store uses two-part invoices, give the customer his copy and put the store copy away (usually goes in a box or drawer under the counter). When the "Summary of Invoices" report (described later) is printed, place the store copies ------------------------------------------------------------ - 24 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ with the summary. Some stores use customized invoices which may work differently. The money goes into the cash drawer. If your store uses an electronic cash drawer, it opens when the invoice begins printing if the amount is not $0.00. The entire process took only seconds. Let's complete another invoice with just a change or two. RATING/AGE CONFLICT Do another invoice. Choose another customer. But this time, press ape at the list of authorized users. At the "Abort?" prompt, press <6> then . Pick a tape from your tape list which you know is not rated for general audiences (for example, 112 or 189). The "sample store" allows changes in number of days. If your store does not allow this option, you probably won't see what is described below because the program returns to the "tape number prompt" so quickly. When the program obtains the tape information. the screen shows an age under "Rating" such as 08, 13, 15 or 18 and the computer beeps. The phrase "AGE!" shows in the "AVAIL" column. The number of days changes to "0." Press and the "tape number prompt" returns. Press ape at the "tape number prompt" to cancel the invoice. This is what happens when a age/rating conflict happens. The program compares the user's age and the tape's rating. If it finds the user isn't supposed to rent the tape because he's too young, it alerts you. If your store allows the option to change the "number of days" you can type over the "0" number of days. Do this only if: * you are certain the parent does not object to the child watching the particular movie * you can confirm this particular movie with the parent. Of course, your store policy must allow these exceptions. LOOKUP TAPE WHILE INVOICING Let's go to another invoice. Choose another customer, get to the "tape number prompt," enter a tape number, and press ------------------------------------------------------------ - 25 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ until you're at the "tape number prompt" on the second line. Now, enter an . You see the tape lookup prompt just as you did from the "Invoicing Menu," except it's a little lower on the screen. This is useful in the middle of an invoice when a customer wants to know the availability of a tape. Choose a letter or partial title and enter it. You may then use the "cursor control keys" to highlight a tape number. CHANGING A TAPE OR CORRECTING A LINE Pretend the customer wants to change the tape on the first line and instead get a title from the above lookup. Enter a at the "tape number prompt" -- type then press . Look in the instruction area at the bottom of the screen and see the new prompt. It has a line number in it. If it's something other than one, type <1> and press , since that is the line you want to correct. After entering the line number to correct, the "tape number prompt" is in the first line. Correct the line by typing in the new number. All you have to do is leave at least one space between the new number and the old number. The information on the first line is now that of the correct tape. The listing for the "old" tape is gone. RETURNING TO INVOICE PAGE FROM TOTALS SCREEN After you successfully orrect a line, practice the "totals screen" by entering a , <+>, or <-> to total the invoice. When you get to the "salesman prompt," press the ape key to return to the "invoice screen." You can orrect another line if you want to. Then total the invoice again and complete the "totals screen" until you get to the "salesman prompt." TRANSLATING SALESMEN'S NUMBERS TO NAMES So far, when you created an invoice, you typed your name at the "salesman prompt." This time, type the number <2> and press . The number "2" changes to a salesman's name. When your store manager assigns a number to you, use it -- it's faster and you won't misspell your own name! ------------------------------------------------------------ - 26 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ If the name on the screen is wrong, you can type another number. If the salesman number is active, the program shows the salesman's name. When the right name shows, press and the invoice prints. QUITTING THE INVOICE OPTION Press at the "Invoicing Menu" to return to the "Master Menu." SUMMARY OF INVOICES REPORT Most stores "close out" the day. Some stores "close out" each shift. Either way, the VTI procedure is the same. At the "Master Menu," choose 1-3 to print a "Summary of Invoices." A series of questions appears asking you if you want to print daily, monthly, or annual reports. VTI makes some assumptions based on the date and provides a tentative answer. If you press ape, the program returns to the "Master Menu." After each selected report prints, the program gives you the option to reprint. Then, VTI asks if you want to close out the period. You may respond o to go on to the next report or you may press ape to return to the "Master Menu." For now, press to let the program "close out" the day. The "Master Menu" appears when this option is complete. Study the report. The top group of lines is a listing of the monetary totals for each invoice. Near the bottom is a group of lines with totals for each salesman. The taxable amounts, sales taxes, and totals are at the bottom of the report. Rental items and retail items are accounted for separately in case your store uses different sales tax rates. Finally, is the summary for each category of tapes (the total number of "days" and the total amount of money). END OF SIMULATED FIRST DAY This work represents a sample of the typical work done with VTI. You "checked out" tapes to customers, corrected and printed invoices, and learned how to do a "Summary of Invoices" report. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 27 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ At the "Master Menu," press to "Quit to DOS." A special prompt appears at the bottom of the screen. Press ape to confirm that you want to quit the program. If this was really the end of a day, you'd do backups, shut down the computer, close the store and go home. But, this is a tutorial; so "tomorrow" comes in just seconds. At the "C> prompt," type DATE and press . Respond with tomorrow's date (remember to change back to today's date when you finish). SIMULATED SECOND DAY It's time to learn more about the VTI program. The DATE command entered above "tricked" the computer into thinking at least 24 hours passed. On this "second" day, you will learn how to get a printout of tapes "checked out," learn how to "bring back" ("return") tapes which were "checked out" "yesterday," and learn how to add and edit customers and users. At the "C> prompt," type VTITUT and press . If necessary, follow the instructions to proceed. At the "Master Menu," choose option 1-2 to print a "Report of Tapes Out to Customers." Several options appear. Only a few tapes are "checked out," so respond es to all choices. When the program finishes the lists, the "Master Menu" returns. The first list is sorted by due date, with all overdue tapes first (there are none the first time this is done). For each date, the listing is by customer account, with all tapes due from that customer on the date. Overdue listings include the phone number(s) and address so you can get in touch with the late customers. The second list, controlled by the last of the options, is sorted by tape number and lists the tapes "checked out." You can check the shelves with this list and find discrepancies between tapes the program "thinks" are "checked out" and the tapes which are actually "checked out." You'll want to ask for this report from time to time to reduce the amount of "operator error." You may even want to print it as part of the end of day activities in case of computer problems. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 28 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ BRINGING BACK TAPES At the "Master Menu," choose option 1-1 for "Invoicing." The "invoice screen" appears. At the "Invoicing Menu," press to enter the "Bring Back" mode. The prompt moves to the first line under "Tape Number." Look at the "Tapes Out to Customers" report and find an account which has more than one tape "checked out." Enter the number of one of the tapes. Watch the screen. Each tape "checked out" to this customer is shown. A light bar menu appears with choices "Back," "Keep" and "Recheck." Press to bring back the tape. The letters "BAC" show that the customer is bringing "BACk" the tape. For the next line, press and the letters "KEP" show that the customer is KEePing the tape. "KEP" simply means: "Take no action on this item now." If you have a third tape, choose to recheck the tape. "REC" appears in the first column and VTI checks the tape out to this customer for one more day. When you indicate the status of the last tape, the program switches to the "Invoicing" mode. You can "check out" additional tapes to the customer. If you make an error with "BAC" or "KEP," or if the customer changes his mind, orrect the offending line. When you correct a line of a tape already "checked out," the only option to correct is the "BAC"/"KEP"/"REC" status. "Check out" at least one additional tape to this customer. Then total (, <+>, or <->) and print the invoice. Study the titles section of the invoice. If the customer is keeping a title, the phrase "Keeping:" is printed before the title. If he is bringing back a tape, the word "Returned:" is printed before the title. "Rechecking" appears when the customer is rechecking the tape. Only the title appears when the "checking out" a tape. Your store may be using invoices with phrases such as "KEP," "BAC," "REC," or "REN." Get comfortable with this combination "bring back"/"check out" mode. This is the mode you use with good customers, since they bring back some tapes and "check out" others. The "Bring Back" mode is the mode you use most of the time when bringing back a tape, especially if you don't know the customer's name. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 29 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ CUSTOMER WANTS MORE WHEN HE ALREADY HAS TAPES "OUT" When you enter a customer's account number, the program shows any tapes the customer has out. Look at the "Tapes Out to Customers" report (printed earlier). Choose and enter the number of one of the customers. Since the program knows the customer has tapes "checked out," it switches from the invoicing mode to the "bring back" mode. Follow the same process of "BAC"/"KEP"/"REC" as you do in the "Bring Back" mode described above. Once again, the program switches to the "check out" ("RENt") mode as soon as the status of the last tape is noted. Here is an example of a sample transaction to explain some of the items on the screen. The wife comes at lunch and rents a tape and you create an invoice. The wife leaves. When the husband gets off work this afternoon, he comes to the store, makes his selection, and comes to the counter with his tape. As soon as you enter his account number, the program shows that a tape is out. It goes into the "Bring Back" mode. You see the customer doesn't have a tape to return, so you look at the "date due" column and see the tape "checked out" is not due until "tomorrow." The time on the screen is the time the tape was "checked out" (around 12:00 noon). You can say "I see someone was in earlier and rented ..." If you make a comment similar to the last line of the example, you may do yourself a disfavor, since the husband may decide not to "check out" his tape. But, you may make the customer happy, too, by not selling him more than he needs. What does your store prefer to do? You can use this method to "return tapes" for a customer. But, this is seldom used because you must know the account number on which the tapes are rented. It's much easier to use the "Bring Back" mode. CHECKING FOR TAPES "OUT" BY TAPE NUMBER From time to time, you need to know the status of a tape by number rather than title. At the "Invoicing Menu," choose to get into the "Bring Back" mode. Then, enter the tape ------------------------------------------------------------ - 30 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ number. If the screen blinks without action, the tape is "in" (not "checked out"). Use the "ookup Tapes" function when you need to know the status by title. EDITING ACCOUNT INFORMATION FROM THE INVOICE SCREEN When you need to change customer information, press to choose the "Edit Customer" mode at the "Invoicing Menu." Similar options are "User Edit" and "Add Customer." When you choose "Edit Customer," the "customer edit screen" appears. The option line at the bottom of the screen requires you to dit, then ccept the changes. See "Master Menu" option 2-1 "Add/Edit Customers" for details. Do NOT change an "account number" until you verify the new number is not in use. When you finish, the "Invoicing Menu" reappears. Press then to choose this account. The key "types" the last account number for you. When you choose "User Edit" to add, edit, or delete an authorized user for an account, it is the same as "Master Menu" option 2-2 "Edit Users." The prompt at the bottom of the screen requires that you enter the line number to edit. To delete a user, type the character in the single character box on the right. To add another user, enter an at the prompt at the bottom of the screen or enter a number higher than the number of lines appearing. Press ape to return to the "Invoicing Menu." Press then to access the customer's account. When you choose "Add Customer," VTI creates a new entry in the customer file, then consecutively shows the "customer edit screen" and then the "user edit screen." dit the blank "customer edit screen," then ccept the information or press ape to abort the add. The account name appears as the first user. If there is more than one user for this account, dd each. When you complete entry of users, the "Invoicing Menu" appears. Press then to access the account. In the "Add Customer" mode, you may specify an account number. The program first checks for the existence of the account. If you press for the account number default (such as "000-0000") the program calculates an account number based on the internal reference number. You may change this account number. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 31 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ Practice these options by pretending a new customer comes into your store. You'll ask for the customer's account number and/or name. When you can't find the account on the computer, you may use the "? User Lookup" option. If you can't find an appropriate account, you'll complete your store's membership application. Then, choose the "Add Customer" option and enter the information onto the "customer edit screen" and the "users edit screen." Finally, do the normal invoice process. ADDING AND EDITING TAPES If you won't be adding or editing tapes information, skip this section. From the "Master Menu," choose option 3-1 to "Edit Tapes." Enter a tape number or title. The program shows the first matching tape. You can use the and keys" to browse through the file. The sequence is numeric or alphabetic, depending on the method you used to go to the first tape. If you typed a number, the order is by number. If you typed a title, the order is by title. Normally, you dit information. Then use a "page control key" (such as to save the changes or to cancel the changes). If you press , you will mark the tape for deletion. Press ape to return to the prompt and ape again to return to the "Master Menu." TUTORIAL SUMMARY You have been exposed to all the basic concepts of the program and several advanced techniques. The VTI program is easy to use. Major instructions are on the screen. If you get into a portion of the program in which you feel insecure, consult the "Program Reference" section. You'll develop your confidence and speed with practice. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 32 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ Customer List Printed: 07/26/99 887-8296 Anderson, Darrel Route 3 Box 748 AnytownUS 887-6903 Beaird, Andy 125 Ridgeboro AnytownUS 887-4629 Beavert, Jerry Route 2 Box 111-C AnytownUS 887-4391 Burton, Robert 504 Second Avenue AnytownUS 887-3436 Calhoun, Travis P O Box 541 AnytownUS 887-3347 Christian, James 3347 South Main St AnytownUS 887-1434 Clark, Larry Route 1 Box 406-A AnytownUS 887-9208 Cornelius, Birdie J Route 3 Box 85-B AnytownUS 887-9194 Cox, Tom Route 5 Box 109 AnytownUS 887-3844 DeWoody, Donald Route 7 Box 42-A AnytownUS 887-6518 Faulkner, Bill Route 1 Box 114 AnytownUS 887-5566 Foster, Bo P O Box 1638 AnytownUS 887-6713 Friend, Richard Route 8 Box 21 AnytownUS 999-0176 Gilleylen, Brian Route 2 Box 139 AnytownUS 887-7457 Golden, Richard Route 9 Box 224-C1 AnytownUS 887-3452 Hackett, John P O Box 152 AnytownUS 887-2333 Hendrix, Cameron Route 4 Box 186 AnytownUS 887-8363 Hoover, Mike P O Box 300 AnytownUS 999-0135 Inscore, Billy P O Box 291 AnytownUS 887-7042 Jackson, Virgil Route 3 Box 75-A AnytownUS 887-2486 Kisselburg, Gary Route 3 Box 218-B AnytownUS 887-4808 Lawrence, Charles Route 9 Box 21 AnytownUS 887-5252 Loe, Randy 734 Palm Street AnytownUS 887-0300 Marlar, Reed P O Box 42 AnytownUS 887-1818 McCoy, David 207 Robin Hood AnytownUS 111-0109 McDonald, Millard P O Box 1715 AnytownUS 887-4366 Meeks, Sid Route 4 Box 218-A AnytownUS 887-7521 Mullins, Vernon 246 Flower Street AnytownUS 111-0119 Owen, Jerold Route 1 Box 179 AnytownUS 887-2455 Parks, Wally 509 West Moore AnytownUS 586-4415 Portis, Jay 931 Amity Road AnytownUS 887-3567 Reeves, Ricky 234 Ridgewood AnytownUS 887-1022 Shackleford, Clay Route 8 Box 168 AnytownUS 999-0240 Smith, Gary Route 2 Box 86 AnytownUS 887-7041 Stovall, David Route 3 Box 232 AnytownUS 487-3315 Thompson, Delma Route 1 Box 254 AnytownUS 887-8339 Vansickle, Sonny Route 7 Box 10A AnytownUS 887-7704 Wilson, Kenneth Route 2 Box 197-B AnytownUS NOTE: This is a fictitious list; no names are real. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 33 - Video Tape Invoicing Tutorial ------------------------------------------------------------ Your Store Name Here Tape Rental Library 07/26/99 Page: 1 126 48 Hours 168 Real Men 192 ABC'S of Love and Sex 163 Rebel Without a Cause 185 Adventures of Chip & Dale 110 Reluctant Dragon 106 Animal House 123 Return of the Living Dead 119 Baadassss Song 124 Return to Boggy Creek 174 Baby Boom 135 Return to Horror High 176 Baby Boom 160 Risky Business 191 Believers, The 113 Roadrunner Classic Chase 108 Benji 188 Roommate, The 138 Beyond Therapy 127 Roxanne 102 Bill Cosby :49 139 Roxanne 109 Black Godfather, The 129 Running Man, The 194 Blood Feast 133 Running Man, The 111 Blue Thunder 136 Running Man, The 171 Bowhunting October White 187 Shaggy Dog 104 Bugs Bunny Wacky Advent 134 Skate Video Vol. #1 198 Cannibal 146 Skateboard 151 Coach 189 Space 1999 165 Crimes of Passion 153 Starcade '86 200 Darby O'Gill and the 166 Steele Dawn 118 Death Wish 184 Storybook Classics 141 Different Story, A 125 Strawberry Shortcake 152 Erotic Encounters of the 186 Street Warriors 180 Flintstones Comedy Hour 112 Swinging Sorority Girls 130 Gardens Of Stone 175 Swiss Family Robinson 131 Good, the Bad & the Ugly 167 Tangier 132 Good, the Bad & the Ugly 137 Tatoo Connection, The 170 Graduate, The 103 Teachers 161 Halloween I 172 They Went That-a-Way and 122 Havoc 7 121 Thundercats 01 Exodus 169 HeMan: Skeletor's Revenge 178 Trading Places 177 Hoosiers 179 TRON 143 Hot Stuff 183 Vacation 120 House on Sorority Row 144 Wanted: Dead or Alive 196 Joe Panther 107 War of the Monster Trucks 148 Jumpin' Jack Flash 182 When Nature Calls 149 Jumpin' Jack Flash 173 Whiskey Mountain 199 Little Rascals on Parade 157 Wrestle Mania IV pt.1 145 Looney Tunes III 158 Wrestle Mania IV pt.2 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 34 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ PROGRAM REFERENCE Use the tutorial to learn VTI. Use this reference for detailed information. To begin "actual" use of the VTI program: * Install the program in the C:\VTI directory of your hard disk drive (this is automatic if you used the INSTALL.BAT file to do the installation). * Load the program with VTI. * At the "Master Menu," perform option 9-4 "Setup Routines." Specify the conditions for your store. * At the "Master Menu," use option 3-1 "Add Tapes." Place your rental inventory on the computer. * Add customers and users: * If you have the information now, use "Master Menu" option 2-1 to "Add Customers" accounts and options 2-1 or 2-2 to add authorized users. Your computer will be ready to invoice when the customers arrive. * Begin using VTI now. Add accounts and users from "Invoicing" when the customers arrive. This may create problems, especially during rush hours, because you have to add the account and users before you may invoice. Perhaps the "hybrid method" of adding customers will work best for you. While you are in the process of entering your store's inventory (this typically takes two or three weeks of part-time work), have customers complete membership forms when they come into the store. Enter this information before you go "on-line" with the program. This methods gets most of your better customers on the computer and minimizes the problems during rush hours. If you are using a network, the multiple workstations may help alleviate the problem. You'll probably still want to do the "hybrid method" described above. TERMS AND TECHNIQUES This manual uses several terms and presentation techniques to explain the options of the program and how it works. Fundamental terms about screens, prompts, and the keyboard are in the tutorial. Each topic begins with a general discussion of "what they do," "when to do it," and "how it works" information. The ------------------------------------------------------------ - 35 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ word "if" is often followed by a condition and "then" the action which is to be taken when the condition occurs. Disk "file names" are printed in all capital letters. Examples are VTIMENU.EXE, VTI.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, RENINVEN.DBF and RENTITLE.NTX. "DOS commands" are printed in all capital letters. The VTI command is about the only one used by the typical program operator. The system administrator uses commands such as BACKUP C: A: /S (total system backup) BACKUP C:\VTI A: (VTI only backup) Press the key after typing a DOS command. "DOS" refers to your disk operating system. This program was written to be run on Mircosoft's MS-DOS, although it may be possible to use it on some other systems. LOADING THE PROGRAM To load the Video Tape Invoicing Program, type VTI and press . To load the tutorial, type VTITUT and press . An error such as "Not enough memory" can happen at this point. If it does, see the installation information concerning the "SET CLIPPER" line. If the VTI version you are using has not yet been registered with the author, a screen appears to describe the registration terms. At the bottom of the screen is an instruction to type a phrase which expresses your understanding of the terms. You may be able to press the key to type this phrase. This screen does not appear after the VTI program is registered with the author. If you use the program on a network, the station number (calculated from the computer name) shows. If this needs to be another number, enter the correct number. The "title screen" and "Master Menu" appear next. THE MASTER MENU The "Master Menu" shows five categories of options. They are 1-Invoicing, 2-Customer Maintenance, 3-Inventory ------------------------------------------------------------ - 36 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Maintenance, 4-Special Reports, 8-Periodic maintenance and 9-General Maintenance. Each master menu main category has a second light bar menu. Other menus appear for most options. 1 - INVOICING: 4 - SPECIAL REPORTS 1-1 Customer Invoicing 1-2 Tapes Out to Customers 8 - PERIODIC MAINTENANCE: 1-3 Summary of Invoices 8-1 Pack Transaction File 1-4 Rack Invoicing 8-2 Archive Transactions 8-3 Number & Value of Tapes 2 - CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE: 8-4 Duplicate Numbers 2-1 Add/Edit Customers 8-5 Customers Without Users 2-2 Add/Edit Users 2-3 Customer Reports 9 - GENERAL MAINTENANCE: 9-1 Reindex Databases 3 - INVENTORY MAINTENANCE: 9-3 Space Used By System 3-1 Edit Tape File 9-4 Setup Routine 3-2 Add Tape to File 9-7 Option 97 3-3 Prebooked Tapes 9-8 Enter a DOS Command 3-4 Tape Reports 9-* Update Routine Q Exit to DOS Option 9-7 shows only if you've created a file VTI97.BAT and placed it in the C:\VTI directory and the "Allow RUN command" setup option is es. Option 9-8 appears only if the "Allow RUN Command" setup option is es. A password may be required before you can use an option. In the manual, each main category is centered and capitalized. Each of the topics for each main option is also capitalized, but is flush left. INVOICING The major category "INVOICING" contains four main options: 1-1 Customer Invoicing 1-2 Tapes Out to Customers 1-3 Summary of Invoices 1-4 Rack Invoicing Each of these main options is discussed in detail. 1-1 CUSTOMER INVOICING To get to "Customer Invoicing," choose option 1-1 at the "Master Menu." The "invoicing screen" appears. This discussion explains first the "Invoicing Menu" and its options, followed by "The Invoicing Process." ------------------------------------------------------------ - 37 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ THE INVOICING MENU The "Invoicing Screen" is dominated on the left by the "Invoicing Menu." The options at the "Invoicing Menu" are <#> Account Number, ring Back Tapes, eservations, <*> Due Date Change, dd Customer, dit Customer, ustomer Lookup, ser Edit, User Lookup, Birthdays, ookup Tapes, op Tapes, ummary of Invoices,

rint Last Invoice Again, <+> Last Totals Screen and uit to Master Menu. Under the "Invoicing Menu" is the invoicing screen. When fully visible, it contains these sections: * The upper left section contains the name and address information. * The upper right portion contains additional information, when available. * The bulk of the screen is in the middle. The "tape number prompt," title, number of days rented, and price per day show here. The list of authorized users appears here. * The lower portion of the screen has two areas. Helpful instructions are in the lower left. These instructions change during various parts of invoice process. The current invoice totals are in the lower right. They are updated each time a line is entered or corrected. When an account has a memo, it appears in the lower section of the screen. The invoicing screen may be replaced temporarily by other options. It reappears on completion of the other option at the point it was interrupted. <#> ACCOUNT NUMBER This is the prompt highlighted each time the "Invoicing Menu" first appears. It is first because it is most-often used and is the beginning of the "Invoicing Process" when a customer does not have any items rented. Unless another "Invoicing Menu" prompt is highlighted, you may press to choose this option. If another option is highlighted, press <#> or use the arrow keys followed by to select this option. The "account number prompt" appears showing the "default account number." The key recalls the last account number you entered at the "Invoicing Menu" since coming from ------------------------------------------------------------ - 38 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ the "Master Menu" ( does not recall numbers from customer or user lookup routines). Account numbers are a sequence of numbers up to twelve digits. The options are (1) the form of a telephone number, (2) telephone number with area code, (3) social security number, and (4) any twelve digits. The form used by your store is determined in the setup routine. Stores using telephone numbers discover that several persons often share a phone. For this reason, check the account name and authorized users to be sure you've selected the correct account. These accounts often require you use the "Customer Lookup" option or the "? User Lookup" option. When the customer does not have his own phone number or when he wishes to keep the number "unlisted," the program generates an account number based on the "reference number." The author prefers the phone number or social security number methods since customers tend to forget assigned account numbers or membership cards. Even children learn and memorize phone numbers. At the "account number prompt," enter the customer's account number by typing over the "default account number" (such as "000-0000") and then pressing . If you enter a non-existent account number, the screen blinks and the "Invoicing Menu" reappears. When you enter a valid account number, the program shows the customer's name, address and account number, along with information on the number of tapes which this customer has rented "for" a total amount of money and the amount of retail purchases. If your store uses movie passes, also shown are the number of passes the customer has earned and the percentage remaining until he earns another pass. The program checks to see if a customer has "out" any tapes. If so, it automatically switches to the "Bring Back" mode. See the discussion of "The Invoicing Process," which follows this discussion of "Invoicing Menu" options. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 39 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ RINGING BACK ITEMS The "Bring Back" mode has all the features of the invoicing mode. It begins by bringing back a tape rather than the entry of a customer's account number. At the "Invoicing Menu," press . The "tape number prompt" awaits the entry of the first tape number being "returned." All tapes "checked out" to that customer show on the screen. When a customer keeps a tape extra days, the program automatically calculates the total extra charge and shows an average price per day. The rate table is the basis for the average price per day. The cursor moves to the first column. The light bar menu shows "Back," "Keep," and "Recheck." Press the first letter or highlight the phrase and press for each line. The letters "BAC" show that the customer is "bringing back" the tape. The letters "KEP" show the customer is "keeping" the tape. "KEP" simply means: "Take no action on this item now." "REC" means the customer is "rechecking" the tape for one day. Your store may allow changes in the price per day when a tape is more than one day late. If you make an error with back/keep/recheck, or if the customer changes his mind, orrect the offending line. You can only correct back, keep or recheck on tapes being "returned" -- there is nothing else to correct. It is also possible to press ape in the first column of any line to cancel the "bring back" mode and return to the "Invoicing Menu." After you indicate back, keep or recheck for each line, the program goes into the "rent" mode (shown by "REN"), so you can "check out" additional tapes to the customer. If you rent other tapes to the customer, the tape listings temporarily disappear and the "Authorized Users" routine begins. Once you select the user, the tape listings return. It is common to use the "MEMO" option (or press ) when the customer has left before you're able to "check in" late tapes (such as night drop boxes). Leave a message to other employees so they can explain why the customer owes money. Your store may elect to make the memo automatic. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 40 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ When you complete this invoice, enter a , <+> or <-> to total the invoice. If you are only "returning tapes" without late charges, there is no need for input on the "Totals Screen" other than the "salesman's name prompt." The "bring back" mode is used most of the time with good customers, since they bring back some tapes and "check out" others. It is the mode you use when the customer brings back a tape and you can't remember his name. Checking for Items "Out" by Item Number If you need to know if a tape is "checked out" based on the tape's number, enter the "bring back" mode. Then, enter a tape number. If nothing shows, the tape is "in." If information shows, the tape is "checked out." "Checking Out" Items When the Customer Already Has Items "Out" Any time an account number is entered, the program checks to see if a customer has out any tapes "checked out." If tapes are out, the program automatically switches to the "bring back" mode, where you should follow the same process of back/keep/recheck as you do in the "Bring Back" mode. The program again switches to the "check out" ("REN") mode as soon as the status of the last tape is noted. This may happen when one user comes in early in the day and another comes in later. When you enter the account number, information on a tape shows. Look at the date due and the time. You see a tape due "tomorrow" which was "checked out" around noon -- you conclude someone was in earlier today. ESERVATIONS To make a reservation (better described as a "waiting list" entry), press at the "Invoicing Menu." You can dd, hange or elete a reservation at the menu line. You can also print a list of reservations to the creen or

rinter. On the "reservation screen," "User" is the person who wants the tape. "Requested" is the requested date and time the person wants the tape (If you type "Weekends only" or "6/16 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 41 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ party," you or other store personnel can have a better idea of how to set priorities for the rental). The bottom line is for a list of comments such as special times or telephone numbers. A title must be in the rental library before you can enter a reservation for it. Stores with multiple copies of the same title should check to be sure all are entered the same. "Friday the 13th 7" is not the same as "Friday the 13th-7" (because of the extra "-"). To add a reservation, type and press . Type enough of the title that it becomes unique. For example, if you want to "reserve" "Rambo 3" for a customer, but type only "Rambo" then "Rambo 1" or "Rambo 2" shows (if they are in your library). If the wrong title shows, press for the account number and try again. When the correct title shows, enter the correct account number for the customer. If you add the wrong account number, enter hange at the menu prompt, specify this reservation, then elete it. Press ape on the bottom line to return to invoicing. To hange or elete a reservation, enter both the title and the account number. You may need to first list the reservations to be sure which one you want. To delete, choose the deletion option and then choose: * ne reservation -- Use this option to delete one reservation for one customer. Enter both title and account number. When the reserved item appears, press to delete the reserved item. * itle, All for -- Use this option to delete all reservations for a title. This is useful when you cancel a prebook for a tape (perhaps for lack of interest) or sell a title. * ustomer, All for -- Use this option to delete all reservations for an account. This is useful when a customer repeatedly refuses reserved tapes and you want to cancel any remaining reservations. See also the "WAITLIST" field, below. The word "DELETE" appears on the screen under any reservation which has been marked for deletion. To "undelete" a reservation, use the hange option to find the reservation and once it's on the screen, enter ndelete. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 42 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ The program automatically marks the reservation for deletion when the customer "checks out" the tape. If the customer informs you he no longer needs the "reserved" title, you must elete it manually. No items marked for deletion appear on printed or screen listings. They are physically removed from the computer when you reindex the reservations file. You cannot add a second reservation for the same title to the same account until the previous one is used. A "field" called "WAITLIST" shows on the "customer edit screen." If this "field" is set to N, the customer is not allowed to make reservations. During "check out" and "check in" routines, the phrase "RES" shows under the "availability" column. A digit 1-9 after the phrase "RES" shows one to nine persons on the waiting list for the title. "RES*" means there are 10 or more reservations for the title. When you attempt to "check out" a "reserved" tape, the computer beeps. If the customer is on the reservation list, the number of days defaults to one day. If the customer is not on the list, the number of days defaults to zero (this may be different at your store). If your store allows changes in the number of days, you may change the number of days. When a customer brings back one or more "reserved" tapes, the program first prints the regular customer invoice. Next, on the screen is a list of "reserved" titles in the "returned tapes." The prompt at the bottom of the screen is programmable by your store. es means to print the entire list for each title. o means print no list. A number from <1> to <9> means to print that many listings for each title. creen means to print the list to the screen. The printed list contains the tape name and number, the customer's account number and name, information on who requested the reservation and when, and other information. If you do not print the list as you go, you can still determine who gets "reserved" titles. Use the option to get to the "reservations menu" line and then

rint a list of reservations. Next, return to "invoicing" and ookup which tapes are "in." ------------------------------------------------------------ - 43 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to take reservations list for a title which has not yet released, enter at least one copy into the rental inventory. Since all reservations are handled by title, the tape number doesn't matter. You might want to use a negative number for these "pre-release" reservations. When the title arrives, change the tape number. If you get more than one copy, be sure all other copies have the same title (on a character-by-character basis) as the first entry. <*> DUE DATE VTI calculates a due date for rented items based on the setup options for the day(s) your store is closed. If your store is open on "tomorrow," then "tomorrow" is the due date for items rented "today." There are times when this is not true and you need to change it. For instance, "tomorrow" may be a holiday you are closed and you don't want to redo the "setup routine" for one time and have to change it back the next day. You can change the due date by changing the date shown at this option. There may be times for special customers you want to alter the due date, which you can do here. The due date entered at the prompt remains the same until (1) you change it to another date, or (2) until you exit to the "Master Menu." Be sure to reset the "due date" if you leave invoicing and return. DD CUSTOMERS At the "Invoicing Menu," press to add customers. This has the same effect as choosing "Master Menu" option 2-1. The program creates a new entry in the customer file, shows the "customer edit screen" and then the "user edit screen." Edit the blank "customer edit screen," then ccept the information or ape to cancel the addition. The account holder's name shows in the first user position. If there is more than one user for this account, dd each. When you complete entry of users, the screen shows the account name and authorized users and is in the invoicing mode. If you specify an account number, the program first checks for the existence of the account. If you specify "add" without an account number, the program calculates an account ------------------------------------------------------------ - 44 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ number based on the reference number. You may change this account number. However, if you change it to a number which already exists, the program will not add the account. DIT CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS At the "Invoicing Menu," press to edit customers. This has a similar effect as choosing "Master Menu" option 2-1 (access is limited to only the specified account at this option, while you may "browse" through accounts at the 2-1 option). The program shows the "customer edit screen." dit the blank "customer edit screen," then ccept the information or ape to cancel the addition. USTOMER LOOKUP To find a customer's listing, press at the "Invoicing Menu" and enter all or part of the customer's last name. The program shows a list of which matches the search name, along with any account balance and the last transaction date (no date means no transaction on file). At each page's ending, you may use the "cursor control keys" to highlight an account number, then press to select the account. You may press ape to return to the "Invoicing Menu" or press to continue the list. When the last name shows, press to return to the "Invoicing Menu." SER EDIT At the "Invoicing Menu," press to add or edit users. This is the same as "Master Menu" option 2-2. Type the line number to edit or a higher number than shown to add another user. USER LOOKUP> You may display a list of authorized users, sorted by last name, on the screen by pressing at the "Invoicing Menu." This list is especially useful when you want to find if one user is on more than one account, or if a person is on more than one account which owes money to the store. After choosing the option, type the last name at the prompt. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 45 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ LIST OF USERS WITH Highlight the "Birthday" option at the "Invoicing Menu" to get a list of users whose birthday falls on or between the two dates you indicate (the default is today). The list includes the user's name, his age as of today, and the account number. This is the only "Invoicing Menu" option you cannot use by pressing the first letter of the option. OOKUP TAPES ookup Tape allows you to see a partial listing of tapes. When you choose this option, the word "Lookup" and a prompt appears on the screen. Type all or part of a tape's title. If you type more than seven characters, the program assumes you want to find the title and availability of tapes. A list of matching titles and ratings shows. If chosen at the previous prompt, the "availability" of a tape appears in the right-most column. * DAY OUT -- shows a blank space for items when the item is checked in. Any date shown here is the date of the invoice to the customer or the date of the transfer to the rack/branch. * STATUS -- shows a blank space when the item is checked in. An hour and minute time is the time of the invoice to the customer. If the tape is overdue, the word "OVERDUE" appears. When the tape is at a rack, the word "RACK:" and the rack/branch code appears. Any other numbers under this column is the "LABNUM" of the tape. If this routine "hangs" on one title, that number is in your database more than once. * RESERVES -- the number of customers who have reserved this item, if any, appears in this column. "*" means 10 or more reservations exist for this title. When the screen fills up, you can ape to the previous prompt or press to search additional titles. If no titles are found, you can chooce Search. The program then looks nside every title to see if search title shows. Here is an example of an inside search. At the ookup search, you type "Bride." Assuming you have these titles, the program finds and shows "Bride of Frankenstein." Do an nside search. "Bride of Frankenstein," "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers," and "Princess Bride" are shown. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 46 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Use the nside search only when you are having difficulty finding a title you know you have. OP TAPES DISPLAY Press at the "Invoicing Menu" for a list of the "Top Tapes" or "Premium" titles and their availability. The first time this option is requested after the rental library is edited takes a few seconds longer. The group of "Top Tapes" is based on the tapes with "price codes" equal to the "Top Tapes" code, as defined in the "setup routines." If no listings show, there are no tapes in the rental library with matching price codes. Titles and numbers always show. The word "unrented" means the tape did not rent since the last time the transaction file was "packed. " If it's been a few days since you've "packed" the transaction file, it might be a good idea to consider if this tape should remain a premium tape. The word "Due" and the date (such as 06/15) is the date the tape is due back from a customer. "Br" precedes the letter of the "rack" and the date the tape was checked out to the rack. "Reserve" and a number (1-9) shows how many customers are on the waiting list (* means 10 or more). UMMARY OF INVOICES Press at the "Invoicing Menu" to get a screen summary of totals for the day until now. This summary shows the totals which would appear on the "Summary of Invoices" report if you printed the report now. This does not reset the day as does the "Master Menu" option for "Summary of Invoices."

RINT INVOICES AGAIN For several reasons, it may be necessary to reprint an invoice. Choosing option

at the "Invoicing Menu" does this for you. The invoice reprinted is the last one created by your computer (by this station on a network). An invoice is "created" each time you press the final time at the salesman's prompt on the "totals screen," even if you do not print the invoice. Your printer may "jam" or run out of paper, preventing an invoice from printing. Some stores elect to print receipts to a disk ------------------------------------------------------------ - 47 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ file when receipts are only for returned tapes without charges. Therefore, you can

rint the invoice again in case your printer jams or in case a customer asks for a "bring-back" receipt. <+> LAST TOTALS SCREEN Occassionally, you need to review the last totals page you completed. This is especially true when the screen has just disappeared and you need to quickly review the amount of cash to collect from the customer. Press <$> to see the screen again. If you choose this option before you've completed a totals screen, you'll see the opening VTI logo. UIT TO MASTER MENU NEVER turn off your computer at any place other than the C> prompt. Always choose option at the "Invoicing Menu" to return to the "Master Menu." You may then choose one of many options, including uit to DOS, where you may shut down your computer. THE INVOICING PROCESS The invoicing process always begins at the "Invoicing Menu" with the selection of <#> Account Number or ring Back Tapes. See the discussion, above, of "<#> Account Number" under "The Invoicing Menu." AUTHORIZED USER SELECTION If your store has selected the option to check for authorized users, they appear in the middle of the screen once a valid account number is entered. If you use the ring Back mode to enter the invoicing process, the list of users appears only after you begin to check out another tape. If you return late tapes without checking out other tapes, the selection appears when you otal the invoice. If a number appears under the "LI" column, the user has a "treat as" age authorized by his parents. This is useful when a parent has given you approval to rent tapes to their children which you rated at an age higher than their actual ------------------------------------------------------------ - 48 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ age. For example, "15" shows when the parent authorizes you to rent 15-year-old tapes to their 12-year-old child. When the list of authorized users is complete, use the and keys to highlight the person using the account. If the user isn't there and you want to use this account anyway, press ape and enter the person's age at the "Abort?" prompt (lower left corner). If the person is not an authorized user, press ape, then or ape at "Abort?" and the program returns to the "Invoicing Menu." Try another account, use the "? User Lookup" option to find his name, or complete a membership application and add an account. If one of the authorized users is having a birthday today, the phrase "User With a Birthday" shows in the lower left corner. If this customer is flagged as a "weekend rate" customer, that information shows. When you select a user's name, the program compares the user's age with the rating of each tape being "checked out." If there is a memo for or about this customer account, the memo appears. You can dit, ave or elete the memo or press ape to cancel the changes. Memos should be left by any operator to explain to other operators why a customer owes money. The memo may be automatic, if that option is selected for your store. INVOICE WORK AREA The middle of the screen is the invoice work area and lookup area. It is divided into nine columns. The first column uses the abbreviations, "REN" (rent or check out), "BAC" (back or return), "KEP" (keeping, no action), "REC" (recheck tape), "SEL" (selling a retail item), and "OTH" (other charge). Use the second column to choose a tape number at the "tape number prompt." When a valid tape number is entered, the program lists the matching tape number, title, rating, and availability information. Otherwise, the blank prompt returns. Tapes are identified by a sequence of up to twelve characters and may be alphabetic, numeric, or a combination of both. The number "0" may not be used. Other commands ------------------------------------------------------------ - 49 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ are available at the "tape number prompt" (see the discussion below). The sixth column, "Days," is the "number of days" prompt. Some stores may not use this prompt, in which case none of the "days" options are available. This column also refers to the quantity sold of a retail item. If the tape is available to this customer for rent, the "Number of days" prompt defaults to "1" (or more if this customer is flagged as a "weekend rate customer" and "today" is part of the weekend). If the tape is not available for rent to this customer, the prompt defaults to "0" and the computer beeps. In many instances, a "0 days" error results from the incorrect entry of the tape number. When the number of days is accepted as "0," the line clears and the "tape number prompt" shows. This is the fastest way to cancel the line of the invoice when the operator makes an error in number entry. Many conditions can cause a tape not to be available to this customer. The conditions are shown in the fifth column, "AVAILability." If the tape is "checked out" to another customer, the availability is "OUT." If the tape is "checked out" to a rack, the availability is "OUTx," where "x" is the one-character code for the rack which has the tape. If the tape's age rating is higher than the user's age, the availability is "AGE!" If the tape has a waiting list and this customer is not on the list, the availability is "RESx" where the "x" is the number of reservations (1-9 or * if 10 or more). For retail items, the "AVAILable" column shows the number of items in stock. The operator has the option to press to accept the default or he can type the correct number of days. However, if the availability is "OUT" to a customer, this invoice and "Bring Back" the tape from the other customer before "checking out" the tape to this customer. If the tape is in, but was reported "OUTx," the tape was not properly "returned" to the store from the rack invoicing options. It is permissible to type over the "0" with "1" (or more) day(s). The program changes the rack to none. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 50 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ If the number of days is "1" or more, the "price per day prompt" appears in the seventh column. If the number of days is one, the price is today's rate for this tape from the rate table. Stores which allow changes in the price per day can edit the price or press to accept the rate. Some "specials" may also be edited or customized. Stores which eliminate the option to change the price per day (setup routines) have to accept the calculated rental price. If the number of days is more than one, the price is the average per day. This price is computed from the rate tables. Your store may allow the option to change the price per day for multiple days late. When the price per day is updated, column eight, the "Total" column is also updated. If the option to charge sales tax automatically is on, the "T"ax column, column nine, is marked "Y"es. If the option if off, the cursor moves to the ninth column for the operator to respond es to charge tax on this line or o to not charge tax. As soon as the "T"ax column is updated, the invoice total in the lower right portion of the screen is updated. Up to ten tapes, players, games, etc. can be entered on the screen. The eleventh line can be used only for otal, orrect, , or ther charges. Create additional accounts for customers needing more than ten items at one time. TAPE NUMBER PROMPT The "tape number prompt" is also used to issue commands to ookup a tape, write a , orrect a line, invoice an ther charge, otal the invoice, or cancel the invoice. You can not enter the same number twice on the same invoice unless: * You have indicated "BAC" for the tape and are now checking it out. * The item is a retail item * The item is an other charge. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 51 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Tape ookup by Title This works the same as the ookup Title option from the "Invoicing Menu," described earlier. It is useful when you're in the middle of an invoice and need to know about a title. s Memos are very helpful when a salesperson tries to explain to the customer such things as why a late charge was added to the account. When you write a memo to fellow employees, you will want to include tape number, title, date "returned," how the "return" was made or by who, and the amount owed. To add or edit a memo, enter at a "tape number prompt" or press from most any point in the invoicing routine. Nine lines appear in the bottom of the screen. Unless a memo is saved for this customer, the lines are blank. Type up to 76 characters per line. You may position the cursor then press to copied the items from the invoice representing charges. ave the memo when you finish writing it. Memos do not require a line on the invoice. Therefore, when the "tape number prompt" returns, it is on the same line as before the memo. Each time the customer's account shows on the "invoicing screen," it includes the memo. ave or elete the memo each time it appears. The memo may be automatic on the "totals screen," if that option is selected by your store. In this case, the memo has the same contents as would be typed if you pressed the key when editing a memo. orrecting a Line Occasionally, the need arises to change a line on the invoice. The customer changed his mind. Or, the salesperson entered the wrong number but didn't catch it until the number of days had already been entered. To correct an invoice, enter a for the tape number. The instruction area at the bottom left of the screen now ------------------------------------------------------------ - 52 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ contains a prompt with number of the last invoice line. If this is the line you wish to correct, simply press . If you want to correct a different line, enter that line number. To determine the line number to correct, count down from the first line in the invoicing area. You cannot correct the first line if it contains a previous balance. At the "tape number prompt," type the correct number and press . If at least one blank space appears after the new number, the old number will disappear. Information about the new tape shows. ther Charges At the "tape number prompt," enter the letter for Other charges. A blank line appears under the title column. You can type a description of the charges (eg. Rewinding tapes). The quantity defaults to "1" under the "number of days" and the default price is the amount of "other charges" ("Setup Routines" option <3> "Other Invoicing Options." If your store allows changes in the "price per day," you can change the price. If you need to correct an other charge, enter at a "tape number prompt." Type followed by at least one space. Be sure to note the description before pressing because you must retype the description, quantity and price. Specify either "REN" or "SEL" for rental or retail items. If your store does not allow changes in the number of days or changes in price, no changes can be made in quantity or amount of other charges. otaling the Invoice When you complete entry of the tapes being rented enter a , <+>, or <-> at the "tape number prompt," the codes to total the invoice. Canceling an Invoice Press ape at a "tape number prompt" to cancel the invoice and return to the "Invoicing Menu." ------------------------------------------------------------ - 53 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ THE TOTALS SCREEN After entering a totals code at the "tape number prompt" of the "invoice screen," the "Totals Screen" appears. The top line has the invoice total. If your store allows movie passes, or coupons and discounts, these lines appear next. Finally are the "amount remitted" and "salesmen" lines. Using Movie Passes If your store uses movie passes and if the customer has one or more passes, the information about the passes shows. Here is how the program calculates the value of the passes to be used on this transaction (your store may allow partial, rather than whole, passes). * Deduct retail items, sales taxes on retail items, sales taxes on rental items, and any previous balance from the invoice total. * Divide the above amount by the "standard rate" to determine the potential number of passes. Ignore any fractional passes (round down). * If the potential number of passes is greater than the earned number of passes, use the number earned. * Determine the value of the passes determined above and display that amount. Here are two examples. In each case, the invoice totals $5.25, including $0.25 sales tax. The program deducts the sales tax to arrive at $5.00 worth of tapes. The store's "standard rate" is $2.00. In each case, the program divides the $5.00 worth of tapes by the $2.00 "standard rate" and gets 2.5 passes. * If the customer has two passes due to him, the program recognizes that two passes is less than 2.5 passes and determines two passes is the most he can use. The prompt asks about using $4.00 worth of passes (2 passes times $2.00 standard rate). * If the customer has three passes due to him, the program recognizes 2.5 passes is the largest number of passes to use. As a result, it rounds downward to two passes. the prompt asks about using $4.00 worth of passes (2 passes times $2.00 standard rate). These amounts represent "whole" passes. You may overtype the amount with an amount representing up to the number of passes the customer has. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 54 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Coupons and Discounts If your store allows coupons or discounts, a prompt appears so that you can enter the value of coupons or the value of a discount. If you enter the "$" sign in the "Invoicing Prompts" setup routines, you may enter any value at this prompt. Otherwise, the program does not allow coupons or credits to be applied toward a previous balances -- only toward the cost of rentals on the current invoice. For example, if the customer has a $2.00 previous balance for a late tape and rents another $2.00 tape, the program calculates $4.00 in charges. You can't use a $2.00 coupon to pay for the late charge, but you can use it to pay for the current rental. The "amount to remit" is $2.00. If you want to "excuse" a customer from a debt without using the coupons over a period of time, edit the customer's file from the "Master Menu" or the "Invoicing Menu" to remove the late charge. Amount to Remit The program calculates the "Total Amount to Remit." If the "setup routine" indicates most customers pay at the time of rental, the amount in the "Cash Remitted" prompt defaults to the total amount due for retail items plus the amount due for rental items after passes, coupons and discount. If "most customers pay on return," the amount is the total of retail items and tax on retail items (none for the rental items, since they will be paid on return). Enter the amount of the "Cash Remitted." The minimum is the amount of retail items plus sales tax on retail items. Any additional amount is then applied to the rental items and sales tax on rental items. If the customer is paying now, press for "Cash Remitted" to accept the amount of payment. If you enter an amount greater than the "Amount to Remit," the program calculates the amount of change. It asks "Apply to Account?" and defaults to o. Press and the screen shows "Change Given" and the amount. All records reflect the "Amount to Remit" as the amount of cash taken. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 55 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Charging Rentals If the amount you enter on the "Cash Remitted" line is less than the "Total Amount to Remit," the program shows "Amount Charged." If you accept this amount, it appears on the next invoice for the customer as a "Previous Balance." For stores where most customers pay at the time of "return," the "Cash Remitted" is $0.00. For stores where most customers pay at the time of rental, the normal use of "Cash Remitted" at $0.00 is to charge the invoice to the customer's account. This is useful when tapes "return" late without payment (such as night deposit boxes). When you add a balance to a customer's account, leave a "MEMO" so that other employees can explain the balance to the customer. Press to do this. If you try to charge to a customer who is over his assigned credit limit, you must verify that it is acceptable to exceed the limit. If you don't override the charge, the program recycles to the top of the "Totals Screen" so you can redo your numbers. Naturally, you'll want to override the credit limit to allow for late charges on "returned tapes." Your store may choose the option to automatically create a new memo when the customer is charging any part of an invoice. The items from the invoice representing charges are copied into the memo for you. Prepaying Charges If the customer wants to prepay on his account, enter the amount paid on the "Cash Remitted" line. The program assumes you want it to calculate change (see "Amount to Remit," above) and prompt you "Apply to Account?" with a o default. Type es and press . This causes the program to shows a "charge" of a negative amount. This is a credit to the account and is money (not passes or coupons). The amount appears on the next invoice for the customer labeled as a "Previous Balance" of a negative amount. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 56 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Accounting by Salesperson The "Salesperson's Name or Number" is the final prompt before an invoice is printed. If any part of the "totals screen" is incorrect, press when this line is blank and the program returns to the top of the "totals screen." When the numbers on the page are acceptable, the salesperson types his name at the "salesman's prompt" and presses . The invoice prints. Until you press with a salesman's name on the prompt line, you can type another number or blank out the entire line with the ete key. This allows the "Totals Screen" to be completed again. The program summarizes activity by salesperson on the "Summary of Invoices" report. As a result, the salesperson's name is needed at the time of the invoice. A number is assigned to each salesperson with the "Setup Salespersons" function of option 9-4 "Setup Routines." If a valid number is entered for the "salesperson's Name," the program "translates" the number into the name. Press to accept the name and the invoice prints. Pressing on the Totals Screen When you press at the salesman's prompt on the bottom of the "Totals Screen," you are saying "Everything on this invoice is correct and complete." Once a invoice is on the way to the printer, there is no way to correct that invoice. You may correct items such as balances by creating another invoice for the account (i.e. customer needs to charge when you indicated a "cash" transaction). There is no way to correct a tape history file (i.e. you checked out the wrong tape or found a tape missing). These are operator or human errors, not computer or program errors! Canceling the Totals Screen Press ape at the salesperson's prompt at the bottom of the "Totals Screen." The "invoice screen" reappears. Press ape at the "invoicing screen" to abort the invoice and return to the "Invoicing Menu." Reprinting Invoices If you choose to have an option to reprint invoices in the setup routine, a prompt appears when the invoice is complete. Enter a es if you want the invoice to print ------------------------------------------------------------ - 57 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ again. Enter a o if not. The "invoice screen" reappears. The last invoice printed at this computer or network station can be reprinted by choosing "

rint Invoice Again" at the "Invoicing Menu" Reprinting Invoices Press <+> to see the last "totals screen" once again. You may also enter an amount of money and make change. However, no changes are made to the invoice. This recall of the screen is simply a convenience. THE PRINTED INVOICE The following description of the invoice is for the default program invoice. Your store may use a customized invoice which puts information or different phrases at other locations. The top portion of the printed invoice contains your store's name and address, date, time, "Summary of Invoices" report line reference number, a "Thanks" message and the salesperson's name. The next section contains your customer's account number, the account name and address, the user's age, and the computer's internal reference number. The middle section lists tape numbers, titles, due dates, days rented, the daily rate, and total. Phrases such as "KEP" (keeping), "BAC" (bring back), "REC" (rechecking), "SEL" (retail item), "REN" (checking out), and "OTH" (Other charge) appear before the title The next section shows the number of movie passes earned, used and their value, the amount of cash, amount charged, and amount of coupons or discounts used for this invoice, and the sub-total, sales tax, and grand total. In most cases, items not applicable to this invoice do not appear. The daily message prints next. The bottom line is for the customer's signature. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 58 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ SUGGESTED PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING PRINTED INVOICES While the printer types the invoice, the program does all the posting and update work. The salesperson normally gets the customer's tape, collects the money, and talks about future rentals, etc. The customer signs the receipt and gets the duplicate copy. If your store uses single part forms, pull off the first copy as soon as it finishes printing and reprint. Have the customer sign it while his copy is printing. The store's copy of the invoice usually goes in a box under the counter. All the day's invoices are usually wrapped up inside a copy of the "Summary of Invoices Report" and stored. 1-2 REPORT OF TAPES OUT TO CUSTOMERS From the "Master Menu," choose option 1-2 to "Print a List of Tapes Out to Customers." You may choose whether or not to: * Include overdue tapes * Include tapes due "today" * Include tapes due "tomorrow" * Include tapes due after "tomorrow" * Sequential list of tapes "checked out" Listings with overdue tapes include the customer's phone number(s) and address. The sequential list of tapes out allows you to reconcile inventory against computer records. The last report includes the account number and name, so you might want to print it as part of the daily summaries. If there are discrepancies, use the "bring back" tapes routine to "return tapes" shown as "out" but which are "in." Use the "check out" routine to post the tapes shown as "in" but are "out" -- probably to a "dummy" store account. 1-3 SUMMARY OF INVOICES REPORT The "Summary of Invoices" report lists each invoice's rental amount and retail amounts. It then totals the amounts, prints totals by salesperson, then breaks down the rental and retail amounts and subtracts sales taxes. You can print the "Summary of Invoices" report at any time of day by choosing option 1-3 at the "Master Menu." You ------------------------------------------------------------ - 59 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ also may choose to print the daily, monthly, or annual reports and whether or not to update the period. Press to confirm that you want to print the summary or press ape to return to the "Master Menu." Press to confirm that the paper is positioned where you want to begin printing. When the report finishes, you may reprint it. You may press ape at the prompt to return to the "Master Menu." When you choose to update a period, the period is reset to zero and the totals are posted as a line item to the next summary. VTI looks for "today" to be the last business day of the month (determined by the "due date" shown on the "Invoicing Menu"), and when it is, defaults to "Yes" to close out the month. The option to print an annual report is "Yes" when there are 12 monthly periods in the annual file. Closing out the month also resets to 0 the number of times a tape has rented in the following month. The program returns to the "Master Menu" when it completes the "Summary of Invoices" Report. The amount of cash remitted on each invoice always is allocated first to the retail items and sales tax on retail items. Any remaining amount applies to rental items and sales tax on rental items. Sales taxes are "backed out" of the total amount allocated to each (for example, a total of $1.05 at 5% tax is reported as $1.00 in rentals or sales and $0.05 for taxes). Collections on previous balances owed are treated as rental items, and thus report sales taxes as part of the amount received. The "totals" column for rental items is always cash + passes + coupons + charges. This is the same as the "Grand Total" line on the invoice. This system is designed for the "cash basis of accounting." If your business uses "accrual basis," then the method used by VTI is accurate if you report an "allowance for doubtful accounts" equal to the amount owed to the store, which may not be possible. 1-4 RACK INVOICING Some stores provide an inventory of tapes to other businesses as a "rack service" or exchange tapes between stores under common ownership. VTI tracks these tapes and include revenues or number of rentals. Assign each rack or ------------------------------------------------------------ - 60 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ branch a one-character code (any letter of the alphabet or a number between "0" and "9"). At the "Master Menu," enter 1- 4 for the "Rack Invoicing Menu." "CHECK OUT" TAPES TO RACK OR BRANCH At the "Rack Invoicing Menu," choose option <1> "Check Out Tapes to Rack." You need a list of tape numbers you want to "check out" to the rack. At the top of the screen the "basic information request" appears. Enter the code for the rack. At the bottom of the screen, the "tape number prompt" appears. Enter the number of a tape to "check out" to the rack. As soon as you do, the middle of the screen shows the tape's number and title. If the tape is wrong, answer . Otherwise, the words "Checked Out" show and you can go right on to the next item. Press ape to return to the "Rack Invoicing Menu." You cannot "check out" or transfer retail items (category is "$") to racks. This routine is used with the "Transfer to Racks" option. "CHECK IN" TAPES FROM RACK When tapes are "returned" from racks, choose "Rack Invoicing Menu" option <2>. At the top of the screen, enter the rack's rate per tape and your percentage of it (e.g. $2.00 per rental, you get 60%). If you work with a flat rate per period of time, enter a combination which computes to your store's rate (eg. If you have a $2.00 per week flat rate, enter $2.00 and 1.00). At the bottom of the screen, enter the first tape to "return." The tape number, title and current branch information show in the middle of the screen. When you answer to the "Return Tape" prompt, the word "Returned" shows. Enter the times the tape rented (as per the rack's records if you work on a commission basis -or- the number of periods if you are on a flat rate basis). The program updates the tape's information of times rented and revenue. Enter <0> times rented if you don't want to update records or if there were no times rented. If you answer o to the ------------------------------------------------------------ - 61 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ "Correct" prompt, the computer beeps and alerts you with "Returned - No Update" If you answer the "Correct" prompt with , the word "Updated" shows. Press ape to return to the "Rack Invoicing Menu." REPORTS OF TAPES AT RACKS You can print a report of tapes at any rack location at any time. You can print the report sorted by due-back date, tape number, or title. Each of these reports has specific functions and you'll probably want the rack to have a copy of each report. You can print any number of reports of each kind for this rack all at one time. You'll probably want to keep just one or two at your store. As a result of the variety of needs, you can specify the number of each type of report at the "Print Reports Menu." Entering a blank space for the rack name and/or entering <0> as the quantity for all three reports causes the "Rack Invoicing Menu" to return. You may be asked to check the position of the paper before printing. After reports are finished, the program returns to the "Rack Invoicing Menu." TRANSFER TAPES TO RACK If the other store also uses VTI, you may first "check out tapes to rack," then create a diskette with this option which automatically update's the rack's inventory file. Only rental items are updated. Choose a temporary transfer, which leaves the rental items in the computer's inventory or a permanent transfer which deletes the items from inventory. Specify the letter representing the branch to which you are transferring. This letter is used as part of the "TO_x.DBF" file name, where "x" is the branch code. If you are making a temporary transfer, you may copy to diskette only the transfers or you may copy information for all tapes. If the transfer is temporary, you may decide if you want to delete the tapes from inventory. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 62 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ The "TO_x.DBF" file is first placed on hard disk, then copied to floppy diskette, if you wish. The file remains on the hard disk drive until you delete it or overwrite it with another file of the same name. Large files must be manually copied or backed up to one or more floppy diskettes and then restored at the rack's computer. TRANSFER TAPES FROM RACK This option is useful only when another rack has used the "Transfer Tapes to Rack" option, described above. Specify the file name (such as A:\TO_x.DBF or C:\VTI\TO_x.DBF). The program transfers information for each tape on the transfer file. If the file is large, it may have to be restored from one or more floppy diskettes. When you print a report, a line is printed for most items copied from the transfer file to the hard disk drive (When the transfer is larger than 500 items and an item which is at a different store is on the transfer diskette, the information is copied without printing a line). The lines contain one of the following descriptive messages, then the item number and title. * Adding Item to This Store's Library -- the branch code for the item in the transfer file is this store's branch code, but the item is not currently on the hard disk drive. This is the typical situation when the item has been added at the other store, then transferred to this store before a mass update. In this circumstance, the following message appears on the screen: The transfer file contains this item: (tape number and title) Do you want to add it to the hard disk drive (Y/N): If you respond es, the item is added. You would want to respond o when this item has been recently deleted from this store's inventory and no mass update has been made to the other store. If the number is on the hard disk drive, but has been marked for deletion, the program assumes it's permissible to add the title from the transfer file. Therefore, do a 9-1 Reindex your Inventory File before you do a "transfer from." * WARNING! -- DUPLICATE NUMBERS (tape number) -- NO ACTION TAKEN TRANSFER FILE: (title on the transfer file) HARD DISK DRIVE: (title on the hard disk drive) ------------------------------------------------------------ - 63 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ The program takes no action. This would happen if you reassigned a tape number or edited the title. The titles must be the same before an update is made. * Returning Item to This Store -- The transfer file indicates this store while the hard disk shows another store has the tape. This means the item is coming back into this store's inventory. * Unusual: Item at Other Store. Updating: -- This message prints only if the transfer file is less than 500 items and contains an item which is at a store other than this one. The program assumes that a store with less than 500 tapes will not be using a computer program, and therefore would not create a file of the entire inventory. This message indicates a possible problem with an inventory file. CUSTOMER FILE MAINTENANCE The major category "CUSTOMER FILE MAINTENANCE" contains four main options: 2-1 Add/Edit Customers 2-2 Add/Edit Authorized Users 2-3 Customer Reports Each of these main options is discussed in detail. 2-1 ADDING AND EDITING CUSTOMERS At the "Master Menu," choose option 2-1 to "Add/Edit Customers." Type in a customer's account number or reference number and press twice. You can also access customers from this option by typing all or part of the last name on the second line of this prompt. Or, you can type the customer's "reference number" on the name line. Use only one of the methods. If you entered a valid account number or name, the "customer edit screen" shows. You'll be asked to choose another account if a match is not found. To make changes in the data, dit the information, using the page control keys to move around the screen. If correct, "ccept the Data as Shown." You can ancel the changes only before you ccept the changes. Use elete to mark the customer for deletion (deletions are not done until you do option 9-1 "Reindex Databases"). You can ------------------------------------------------------------ - 64 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ "browse" through the database by using ext and

revious (the sequence is name or number, depending on how you accessed the first account). dits are available from the "invoicing screen" by typing the account number on the "account number prompt" and the word "EDIT" on the "customer name prompt." "CARRT" is the abbreviation for the carrier route. Four additional spaces are an optional sort within the carrier route. There is space for two telephone numbers and the one-character code for the type (their wn, a eighbor's, etc. "MAILLIST" is for a es or o that the customer is to receive mailings. "WAITLIST" is for a es or o that the customer is allowed to be on waiting lists for movies. "WEEKEND" is for a es or o for the weekend rate -- the customer pays the one-day rate on Friday or Saturday and gets to keep the tapes until Monday (ignored if "most customers pay when a tape is returned"). Stores using telephone numbers as account numbers find they must often determine the actual "owner" of the phone number, assign that number to the customer who "owns" the phone and other account numbers (such as "000-1234") to the other persons who share the number. While the "invoicing" "ADD" option generates a number, this "Master Menu" option won't let you edit the default account number. To add an account from this option, enter a non-existent account number at the prompt, respond es to the "add" question, then change the account number at the "customer edit screen" (the reference number is shown). Do NOT change or assign an "account number" until you verify that the new number is NOT currently assigned. The program does not allow you to add an account if the number is already assigned, but it is possible to change an account's number to an "account number" which already exists. Otherwise, you may change a customer's account number as often as you wish. Stores using the 12 blank spaces option for account numbers must remember that account numbers are "flush right," that is, they have leading spaces. If your store uses both letters and numbers in customer account numbers, establish a pattern if you want a numeric listing of customers. If your store has customer numbers A1, A10, A100, A2000, B1, B10, and C1 and enter the account numbers in that form, the numeric sort is: A1, B1, C1, A10, B10, A100, A2000 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 65 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Make all your account numbers the same length and the numeric listing will be: A0001, A0010, A0100, A2000, B0001, B0010, and C0001 which is the order you expected. You cannot change the "reference number." "Master Menu" option 8-4 "Duplicate Customer Numbers" prints a list of any duplicate "account numbers." "Master Menu" option 8-5 "Customers Without Users" prints a list of customer accounts which have no authorized users and deletes from the database any authorized users whose accounts have been deleted. 2-2 ADDING AND EDITING AUTHORIZED USERS The owner of an account can designate several persons who are authorized users of his account. Enter an account number at the prompt. The program shows a list of users on this account. Choose a line number to edit. Change the user's name, ID number and date of birth (DOB) as necessary. LI is the "treat as" age limit (If parents say it's permissible for their 15-year-old to watch a movie you rate for 18-year-olds, enter 18 here). The character at the right of the "display box" is to type the letter to mark the user for deletion when a "Reindex" is done. Any character other than cancels deletion. To add a user, enter an at the "line to edit" prompt. Enter the user's name, ID, and DOB. Press and the program will type the account name for you. Press ape to return to the menu. Note: You can't enter authorized users until you've entered the customer's account. See also "Master Menu" option 8-5 "Customers Without Users." 2-3 CUSTOMER REPORTS At the "Master Menu," use option 2-3 to the "Customer Reports Menu." Several reports are available. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 66 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ 2-3-1 Print Customer List 2-3-2 Best Customers Report 2-3-3 Print Customers Who Owe Money 2-3-4 Tapes a Customer Has Rented 2-3-5 Mailing List 2-3-6 Report of Customers With Memos 2-3-7 Postcard Bills to Customers PRINT CUSTOMER LIST At the "Customer Report Menu," choose option <1> "Print Customer List." Choose the type of sort you want and indicate whether you want the list sorted alphabetically by last name, numerically by "account number," or numerically by the "reference number." Next, select if you want only expired members, only current members, or everyone. "ll members" is the same as "urrent members" if your memberships don't expire. The report prints. When it's finished, the "Customer Report Menu" returns. BEST CUSTOMERS REPORT "Customer Report Menu" option <2> makes a list of customers sorted in decreasing order based on revenue by customer. The list can be printed to screen or printer. As long as you choose to continue the list, the next group of customers prints. PRINT CUSTOMERS WHO OWE MONEY At the "Customer Report Menu," choose option <3> to "Print Customers Who Owe Money." This option searches the customer file and report on the customers with balances. It lists the customer's name, address, city, balance, and the date of the last invoice to this customer. TAPES A CUSTOMER HAS RENTED At the "Customer Report Menu," choose option <4> to print a "List of Tapes a Customer Has Rented." Enter the customer's account number and indicate if you want the list printed on paper. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 67 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ The list is in this order: the transactions in the current transaction file are first, then those in the hard disk archive file. The operator can continue the list from floppy by inserting diskettes which were created with the "Archive Transactions to Floppy" option 8-2 from the "Master Menu." Press or ape to return to the "Master Menu." MAILING LIST If your store wants to send promotional mailings to customers, you will appreciate the list which VTI prints. It sorts under the guidelines of the U.S. Postal Service's "carrier route sort" scheme. This results in a low postal rate. Check with your postmaster for details. Selecting Customers for the Mailing At the "Mailing List Menu," choose <1> to "Select Customers." The first step in creating a mailing list is to choose the method to indicate on each customer's account if they are to be included in the mailing. This is done with a es, o, or aybe in a "field" called "MAILLIST" on the "customer edit screen." The es flag is for the best long term customers who are to receive all mailings. The aybe flag is for marginal customers. The o flag is for accounts such as employees and bad debt customers who are not to be on the list. This can be done manually or through one of several automatic processes. "Select Customers" has five options. * <1> reviews each customer to check for "MOVE" or "CANCEL" in their address and flags them ot to receive the mailing. The process marks the customer with es if he has a transaction since a specified date (which defaults to one year ago). The process does not disturb accounts marked ot to receive mailings. Otherwise, accounts are marked with aybe. You cannot use "Select Customers" option <2> (below) if you use this option. * <2> makes its selection based on a minimum level of rental income since the records began on VTI. You specify the amount to limit the mailing to your better customers. o flags are not disturbed. Customers not meeting the minimum level are marked aybe. You ------------------------------------------------------------ - 68 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ cannot use "Select Customers" option <1> (above) if you use this option. * <3> is a manual method. It allows you to change the "field" called "MAILLIST" for each customer on an individual basis. You can use this option after either "Select Customers" option <1> or option <2> (above). * <4> creates a mailing list of users who have birthdays in a given month. This option is useful if you'd like to do a monthly mailing to let customers know to come in on or near their birthday and take advantage of a special promotion. At the "Mailing List Menu," choose option (1) to select customers to receive the mailing and then option <4> to select users with a birthday. Indicate the month you wish to select (01, 02, . . . 12). * <5> creates a mailing list based on the last date the customer was in the store. Enter two dates -- the first day you want included in the selection and the last day you want included. The program then selects all dates between these. For example, if you want a list of customers who have been in the last two months and "today" is 6/1/88, enter 04/01/88 and 06/01/88. This is a list of your most recent customers. If you want a list of customers who haven't been in the store in over two months, enter 01/01/80 and 04/01/80. Don't enter a date earlier than the first day you used this program unless it's 01/01/80. You may not want to go all the way back in this search. Customer accounts which are flagged ot to receive mailings are not included in these lists. While this list is designed for mass mailings, you may not want to print labels and instead use just the list which the program prints. Return to the "Mailing List Menu" by pressing or ape at the "Select Customers Menu." Create the List Creation of the mailing list requires two steps, which must be completed in order. "Mailing List Menu" option <2> is the preparation of a work file. You control the total size of the mailing list with your selection of whether or not to include the accounts marked aybe in the mailing. For a small list, do ot include aybe accounts. For a larger list, respond es to include the aybe accounts. Repeat this option, and if ------------------------------------------------------------ - 69 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ necessary the "Select Customers" option, until you get the size mailing list you want. "Mailing List Menu" option <3> is the actual sort. If you select less than 200 accounts, the program tells you "Not enough to qualify for bulk mail." The Actual Mailing List If you have not finished "Mailing List" options <1>, <2> and <3>, do that before proceeding. "Mailing List Menu" option <4> "Prints a Report" of the mailing sorted by carrier routes. If the list is not acceptable, you can return to "Mailing List Menu" option <1> and begin again. When the list is acceptable, proceed to "Mailing List Menu" option <5>. "Mailing List Menu" option <5> "Prints Mailing Labels." You have the option to print several sample labels to align your printer. Be sure labels are aligned properly before beginning the actual label printing. "Mailing List Menu" option <6> is a clean-up process. When you complete all mailing list work, do this option to conserves disk space. REPORT OF CUSTOMERS WITH MEMOS Option <6> of the "Tape Reports Menu" prints a report listing the account name and number and each line of any memo you have created for the account. If you see memos which are no longer needed, from the "Invoicing Menu," call up the account number and get to the memo. Then elete the memo. POSTCARD BILLS TO CUSTOMERS Option <7> of the "Tape Reports Menu" prints postcards to customers whose balance is greater than $0.00. When you select this option, specify the range of dates you want the program to select. These dates correspond with the last time you created an invoice for a customer. If you only entered a balance onto the computer and have never printed an invoice, the program will not select the account for a reminder. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 70 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ The printout is designed for plain 4"x6" postcard stock. The left two-thirds prints a message, which you can define and is stored for future recall. Any changes you make to the message are stored. The right side prints a border and the address which appears on the account. INVENTORY FILE MAINTENANCE The major category "INVENTORY FILE MAINTENANCE" contains four main options: 3-1 Edit Inventory File 3-2 Add Item to File 3-3 Prebooked Tapes 3-4 Inventory Reports Each of these main options is discussed in detail. 3-1 EDITING INVENTORY FILE From the "Master Menu," choose option 3-1 to "Edit Inventory File." At the prompt, enter a tape number or a title. The first match shows. The option line allows you to dit the information, ccept the information, ancel the changes, or mark the tape for eletion. You can also go to the ext or

revious tape. Pressing on the menu line returns you to the "item/title prompt." In moving to the ext and

revious tapes, the order is sequentially by number if you chose the first tape by number. The order is alphabetically by title if you selected the first tape by title. You can return to the selection prompt and change the method of access by entering the number or title, depending on the access method you desire. You may, but should not change item numbers. If you change an item number, the transaction history for that rental item is no longer available. If you assign a previously-used number to a new tape, the transactions for the old tape become the transactions for the new tape. This option is useful when you need to mark a tape for deletion, change the price of the tape, or edit the tape's ------------------------------------------------------------ - 71 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ information. For detailed information, see "Adding Items to File," below. As soon as you choose 3-1 from the "Master Menu," you may enter the word "CATEGORY" at both the number and title prompts. This displays three lines of the codes previously entered (the first time all three lines are blank). Leave a single space between each category code. Once you invoke this option, you must enter one of these codes for each rental item in your library. To get a list of the categories you currently use, select "Master Menu" option 3- 8. 3-2 ADDING ITEMS TO FILE From the "Master Menu," choose option 3-2 to "Add Items." The "edit screen" appears. dit the screen to add the first item. The number can be any alphabetic or numeric character or punctuation mark up to 12 digits. Valid numbers include 101, A101, A-101, A-101.01, and A-101.01A. Numbers are used for both rental and retail items. The title/description is used for both rental and retail items. Stores using both letters and numbers in their item numbers should establish a pattern if they want a numeric listing. If your store has tapes A1, A10, A100, A2000, B1, B10, and C1 and enter the tape numbers in that form, the numeric sort is: A1, B1, C1, A10, B10, A100, A2000 Make all your tape numbers the same length and the numeric listing will be: A0001, A0010, A0100, A2000, B0001, B0010, and C0001 which is the order you expected. Here are some age codes for "ratings." 00 suitable for any age or disable rating/age checking 08 tapes with some language or violence problems 13 tapes which might not be suitable for preteens 16 tapes with violence or sensitive areas but suitable to older viewers 17 tapes of an adult nature 18 tapes with very sensitive situations 21 adult tapes Notice how these codes correspond with the MPAA's copyrighted ratings of G, PG or M, PG-13, R, and NC-17 and the unofficial ratings of X and XXX. The codes G, PG, M, 13, R, NC, 17, X and XX may be entered, if you wish. The "rating" field is ignored for retail items. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 72 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ "Categories" are two letter abbreviations such as DRama, COmedy, CC (classic comedy), HOrror, SF (science fiction), SPorts, CHildren, FAmily, etc. VTI does no checking for the validity of the code entered unless you have specified valid categories (see the discussion under "Master Menu" option 3- 1). For retail items, the category must begin with the dollar sign ($) ad may be followed by a space, a letter or a number. "Retail" is the suggested retail price of a rental item or the selling price of a retail item. "Cost" is your store's cost (on rental items, use a market value for traded tapes). "Vendor" is the company from which you purchased the item. "Purchase date" is the date you acquired the tape. "Release date" is the date the tape released (if you know it). Neither purchase date nor release date are used by retail items. "Rate Table" is the rate table the program uses when pricing this tape. It is not used with retail items. "Purchase Date" and "Release Date" are self-explanatory. The latter of these two dates is used in the reservations print options to determine whether "Coming Soon" or "Now Renting" appears on the report. The dates are ignored for retail items. "Label/Number" is usually three letters representing the movie company and several numbers representing the stock number of the tape. It is not used anywhere else in VTI, so it can be anything. "Number in stock" refers only to retail items and is the "quantity on hand." For each item sold, this number is reduced by one. If you're happy with the data on the screen, ccept the screen for addition to the inventory. If you have another copy if the same title, use the opy information from "

revious Tape" option so the only item you have to change is the number (it defaults to 0). When is pressed at the menu options, the program adds any tape except those with number "0" or those already on file. The program returns to the "Master Menu." ------------------------------------------------------------ - 73 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ 3-3 PREBOOKED TAPES The program handles record-keeping of prebooked tapes and prints reports by title and release date. Enter your prebooked tapes, delete the tapes which have arrived, and print a report -- you can always have neatly typed information on release date, title, vendor, number of copies, cost, retail and label. From the "Master Menu," choose option 3-1 to handle "Prebooked Tapes." A short menu appears. Option <1> Lets you "browse" through the items, using ext and

revious. Other options are on the line at the bottom of the screen. nsert adds a new entry, dit changes information, ccept the changes to save them to disk, or ancel the changes before ccepting, ookup to get to a specific title, elete a tape you have received, or ape to get back to the "Prebooked Tapes Menu." Choose <2> to print a one list each sorted by title and by release date. 3-4 INVENTORY REPORTS At the "Master Menu," choose option 3-4 for "Inventory Reports." A menu appears which lists the reports you can print. 3-4-1 Print Inventory List 3-4-2 Tape Rank by Revenue 3-4-3 Best/Worst Items Reports 3-4-4 Check Rental/Sales History 3-4-5 Print Tape Locator Report (In-Store,At-Rack,Unassigned) 3-4-6 Duplicate Titles Report 3-4-7 Category/Premium Tapes Activity 3-4-8 Category Activity Report PRINT INVENTORY LIST At the "Inventory Report Menu," choose <1> to "Print Inventory List." Next, choose option <1> to print a list of rental items or option <2> to print a retail inventory list. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 74 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ If you choose the rental list, first choose option <1> to prepare a file of items to include in the list. You may specify the range of titles or numbers (leave as they are to include all items -- change only numbers or title to limit the list). You may specify categories to include or exclude -- leave the fields blank to include all titles (excluding category "$ " is a default to exclude retail items). Here are some examples: * You may print a list of all comedies by typing "CO" for the "include" categories (assuming your store uses "CO" is entered for each tape in the "comedy" category. * You may print your entire tape collection except games and adult tapes by leaving the "include" categories blank and typing "GA" and "XX" in the "exclude" categories (assuming the "GA" code is entered for each game and "XX" for each adult tape in the category field for each item in your library). You may also specify to sort lphabetically or umerically. After creating the file with <1>, choose options <2>, <3>, or <4> in any combination to print as many copies of the tape list as needed. If you choose the retail list, first choose option <1> to prepare a file of retail items sorted on number. next, choose option <2> to print a list of items including number, description and an underline (useful for inventory counts), or choose option <3> to print a list of items including number, description, quantity on hand, cost, and extended price (quantity on hand times cost). The later is useful as documentation of inventory value. TAPE REVENUE BY RANK "Inventory Report Menu" option <2> makes a list of tapes. The list is sorted in decreasing order based on total revenue from the tape. The list can be printed to screen or printer. As long as you choose to continue the list, the next group of tapes prints or press ll tapes at the prompt. BEST/WORST ITEMS REPORTS Option <3> of the "Inventory Reports Menu" is the "Best/Worst Tapes Report" and is based on the number of times each tape has rented. This report helps you learn which tapes to sell or trade. The type of report is chosen. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 75 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Press <1> for "Worst Tapes," <2> for "Best Tapes," or <0> to return to the "Inventory Reports Menu." If you are printing a "Best Tape Report," type the minimum number of times a tape has rented in each of the months you choose for the report. If you are printing a "Worst Tape Report," type the maximum number of times a tape has rented in each of the months you choose for the report. The months can include any number of consecutive months. Selecting 4-5 covers April and May, while 11-2 covers November, December, January and February. You may choose if the tapes at the racks are included in the report (usually not included). When the screen shows the options you want, enter es at "Accept" to begin the report. A "**" prints above the name of each month you selected for the report. For trend analysis, the report includes the number of rentals per month in each of the last 12 months. CHECK RENTAL/SALES HISTORY Option <4> of the "Inventory Reports Menu" is to "Check Rental/Sale History of an Item." Enter a number and the program shows the title/description, vendor, acquisition date and the number of times the tape rented or the item sold in each of the last twelve months. At the bottom of the screen are the total number of times rented, total revenue, cost, and "return on investment" for rental items or the times sold and total revenue for retail items. For rental items, you can then get: * ist of Customers Who Have Rented the Tape. The list is in this order: the transactions in the current transaction file are first, then those in the hard disk archive file. The operator can continue the list from floppy by inserting diskettes which were created with the "Archive Transactions to Floppy" option 8-2 from the "Master Menu." *

rint the list -- as above, to printer. * elete the item. Delete is useful if you just looked the tape up to see if you wanted to sell it and determined the answer to be "yes" (mark it for delete now and pull the tape; the actual deletion occurs when an option 9-1 "Reindex" is done). ------------------------------------------------------------ - 76 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ * at the option line returns you to another "number prompt." Pressing at the "number prompt" returns you to the "Inventory Report Menu." PRINT TAPE LOCATOR REPORT Option <5> of the "Inventory Reports Menu" is to "Print the Tape Locator Report." The routine begins at the lowest tape number you have assigned and prints one line per number until the highest number you assigned is printed (including retail items). When a tape is found, the title is printed. If the tape is at a rack, the rack is noted. Otherwise, the words "in stock" is printed (the tape may be checked out, however). If the number is unassigned, that is noted. A message prints if a tape number is in the inventory more than once. Use this report when making new tape assignments -- it tells you which numbers are in use and which numbers are not in use. PRINT DUPLICATE TITLES REPORT "Inventory Reports Menu" option <6> is for a list of duplicate titles. This report is especially useful in determining some tapes to sell or trade, since duplicate titles are a good starting point for reducing inventory. The tape number, title, revenue, cost and "return on investment" are listed. CATEGORY/PREMIUM TAPES ACTIVITY REPRT The "Category/Premium Tapes Activity Report" prints one line for each number specified by your store's "top tape" code (see "Setup Routines" 9-4-3) or by the category you choose. Total revenue received is divided by the cost of the tape to show "return on investment" (ROI). "This week" is the last seven days, ending today (the day of the report). The figures are the number of transactions and the revenue from those transactions for each of the last four weeks. A "transaction" is the checking out a tape to the customer. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 77 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ If the tape is returned late, it is still part of the initial transaction. Therefore, amounts may change from one week to the next. ALL CATEGORIES ACTIVITY SUMMARY REPORT The "All Categories Activity Summary Report" prints one line for each category of tapes in your library. The report is similar to the "Category/Premium Tapes Activity Report." You might want to limit the number of categories with the "Master Menu" option 3-1 "category" option. SPECIAL REPORTS Option <4> from the "Master Menu" allows you to create a special report from one of the VTI databases. You may save the parameters for the report and recall those parameters when needed. To create the parameters for a new report, select the database. A list of fields appears. Enter the fields you want to print in the order you want them printed. Next, select the field on which you want the report sorted. Finally, specify the dBASE command which limits the report. For example, suppose you want to print a report of all accounts with the last name "Smith" who owe the store money. Specify the following: Database: CUSTOMER Fields: LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME,CURRENTBAL Sort: LASTNAME,FIRSTNAME If: UPPER(LASTNAME)="SMITH" .AND. CURRENTBAL<>0 All of VTI's aplhabetic indexes are based on upper case characters, so specify the UPPER() function when searching for names. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 78 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ PERIODIC MAINTENANCE The major category "PERIODIC MAINTENANCE" contains five main options which should be used on a periodic basis: 8-1 Pack Transaction File 8-2 Archive Transactions to Floppy 8-3 Number and Value of Tapes 8-4 Duplicate Customer Numbers 8-5 Customers Without Users Each of these main options is discussed in detail. 8-1 PACKING TRANSACTION FILE Since the program tracks transactions, the current transaction file grows. The "bring back" option of the invoicing shows a warning that, if the process is taking too long, it's because this file is too long. Once or twice each week, the system administrator should move the "returned" tapes to an archive file. The best time to do this is before and after the weekend, especially if you have a group of "Top Tapes." Because the "Top Tapes" routine (invoicing) uses the word "Unrented" to show an item has not rented since the last "packing" of the transaction file, before a weekend is a good time to "pack" the transaction file. After the weekend, run the "Top Tapes" routine and look for the phrase next to a item. If one or more tapes didn't rent during the weekend, you may want to remove that tape from "Top Tapes" status. "Pack" the transaction file after doing this. Then, before the weekend, you can check to see what hasn't rented since the last weekend. "Packing the Transaction File" is done from "Master Menu" option 8-1. It takes about just a few seconds to complete. Archived transactions are added to the RENTRARC.DBF file. 8-2 MOVING ARCHIVED TRANSACTIONS TO FLOPPY DISKETTE When the archived transaction file RENTRARC.DBF grows to the size of a floppy diskette's capacity, move the oldest records to floppy diskette. The move is done with "Master Menu" option 8-2. The program shows the number of records it can move and the number of archived transactions on file. A 720k diskette ------------------------------------------------------------ - 79 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ can hold about 10,000 transactions. If the diskette you insert already contains archived files, the program gives you an option to abort the process before the floppy's files are erased. If the archival transaction file contains fewer transactions than can fit on the floppy diskette you have inserted, the entire transaction archival file is copied. After the archival records are copied to floppy diskette, they are deleted from the hard disk main archive file. This option takes a few minutes to complete and cannot be interrupted. 8-3 INVENTORY VALUE "Master Menu" option 8-3 is the "Inventory Value." The program summarizes the number, cost, average cost, and average revenue per tape of all your regular inventory. Then it summarizes the cost of your retail inventory. The program requires a few moments to compute. It is especially useful in periodic inventory valuations. 8-4 DUPLICATE CUSTOMER NUMBERS At the "Master Menu," choose option 8-4 to "Print Duplicate Customer Numbers." It's not possible to add a second account with the same "account number," but it is possible to change the number on one account to an "account number" which already exists, if the salespersons does verify the number is not already in use. This report lists the accounts with this problem. This option usually requires about four minutes per 1000 accounts. To correct errors, use "Master Menu" option 2-1 to view the account number. Use ext/

revious to see the other accounts with the same number. Determine which customer keeps the account number and assign the other(s) a new number. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 80 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ 8-5 CUSTOMERS WITHOUT USERS At the "Master Menu," choose option 8-5 to list "Customers Without Users." You have the choice of printing <1> "Customers Without Users" or <2> "Users Without Customers." Choose <1> or <2> or press to choose both reports. You can also uit back to the "Master Menu." The "Customers Without Users" report indicates those accounts which do not have any authorized users. The first column in the "customer reference number" and the second column is the "account number." Several accounts on this list may be on the computer so that employees will know about an outstanding balance. Their "account" may not even be current. The "Users Without Accounts" report lists the "authorized users" which have no matching account. The routine also marks the users for deletion (which is not done until you do an option 9-1 "Reindex Databases"). Each report requires about four minutes per 1000 customers. GENERAL MAINTENANCE OPTIONS The major category "GENERAL MAINTENANCE OPTIONS" contains nine main options: 9-1 Reindex Databases 9-3 Size of VTI Files 9-4 Setup Routine 9-7 Option 97 9-8 Enter a DOS Command 9-9 Exit to DOS Each of these main options is discussed in detail. Options 9-3, 9-7 and 9-8 require the presence of COMMAND.COM. Options 9-7 and 9-8 require the "Allow RUN Command" option in the setup routine to be set to es. This prevents problems in some network environments. Options 9-2, 9-5, and 9-6 have been deleted. No renumbering of options was done in order to maintain compatibility between versions. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 81 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ 9-1 REINDEX DATABASES Choose option 9-1 from the "Master Menu" to "Reindex Databases." This routine eliminates the records "marked for deletion." You can reindex ll files, ain files (customer, rental inventory, and user files), or ndividual files. A list of files is shown with the reindex status on each. 9-3 SIZE OF VTI FILES Option 9-3 from the "Master Menu" shows the size of your VTI files. This chart lets you know if you need to pack the transaction file or move archived transactions to floppy diskette. This routine normally runs each time you start VTI in order to check on the availability of your files. 9-4 SETUP ROUTINES The "Setup Routine" determines the ways in which the program does certain things. Choose option 9-4 from the "Master Menu" to setup these options: <1> Store Information <2> Invoicing Prompts <3> Other Invoicing Items <4> Rate Codes <5> Salespersons <6> Hardware & File Location <7> Network Station Exceptions On a network, all options display only when the station number is "01." Any other station can use only option <7>. Option <7> appears only if you indicate in option <1> that the system is running on a network. The setup for screen color follows options <6> and option <7>. A second screen shows for that option. At the bottom of each screen, an "Accept (Y/N)?" prompt appears. Enter o if you need to make more edits. Enter es or press to return to the "Setup Menu." When you complete the setup process, the program reinitializes to implement the changes. When you first load VTI the program checks to see if any of the setup files are missing. If so, the program tells you to do option 9-4 "Setup Routines." Be sure to do each ------------------------------------------------------------ - 82 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ option of the setup, typically in the order of <1>, <2>, <3>, <6>, <7> (if needed), <4>, and finally <5>. If you try <4> "Rate Codes" before the proper location is entered in <6> "Hardware & File Location," you may receive an error message. <1> STORE INFORMATION Store information includes name and address, information about any days the store is closed, the sales tax rate, and normal customer credit limit. FIRST SCREEN: Business Name and Address -- The first four lines are for your store name, address, and telephone number. You can not change these lines after you enter a "Validation Code" (see "Registration Policy" in the Preface). Code for Day(s) Store is Closed -- The code for day(s) closed is based on one or more digits which represent the day(s) of the week. The codes are: 0-Not Closed, 1-Sunday, 2-Monday, 3-Tuesday, 4-Wednesday, 5-Thursday, 6-Friday, 7-Saturday. Enter a "0" if your store is open all days of the week. Enter a "3" if your store is closed on Tuesday. Enter "35" (but not "53") if your store is closed Tuesday and Thursday. Normal Customer Credit Limit -- The "Totals Screen" of the invoicing routine alerts you if you try to "charge" more to a customer's account than his "credit limit." The credit limit can be changed at the "customer edit screen" and defaults to this amount. Sales Tax Rates -- Most stores collect sales tax in order to comply with state law. Enter your tax rate for "rental" sales and for "retail" sales (Five percent is 0.05000 and 6-1/8 percent is 0.06125). The rates may be different. In addition, if you charge one rate on some amounts of retail items and another rate on other amounts, VTI can handle the task. For example, in Arkansas, the state sales tax rate is 4%, Nevada County has a 1% tax, the city of Prescott has a 1% tax, and the state also has a short-term rentals tax of 1%. This means 7% for rental items and 6% for retail items. But, there is a limit of $25.00 on the two local taxes ($2,500.00), so the retail rate is "0.0600" on the first $2,500.00 then 0.0400 on the rest." If some items you rent are taxable and others are not taxable, VTI can handle the job. You'll want to specify the sales tax rate on taxable items here. Then, do ------------------------------------------------------------ - 83 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ ot "automatically charge sales tax" at "Setup Routines" option <2> "Invoicing Prompts." If your store is not required to charge sales taxes, enter 0.00000 as the "sales tax rate" in "Setup Routines" option <1> "Store Information" and answer es to "automatically charge sales tax" at the "Setup Routines" option <2> "Invoicing Prompts." Charge Sales Tax By ine or By otal -- You can choose two methods to determine the calculation of sales taxes (Examples assume rental of four items at $2.49 each and a 5% sales tax rate): * Charge sales tax by ine. Calculate the tax for each line individually and then add the amounts together for the total sales tax. $2.49 per tape times 5% equals $0.1245 each, which is rounded to 12 cents each. 12 cents times 4 is 48 cents. This is VTI's default mode. * Charge sales tax by otal for the invoice. Add the amounts per line, then compute the sales tax for the invoice. $2.49 each x 4 tapes = $9.96. $9.96 X 5% = 50 cents tax. The rounding error difference is 2 cents on this example. Number of Copies of Daily Summary -- You can specify the number of copies of the "Summary of Invoices" report which VTI will automatically print. If you are using multiple-part paper, you may need only one copy, while you may need more than one copy if you are using one- part paper. "X" excludes the line-by-line detail. Exclude Racks from Inventory Value: If your store uses the transfers between stores option of branch invoicing, you may want to exclude the tapes at other racks from your inventory count and valuation. Enter the codes here for the racks you want to exclude. SECOND SCREEN: System Running on a Network -- If your VTI system is running on a network, answer es. If you need to add "special protection" to keep more than one invoice from printing at a time, specify "X" for this option. Using this option creates the KILLTHIS.KIL file, which may have to be removed manually if the network malfunctions to the extent it will not clear itself. If you are on only one computer, be sure to answer o. Network setup procedures are covered in the "Network File Location" section of the "Appendix." Retry time when busy (.1-10 secs) -- If you are using a network and a file is in use by one station when another ------------------------------------------------------------ - 84 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ station requests it, VTI displays a message and waits for an interval of time before attempting access once again. Set the interval here. Allow RUN Command -- Some computers don't have quite enough memory in them for VTI's RUN command to be properly executed. If you receive errors when attempting options 9-3 or 9-8, change this option to o. Edit First Name / Last Name -- If your store wants the customer edit screen to have the first name and then the last name appear, enter es to this question. If you want last name then first name, respond o. Master Menu Default to Invoicing -- If you'd like to be able to press ape at a "Master Menu" option and go directly to "Customer Invoicing," respond es to this question. Clear Typeahead Buffers -- VTI often "clears" the computer's typeahead buffer before it displays a prompt. This is in order to prevent errors from being entered. es at this prompt allows this action. Enter o to prevent the clearing of the buffers, which will allow you to make the program, especially invoicing, run faster when you learn it well. Some routines clear the typeahead buffer regardless of this setting. Phone Codes -- The customer edit screen includes space for two telephone numbers and codes. The codes can be anything you desire, not necessarily the codes supplied with the program. You can change the screen display by altering the descriptions here. This store is rack/branch: -- If you are using VTI at two or more stores, you may transfer tapes between stores. Establish a different one-character code for each store and enter this store's code at this location. If you change this code, VTI changes the references to the code in the inventory file. Show 4-Digit Years (Y/N): -- VTI supports dates from 01/01/1900 to 12/31/2999. With the change in century only a few years away, you will eventually change to dates with four-digit years (for example 1999 or 2001). Until required, you may respond o to this option and VTI will prompt only for the last two digits of the year. Prompt when NOT printing to printer (N/Y): -- If you set a printer to a file rather than to a printer device, you may need to change the file name for each report so that each report can be reserved. Respond "Yes" to this option if you may need to do this. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 85 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ <2> INVOICING PROMPTS The VTI invoicing routine is large and offers the store many options, which are controlled through this setup routine. Several categories of prompts are available: FIRST SCREEN: ACCOUNT DISPLAY & USER SELECTION CONTROL Warning when last visit longer than days -- VTI will put a "VERIFY" message on the invoicing screen when the program has not printed an invoice for this customer within a given number of days. Enter that number here. This is to alert you to ask for current address, identification, etc. Prompt for User Selection (Y/N/X) -- The prompt to select an authorized user normally follows the entry of a valid "customer account number." If you want the program to do checks for rating/age conflicts, answer es to this prompt. To disable the selection and the checking for conflicts, respond with o. If your store selects "N" you do not need to enter authorized users. Choose "X" to select a user, but disable the age checking. INVOICING LINES CONTROL Verify tape number by inputting twice (N/Y) -- Some stores using bar code scanners want to scan the number twice. Respond es to do this. Any command other than ape requires entry twice if you choose this option. Stores entering information from the keyboard will want to respond o. Default for Do You Want Special (Y/N) -- When invoicing a rental item which has a special rate set in the rate tables (such as $2.99 for 7 days), VTI will display a "Do you want the special?" prompt. If you want "yes" to be the default answer, respond es here. Allow Changes in Number of Days (Y/N/$) -- VTI can prompt for the "number of days" a customer wants to rent a tape and for the "quantity" of ther charges. Enter es to allow changes. Enter o to disable the prompt and always assume "1" day. Enter <$> to also allow changes in the number of days late. Allow Changes in Price Per Day (Y/N/$) -- VTI prompts for the "price per day" when the customer is renting for a single day if you enter es. Enter <$> to allow for changes in the calculated price-per-day when the rental is for more than one day. To disable this prompt and accept only the computer-calculated amount, enter o. Your store looses some flexibility in invoicing if you disable this prompt. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 86 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ . . . on multiple days late (N/Y) -- To accept the computer- calculated late charge, enter to the "multiple days" prompt. To allow changes, enter . Charge Sales Tax Automatically (Y/N) -- Since most stores must collect sales tax on rentals, the program defaults to "automatically" charge sales tax. As a result, this prompt is the reverse of the other prompts. If some of your rental items are taxable while others are tax- exempt, you need to ot automatically charge sales tax. At the "Setup Routines" option <1> "Store Information," specify the sales tax rate on items which are taxable. TOTALS SCREEN CONTROL Allow Coupons or Discount Entry (Y/N/$) -- You can control the "Totals Screen" prompt for "Coupons and Discounts." Enter es if you want the prompt to appear or o if you want the program to skip the prompt. If you disable this prompt, your store looses some flexibility in invoicing. You can enter any amount at the "coupons" prompt if you enter a "$" sign at this option. Collection of Money at Time of Rental (Y/N) -- Most stores collect the money for rentals at the time the customer gets the tape. If this is true of your store, enter es here. If your store collects on the "return" of the tape, enter a o here. You should be able to change between methods, if you desire. When you pay at time of rental ("Y"), the "due date" is "tomorrow." If you "charge" the rental using the "Y"es method, a "previous balance" appears on the invoice screen when you return a tape. When you pay at the time of return ("N"), the due date is "today." No "charge" is necessary and there is no "previous balance." Force Memo on Charge Invoices (Y/N) -- Most stores prefer to leave a memorandum when a customer is charging an amount. When you answer es at this prompt, the memo is added (without appearing on the screen) when the customer does not have an existing memo. Any existing memo is shown and you have the option to edit. When the program creates an automatic memo, it uses lines from the invoice representing charges. Default for Salesperson: Normally, the "Salesman" prompt is left blank. You may specify the default contents for the prompt. This is good for stores with only one employee. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 87 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ SECOND SCREEN: INVOICING PRINTER CONTROL: Option to Reprint Invoices (M/Y/N/2/3) -- Many options are available to determine the number of copies of an invoice which VTI prints. The prompt, if selected, appears at the bottom of the "Totals Screen" when the first invoice is completed. These options are available: es a prompt appears with a default of es (useful with single-part paper) aybe the prompt shows, but it defaults to o. o the prompt does not show <2> or <3> Automatically print 2 or 3 copies of the invoice (useful when standard computer paper is used). Regardless of the setting of this option, the

rint Invoice Again option is available at the "customer number prompt." Number of Line Feeds at End of Invoice -- If your printer needs extra line feeds at the end of an invoice in order to reach the "tear-off" point, enter the number here. See also "Number of Reverse Line Feeds." Number of Reverse Line Feeds -- Enter the number of reverse line feeds the printer is to execute before printing or reprinting an invoice. See also "Hardware Setup" for the "reverse line feed code" and "Number of Line Feeds at End of Invoice." Reverse line feeds often will not execute on the first invoice after the computer or printer is reset, so you may need a different placement for the invoice in the printer for the first invoice of the day (a computer can't accept a value less than zero as the "last line number printed." This may also happen if you print more than 496 invoices at 66 lines per page to 992 invoices (33 lines per page). Using Customized Invoices (Y/N) -- VTI can now produce an invoice according to your specifications. Some invoices drivers are in the VTIPRINT.ZIP file (use the command PKUNZIP PRINTDRV to get them out then see the README.DRV file for more information). Copy the drivers file you want to the file INVOFORM.DBF. Change this prompt to "Y"es. Invoice Page Size (33 unless customized) -- When you are using customized invoices, you may need to change the number of lines on the page. For example, six lines per inch on a 7" form is 42 lines per page. If you respond "N"o to the "customized" prompt, this number will be 33 even if you change it on the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 88 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ RESERVATIONS Bring Back Report "Print Listings" (Y/N/1-9/S) -- When reserved tapes are returned, VTI displays a screen showing the titles. At the bottom of the screen is a prompt for "Print Listings." You may specify the default for this "Print Listings" prompt. Respond at this setup prompt with the default. es means to print all listings, o means to print none, means to print all to the screen only. The number 1-9 are for the number of customers to print for each listing. Other Reports by Date ade or equested -- Some stores prefer their list of reservations to be a "waiting list" with reservations honored in the order they were ade (first-come first-served). Other stores want the lists to print in the order the customers equested the reservation. If you change this prompt, you must choose 9-1 "Reindex" at the "Master Menu" to reindex the reservations file. Zero Days if Customer Not on Reserve List (Y/N) -- Use this option to determine the action you want the computer to take when a customer is not on the reservations waiting list. If you want the "number of days" to become "0" when this customer is not on the list, respond es to this prompt. If you want the number of days to be the regular number of days for this number, enter o for this prompt. THIRD SCREEN SPECIAL DISCOUNTS CONTROL No Weekend Rates on Rate Tables -- Some stores allow customers to rent a tape on Friday or Saturday and it not be due until Monday. However, they want to exclude some tapes from the "special" treatment. Indicate here the rate tables which match the tapes you want to exclude. You may enter up to ten tables. Top Tape Discount for Accounts Not Expired -- Some stores want to allow a discount on premium titles to "members." Memberships can be entered by including an "expiration date" in the customer's account. A VTI routine watches for a customer whose account has not yet reached the "expiration date" and give a discount on each premium (top) tape. Blank dates are treated as non-members. DISCOUNT FOR A SPECIAL GROUP OF TAPES Some stores offer a category of tapes at a special price when more than one are rented. For example, rent three $2.00 tapes for $5.00. Respond to the series of prompts as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------ - 89 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Number of tapes -- 3 Each priced at -- 2.00 Rented or rechecked on days (1=Sun,7=Sat) -- 1234567 (assumes available all days) Get a total discount of -- 1.00 TAPES RETURNED ON DATE DUE AFTER POSTED TIME Add Another Day's Charges at -- Some stores charge another day's charges at a certain time on the due date. Enter that time here (6:00 p.m. is 18:00). Late when checked out after above time (Y/N) -- Your store may want to charge extra for tapes returned after a certain time, but exclude the tape from the charge if it was checked out after that time the previous day. To exclude the tape from the late charge, respond es here. Top Tapes Late Charge at -- This option is similar to the above, except the charge is only for the premium "top" tapes. Extra charge for Top Tapes Not Back -- This is the amount to charge extra for "top tapes" returned after a time. For example, if your $2.00 "top tapes" are due back at 6:00 p.m. or else there is an extra $1.00 charge, enter 18:00 and 1.00 at these two prompts. <3> OTHER INVOICING PROMPTS FIRST SCREEN "Thanks" Message -- Determine the phrase, such as "Thanks for your business," which you want to print on the invoice just before the salesperson's name. "Early" Message -- In order to encourage "weekend rate" customers to return tapes early, you can print a special message on the invoice. Enter that message here. "Agree to" Message -- You may specify the message which appears before the signature underline on the bottom of the standard invoice. Default for Other Charges -- This is the price when you choose "other charges" (option at a tape number prompt in invoicing). Pick a common price (such as rewinding tapes or popcorn). You can change this price if your store allows changes in price per day. Amount to Spend for Movie Passes -- You may want give your customers a "pass" each time they spend a given amount of money in your store as a reward for their repeat business. Enter the amount of money here. Use Whole Passes Only (Y/N) -- If you want customers to use passes only when they have earned a whole pass (not a ------------------------------------------------------------ - 90 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ fractional pass), respond es here. If you allow customers to use a partial pass, respond o here. Standard Rate -- The value of the pass when it is used. Enter 0 on both lines if your store does not award passes. Top Tapes Use Rate Table -- Select the rate table used by your premium titles ("Top Tapes"). Option from the "Invoicing Menu" selects tapes with this code. SECOND SCREEN Invoice Message -- You can change the message which prints at the bottom of the invoice. Nine lines of 200 characters per line are available; however, your invoice probably won't handle a message of this size. The default invoice uses six lines of 78 characters. <4> RATE CODES From the "Setup Menu," choose <4> to setup "Rates." A prompt appears. Enter the code for one of the rate tables (0-9 or A-Z) here. Press ape or to return to the "Rate Table" prompt. Press or ape at the "rate table" prompt to return to the "Setup Menu." Each table contains for each day three spaces for rates. If your store is closed on a day, enter 0.00 for that day's rates. The "normal days out" field becomes the "number of days" prompt on the invoicing screen. When set to "1," only the "first day" rates are used in "check out" and "bring back" routines. When set to a number greater than one: * When a tape is checked out, the first day the tape is out is charged at the "first day" rate, the second day at the "second day" rate, and each extra day at the "extra days" rate. * When a tape is returned, only the "extra days" rate is used for each day late. Late tape charges are based on the rate table in effect the day the tape is returned. You may specify a "special" good on certain days (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, . . . 7=Saturday). The "special" is a given number of days for a specified total amount. This is especially useful for pricing such as $1.00 a day or $2.00 a week. The prompt "Do you want special?" appears on the invoicing screen when you enter each item with a special. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 91 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ <5> SALESPERSONS The program tracks sales by salesperson. The program can translate a number into a salesman's name, which helps avoid misspelled names. From the "Setup Menu," choose <5> to setup "Salespersons." Assign each member of your staff a number between "1" and "49" and enter each name next to the number. Press on the last line or from any line to return to the "Setup Menu." <6> HARDWARE & FILE LOCATION In order for VTI to find the files and equipment it uses, you must provide locations of files and printers. Floppy Disk Drive -- The "Floppy Disk Drive" is the one used to "Archive Transactions to Floppy Diskette" from "Master Menu" option 8-2. If you use a different network station to make archival files, issue the appropriate command in the network setup to assign a code (such as X:) to the floppy drive. Databases, Programs, Workfiles File Location -- Most customers install VTI on hard disk drive C: in a directory called VTI. This is entered as C:\VTI\ in the "Databases," "Programs," and "Workfiles" locations. The tutorial is usually installed in C:\VTITUT\. Only 27 of the possible 50 characters appear on the screen at any time. The rest "scroll" (they are not lost). The fields may also be left blank to select the current directory (required by some network software). Improper entry of these locations causes an OPEN ERROR. See the installation notes in the "Preface" and the "Files Used by the Program" section in the "Appendix" for more information on these paths and files. These locations may be left blank to facilitate VTI's installation with some networks; however be sure you are in the correct current directory when using the "blank" locations. Reports and Invoicing Printer, Bring-Back Printer -- Enter the computer port to which your printer(s) is/are connected. Normally, LPT1 is the response if you use the first (or only) parallel printer port. If you have two ports and two printers, determine which one (LPT1 or LPT2) is used for invoices and which one for reports. If your printer uses a serial port, type COM1, COM2, or COM3 and load any required printer driver(s) before loading VTI. Only 27 of the possible 50 characters ------------------------------------------------------------ - 92 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ appear on the screen at any time. The rest "scroll" (they are not lost). The Bring-Back printer is the location at which invoices containing only tapes brought back (no new items checked out). This can be an actual printer for printed receipts, or the name of a file (such as C:\VTI\BRINGBAC.TXT) is you do not want a printed receipt. Bring-back invoices are numbered and a summary appears on the "Summary of Invoices Report." If your network allows you to assign the printer at the DOS level you may be able to use LPT1 and/or LPT2. Invisible Ethernet uses the command MAP LPT1 \\01\1 to specify port 1 on the computer named 01. Your software may require you to specify the entire path name rather than the port name (eg. \\STA01\LPT1). 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 17 cpi Printer Codes -- Printers can be told to change the number of characters they print per inch with a sequence of control codes. All three codes are needed for the "reports printer." Only one code is required for the "invoicing printer." Multiple printers do not have to be identical or even compatible with each other; they need only to be compatible with the computer to which they are attached. If your store uses only one printer, enter the same code for the "reports printer" 10 c.p.i. and the "invoicing printer" (unless you want invoices to print in a pitch other than 10 c.p.i.). Enter your printer's codes (from the printer's manual) for 10cpi, 12cpi, and 17cpi. Each sequence can be up to seven numbers. Here is an example for one IBM Graphics Printer compatible: 10 cpi, 27-19 sequence: 027-019-000-000-000-000-000 12 cpi, 27-23 sequence: 027-023-000-000-000-000-000 17 cpi, 27-20 sequence: 027-020-000-000-000-000-000 Here is an example for one Epson-compatible printer: 10 cpi, 18-27-80 sequence: 018-027-080-000-000-000-000 12 cpi, 18-27-77 sequence: 027-027-077-000-000-000-000 17 cpi, 27-15 sequence: 027-015-000-000-000-000-000 Reverse Line Feed Code -- If you specify a number of reverse line feeds in the "Invoicing Prompts" setup section, enter the code for your printer. (such as 27-30 or 27- 106-30 for the above printers). Your code may not be for a full line and may therefore require more reverse feeds than forward feeds. Your printer may also require "executory" codes, so you may have to switch to another mode, issue a code, then switch back. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 93 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Cash Drawer Codes -- Some electronic cash drawers (for example, those from Indiana Cash Drawer of Shelbyville, Indiana) can connect to the printer port and open when they receive a special programmed code. This code should be one which the printer normally ignores. Usually it's 001-001-000-000-000-000-000. Enter all zeros here unless you have a device which uses it. This code is sent to the printer only when the cash total of an invoice is not zero. Screen Colors Code -- After the other "Hardware & Files Information" or "Network Station Exceptions" are entered, a second "screen" appears. The screen colors are usually W/N,N/W,N for monochrome and GR+/B,N/W,BG for color monitors. The program requires you to select the codes from the list which correspond to the screen background and foreground colors, the color of the text and background of prompts, and the color of the border (outer rim of the screen). The prompt in the middle of the screen allows you to hange the codes shown in the top half of the screen or ave the changes after you've made them. As soon as you ave the codes, the screen changes to the new codes. However, you cannot set foreground and background to the same color, since this would make text on the screen impossible to read. <7> NETWORK STATION EXCEPTIONS This option appears only if you entered es at the "Network" prompt in "Setup Routines" option <1> "Store Information." It is the only "setup" option for network stations other than "01." Enter only the parameters for your station which are different from the default parameters. The PARAMS.DBF file must be in the current directory from which the program is loaded for the 9-* update option to work. UNCTION KEY ASSIGNMENT You may "program" 20 keys ( through and through ) at the 9-4-F option. Type <;> if you need the key to press . One useful key is the name of your city for use when adding customers. To program a key for: ------------------------------------------------------------ - 94 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ Prescott AR 71857 type the following for one of the keys: Prescott;AR;71857;;; The regular function keys through are reserved by the program. See "Screens, Prompts, and Keyboard Techniques" in the "Tutorial" section of this manual.

ASSWORDS AND LEVELS You may choose to prevent certain areas of VTI from being accessed by employees. In order to do this, you choose this option. First, you must determine a password "level" for each "Master Menu" option. Then, you may specify the passwords for each of nine levels. Level 1 is the most limited access. Level 9 accesses all levels 1 through 9. Most stores will want to password protect the 9-4 Setup Routines (suggested level is 9). In addition, some level of access limit may be desired on 9-* Update, 8-2 Archive Transactions to Floppy and 8-3 Value of Inventory. Level 0 means "no password" required, and is the suggested level for all routines except setup. Passwords or access levels may be changed as often as necessary, provided you have access to the 9-4 Setup Routines. You cannot change passwords if you forget the password which allows access to the Setup Routines. You may leave blank any password level which you do not assign. ALIDATION CODE Entry of a proper validation code eliminates the opening screen where you must type "I understand these terms . . ." Use this option to enter the code furnished by the author. Since the code is typically entered only once and should never be disturbed, this option does not appear on the menu. When the author furnishes you with a code: * At the "Setup Menu" prompt, type and press . * Then, enter the authorization code, which is ___________. Be sure to type a space after the number or ete the rest of the line before you press . ------------------------------------------------------------ - 95 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ * At the "Setup Menu," press to return to the initial screen. The word "Shareware" should no longer appear in the version number. If it does, the proper code was not entered. * Remember that you cannot change the first four lines of <1> "Store Information" after you enter this code. CCOUNT NUMBER DEFAULT VTI allows you to enter an account number of one of the following forms: 1 -- Telephone number 2 -- Telephone number with area code 3 -- Social Security number 4 -- Any sequence of 12 letters, numbers, or punctuation marks. <1> Telephone number is the default and is used throughout this manual. If you want to change from one method to another, choose option <4>, edit all accounts to the new form (including hyphens), then choose the new method. Regardless of the method chose, account numbers are stored flush right with leading spaces (eg. " 123-4567"). OPTION 9-7 Option 9-7 from the "Master Menu" shows only if you have created a batch file in the VTI directory called VTI97.BAT. This can sometimes be used to run another program without exiting to DOS from VTI. It may be necessary to alter the SET CLIPPER line in the VTI.BAT file (or VTITUT.BAT file) in order to get the other application to run (see Installation). The other application may also require too much memory. 9-8 DOS COMMAND Option 9-8 from the "Master Menu" allows you to issue most DOS commands without returning to the "C> prompt." No checking is done for correct spelling. Possible errors from this command are "Not enough memory" or "File not found." The first means the program you want to run is too big to run from inside Video Tape Invoicing. The second means you probably misspelled the command. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 96 - Video Tape Invoicing Program Reference ------------------------------------------------------------ 9-* UPDATE ROUTINES The general process of updating to a new version of VTI consists of the following steps: 1) Backup at least the VTI directory (BACKUP C:\VTI A:) in case something drastic happens to destroy your files. 2) Type the command: A:INSTALL A: 3) If additional instructions come with the update diskette, follow them. 3) Load VTI as usual. 4) Before the program reaches the "Master Menu," it automatically chooses option 9-*. 5) If an indexed file is updated, the routine automatically reindexes all your databases. 6) If the update includes options you need to change or implement, choose the options in the 9-4 "Setup Routines." The update routine works only if you are using version 8.00 or later. Contact the author before updating if you are using a version earlier that 8.00! You may choose the 9-* option at any time to see if you hard disk drive's files match the file structure needed by the program. The routine shows a list of VTI's files on the screen. For each file, it then compares the correct structure to the actual structure. Informative messages appear after each file is checked. The update routine renames your existing file from the .DBF to a .OLD extension if it needs to update the structure. After you confirm the new files are correct, you may delete the *.OLD files. The PARAMS.DBF file must be in the current directory from which the program was loaded in order for the update routine to work properly. UIT TO DOS Never simply turn off the computer. If you do, the files can be corrupted. When a file is corrupted, it has to be restored before work can be done again. When you're ready to close for the day, choose option 9-9 and then enter a to confirm that you want to uit to DOS. In addition, you may need to issue a DOS command to park the heads on your disk drive. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 97 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ APPENDICES GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT REPORTS REPORT SPECIFICATIONS Most reports print 54 lines per page on 11" paper, using 10 characters per inch (10 cpi) with 80 characters or less per line. Here are the exceptions: * Invoices print 33 lines per page on 5.5" paper. You can use the "invoice printer" code to select any desired pitch. "Custom invoices" may change the pitch and lines. * "Summary of Invoices" prints 66 lines per page (continuous form) in order to assure the integrity of the report. The "daily" summary is 17 cpi; the "monthly" and "annual" summaries are 12 cpi. * Customer List prints at 12 cpi with 88 characters per line. * Inventory Lists print at 10 cpi, 12 cpi or 17 cpi with various numbers of characters per line, depending on the size required by the report. Some reports print more or less lines if doing so produces a logical page break. POSITION OF PAPER BEFORE PRINTING Just before printing some reports, the program detects that you may have changed paper. When it does, the following message shows: Position Paper. Press You usually want to set the paper on the top line of blank 5.5" invoices and about 2/3 inch from the top when printing reports on 11" paper. When using "extra line feeds" or "reverse line feeds" in invoicing, the paper may require special positioning. In addition, the first invoice printed after resetting the computer or printer usually can not be reversed. When printing mailing labels, the program allows you to print as many "sample" labels as needed to assure your printer prints on the correct lines. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 98 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ CUSTOMIZED INVOICE DRIVERS The normal VTI installation includes a file called VTIPRINT.ZIP, which contains several "drivers" for invoices other than the "default" invoice. To extract the drivers, issue the following command: PKUNZIP VTIPRINT Several files, such as APPECD71.DRV, appear in the directory. The README.DRV file gives more complete information. Choose the file you want which matches the invoice you choose and copy the file to the INVOFORM.DBF file. Indicate you want to use "customized invoices" in the setup routines. The INVOFORM.DBF file is simply a dBASE file. It consists of the row number and column number for the printing, any conditions for the printing, and the variable or phrase to print. Many variables and arrays are available for printing. If you are interested in tailoring the driver to your specific needs, contact the author for the variable you need to use. POTENTIAL PROBLEMS IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE If the power fails when the program is idle at a menu or prompt, chances are no damage is done. If the power fails when creating an invoice, it's possible some of the files are left open, but no damage is likely unless the power failed when the computer was "posting" the invoice. Posting is done after the invoice prints. Therefore, the most recent invoice (from each computer on a network) is a good guide to determine the current posting status. Try to bring back each of the items the customer just "checked out." If the items show "checked out," the posting was successful. If the tapes show as "in," the routine did not properly post. Your files may be corrupted. If the power fails during an indexing operation or during the creation of a report, it will probably be necessary to repeat the process. Anytime the power fails, the files may be corrupted (this is the nature of most computer programs). An uninterruptable power supply is the best way to avoid problems. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 99 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ IN THE EVENT OF DATABASE CORRUPTION Restore from your last backup (RESTORE A: C:\VTI /S). Print a "Summary of Invoices" (without updating) to find out the last invoice entered. Use your copy of invoices to reenter each transaction since the "Summary of Invoices" report was printed. If you do not print "bring back" receipts, you may have additional work to determine which items were returned since the backup. STRANGE CHARACTERS ON SCREEN OR PRINTOUT Strange characters have appeared on the screen (such as in the "top tapes display") or on the printout (such as in a tape listing). The cause of the problems were traced to these areas: * A loose monitor cable * A bad section of the hard disk drive. A bad hard disk error requires a total system backup, reformatting of the hard disk drive, and then restoring the data. * A memory cache program which worked unreliably. Delete the use of the cache setup is usually done by removing a line or two from the AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files. A reliable cache program should be used only with backup power supplies. Be sure you feel competent or have good help when taking these corrective actions. ERROR MESSAGES Common Error Messages -- These error messages are common to new installations. FILE NOT FOUND (lower left section of the screen): This can happen just after entering the name of the file used to load the program (VTITUT, VTI, etc.). The name of the command was misspelled or one of the commands inside the *.BAT file was misspelled. Correct the error and try again. NOT ENOUGH MEMORY (lower left section of the screen): This can happen just after VTI is typed. The program requires at least 512k memory. Some of the computer's memory is taken by DOS. Programs residing may take too much memory space and require removal. Check the SET CLIPPER line in the *.BAT file (see "Installation"). ------------------------------------------------------------ - 100 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ OPEN ERROR (shown as part of a screen-wide line across the top of the screen): This usually happens just after choosing an option from the "Master Menu" and has three causes. 1. A buffer number in parenthesis, usually (4), shows after the name of the file. This usually means the CONFIG.SYS file is not correct. At the "C> prompt," type the command: TYPE C:\CONFIG.SYS Look for the lines of at least FILES=20 and BUFFERS=20. Reboot the computer after making changes or the same error will occur again. 2. Check the "path" before the name of the file. It is supposed to be C:\VTITUT when you are using the tutorial and C:\VTI when you are using the actual program. If the "path" is incorrect, restart the program. At the "Master Menu," choose option 9-4 "Setup Routines," then option <6> "Hardware & File Location." Check the path for the "Databases," "Workfiles" and "Programs" (C:\VTITUT\ or C:\VTI\ are the normal entries for all three lines). 3. Check the usage of extended or expanded memory. This may be the problem when the file is reported to be in buffer (0). You may also reindex with option 9-1-All. 4. If the "path" specified in #2 is correct, the file is probably missing. Reinstall. Uncommon Error Messages -- The Video Tape Invoicing program reports uncommon errors which are the result of an error in programming, an error with your computer, or an error with a peripheral such as disk drive or printer. The messages are on the top line of the screen. proc NAMENAME, line nnn Name of Error Continue (Y/N)? "proc" means "procedure." NAMENAME is the name I gave the routine when I wrote the program. "nnn" is the "line" number in the process where the error occurs. "Name of Error" tells me what is going wrong. If you get one of these error messsages, I need to know what you were doing and the contents of the entire line. Here are the uncommon errors you can get and correct yourself: * Undefined Identifier (shown as part of a screen-wide line across the top of the screen): This could indicate an improper setup (see OPEN ERROR cause 2). If the Setup routine doesn't correct the problem or if persists, contact the programmer with the contents of the entire line across the top of the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 101 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ * Print Error. The printer isn't ready. It may be jammed, out of paper, out of ribbon, or off line. Correct the problem. You may have to reload VTI. * Disk Full. Your hard disk has filled up. If you have programs other than VTI on the disk drive, try removing some of them. You may also need to "Archive Transactions to Floppy Diskette" to get rid of some of the on-line history. * Index File Corrupted. Reload the program, then 9-1- All "Reindex" the databases. * Internal Error. There is a problem with the program or the computer. We've also run across this error when using a network if the network wasn't able to respond to the request. Check for proper implementation of extended or expanded memory. * Run Error. The COMMAND.COM file was not accessible, or there was not enough memory. You may need to set COMSPEC in the loading file (see "Initial Installation Instructions"). If this happens after choosing option 9-7, the VTI97.BAT file may contain a bad command. If you try to correct the problem, but reloading doesn't work, call me with the entire contents of the line. Here are the error messages you should not see: * Database required * Multiple Error * Exclusive Required * Not at array * Expression Error * Subscript Range * Lock Required * Type Mismatch * Missing External * Zero Divide If you get one of these errors, let me know what you were doing when the error occured and the contents of the entire top line (where the error message showed). If you get the message, Field Numeric Overflow, you entered data far out of the ordinary. One of the numbers calculated by the program was bigger than the available space where it is stored in the files. ANOMALIES "Anomalies" are the strange things that happen in any computer program. They aren't "bugs" because they don't cause data damage and they usually don't occur often. Some of these have been reported to me by customers. Others I have noticed. And, I have not been able to reproduce some of these anomalies. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 102 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ * Add tape routine. If you try to edit the first tape, the information clears. Work around this problem by entering the information again (the "blank" screen doesn't add) or edit the incorrect information after you return to the "Master Menu." * Any Report: If the program shows a "Printer Not Ready" error, the remainder of the report goes to the screen. uit the program, check the printer, reboot and print the report again. * Some Reports: Occasionally, the first page of a report prints fine, but each addition page begins half a page down. If this happens, uit the program, reboot and reload, then go directly to the needed report. * With network use, occasional error messages appear on the top line when the network is busy. When the other station completes a task, you may "retry." You may have to abort and redo the invoice. * On some networks, if two or more stations print invoices within about five seconds, the "transaction file" index corrupts. If you later try to "bring ack" a tape, but the program won't show it, do "Master Menu" option 9-1 "Reindex Databases" ndividually for the "Transaction Files." Respond "X" to the "System Running on a Network" prompt in 9-4-1 Setup. * "Summary of Invoices" Report: Occasionally, the totals of the summary per individual salesman doesn't print. The totals are exactly equal to the summary total of the invoices printed a few lines earlier. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 103 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY OF WORK TO BE DONE DAILY: * 1-1 Invoicing * 1-3 Summary of Invoices * 1-2 List of Tapes Out to Customers * Exit to DOS, make backups, then shutdown ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK * 8-1 Pack Transaction File WHEN NECESSARY * Add and edit customers names, addresses, phone numbers, etc. * Add and edit users * Add and edit tapes * Enter tapes on order into prebooks, remove those received. * Reindex Databases when tapes or customers are marked for deletion WHEN PROBLEMS DEVELOP * "Reindex Databases" when errors such as these occur: * "record not in file" message * when the program won't bring back a tape which is checked out on the computer * the program can't find a tape, an account, a user, etc. which you know is there WHEN CHANGING RATES, SALESPERSONS, TERMINALS, ETC. * Setup salespersons, rates, other items PERIODICALLY * Do a DIR at the DOS prompt to see if there is at least 1,000,000 bytes free on the disk drive. Find a way to clear more space if necessary. * 8-2 Archive Transactions to Floppy drive to reduce disk space used ------------------------------------------------------------ - 104 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ SOME GENERAL PROCEDURES AND TECHNIQUES Here is a list of some procedures and techniques you may find useful at your store. Most of these are for situations when you've pressed on the "totals screen" and then you discover and error or the customer changes his mind. These are not the only ways to correct the errors. But they are the best ones I've seen. Let me know if you find others. When using the "OTHER" charge option, type a descriptive phrase such as "Correcting Inv. #123," "Exchanging . . .", etc. Unless noted, the other charge is a rental transaction. The correction strategy is to maintain the most accurate amounts possible in several files: * Daily Report File -- the file which prints the daily summary of invoices and transfers the amounts to the month and to the year. * Transaction History File -- the files which show the in/out status and the amount of revenue for the transaction, recheck, and late charges. * Rental Inventory File -- Keeps up with the number of transactions during the month and in total, plus the total revenue for the item. * Customer File -- Keeps up with the total number of rentals and revenue for the customer, along with the increments toward the number of movie passes earned. Because of the necessity to post to may files, it is not possible to totally reverse all aspects of a transaction. Remember that when you press at the salesman's prompt, you are saying "Everything is correct." EXCHANGING THE ITEMS RENTED: ring back the tape and check out the correct one. Specify the regular rate for the tape being checked out. Issue an "OTHER" charge credit for the amount of the other tape (-1 days at the tape's amount). This posts the correct money to the customer and exchanged tape. However, the money in the transaction history file for the first tape cannot be changed. INCREASING THE NUMBER OF DAYS A TAPE IS CHECKED OUT: At the "Invoicing Menu," change the correct ue Date for the tapes. Call up the account and recheck the tapes for one "day." The amount for the "day" is the amount, when added to the previous invoice, is the correct total. Be sure to ------------------------------------------------------------ - 105 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ return the ue Date to the correct date after completing the invoice. All files are correct. RECHECKING A TAPE BEFORE THE DAY IT IS DUE: See "Increasing the Number of Days a Tape is Checked Out," above. DECREASING THE NUMBER OF DAYS A TAPE IS CHECKED OUT: Return the tapes, then check them out again. You may want to issue an "OTHER" charge for -1 days and the amount of the previous total charges for the rentals. This will keep your daily report and customer files at the right money levels. However, the transaction history file can't be changed. YOU'VE PRINTED A RECEIPT FOR CASH. NOW, THE CUSTOMER WANTS TO CHARGE: Call up the account and keep all tapes out. otal the invoice. For "Cash Remitted" enter the minus sign (-) followed by the amount of the charge (for instance, type <-><2><.><1><0> if $2.10 was supposed to have been charged. You may have to press ape to get the program to accept this amount. The "Amount Charged" line shows the amount charged. When you print the receipt, everything is now correct, with a $2.10 balance due on the customer's account. Since the invoice is left unchanged, all amounts are made correct. YOU'VE PRINTED A RECEIPT AND NOW THE CUSTOMER WANTS TO USE A COUPON: Call up the account, keep all tapes and go to the "Totals Screen." Enter the amount of the coupon. The program will then show a negative amount of "Cash Tendered." You may have to press ape to accept the negative amount. This keeps all files correct. REFUND FOR A RENTAL: Return the tapes, if necessary. Enter an "OTHER" charge for -1 days at the price of the refund. Total the invoice. You'll probably have to press ape at the "Amount Tendered" prompt to accept a negative amount of cash. Only the daily report file is corrected. TO SELL A GIFT CERTIFICATE OR TO PREPAY A RENTAL: There are two methods available for this. First call up the account. * Issue movie passes for the amount of the certificate or prepayment. This may now be allowed or may not work precisely, based on your setup. You'll also need invoice an "OTHER" charge to invoice the amount. * Invoice the "OTHER" charge for a "GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR $x.xx" or "PREPAYMENT of $x.xx" for one day and $0.00. On the "totals page," specify the amount remitted and respond es to credit the account with the money. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 106 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ Issue passes when you want to limit the use of the money to rentals. Use the second method when you want to allow the customer to use the money for any purpose (even refunds). Have other ideas, tips and techniques? Send them to me so I can help other VTI customers. SAMPLE NEW ACCOUNT FORM Account Name (Head of Household): Account Name: First ____________ Last: _____________ Number:_______ Address: ____________________________________ City: ______________ ST ___ ZIPCD _____ CARRT ____-_____ Phone 1 ________ Type: ___ wn, riend, mployer Phone 2 ________ Type: ___ eighbor, elative _______ Date Joined: ___/___/____ On Mailing List: ___ Weekend Rate: ____ Reference: ___________ Allowed to Charge Rentals? ___ Credit Limit: _____.___ Membership Expiration Date: ___/___/___. Account Number can be phone number. Reference number is assigned by the computer. Authorized User Identification Date of Birth Limit 1 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ 2 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ 3 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ 4 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ 5 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ 6 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ 7 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ 8 _______________ ____________ ___/___/___ ___ (YOUR MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT AND THE MEMBER'S SIGNATURE HERE) ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ - 107 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ SAMPLE NEW TAPE FORM Number: __________________ CATEGORIES Title: ___________________________________ DR -- Drama Rating: __________ Category: ___ CO -- Comedy Retail: __________ Cost: __________ AD -- Adult Vendor: __________ Purchased: __/__/__ FA -- Family Released on: ___/___/___ AC -- Action Rate Table: __ WE -- Western Label/Number: ________________ HO -- Horror Ratings: 00 - General, 08 - Somewhat Mature, 13 - Mature 16 - Very Mature, 17 - Adult, 18 - X, 21 - XXX (YOUR STORE WILL PROBABLY HAVE DIFFERENT CATEGORIES) FILES USED BY PROGRAM To provide for flexibility and compatibility with network use, VTI normally uses "fully-qualified path names" when it specifies a file name. "Setup Routines" option <6> "Hardware & Files" and option <7> "Network Station Exceptions" list these paths under the descriptive terms: DATABASES, PROGRAMS, and WORKFILES. All paths are usually the same (usually C:\VTI\). They may also be left blank to choose the "current directory." See the discussion of paths under "Networking." The "PROGRAM" path must contain these files: VTI.OVL VTIMENU.EXE The "PROGRAM" path contains these files to hold the information which differs for your store: BILLS.MEM MOTD.MEM PW_CODE .MEM CAT.MEM PARAMS.MEM SALESMEN.MEM LASTNUMB.MEM PARAMS2.MEM VTIFNKEY.MEM The "PROGRAM" path may contain these files, which can be removed: COPYVTI.EXE PKUNZIP.EXE VTIEMPTY.ZIP INSTALL.BAT UPDATE.BAT VTIFNKEY.MEM KILLTHIS.KIL* VTI97.BAT+ VTIPRINT.ZIP SUPPORT VTIDOCS.EXE VTITUTOR.ZIP VTIUPDAT.EXE + Required for option 9-7 to appear on the screen * Created when "Using Network" setup option is set to "X" ------------------------------------------------------------ - 108 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ SUPPORT contains the phrase which appears after the word "Support:" on the Title Screen. The "DATABASE" path must contain these files: ANNUARPT.DBF MEMO.NTX RENTRANS.DBF CATACTDA.DBF MONTHRPT.DBF RENTRARC.DBF CATACTMO.DBF PARAMS.DBF RENTRAST.NTX CATACTYR.DBF PREBOOKS.DBF RESERVES.DBF CUSTACCT.NTX PRERELDT.NTX RESERVES.NTX CUSTNAME.NTX PRETITLE.NTX TOPTAPES.DBF+ CUSTOLD.NTX RATETABL.DBF USERNAME.NTX CUSTOMER.DBF RENINVEN.DBF USERS.DBF DAILYRPT.DBF RENNUMBR.NTX USERS.NTX MEMO.DBF RENTITLE.NTX + A temporary file is used by all stations. These files come from VTIEMPTY.ZIP ("actual use" version) or VTITUTOR.ZIP (tutorial version) using PKUNZIP.EXE, or can be created by the VTI program itself (press ape at the prompt which indicates unable to use a file then pressing when told doing so creates the file). The "WORKFILES" path may contain these files. The presence of one of these files usually means a routine was interrupted before it was completed. They may be deleted without problem. BRANCHnn#.DBF FORSALE.DBF TEMPCUST.DBF BRANCH1nn#.NTX FORSALE.NTX TEMPSTRU.DBF BRANCH2nn#.NTX INVPRNnn.TXT# TEMP.DBF BRANCH3nn#.NTX RENADDnn.DBF# TEMP.NTX CUSTBEST.DBF RENTRADU.NTX TEMPnn.DBF# CUSTBIRT.DBF SELLLIST.DBF TEMPSTRU.DBF CUSTDEL.DBF STAT.DBF TEMPTAPE.DBF CUSTMAIL.DBF STATUS.NTX TEMPTAPE.NTX CUSTMAIL.NTX STRU.DBF TEMPTRAN.DBF CUSTMCUS.NTX TAPEBEST.DBF TIMES.DBF DEL.DBF TAPELIST.DBF TO_x+.DBF DEL.NTX TEMPBEST.DBF TOTALS.TXT EOD.DBF #nn refers to the station number. +x refers to the letter to specify a store to/from which tapes are transferred. TOTALS.TXT is the file created by the Summary of Invoices report so that you may take the sales figures to other programs. The absence of a "PROGRAM" file causes the program to abort and may be replaced only with the distribution/installation ------------------------------------------------------------ - 109 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ diskette. If the *.DBF-type "DATABASE" file is missing, replace it by selecting option 9-* "Update Routines." If the missing file is a *.NTX-type "DATABASE" file, use "Master Menu" option 9-1 to "Reindex Databases." The ROOT (\) directory of your hard disk drive usually contains the VTI.BAT and VTITUT.BAT files. If your computer uses a special directory to hold all the batch files, be sure the proper PATH command is issued. If VTI is in a directory other than VTI or VTITUT, the loading file name is what you made it. FILE STRUCTURE VTI's files are dBASE compatable and may be accessed from dBASE or any of the programs which use compatable files. This allows you to create special reports or retrieve special information. From time to time, the exact structure may change. For a report of the current file structure, you may use option 9- *, which checks the file structure for the current version. When the "press any key . . ." prompt appears, enter an asterisk <*>, then specify the printer (which may also be a file name). The program prints an uncommented report listing field name, field type, field length, and field decimals. FILE NAME: CUSTOMER.DBF -- Customer master file ACCTNO C 12 0 Flush right with leading spaces. This is the number entered at "account number prompt" LASTNAME C 15 0 FIRSTNAME C 10 0 ADDRESS C 25 0 CITY C 15 0 ST C 2 0 ZIPCD C 5 0 CARRT C 4 0 Postal Service Carrier Route (opt) WITHINCAR C 4 0 Extra sorting (opt) CARRTBASIC C 1 0 Determines regular or Carrier Route PHONE1 C 8 0 PHONE1TYPE C 1 0 May be any character PHONE2 C 8 0 PHONE2TYPE C 1 0 May be any character DATEJOINED D 8 0 (opt) ------------------------------------------------------------ - 110 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ MEMBEREXP D 8 0 No check out if this date is older than today PURCHASES N 9 2 Total purchases $ made by this customer RENTALS N 8 2 Total rental $ made by this customer RENTALQTY N 4 0 Number of items rented by this customer CURRENTBAL N 9 2 Current balance on account BALOWEDSIN D 8 0 Last invoice date MOVPASSES N 10 2 Number of "movie passes" this customer is due COUNTER N 3 0 (no longer used) NEWSLETTER C 1 0 Y/N - this customer is on mailing list WAITLIST C 1 0 Y/N - this customer can reserve tapes CHARGERENT C 1 0 Y/N - this customer allowed to charge CREDITLIMT N 9 2 Amount allowed to be charged before "totals screen" screen asks for verification LASTPURDT D 8 0 Date last item was purchased OLDNUMBER C 8 0 This is "Reference Number." Must be flush right with leading spaces. Usually begins with 1 and continues upward. RATECODE C 1 0 (Not used) WEEKEND C 1 0 Y/N - This customer gets the "weekend rate." MEMO N 8 0 This customer's record number in MEMO.DBF is set to 0 if there is no memo for this customer CCARD C 28 0 The "permanent memo" for the customer, appears in highlight on the invoicing screen. ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: USERS.DBF -- The list of authorized users. ACCTNO C 8 0 Same as "OLDNUMBER" in CUSTOMER.DBF USER C 16 0 Authorized user's name. Usually Lastname, Firstname. ID C 15 0 Space for Driver's license, social security, or other number ------------------------------------------------------------ - 111 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ DOB D 8 0 Date of birth. Required if you are checking user's age against tape's rating. LI C 2 0 The "treat as" age limit INIT C 3 0 (Not used) ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: MEMO.DBF -- The file containing customer memos. MEMO1 C 76 0 The nine lines of the memo MEMO2 C 76 0 MEMO3 C 76 0 MEMO4 C 76 0 MEMO5 C 76 0 MEMO6 C 76 0 MEMO7 C 76 0 MEMO8 C 76 0 MEMO9 C 76 0 ACCTNO C 8 0 Same as "OLDNUMBER" in CUSTOMER.DBF ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: RENINVEN.DBF -- The inventory master file. TAPENUM C 12 0 Tape number or product stock number. Must be flush right with leading spaces. TITLE C 30 0 Flush left RATING C 2 0 Can be any number 00-30 or an MPAA rating code (see manual). Not used for retail items. RETAIL N 6 2 The retail price. For reference in rental items and the selling price for retail items. COST N 6 2 The store's cost. Should not be $0.00. Used in determining inventory valuation. VENDOR C 8 0 Just a space to record the vendor. PURDATE D 8 0 The item's purchase date. See note below. RELDATE D 8 0 The item's release date. The later of PURDATE and RELDATE determines whether or not a tape is "now renting" when printing reservation reports. CATEGORY C 2 0 Used by category reports. Must begin with "$" for retail items. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 112 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ FORMAT C 1 0 (Not used) BASERENT C 1 0 The "rate table" code which is the basis for pricing on this rental item. Not used by retail items. LABNUM C 10 0 Just space to record information. Was originally intended for the tape's stock number. TIMES01 N 3 0 The number of times this item was rented on the VTI program in the most recent January. Will be 0 until VTI is used in the month of January. TIMES02 N 3 0 Same as TIMES01 except February. TIMES03 N 3 0 Same as TIMES01 except March. TIMES04 N 3 0 TIMES05 N 3 0 TIMES06 N 3 0 TIMES07 N 3 0 TIMES08 N 3 0 TIMES09 N 3 0 TIMES10 N 3 0 TIMES11 N 3 0 TIMES12 N 3 0 TIMESTOT N 7 0 Total number of times this item has rented on the VTI program. REVENUE N 8 2 Total revenue received by this item on the VTI program. AVAILABLE N 6 0 The "in stock" quantity of retail items. Not used by rental items. STATUS C 1 0 (Not used) LASTBRANCH C 1 0 The last branch/rack which had this tape. LASTBRANCH, LASTBRDATE, CURRENTBRA, and CURBRDATE are not used if your store does not have branches/racks. LASTBRDATE D 8 0 The date the last branch/rack returned this tape. CURRENTBRA C 1 0 The branch/rack which currently has this tape. CURBRDATE D 8 0 The date the current branch/rack got this tape. ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ - 113 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ FILE NAME: RENTRANS.DBF -- The "most recent" rental transactions (there is no transaction file for retail items). Items are deleted from this file when they are transferred to RENTRARC.DBF by "Pack Transactions" routine. ITEMNUMBER C 12 0 The tape's number. Same as TAPENUM in RENINVEN.DBF DUEDATE D 8 0 The day the rental item is due MEMBERNUMB C 8 0 Same as "OLDNUMBER" in CUSTOMER.DBF INVOICEDAT D 8 0 Date of invoice. INVOICETIM C 5 0 Invoice time. STATUS C 1 0 Either "O" for out or "B" for back. "O"ut items stay in this file. Only "B"ack items may be packed and moved to RENTRARC.DBF PRICEEA N 8 2 The price paid for each day's rental ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: RENTRARC.DBF -- The older rental transactions. File gets additional transactions from RENTRANS.DBF when the "Pack Transaction" routine is run. Delete records from this file with the "Archive Transactions to Floppy" routine, which moves the oldest transactions to a file of the same name on floppy diskette. ITEMNUMBER C 12 0 see RENTRANS.DBF DUEDATE D 8 0 MEMBERNUMB C 8 0 INVOICEDAT D 8 0 INVOICETIM C 5 0 STATUS C 1 0 PRICEEA N 8 2 ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: RESERVES.DBF -- The tapes on the "reservations" or "waiting list" TITLE C 30 0 Tape's title. Must come from RENINVEN.DBF ACCTNO C 8 0 Same as "OLDNUMBER" in CUSTOMER.DBF USER C 10 0 Spaces for a note of who wants tape DATEOFRES D 8 0 System date at time record was created. The default method is a waiting list and is sorted by DATEOFRES+TIMEOFRES. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 114 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ TIMEOFRES C 5 0 System time at time record was created REQUESTED C 15 0 Date requested. The option method of sorting is REQUESTED+DATEOFRES+TIMEOFRES PHONES C 78 0 Just a memo space. ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: PREBOOKS.DBF -- A "note pad" file to help you keep track of titles you have ordered, but not yet received. RELDATE D 8 0 The scheduled release date. MUST be entered for each title or the prebook report will not print. TITLE C 30 0 The title COPIES N 2 0 The number of copies you have booked COST N 6 2 Your cost per tape. VENDOR C 8 0 The vendor. Note: Make a separate entry when you book the same title with more than one vendor. RETAIL N 6 2 The title's retail price. LABNUM C 10 0 Note space for vendor's stock number or other information. CATEGORY C 2 0 The tape's category. RATING C 2 0 The tape's rating. FORMAT C 1 0 (Not used) BASERENT C 1 0 Intended to enter the rate table you plan to use for this tape. ACTORS C 25 0 Just memo space. Not used. RECD L 1 0 A mark that the title is received. Note: There is NO interface between PREBOOKS.DBF and RENINVEN.DBF ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: RATETABL.DBF -- Accessed by the setup routine for rates. Used by invoicing routine to determine price per day. CODENAME C 1 0 The rate table (such as 1, 2, 3, A, B, etc.) SUNDAY N 5 2 The price to charge for Sunday on one-day rentals. MONDAY N 5 2 The price to charge for Monday. . . ------------------------------------------------------------ - 115 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ TUESDAY N 5 2 WEDNESDAY N 5 2 THURSDAY N 5 2 FRIDAY N 5 2 SATURDAY N 5 2 SUNDAY1 N 5 2 The price to charge for the second day when a tape is rented on Sunday. MONDAY1 N 5 2 The price to charge for the second day when a tape is rented on Monday . . . TUESDAY1 N 5 2 WEDNESDAY1 N 5 2 THURSDAY1 N 5 2 FRIDAY1 N 5 2 SATURDAY1 N 5 2 SUNDAY2 N 5 2 The price to charge for each additional day over 1 when a tape is rented on Sunday. MONDAY2 N 5 2 The price to charge for each additional day over 1 when a tape is rented on Monday. . . TUESDAY2 N 5 2 WEDNESDAY2 N 5 2 THURSDAY2 N 5 2 FRIDAY2 N 5 2 SATURDAY2 N 5 2 DEFDAYS N 2 0 The default "number of days" for this tape to rent. Is 1 if left blank SPAVAIL C 7 0 The code for days a "special" is available. You must enter 0123456 if you want the special to be available every day. SPNUMDAYS N 2 0 The default "number of days" for a special. SPTTLAMT N 7 2 The "total amount" for a "special" ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: PARAMS.DBF -- Used in network environments when there is more than one workstation using VTI. It contains the "setup" information exceptions for each station. Refer to the setup information for the detailed information on these options. ST C 2 0 Station number. Must be 01 - 99 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 116 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ FL C 2 0 Local floppy disk drive letter (eg. A: or B:) DB C 30 0 Database location (eg. C:\VTI\) PR C 30 0 Program location (eg. C:\VTI\) WO C 30 0 Workfile location (eg. C:\VTI\) COL C 30 0 Color code PR10 C 27 0 Reports printer 10 c.p.i. code PR12 C 27 0 Reports printer 12 c.p.i. code PR17 C 27 0 Reports printer 17 c.p.i. code REPR C 1 0 Option to reprint invoices PRNINVO C 30 0 Invoicing printer (eg. LPT1:) PRNREPO C 30 0 Reports printer (eg. LPT2:) DRAW C 27 0 Cash drawer opening code INVO10 C 27 0 Invoicing printer print code BACK C 30 0 Bring back printer REVLF C 27 0 Reverse line feed code for invoicing printer. EOILF C 4 0 Number of extra line feeds at end of invoice. EOIRLF C 4 0 Number of reverse line feeds before printer starts printing invoice. ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: DAILYRPT.DBF -- A one-line per invoice summary of each invoice generated by the program since the last "daily report" was printed, even if an invoice was not printed on paper for that transaction. DATE D 8 0 The date of the invoice INVOICE C 5 0 The invoice number CUSTOMER C 8 0 Same as "OLDNUMBER" in CUSTOMER.DBF CUSTACCT C 12 0 Same as "ACCTNO" in CUSTOMER.DBF CASH N 8 2 $ Amount of "cash remitted" PASSES N 8 2 $ Amount of "passes used" DISCOUNTS N 8 2 $ Amount of "discounts" used CHARGES N 8 2 $ Amount "charged" SALESPER C 8 0 Salesperson. Used to sort by salesperson summary at end of daily summary. RENTITEMS N 3 0 Number of items rented on the invoice RENTALS N 8 2 Amount of the rentals on the invoice PURCHASES N 8 2 Amount of purchased on invoice RENTTAX N 8 2 Sales tax on rented items RETAILTAX N 8 2 Sales tax on retail items ------------------------------------------------------------ - 117 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: MONTHRPT.DBF -- One line for each "daily summary" run during the month DATE D 8 0 Date "daily summary" was run. TIME C 5 0 Time "daily summary" was run. CASH N 8 2 $ "Cash" total from "daily summary" PASSES N 8 2 $ "Passes" total from "daily summary" DISCOUNTS N 8 2 $ "Discounts" total from "daily summary" CHARGES N 8 2 $ "Charges" total from "daily summary" TOTAL N 8 2 $ "Total" from "daily summary" RENTALS N 8 2 $ "Rentals" total from "daily summary" PURCHASES N 8 2 $ "Purchases" total from "daily summary" RENTTAX N 8 2 $ "Rental tax" total from "daily summary" RETAILTAX N 8 2 $ "Retail tax" total from "daily summary" ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: ANNUARPT.DBF -- Similar to MONTHRPT.DBF except is one line for each "monthly summary" run during the year. DATE D 8 0 TIME C 5 0 CASH N 8 2 PASSES N 8 2 DISCOUNTS N 8 2 CHARGES N 8 2 TOTAL N 8 2 RENTALS N 8 2 PURCHASES N 8 2 RENTTAX N 8 2 RETAILTAX N 8 2 ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: CATACTDA.DBF -- A one-line per category summary based on the day's invoices. Prints at the end of the "Daily Summary of Invoices." CAT C 2 0 "CATEGORY" from RENINVEN.DBF XACTIONS N 8 0 The "number of days" from the invoice ------------------------------------------------------------ - 118 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ AMTEACH N 10 2 The total price from the invoice Note: If two or more tapes from a given category appear on one invoice, the sum of the tapes is included in the XACTIONS and AMTEACH fields. ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: CATACTMO.DBF -- Similar to CATACTDA.DBF, except for the month. CAT C 2 0 XACTIONS N 8 0 AMTEACH N 10 2 ---------------------------------------- FILE NAME: CATACTYR.DBF -- Similar to CATACTDA.DBF and CATACTMO.DBF, except for the year. CAT C 2 0 XACTIONS N 8 0 AMTEACH N 10 2 TRANSACTION FILES The transaction file system provides one of the most powerful features of the Video Tape Invoicing Program. The program can tell you important information about each tape and each customer because it maintains transaction files and rental histories. Contained in RENTRANS.DBF are the most recent transactions. Each time you do a "Master Menu" option 8-1 "Pack Transaction File," the tapes "returned" are added to the hard disk RENTRARC.DBF file. As this file gets larger, do an option 8-2 "Archive Transactions to Floppy" diskette. Since you can number and date the floppy diskettes as they are created, there is virtually no limit of how many transactions you can have available. From "Master Menu" option 2-4 "Customer Reports," "Customer Report Menu" option <4> you can get a list of "Tapes a Customer Has Rented." From "Master Menu" option 3-4 "Tape Reports," "Tape Report Menu" option <4>, you can "Check the Rental History of a Tape" and get a list of customers who have rented the tape. See the detailed section on these options for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 119 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ NETWORKING VTI operates using NETBIOS calls. I know of locations it is operating on Invisible Network , Novell Netware ELS , MainLan , and Lantastic . It probably works with other systems. VTI makes no attempt to resolve any network contention (struggle between two or more stations for access to a single file or record) problems. It merely waits on the network to release a record or file, beeping every few seconds. The operator may press ape to quit to DOS. If the choice is made to exit to DOS, the program may be reloaded and the operation tried again or a different operation may be started. A network with a enough stations can be doing all these activities at once, although each activity is limited to one station. * Branch invoicing or reports * Mailing lists * Printout of customers owing money * Printout of tapes in inventory * Best/Worst tapes reports * List of tapes out to customers * List of tapes for sale * Prebooked tapes * Summary of Invoices (Daily report)* * Invoicing must be suspended when any station does a Summary of Invoices. Any number of stations may do any combination of these activities, except when suspended by general maintenance: * Adding tapes* * Adding customers* * Adding users * Invoicing * Invoicing may be suspended for a few seconds when another station completes the entry of new tapes or new customers. All activities must stop for general maintenance, reindexing, and system setup. This is common to all networks and multi-user operating systems. VTI places "file locks" on individual files and records as required and depends upon DOS to place the locks during DOS-level commands. This allows some work to continue. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 120 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ When making backups, it is usually desirable for all stations to exit to DOS from VTI, perform the backup, then return. This prevents the backup program from being "locked out" of a file and not copying it. If you can disable the network temporarily, you may place the commands in the VTI97.BAT file, rather than issuing them from DOS. NETWORK FILE LOCATION VTI uses three paths for its files The "DATABASE" and "PROGRAM" paths are usually the same (a DOS SHAREd directory such as C:\VTI\). The "WORKFILES" may be in a directory reserved (not SHAREd) for the use of the station (C:\VTI\STA01\, C:\VTI\STA02\, etc.). All stations' "WORKFILES" can be in the same location, even the same location as the "DATABASE" and "PROGRAM" files, provided the correct station number is entered when the program is started (the station number controls the name of the "workfiles"). The path names are specified in Setup 9-4-6 and may be left blank to choose the "current directory" (required by some network software). The default VTI station number is based on the name of the computer. The program looks for the first one or two numeral(s) to determine the name (the VTI station number is "01" when your computer's name is "STA01" and "03" when the computer name is C3P45X12). If the network name does not include a station number between "01" and "99," VTI shows two blank spaces where a valid number must be entered. If this happens because your network cannot pass a name to the VTI program, include the following line in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: SET NETNAME=STA01 (STA02, STA03, etc.) for each station. If you try to respond to the two spaces, you have five attempts before the program quits to DOS. The "Network" question in the "setup" must be es or before the program asks for a network station number. When the network installation allows all stations to load the program from the same directory (eg. C:\VTI), only one copy of the VTIMENU.EXE, VTI.BAT, and *.MEM files is needed. When the network requires the station to load from its own directory, the system must either (a) provide the necessary PATH or search statements for the network and computers to find and load the files from the "PROGRAM" path, or (b) ------------------------------------------------------------ - 121 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ install duplicate copies of the VTIMENU.EXE, VTIMENU.OVL and *.MEM files in each directory. The first method is preferred, since the second method requires updating of the directory anytime a change is made in any setup parameter or daily message. In either case, the VTI.BAT file or several VTInn.BAT files must be written to handle these requirements. Some networks use the DOS SUSBT command (eg. SUBST W: C:\VTI\STA02) when directories are made. In these cases, the location specified in option <6> "Hardware & File Location" of the "Setup Routines" option could be different (you might need to use W:\ instead of C:\VTI\STA02). Commands such as SUBST are executed from AUTOEXEC.BAT, rather than VTI.BAT. Options 9-3, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7 and 9-8 require the availability of COMMAND.COM, which may present some problems on some networks. You may need to include a SET COMSPEC=xxxx line in your loading file. The program gives a warning if it's having trouble with this. Refer to your network manual and dealer for more information. VTI INSTALLATION ON "INVISIBLE ETHERNET" NETWORK Here are the significant portions of the batch files used to load Invisible Network and then VTI at the store I used to own. This configuration uses three printers (LPT1: on each computer for invoices and LPT2: on the host as the "reports" printer for both computers). These files are on the network's host computer: The host computer's The host computer's CONFIG.SYS file AUTOEXEC.BAT file FILES=100 ECHO OFF BUFFERS=35 PATH=C:\;C:\DOS;..;C:\NET30 FCBS=16,8 C: STACKS=64,128 CD \ LASTDRIVE=F ECHO Press Ctrl-C to stop. DEVICE=C:\NET30\N30DEV.SYS To load network, SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /P PAUSE /E:0500 NET ------------------------------------------------------------ - 122 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ The host computer's NET.BAT The host computer's VTI.BAT file file ECHO OFF ECHO OFF SET COMSPEC=C:\COMMAND.COM CD \VTI C:\NET30\ETHBIOS SET CLIPPER=V016;R016 C:\NET30\SHARE VTIMENU C:\NET30\MINSERVE 01 LPT2 CD \ C:\NET30\PQ NOFEED SET NETNAME=STA01 VTI Notice an option to NOT load the network. Press Ctrl-C at the "Press any key to continue" prompt (caused by PAUSE), then type VTI to load the program without network (your computer and setup may require other considerations to work off network). These files are on each station's boot diskette: Each "workstation's" Each workstation's CONFIG.SYS file: AUTOEXEC.BAT file: FILES=20 ETHBIOS BUFFERS=20 SHARE FCBS=16,8 REDIRECT STACKS=64,128 MAP C: \\01\C:\ /W LASTDRIVE=D C: DEVICE=N30DEV.SYS CD \ SHELL=\COMMAND.COM /P PATH=C:\NET30;C:\DOS;..;C:\ /E:0500 ;C:\VTI C:\NET30\MAP LPT3 \\01\2 /W C:\NET30\NETCLOCK \\01\ C:\NET30\PQ NOFEED SET NETNAME=STA02 SET COMSPEC=A:\COMMAND.COM VTI The SET NETNAME=STA02 changes with each station. If may not be needed on your network. Consult your manual for information on the version you are using and for use with other configurations. VTI INSTALLATION ON "NOVELL" NETWORK VTI has been installed on a network computer system using Novell ELS (version 4.1). The server has 640-k standard and 1.5-Meg extended memory. The workstation has 640-k memory. To make the Novell network ready for VTI: ------------------------------------------------------------ - 123 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ * Create an account for VTI and assign these rights to the account: Read, Modify, Write, Create, Delete. * If you have not already done so, include the location of the COMMAND.COM file (see "Mapping a Search Drive to Access the Correct DOS Directory" in the NetWare installation manual). * If you have not already done so, include the command to redirect the output to a printer and check the print queue (see Novell's HELP facility). SPOOL L=1 (where "L" is for "line printer" and "1" is for "LPT1"). Follow the VTI manual to install the files onto your server. * Substitute F:\ for references to C:\ in the process. Type A: to make the A: drive the default drive. The installation command is A:INSTALL A: F: * The VTI program may add AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files to the network root directory, which you may delete. If your workstation boots with DOS, be sure to set a minimum of: FILES=20 BUFFERS=20 in the CONFIG.SYS file on the boot disk(ette). When you run VTI the first time, select option 9-4 "Setup Routines." Replace all references to C:\VTITUT\ or C:\VTI\ with F:\VTITUT\ or F:\VTI\ (see the VTI appendix "Network File Location"). Thanks to LeRoy H. Grubbs of Advanced Business Computing, P.O. Box 371, Lexington Park, MD 20653, (301) 737-1747, for this information on Novell network installation. The usual disclaimer of warranties apply: Neither LeRoy nor I accept any responsibility for any data entrusted to any computer or network, and we are not responsible for any damages which may result from the use of this information or the VTI program. This DISCLAIMER includes our express DENIAL OF ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. VTI INSTALLATION ON "MAINLAN" NETWORK VTI has been successfully installed on a MainLan Network. Here is how it was done: ------------------------------------------------------------ - 124 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ The host computer's The host computer's VTI.BAT CONFIG.SYS file file DEVICE=C;\ANSI.SYS ECHO OFF DEVICE=C:\RAMDRIVE.SYS 384 CD \VTI 512 64/E SET CLIPPER=V016;R016 LASTDRIVE=E VTIMENU FILES=41 CD \ BUFFERS=20 The workstations's The host computer's CONFIG.SYS file AUTOEXEC.BAT file FILES=40 ECHO OFF BUFFERS=20 PATH=C:\VTI;C:\MAINLAN\PROG RAMS The workstation's C:\MAINLAN\PROGRAMS\NET AUTOEXEC.BAT file PROMPT=$P$G A:\MAINLAN\PROGRAMS\NET NET A:\CONNECT C: STA01 VTI SET CLIPPER=V016;R016 The host computer's NET.BAT C: file CD \VTI ECHO OFF VTIMENU C:\MAINLAN\PROGRAMS\ISNET A: IF ERRORLEVEL=1 GOTO :GOTNET C:\MAILNAN\PROGRAMS\NET GOTO :EXIT :GOTNET C:\MAINLAN\PROGRAMS\NETMENU :EXIT Thanks to Ngo Van Nguyen of Dallas, Texas for this information on MainLan network installation. The usual disclaimer of warranties apply: Neither Ngo nor I accept any responsibility for any data entrusted to any computer or network, and we are not responsible for any damages which may result from the use of this information or the VTI program. This DISCLAIMER includes our express DENIAL OF ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. VTI INSTALLATION ON OTHER NETWORKS Other networks will use commands similar to those mentioned above. I'll be happy to give you credit for instructions for other networks if you'll send me the instructions. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 125 - Video Tape Invoicing Appendices ------------------------------------------------------------ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies: Clipper Nantucket Corporation dBASE, dBASE III, dBASE III Plus, dBASE IV Ashton-Tate, Inc. Microsoft, MS, and MS-DOS Microsoft Corporation IBM, PC/XT, PS/2 International Business Machines Epson Seiko Epson Corporation Novell, Netware, ELS Novell Invisible Ethernet Invisible Software WordPerfect WordPerfect Corporation PC-Tools, PC-Tools Deluxe Central Point Software ZIP Code, ZIP+4 United States Postal Service PKZIP, PKUNZIP, PKSFK PKWARE, Inc. (used under license) Hewlett-Packard, LaserJet, LaserJet III Hewlett Packard Company Special thanks to these persons: * Chadd Wirth of Prescott, AR for the "spark" of inspiration that made me "use my brain" and make this program available to other stores. * LeRoy H. Grubbs of Lexington Park, MD for Novell network installation instructions. * Ngo Van Nguyen of Dallas, Texas for MainLan network installation instructions. * Kevin McKinnon of Electronic Store, Inc., Prescott, AR for the hundreds of hours spent testing VTI before its release to the rest of the world, for proof-reading the manual and for contributing several of the procedures and techniques. If I've left out any person or company, I'll be happy to include it in the next revision of this manual. Special thanks to all the shareware distributors and bulletin boards for the distribution of this program. ------------------------------------------------------------ - 126 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ INDEX ACCOUNT NUMBERS CATACTMO.DBF explained 65 structure 119 ACCOUNTING CATACTYR.DBF Method 60 structure 119 ACCOUNTS CATEGORY definition 17 $ for retail items 73 more than one per Activity Report 78 customer 51 For Rental Items 72 ACTUAL USE CHARACTER location 11 definition 17 AGE! CHARGING on invoice screen 25, after invoice printed 50 106 ANNUARPT.DBF credit limit 83 structure 118 Forcing memo 87 ANOMALIES to Customers 56 with program 102 CLOSED ASSUMPTIONS 11 Days store is closed AUTHOR 8 83 AVAIL CODE on invoice screen 25, Validation 83 46, 50 CODES BAC 29, 40, 49 12-digit validation 8 BACKUP Customer Edit Screen Commands 36, 97 85 Networks 121 electronic cash drawer Restoring from 100 94 BRINGING BACK Printer 93 Tapes 29, 40 Screen color 94 BUFFERS Tape Price 73 BUFFERS=20 13 Validation 83, 95 Typeahead 85 COLOR CANCEL monitors 7, 94 key 24, 53 COMPUTER CAPACITY name on a network 36 of program 6 turning off 97 CAPITALIZATION 21 CORRECTING CARRT Invoice line 26, 52 carrier route field 65 CORRUPTED DATABASE CASH DRAWER what to do if 100 electronic 25 COUPONS electronic setup 94 after invoice completed for money 25 106 CATACTDA.DBF as discounts 54, 55 structure 118 On Totals Screen 87 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 127 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ CREDIT LIMIT DATA ENTRY SCREEN override 56 definition 18 Setup 83 DATABASES CUSTOMER see "FILES" and page Edit screen phone codes 92 85 DATE 28 CUSTOMER ACCOUNT Century 85 definition 17 DAY OUT Duplicate Account on invoicing screen 46 Numbers Report 80 DAYS on printed invoice 58 on invoicing screen 50 CUSTOMER.DBF DAYS RENTED structure 110 extra 40 CUSTOMERS on invoice screen 50 Adding from Invoicing DISCOUNTS 31, 44 from Top Tapes 89 Adding from Master Menu from total 54, 55 64 group of tapes 89 Bad not in mailing list DISCREPANCIES 68 between computer and Best in mailing list actual tapes out 59 68 DISK DRIVES Charges to account 56, Floppy 92 106 Hard disk 92 Credit limit 56, 83 DISPLAY Definition 17 definition 18 Deleting from Master DOS 10, 17 Menu 64 command from VTI 96 Editing from Invoicing commands 36 Menu 31, 45 Quit to 97, 121 Editing from Master DRIVERS Menu 64 Customized Invoice 88, File Maintenance 64 99 Lookup from invoice DUE DATE screen 21, 45 of tapes 44 Marginal in mailing EDIT list 68 Customers 45 Postcard Bills 70 Tapes 32 previous balance 55 Users from Invoicing previous balance 45 correction 53, 55 ENTER who have CANCELed 68 definition 19 who have MOVEd 68 ERRORS Without Users Report messages 14, 16, 36, 81 85, 92, 100, 103 DAILYRPT.DBF problems with equipment structure 117 99 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 128 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ FILE LOCATION FUNCTION KEYS see "FILES" and page definition 19 92 Programmable 94 FILES GETTING STARTED 35 *.OLD 97 HARD DISK DRIVE 11, 100 AUTOEXEC.BAT 14, 100 HELP BRINGBAC.TXT 93 on invoice screen 38 CONFIG.SYS 13, 14, 100 HUSBAND and WIFE COPYVTI.EXE 11 example 30 DATABASES location 92, INSIDE SEARCH 108 Lookup tapes 46 FILES=20 13, 101 INVENTORY INSTALL.BAT 11, 13 see TAPES and page 71 INVOFORM.DBF 99 INVOICE KILLTHIS.KIL 84 area 21 Location 92 Charges to account 56 MANUAL.TXT 12 explained 58 Network File Location forms 7 121 message on bottom 91 PARAMS.DBF 97 Prepay rentals 56 PARAMS.MEM 15 printing 29 Printing to 85, 93 screen 23 PROGRAMS location 92, INVOICES 108 Customized printer README.VTI 11 drivers 12, 58, 88, RENTRANS.DBF 119 99 RENTRARC.DBF 79, 119 messages 90, 91 Size of 82 Page Size 88 Structure of 110 Reprint 47, 57, 88 Transaction 47, 119 INVOICING Used by program, Customer 37 complete list 107, overview 37 108 Printer 92 VTI.BAT 14, 20, 35, Printer Control 88 36, 96 tutorial 20 VTI97.BAT 37, 96 INVOICING COMMANDS VTIDOCS.EXE 12 46 VTIPRINT.ZIP 99 orrections 26, 52, VTITUT.BAT 14, 15, 20, 53 28, 36, 96 nside search for VTIUPDAT.EXE 12 title 46 WORKFILE location 92, ookup 31, 52 108 40, 52, 56 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE 92 ther charges 53 archived transactions

rint Invoices Again 79 24, 58 Retrieving Archived eserve Title 41 Transactions 68, 76 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 129 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ INVOICING COMMANDS (cont) MAILING LIST (cont) ummary of Invoices select manually 69 47 size 69 op Tapes 47 to customers 68 otal 23, 26, 53 MAILLIST Bring ack 29, 30, field 65 39, 103 MAINTENANCE ITEMS General 81 definition 17 Periodic 79 KEP 29, 40, 49 MANUAL KEYS Table of Contents 1 57 Topics discussed 5 18 MASTER MENU 36 default to Invoicing Page control 32 85 Programmable Function described 20 Keys 94 Option <97> 37, 96 LATE TAPES shown 36 additional charges at a MEMBERSHIP time 90 Application 32 LI MEMO on user edit screen 66 Forcing when charging on user selection 87 screen 48 on invoice screen 40, LOADING 49, 52 the program 36 Report of Customers the tutorial 20, 36 with Memos 70 LOOKUP MEMO.DBF Customers 21 structure 112 Tapes 22, 25, 46, 51 MEMORY Tapes, nside Search cache program 100 46 MESSAGE MAILING LIST Agree to, setup 90 based on last time in Early, setup 90 store 69 on printed invoice 58, based on rental income 91 68 Thanks, setup 90 by birthday 69 MONTHRPT.DBF CANCELed customers 68 structure 118 Carrier Route Sort 68 MOVIE PASSES creation 69 see PASSES and page 54 Customers to receive NAME AND ADDRESS mailing 68 Store 83 Labels 70 NETWORK MAILLIST field 65, 68, DOS Version 10 69 File Location 121 MOVEd customers 68 setup 84 Report 70 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 130 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ NETWORK (cont) PREBOOKED TAPES setup station Add 74 exceptions 94 Browse 74 use of VTI on 36, 120, Delete 74 122, 123-125 Edit 74 NUMBER OF DAYS general 74 changes in 23, 25, 53 Report 74 on invoice screen 38 PREBOOKS.DBF Prompt 86, 89 structure 115 OPEN ERROR PREMIUM TAPES message 92, 101 see Top Tapes and page OPERATOR 47 definition 17 PREPAYMENTS OTH 49 on account 56 OTHER CHARGES PRICE PER DAY default amount 90 average 23 on Invoice 53 changes in 23, 53 OUT Prompt 86 on invoice screen 41, shown on invoice screen 50 38 Tapes currently out PRINTER 40, 103 Bring-Back Invoices 92 OWNER/MANAGER codes setup 93 new employee tutorial Invoicing 92 17 Line feeds at end of PACKING invoice 88 Transaction file 47, on network 93 79 paper positioned 60 PARAMS.DBF port 85, 92 File location 94 Reverse line feeds structure 116 before invoice 88, PASSES 93 amount to earn 90 PROGRAMMABLE as discounts 54 Function Keys 94 calculation 54 PROGRAMS standard rate when used See "FILES" and page 91 92 PASSWORD PROMPTS Levels 95

rint Invoices Again Setup 95 57 when required 37 Abort? 25 PATH Account number 38, 96 DOS statement 14 Amount remitted 54 POSTCARD Amount tendered 23 Bills to Customers 70 Amount to remit 55 POWER FAILURE Apply to Account? 55 What to do after 99 Automatically charge sales tax 87 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 131 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ PROMPTS (cont) RATING Bring ack 40 column 25 C> prompt 19, 28 of tapes 72 Cash remitted 55, 56 REC 29, 40, 49 Change Given 55 REGISTRATION Charge sales tax 23 Policy 8 Coupons/Discounts 55, Terms 36 87 When Valid 8 definition 18 REINDEX Do you want the after marking for special? 86 deletion 64, 76 Lookup Tapes 22 from Master Menu 82 Number of days 23, 50, purpose 82 86, 89 Reservations 43 Position Paper 98 when to 82, 103 Price per day 23, 51, REN 29, 49 86 for other charges 53 Reprint invoice 88 RENINVEN.DBF salesman 24, 26, 54, structure 112 57 RENTRANS.DBF Tape number 22, 23, structure 114 25, 38, 49, 52, 53, RENTRARC.DBF 86 structure 114 User's age 21, 40, 86 REPORTS QUIT Best Customers 67 Invoice Menu 27, 48 Best/Worst Tape 75 RACKS Category 77 Check In tapes from 61 Category Activity 78 Check Out tapes to 61 Customer List 67 defined 60 Customer List, sample Excluding from 33 inventory value 84 Customer with Memos 70 Report of tapes at 62 Customers Who Have This store 85 Rented a Tape 76 Transfers from 63 Customers Who Owe Money Transfers to 62 67 RATES Customers Without Users Rack 61 81 Setup 91 Duplicate Customer Standard rate 54 Numbers 80 Tables 40, 47, 51, 73, Duplicate Titles 77 89, 91 general specifications Top Tapes Rate Table 88, 98 91 Inventory 74 Weekend rate customers Last Time in Store 69 49, 89 List of Best Customers RATETABL.DBF 67 structure 115 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 132 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ REPORTS (cont) SALES TAX List of Customers 16, charging by each line 67 23 List of Customers Who on invoice screen 51 Owe Money 67 on passes 54 Mailing Labels 70, 98 on printed invoice 58 Mailing List 70 Setup 83, 87 Number and Value of SALESPERSON Tapes 80 default 87 Position Paper 98 Numbers 26, 57 Postcard bills 70 Setup 92 Prebooked Tapes 74 SAMPLE STORE 20, 24, 25 Premium Tapes Activity SCREEN 77 definition 18 Print Customer List 67 Strange characters Printer 92 appearing 100 problem with 1/2 page Title 36, 109 eject 103 SEL 49 Rental/Sales History for other charges 53 76 SET CLIPPER Special 78 Line in Loading File Summary of Invoices 14 17, 24, 27, 47, 57, SET COMSPEC 14 59, 103 SET NETNAME 121 Tape List 16, 74 SETUP Tape List, sample 34 electronic cash drawer Tape Locator 77 94 Tape Rental History 76 Rates 91 Tapes a Customer Has Routines 35, 47, 57, Rented 67 82 Tapes by Revenue Rank salespersons 92 75 screen colors 94 Tapes Out to Customers SHAREWARE 7-9 28, 29, 30, 59 SIZE Today to Now 47 of VTI files 82 Value of Tapes 80 SNOW RES on the screen 15 on invoice screen 50 SPECIAL RESERVATIONS Do you Want? 86 see "Waiting List" and Reports 78 page 41 STANDARD RATE RESERVES for movie passes 91 on invoicing screen 46 STATEMENTS RESERVES.DBF postcards 70 structure 114 STATION NUMBER RET 49 on a network 36 RETAIL ITEMS STATUS Specifying with $ 73 on invoicing screen 46 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 133 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ STORE TAPES (cont) Collection of Rental Prebooked, see Fees 87 "PREBOOKED TAPES" on Days closed 83 page 74 Name and Address 83 Price Code 73 Sales Tax collection Purchase Date 73 83, 87 Recheck 40 SUMMARY OF INVOICES Release date 73 from Invoicing Menu 47 Rental History 76 Number of copies 84 Reports 74 SUMMARY OF WORK TO BE DONE Retail Price 73 104 Returned to archive SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS files 79 of program 7 Top Tapes 47, 79 T Value 80 on invoicing screen Vendor 73 23, 51 TAX TAPE NUMBER Sales 83, 87 Prompt 86 TERMS TAPE NUMBERS Registration 8, 36 definition 17 used by program 17, 35 on invoice screen 49 TITLE prompt 51 Lookup 46 TAPES lookup with nside Adding 32, 72, 103 search 46 Best/Worst 75 on invoice screen 38 Bringing Back 29 TITLE SCREEN Categories 73 definition 18 Checked out 30, 41 TITLES Checked Out to Racks duplicates 77 61 TOP TAPES Cost 73 additional charges at a Deletion from "Check time 90 History" 76 Discounts 89 Due Date 44 Display 47 Duplicate Titles Report Rate Table 91 77 Setup code for Edit 32, 71 selection 91 Label 73 TOTALS Late returns 40 invoice screen 21, 26 Locator Report 77 on invoice screen 51 Lookup from invoice Page 57 screen 22, 25, 46 Screen 23, 41, 54, 56, not properly returned 57 50 TOTALS SCREEN Number and Value Report Coupons 87 80 effect of 57 TRADEMARKS 126 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 134 - Video Tape Invoicing Index ------------------------------------------------------------ TRANSACTION FILES WAITING LIST (cont) Archiving 79 Edit (hange) 42 described 119 list of reservations Packing 79 43, 89 TRANSFERS Manual deletion of Between Racks 62 canceled reservation TREAT AS 43 age 48 routine 41 TUTORIAL setup for sort method location 11 89 program 17 WAITLIST field 42, 65 TYPEAHEAD WAITLIST buffers 85 field 42, 65 UPDATE WARRANTY Routines 97 policy 9 USERS WEEKEND definition 17 field 65 Delete from Master Menu WEEKEND RATE 66 customer 50 Delete or Edit from Excluding some rate Invoicing Menu 31, tables 89 45 field 65 list of authorized 22, on invoice screen 49 40 WIFE and HUSBAND Lookup 45 example 30 none on customer WORKFILES account 81 see "FILES" and page Selection 48 92 with birthday 46, 49, 69 Your references: USERS AGE Prompt 86 USERS.DBF structure 111 VALIDATION Code 83, 95 VERIFY on Invoicing Screen 86 VTITUT See VTITUT.BAT and page 20 WAITING LIST Add 42 automatic deletion on checkout 43 checking reserved movie 89 Delete 42 ------------------------------------------------------------ - 135 -