WELCOME TO DECISIONS?/!LIGHT......... We're pleased that you selected Decisions?/!Light as your decision support system. Decisions?/!Light is the limited shareware version of Decisions?/!Decisions, the most powerful and complete executive decision support software available. Everything you need to install and use Decisions?/!Light is included on this disk. If you want to run the program off this disk just type: DDLIGHT If you want to setup and install to your hard disk just type: SETUP and follow the instructions on screen. To execute the program once installed just type DDLIGHT from the directory you have installed it. Now, those of you who feel you need an operator's manual may be concerned because you don't see one here. Well, it's here, but it's hiding. All of the files in your HLP subdirectory are the manual. There are two reasons for this. First, Decisions?/!Light, like Decisions?/!Decisions, uses a seven layer, hypertext, context sensitive help system. Essentially, you have an on-line manual. Just hit [F1] any time you get lost. Second, if you really want a hard copy manual, you can print those files. They're all straight ASCII. As you can see (and you haven't even started the program yet) Decisions?/!Light is about as simple to use as it gets. Decisions?/!Light is shareware and, if you like it, we'd like you to register it for the low fee of $25. However, we know that some of you will simply not be able to manage on a limited version and will want the "real Thing": Decisions?/!Decisions. Thus, we've tried to make it as easy as possible for you to register Decisions?/!Light (and receive such important benefits as a real manual and notices of upgrades, to name a few) or to order the whole shebang for US$129. One last thing........ Both Decisions?/!Light and Decisions?/!Decisions can use predefined templates or models for specialized decision making. These models allow you to create a template or pattern for your data and weightings and apply the same factors and weights each time you run the model. We have included 3 sample models with this program for your use. As time goe on, there will be many more models for making decisions on a wide variety of topics. Some of these models will be business or professional subjects, produced for us by experts in their fields who are also Decisions?/!Decisions users. Many of those models will be available as shareware, and a few of them will only be available directly from us at Dalton Dialogic. However, many of them will be "fun" models that have little or nothing to do with business. Those will usually be available as freeware on the same fine BBS that provide Decisions?/!Light. But if you can't find a board that provides the models, call us at: The Computer Insider (313) 375-2926 1200-2400, 7 days, 24 hours You'll also find a full tech support conference where you can discuss your problems (if any) and creative ways to use your program. For your convenience, The Insider supports QwikMail and you can download a mail reader (SLMR20.ZIP) if you need one. That way you can download mail and read/reply off line, saving your telephone bill. We at Dalton Dialogic have enjoyed designing Decisions?/!Decisions and Decisions?/!Light and hope that it meets our objective of helping you make better quality decisions and increasing your confidence in your decision making ability. -- Dalton Dialogic Inc 102 Runnymede Road Toronto, Ontario Canada M6S 2Y3 (416) 767-5356