2 1 Column 5 Agenda 22 Paragraphs 30 Weekly Appointment 31 Monthly Appointment 35 To Do List 85 Daily Appointment 102 Spreadsheet 169 General 170 General 171 FYI 203 Add A Picture 204 Woman 205 Man 206 Girl 207 Boy 208 Father 209 Mother 210 Son 211 Daughter 212 Sister 213 Brother 214 Husband 215 Wife 216 General 217 Woman 218 Man 219 Girl 220 Boy 221 Father 222 Mother 223 Son 224 Daughter 225 Sister 227 Husband 228 Wife 229 Season s Greetings 230 Happy Holidays 231 Christmas 232 Hanukkah 233 New Year 234 Easter 235 Valentine s Day 236 Mother s Day 237 Father s Day 238 Thinking of You 239 Man to Woman 240 Woman to Man 241 Long Distance 242 I Love You 243 Man to Woman 244 Woman to Man 245 Long Distance 246 Brother 247 Child to Child 248 Teen to Teen 249 Adult to Adult 250 General 251 To Child 252 To Loved One 253 General 254 Hospitality 255 Favor 256 Wedding Anniversary 257 Wedding 258 Congratulations 260 Daily plus To Do List 261 Daily plus Journal 262 Daily plus Week 263 Daily plus Month 265 Weekly plus To Do List 266 Weekly plus Journal 267 Weekly plus Month 269 Monthly plus To Do List 270 Monthly plus Journal 273 Memo 275 Just a reminder 276 From the desk of 277 Urgent 278 RSVP 284 Man 285 Woman 286 Girl 287 Boy 288 Over the Hill 289 Sweet Sixteen 290 First Birthday 291 Legal Age 292 30th 293 40th 294 50th 295 New Year s Eve 296 Christmas 297 Hanukkah 298 Easter 299 Valentine s Day 300 July 4th 301 Memorial Day 302 Labor Day 303 Picnic 304 Slumber 305 Bachelor 306 Bachelorette 307 Shower 308 Formal Meeting 309 Informal Meeting 310 Informal 311 Formal 312 Informal 313 Formal 314 Boy 315 Girl 316 School 317 Home 318 Phone Message 320 Shopping List 321 Fortune Cookie 427 Way to Go 428 Certificate of Achievement 1502 Bulleted List| .s. Lists points and sub-points| First Point| Sub-point| Second Point| Sub-point| Third Point| Sub-point| 1505 Agenda| .s. Shows blocks of time & activities| 9:00 - 9:30| Introduction| 9:30 - 12:00| Session| Speaker| 12:00 - 1:00| Lunch| 1:00 - 2:00| Session| Speaker| Session| Speaker| 2:00 - 2:30| Break| 2:30 - 4:00| Wrap-up| 1510 Table| .s. Use Flip button to switch rows & columns| .h.| A| B| C| D| One| 0| 0| 0| 0| Two| 0| 0| 0| 0| Three| 0| 0| 0| 0| Four| 0| 0| 0| 0| 1522 Paragraphs| .s. Block style paragraphs| Each point is a left-justified paragraph.| Sub-points are indented and bulleted, like this:| Point 1| Point 2| Point 3| In this Layout there's enough room for longer points.| 1530 Weekly Appointment| .s. Shows appointments for the week| Appt| 1531 Monthly Appointment| .s. Shows appointments for the month| Appt| 1535 To Do List| .s. Click task to show completion| First Task| .C.1| Second Task| .C.0| Third Task| .C.0| Fourth Task| .C.0| 1585 Daily Appointment| .s. Shows appointments for the day| Meet Sam| 1669 Happy Birthday| .t.Hi Bob| Have a great day!| .b.Becky| 1670 Hay Scene| .t.Hi Fred,| What have you been up to recently?| 1671 Information Card| .s. Information paragraphs| Each point is a left-justified paragraph.| Sub-points are indented and bulleted, like this:| Point 1| Point 2| Point 3| In this Layout there's enough room for longer points.| 1703 Create Your Own| To add a photo of your own, select from the menus: Insert, Picture.| 1704 For your birthday...| I was going to send you something tasteful and elegant to go in your living room, but I decided to send you this subdued card instead. (Aren't you glad?)| Happy Birthday!| Susan| 1705 Happy Birthday!| Some people think aging is a crime. They must be wrong because you're still at large.| Happy Birthday| From Craig| 1706 GRAND SLAM| Dear Sally,| We've been thinking about you, and hope your birthday's a...| 1707 Happy Birthday!| Hi Ted!| I hope your Birthday is better than a slam-dunk! Take it easy big guy.| Uncle Mike| 1708 Happy Birthday!| Dad, if I were as old as you| I'd have a cow!| Love, Tom| 1709 Happy Birthday!| We haven't forgotten how much you've done for us kids. Thanks!| Love, Michelle| 1710 Happy Birthday!| It doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to know how proud we are of you Son.| Love always, Dad.| 1711 Happy Birthday| Dear Sally,| Wishing you a wonderfully special birthday.| Love Mom and Dad| 1712 Happy Birthday Janice!| Remember those carefree summer afternoons we shared as kids? I always will. Hope your day is like one of those.| -Love Kim| 1713 Happy Birthday!| To my favorite brother, I hope your Birthday is as special as the many days that we spent together.| Love Stephen| 1714 Happy Birthday Old Faithful| .s.(Not to be confused with old geezer)| Best wishes to the world's greatest guy.| Love, Kim| 1715 HAPPY BIRTHDAY| Every time I stop to pick up a little something for my dear wife, I always seem to get carried away.| -Love Dan| 1716 Happy Birthday!| Wishing you a wonderful birthday!| Love, Diane| 1717 Happy Birthday!| Wishing you a wonderful birthday!| Love, Mike| 1718 Happy Birthday| Hi Jeff,| It comes around only once a year and today is your special day. Happy B-Day!| Allen.| 1719 happy birthday| Dear Pudi,| Hope your birthday is a beautiful one. Sending our very best wishes.| 1720 Happy Birthday| To Matt,| the finest young man around, we all love you so much.| Auntie Maria| 1721 Happy Birthday!| Have a Super day Dad! Love, Mom and the Kids.| 1722 Happy Birthday Mother!| Hi Mom,| Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and tell you how much I appreciate all you've done for me.| Love, Becky| 1723 Happy Birthday Son| Your mom and I are grateful to have such a fine son. We hope your day is a good one.| - Love, Mom and Dad| 1724 Happy Birthday!| We love you honey! Mom & Dad| 1725 Happy Birthday Sue| Have a great day, wish we could be there to share it with you.| - John and Martha| 1727 Happy Birthday| To the man who made my dreams come true,| Love Always,| Jenny| 1728 Happy Birthday| To my Lovely Wife,| You are the world to me ...| forever, Mike| 1729 Season's Greetings| From our family to yours. Wishing you a prosperous and happy New Year.| -The Bischoffs| To add a photo of your own, select from the menus: Insert, Picture.| 1730 Happy Holidays| Wishing all the joy of the season to you and your family.| From the Larsons| 1731 Happy Holidays!| Wishing you joy and happiness throughout this holiday season and the year.| Lisa and Tony| 1732 Happy Hanukkah| Wishing you and your family the very best at this special time of year.| 1733 Happy New Year!| Wishing you all the bright prospects of the New Year.| -Tom| 1734 Happy Easter!| This Easter may Our Risen Lord bless your days with peace and your heart with joy.| Caroline| 1735 Valentines Day| Dear Cindy,| I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day.| Love always, Eric| 1736 Thanks Mom!| Thanks for all the things you've done to help me along the way. The things I know about and especially the things I never even realized you did for me.| Happy Mother's Day!| Love, Mike| 1737 Happy Father's Day Dad!| Thanks for all the good advice and tips over all the years.| Love, Bert| 1738 YOU CAN BE SURE I'LL NEVER FORGET| I'll never forget what a nice person you are!| -Janet| 1739 You're Special!| Someone like you deserves only the very finest!| Thomas| 1740 Light Romance Woman To Man| Oh Baby!| I'm sticking my neck out to say that I Love You!| Big Big Hugs,| Kia| 1741 Missing you in a Big way!| Call me. I can't wait to hear from you!| Love, Sandy| 1742 You're my everything...| ...and I love you more than words can say!| Leslie| 1743 For You...| I looked and looked and just couldn't find a bouquet large enough to express my feelings for you.| Love, George| 1744 To The Man I Love| When I'm around you I feel at peace with the world.| Love, Susan| 1745 I just don't like this!| I don't know if I can stand being away from you much longer. Please hurry on back.| Love, Cindy| 1746 Happy Birthday| To my big brother,| I'll never forget all the great times we had together as kids.| Happy Birthday| From Tom| 1747 Hey There!| What's new? Give me a call.| -Jake| 1748 Friendship| Susan,| Ours is the Best and will be that way forever.| Love, Tammy| 1749 The Best of Friends| I've been wishing we could get away for lunch and catch up with what's new.| miss 'ya| Sue| 1750 Get Well Soon!| Hope you are feeling better.| Love Terry| 1751 Get Well Soon!| Dear Sally,| We hope you're feeling better real soon.| Love,| Aunt Mary and Uncle Brent| 1752 Get Well| Dear Cynthia,| I hope you feel better soon because we really miss you. Call me as soon as you can.| Regards,| Kim| 1753 Thanks!| Heidi,| Thanks so much for having us over for dinner. We really enjoyed the evening.| Thanks, Betty| 1754 Thank You!| Thanks for making us feel right at home. Your hospitality was wonderful. I hope we didn't mess up the place too much.| -The Swensons| 1755 Thank You| Thanks for helping us move to our new location. We couldn't have done it without you!| Thanks a bunch!| 1756 Happy Anniversary| Dear Anna,| Congratulations on your 5th year Wedding Anniversary!| Hugs and Kisses, Michelle| 1757 Congratulations| We send our sincere best wishes for a wonderful life together.| Bill and Marg Benton| 1758 Glad to Hear the Great News| We wish you and Shelly all the happiness you deserve. You'll make a great team!| Love, Rick and Betty| 1760 Things to do...| .s.Click task to show completion| .l.84| Group Meeting| .l.34| First Task| .C.1| Second Task| .C.0| Third Task| Fourth Task| .C.0| 1761 Today's Journal| .s.Shows today's appointments| .l.84| Meet Jane| .l.21| Each point is a left-justified paragraph.| Sub-points are indented and bulleted, like this:| Point 1| Point 2| 1762 Daily and Weekly Calendar| .s.Shows appointments| .l.84| Meet Jane| .l.29| 1763 Daily and Monthly Calendar| .s.Don't forget Bill's Birthday| .l.84| Meet Jane| .l.30| 1765 Weekly To Do List| .s.Click task to show completion| .l.29| .l.34| First Task| .C.1| Second Task| .C.0| Third Task| Fourth Task| .C.0| 1766 Weekly Journal| .s.Remember, Pat's on vacation| .l.29| .l.21| Each point is a left-justified paragraph.| Sub-points are indented and bulleted, like this:| Point 1| Point 2| 1767 Weekly and Monthly Calendar| .s.Don't forget the big show| .l.29| .l.30| 1769 Monthly To Do List| .s.Click task to show completion| .l.30| .l.34| First Task| .C.1| Second Task| .C.0| Third Task| Fourth Task| .C.0| 1770 Monthly Journal| .s.Record the months highlights| .l.30| .l.21| Each point is a left-justified paragraph.| Sub-points are indented and bulleted, like this:| Point 1| Point 2| 1773 Important Memo| .s. Information paragraphs| Enter your memo details here.| Point 1| Point 2| 1775 Just A Reminder| Please turn in your forms to me by the 14th. (That would be THIS month)| Thanks, Pete| 1776 From The Desk Of| Hi Martha,| Could you assist me with processing the paper work from Chavez estate?| -Caroline| 1777 Urgent Message| Please fax the Balsam contract to Kellerman & Cooper before 3pm today. There may be a problem!| 1778 RSVP| Hello Mike,| It's that time again to register for the SkyGold Conference. If you don't have the sign-up info, give me a call.| -Alex| 1784 Hey guys the party's over here ...| and the sodas are really cold!| Please come to Dwayne's Birthday party August 20, 7 pm at Michelle's house. Bring a swimsuit and towel. (tuxedos not recommended)| 1785 Happy Birthday| Hi Kelly,| Please make my birthday a Happy Birthday by coming to my party.| Friday, my house at 6pm.| Monica| 1786 A Birthday Party!| Please come. It will be lots of fun!| Wed. Jan. 15| 3:30pm| My house 1393 Plum Ct.| RSVP 222-2222| 1787 Happy Birthday| Hey Tom,| I'm having a birthday party on Friday night. Come on over!| Erik| 1788 Hey,Not So Fast!| We are throwing an Over-the-Hill party for Bill... Old Man Bill.| Come join us on October 5th for the fun.| 1789 Sweet Sixteen| Happy Birthday Anne,| Good luck in all your plans for your bright future.| Love, Uncle Ron and Aunt Kathy| 1790 Happy First Birthday!| Have lots of fun on your birthday.| Love Bill and Michelle| 1791 Terry's Birthday Party| We're sorry to inform you that Hamish MacDougall and his bagpipe band have declined to perform. We hope you'll come anyway.| Sat. June 27, 7pm Terry's Place| RSVP 222-2222| 1792 Bob turns 30| Please come to Bob's 30th Birthday. It will be a really big event you won't want to miss.| RSVP 222-2222| 1793 IT COULD BE WORSE| There are still a few things worse than turning 40, say a root canal for example.| Come to Mike's birthday party and we'll try to cheer him up!| RSVP 222-2222| 1794 Aged to Perfection| Yes, Joyce is turning a ripe old 50 years. Please join us at her birthday party and help give her the support she needs (getting up and down out of chairs)| Sat. March 28 7pm at Ellen's house| RSVP 222-2222| 1795 New Year's Eve Party| Please join us as we bring in the new with a big bang.| 8pm at Hank & Jill's| RSVP| 222-2222| 1796 Christmas Party| Come sit by the fire and enjoy the warmth of the season with good friends.| Henry's Cabin| Dec. 20, 7pm| RSVP| 222-2222| 1797 Please Join Us...| For a Hanukkah celebration. We look forward to having you and your family join us for dinner.| 1798 Okay we're out! Where is the Party?!| Hey Steve, we're having an Easter Party this Saturday night! Come on over. Mike| 1799 Valentine's Day Party| Please come to our sweethearts party on Valentine's day at 6 pm at our house.| Dinner will be served.| RSVP| 1800 Fourth fo July Party!| We're gonna light up the sky this Fourth of July and you are invited to make it happen! Bring a friend! Call and let us know if you can make it.| Kim and Jeff| 1801 Memorial Day Party| Please be our guest for the 4th Annual Memorial Day Party held this Saturday at Torrey Park, 1:30pm. Until then, Tina| 1802 Labor Day Party| To all of the hard working Purchasing Dept. staff, we're having a party! Contact Steve for details.| 1803 It's Picnic Time| All the food you can eat at our great picnic!| Friday at 10am.| 1804 Other Party Slumber| Jenny,| Come over Saturday for my slumber party, okay? Samantha| 1805 Yahoo, a bachelor party!| Can you believe it? Tim's gettin' hitched! Head on over to Doug's (1438 Sycamore Dr.) on March 14, 8:00pm| Don't RSVP, just BE THERE!| 1806 Bachelorette Party for Mary| I guess she must have outgrown hating boys. The party's at Sally's Home. 1538 Pinecrest Ct. June 3 7:00pm| RSVP to Sally-222-2222| 1807 Baby Shower| Hi Linda!| We're going to celebrate Jenny's new child this Saturday afternoon, do you think you can make it? Please let me know.| See you later,| Katherine| 1808 Meeting| Meeting: Conference Room, Sept. 5th 8:30am| Agenda:| -Current status on schedules| -Presentation of long range plans| -Revenue stream projects| 1809 Informal Meeting| We're going to have a luncheon and meet at Jack's Cafe on Thursday the 6th at 12:30. See you there, Ted.| 1810 No Title| Hi Kim,| How about going for lunch today?| Suzanne| 1811 No Title| Dear Mr. Page,| Please be our guest for the Architect Directors luncheon on Tuesday September 7th, 12:30pm at the Pavilion. We look forward to seeing you there.| Sincerely,| Mike M.| 1812 Dinner Party| Hi Jeff,| Come on over this Saturday night around eight. Don't bring anything because there will be plenty to eat.| Take care, Diane| 1813 DINNER INVITATION| The pleasure of your company is requested at a dinner meeting. At the Compass & Lion Est. Tuesday, the Sixth of May, at the hour of Seven PM.| RSVP| Westinbrook House| (222) 222-2222| 1814 Congratulations!| You've done a great job.| We're proud of you!| Mom and Dad| 1815 Certificate of Achievement| To Jenny,| One of the most valuable people on our team! Every day we get better and better. Thank you for all your help.| 1816 Certificate of Achievement| We're all very proud of your accomplishments. Congratulations!| 1817 Home Achievement Award!| Thank you Mike for all the work that you have done. Our home is looking more beautiful by the day! Love, Suzanne.| 1818 Phone Message| John T. called and wants to meet with you next week. You have Wed. free. Do you want me to schedule him for 12:30?| 1820 Shopping List| Would you mind picking up a few things? -Thanks| Bread| Eggs| Cereal| Cookies| 1821 Fortune Cookie| He who put fish in basket with holes goes hungry| 1927 Way To Go| Koushi,| You did a great job on the Kitzman contract. We really appreciate your extra effort.| 1928 Certificate of Achievement| This Certificate Acknowledges that| ___________________| has achieved general greatness in the field of something on this the 14th day of May in the year of 1998| Signed____________| 4601 Urgent 4603 FYI 4608 Billboard 4609 Birthday Shoes 4610 Easter 4611 Flower Basket 4612 Holiday Lights 4614 News 4615 Rose 4616 Topdog 4621 Woman 4622 Man 4623 Girl 4624 Boy 4625 Father 4626 Mother 4627 Son 4628 Daughter 4629 Sister 4630 Brother 4631 Husband 4632 Wife 4633 General 4634 Woman 4635 Man 4636 Girl 4637 Boy 4638 Father 4639 Mother 4640 Son 4641 Daughter 4642 Sister 4643 Brother 4644 Husband 4645 Wife 4646 Season s Greetings 4647 Happy Holidays 4649 Hanukkah 4650 New Year 4651 Valentine s Day 4652 Mother s Day 4653 Father s Day 4654 Thinking of You 4655 Man to Woman 4656 Woman to Man 4657 Long Distance 4659 Man to Woman 4660 Woman to Man 4661 Long Distance 4662 Child to Child 4663 Teen to Teen 4664 Adult to Adult 4666 To Child 4667 To Loved One 4668 General 4669 Hospitality 4670 Favor 4671 Wedding Anniversary 4672 Wedding 4673 Congratulations 4687 Just a reminder 4688 From the desk of 4690 RSVP 4696 Man 4697 Woman 4698 Girl 4699 Boy 4700 Over the Hill 4701 Sweet Sixteen 4703 Legal Age 4704 30th 4705 40th 4706 50th 4707 New Year s Eve 4708 Christmas 4709 Hanukkah 4710 Easter 4711 Valentine s Day 4712 July 4th 4713 Memorial Day 4714 Labor Day 4716 Slumber 4717 Bachelor 4718 Bachelorette 4719 Shower 4720 Formal Meeting 4721 Informal Meeting 4722 Informal 4723 Formal 4724 Informal 4725 Formal 4727 Girl 4728 School 4729 Home 4730 Phone Message 4755 Way to Go 4756 Certificate of Achievement 4758 Fortune Cookie 31501 Groups 31502 Relationships 31503 Processes 31504 Comparisons 31505 Tables 31506 Lists 31507 Scheduling 31508 Compound 31510 Ratings 31511 Quadrant 31512 Simple 31513 Rows 31514 Columns 31515 Grid 31516 Totals 31517 Bullets 31518 Checklist 31519 Gantt Chart 31520 Messages 31530 Greeting Cards 31531 Calendars 31532 Stationery 31533 Invitations 31534 Certificates 31535 Other 31536 Light-hearted Birthday 31537 Traditional Birthday 31538 Holidays 31539 Light-hearted Romance 31540 Traditional Romance 31541 Friendship 31542 Get Well 31543 Thank You 31544 Other 31545 Daily 31546 Weekly 31547 Monthly 31548 Letter 31549 Memo 31550 Notecards 31551 Faxes 31552 Birthday Parties 31553 Holiday Parties 31554 Other Parties 31555 Meetings 31556 Lunch 31557 Dinner 31558 Way to Go 31559 Achievement 31561 Anniversaries 31562 Breakfast 31563 Create Your Own 32000 Return to chart display\nReturn to Chart 32001 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32002 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32003 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32004 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32005 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32006 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32007 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32008 Cycle through glyph styles\nGlyph Style 32009 Cycle through box styles\nBox Style 32010 Cycle through box styles\nBox Style 32011 Cycle through box styles\nBox Style 32012 Cycle through box styles\nBox Style 32013 Cycle through box styles\nBox Style 32014 Previous\nPrevious 32015 Next\nNext 32016 Highlight\nHighlight 32017 Forward\nForward 32018 Backward\nBackward 32019 Cycle through dateline formats\nFormat Dateline 32020 Cycle through dateline formats\nFormat Dateline 32021 Cycle through dateline formats\nFormat Dateline 32022 Transpose row and column axes\nFlip 32251 Top Point 32252 Feature 32253 Event 32254 Completed: 32255 Date: 32256 Task 32257 Label 32258 Label 32259 High 32260 Low 32261 Left 32262 Right 32263 When 32264 Where 32265 Why 32266 Opening text 32267 Ending text 32268 Sign-off text 32269 Why: 32270 Opening text 32271 Closing text 32272 - Name 32273 When: 32274 Where: