When was Lascaux discovered? 1 September 1939 15 August 1948 8 September 1940 * When were the paintings at Lascaux done? 20 000 BC 15 000 BC * 90 000 BC The inhabitants of Abri Pataud were: Homo Erectus Neanderthals Homo Sapiens Sapiens * Which of these colours was not used by prehistoric man in paintings? Black Yellow Blue * Red White Was the cave inhabited? Yes No * How many visitors passed through Lascaux before it was closed to the public? 100 000 1 million * 10 millions Lascaux II was built using techniques from: Aeronautics Shipbuilding * Building construction Which of these symbols are found at Lascaux? Hieroglyphics Quadrangulars * Punctuation Astrological Why are the caves at Lascaux so exceptionally well preserved? Because a layer of marl has prevented water from seeping in * Because of the quality of air circulation Because of a layer of fungus on the walls One of the elements covering the walls at Lascaux is: White calcite * Schist Sandstone