- 1) The prehistoric site of Pataud shelter was: In the open air In a cave A shelter beneath rocks (*) - 4) Shelters beneath rocks were hollowed out by: The sea Water courses Men Frost (*) - 8) What was the largest animal that the people living in the Abri Pataud were likely to encounter? Dinosaur Rhinoceros Mammoth (*) - 11) Which village is Lascaux II near? Aurignac Montignac (*) Le Moustier - 14) What was the name of the man who discovered it? Abbott Breuil Marcel Ravidat (*) Léon Laval - 18) Remains of what have been found on the ground? Lamps using fat (*) Amphorae Statuettes - 24) How many animals are depicted at Lascaux? Around 150 Around 1000 Around 600 (*) - 21) Lascaux II was built by: Semitour Périgord The Regional Council of the Dordogne (*) The Ministry of Culture - 29) How many mammoths are painted at Lascaux? 0 (*) 1 8 - 42) What other drawings apart from animals are there on the walls at Lascaux II? The sun Plants Quadrangular symbols (*)