property pSpriteNum, pBlankLoc, pSpriteLoc on beginSprite me put the spritenum of me into pSpriteNum put pSpriteNum end on mouseUp put the loc of sprite 5 into pBlankLoc put pBlankLoc put the loc of sprite pSpriteNum into pSpriteLoc put pSpriteLoc if abs(the locV of pBlankLoc - the locV of pSpriteLoc) > 51 or abs(the locH of pBlankLoc - the locH of pSpriteLoc) > 51 then exit else if abs(the locV of pBlankLoc - the locV of pSpriteLoc) = 51 and abs(the locH of pBlankLoc - the locH of pSpriteLoc) = 51 then exit else if abs(the locV of pBlankLoc - the locV of pSpriteLoc) = 0 and abs(the locH of pBlankLoc - the locH of pSpriteLoc) = 0 then exit else puppetSound "Single Click", 3 set the loc of sprite 5 to the loc of sprite pSpriteNum set the loc of sprite pSpriteNum to pBlankLoc updateStage end if end if end if end mouseUp