The following describes system considerations for the proper use of the Secrets of STARGATE CD-ROM. Please take the time to familiarize yourself this Read Me file. To use Secrets of STARGATE you must have QuickTime for Windows installed on your computer. Version 1.1.1 of QuickTime for Windows has been included on this CD-ROM. You may install QuickTime for Windows and a STARGATE program group by opening the SETUP.EXE program. If you already have QuickTime for Windows 1.1.1 (or later) installed, you do not need to open the SETUP.EXE program. The SETUP.EXE program will install a program group that will access from your CD-ROM drive a low memory version of the program. The low memory version is named STARGATE.EXE and is designed for use on PCs with less than 8 megabytes of memory. We recommend that low memory PCs use this version in conjunction with a virtual memory setting of at least 5 megabytes (or more). You may review and, if necessary, edit your virtual memory settings from within your memory manager. An alternate version of the Secrets of STARGATE has been included for PCs with more memory. This program is named STRGT_HI.EXE and includes background music and increased performance, depending upon the amount of memory available in your PC. This version of the program may be using by opening it directly from the Secrets of STARGATE CD-ROM. Either version of the program requires that your video card be set for 256 (8-bit) color. It is preferable that your monitor be set to 640x480 resolution, although larger sizes should function properly depending upon the manufacture of your video card. If you are having trouble running Secrets of STARGATE, please confirm that your computer and accessories are functioning correctly independent of this CD-ROM. Also, please make sure that your PC is configured as described Guidebook that came with your CD-ROM. If you are having trouble while using the high memory version of the program (STRGT_HI.EXE), you should switch to low memory version (STARGATE.EXE).